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Text Your Ex Back: A

Step-by-Step Guide and

Implementation Manual

Michael Fiore

c by Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. All

Copyright 2011
rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape, or
form is forbidden. No part of this manual or its accompanying audio
and/or video material shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the
author. If you have questions, email
Copyrighted materials cited in this course are reproduced here for educational purposes only under fair use provisions of U.S. Copyright law.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with
the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal,
accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional
should be sought. Michael Fiore and Digital Romance, Inc. individually or corporately, do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities
resulting for the actions of any parties involved.



The Magic of Texting

Before You Text

Core Concepts and Marching Orders


The Text Your Ex Back Step-By-Step System Revealed


Getting Started: Across The Bow Texts


Best Of The Relationship Texts


Intimacy Booster Texts


The Green-Eyed Monster Text


Emotional Honesty Texts


Using Texts To Turn Your Ex On


From Virtual To Physical


Dating Your Ex


Final Thoughts



(a.k.a. why this guide exists and how
its going to help you)
OK, deep breath.
If youre reading this guide, youre probably hurting right now. Heck,
you probably feel like your heart got ripped out and stomped on, and
that the pain youre feeling will never go away.
The good news is that Im here to help. In this program Im going to
lay out a step-by-step process that will show you how to use simple text
messages from your cell phone to rekindle the romance with your ex,
open him or her up to the idea of being with you again, and get things
off on the right foot as you start dating each other.
Am I GUARANTEEING that youll be able to get your ex back using this
guide? Nope. Its totally possible that after reading through this material and starting to put it into action youll decide you dont WANT to
be with your ex anymore, and that the sneaky tricks and relationship
hacks I teach you here will be better used with someone else in the
But what I WILL guarantee is that after you go through this training youll have a much deeper understanding of why your relationship
ended, how the romantic and sexual mind of your ex actually works, and
how you can consciously create the relationship youve always dreamt


of by tuning the way you think about love, sex, and romance, all while
tapping out a few simple messages with your thumbs.
Sounds whacky, I know. But youre going to be blown away when you
see how well it works.

Who The Heck Am I And Why Should You

Listen To Me?
My name is Michael Fiore (you can call me Mike), and for the last couple of years Ive been carving out a weird little niche celebrity teaching
average people just like you to use text messages and other modern
technology to improve their relationships. (I also teach stuff that has
nothing to do with texting, but the push button nature of texting is so
cool that I cant stop talking about it.)

Who This Course Is For (And Who Its

Not For)
Just to spell this out . . .
This course is for you if you legitimately miss and appreciate your ex,
feel like youve got a real connection, and feel like the reasons you broke
up are things you can resolve, accept, or move past.
This course is not for you if . . . well, lets just be blunt about this . . .
This course isnt for you if the only reason you want your ex back is for
your own vanity and ego.
As you go through this material youll figure out that some of what I
teach you is pretty manipulative. I use a lot of human psychology to
re-awaken your exs attraction and help him or her decide they want
to give you another shot. Its powerful stuff, and I want you to use it for
If you want to use it for evil, Id really prefer you delete this guide from
your hard drive and we not have anything to do with each other again.
If youre abusive (emotionally or physically), a serial cheater who cant
be honest (if you want to sleep with multiple people, own up to it), or,
well, an asshole . . . Id rather you go the hell away and leave your ex in


If your ex was abusive, either emotionally or physically, thats also a

different story. In that case you should NOT be trying to get back together with them in any way, and you should find a qualified counselor
or therapist to help you put the pieces of your self esteem back together
properly. Im totally serious here.
Got it?
OK, lets move on . . .
Sit back and read through this WHOLE thing (I worked hard to keep
it as short and action-focused as possible) before you start to work the
This will take some time. Im sorry to say it, but theres no magic bullet
here. Theres no one text that I can give you that will change your exs
mind in ten minutes and have you back in romantic la-la land.
But if you go through this program and do what it says, youll learn
a ton. You will come to terms with your own emotions around your
ex, and you will have a REALLY good shot at getting the romance and
connection you miss back in your life.
Id love to hear from you about your experiences with this material. If
you have a testimonial, a question, or suggestions for something else
youd like to see in the Text Your Ex Back program, shoot an email to
Congratulations on making the decision to invest in this program and
in your relationship. I cant wait to hear about your results.


The Magic of Texting (The

Secret Path To Your Exs
Subconscious Mind)
First things first.
When you heard Text Your Ex Back, you probably guffawed a little bit,
or choked on your soup, and said yeah, right. Ive tried EVERYTHING
to get my ex back already. How can TEXT MESSAGES do the trick?
But the fact is that these days TEXTING is the most direct and personal
method we have for intimately communicating with each other.
Your average teenager sends 300 or more texts PER DAY (and has
giant, swollen thumbs that can crush an average mans skull). Even
adults say that their actual talking time on the phone has radically
declined since unlimited texting became standard on mobile plans.
Most people these days are ADDICTED to their cell phones, trust their
phones more than they trust their friends, and would rather bathe in
battery acid than go through a week (or a day . . . or 20 minutes) without
being able to check their mobile.
Since your ex likely suffers a horrible panic attack if she or he leaves
the house without their cell phone, they open up a huge window for you
to seduce them back into your life, one text at a time.


Why Is Texting So Effective At

Helping You Get Your Ex Back?
Bullet point time . . .
Texting is PRIVATE and INTIMATE. As I teach in my Text the
Romance Back ( and Text Your Wife
into Bed ( programs, texting is the
perfect way to create a private and intimate world between you and
the man or woman in your life. For women in particular, texting
can end up being a fun game where they can do or say anything
(even things they would NEVER do in the real world).
Texting is NONCONFRONTATIONAL. Odds are your relationship
ended on a heated note. I dont know WHY you and your ex broke
up, but there was probably at least one (if not a few dozen) big
fights. Done properly (the way Im going to teach you), texting is
simple and subtle. You can slowly feed your ex tested and proven
messages and ideas without the risk of either one of you flying
off the handle, falling back into old and destructive patterns, or
throwing plates at each other.
Texting lets you build intimacy, attraction, and desire ON YOUR
OWN TIME and by remote control. You and your ex are both
busy people (especially if you have careers, dogs, kids, video game
addictions . . . you know, important stuff to deal with). With texting, you can reestablish attraction and create your new relationship on your own time frame. (And you are creating a NEW relationship. Ill talk about that more in a bit.)
Texting lets you CONTROL THE TONE and establish what kind
of conversation you want to have. This is probably the most
important part. With texting, you can STOP and THINK about
what you want to say to your ex at each step of the way. Instead of
reacting emotionally, you can take your time, figure out the right
thing to say (Ill give you most of it), and be strategic with your ex
without saying something that youll regret.

Remember, were taking Baby Steps here.

Your goal isnt to have one more night with your ex, or to trick your
ex into getting back with you only to have the whole thing blow up in
your face again because nothing has changed and you still have the
same problems and arguments as before. Your goal is to slowly wear
away the reasons you and your ex broke up, address the objections he


or she may have to getting back together with you, remind them of the
profound attraction that brought you together in the first place, and
forge a powerful new base for your relationship . . . all at the push of a
few buttons. It takes some time, but the results are VERY worth it.
Lets get cranking.


Before You Text: Why Did

You Break Up And Whats
Your Ultimate Goal?
Before you start laying the groundwork for getting your ex BACK, you
need to do a little prep to make sure you really understand why you
broke up in the first place and what youre ultimately trying to accomplish.
material later.
Its important that youre as honest as possible here. If you lie to yourself
about why you and your ex broke up, what the deal-breakers in your
relationship were, or what your real goals are in getting back together,
then youre going to be VERY disappointed when you pull the trigger
and send your first couple of texts.
In this section well talk about why you and your ex broke up and what
the conversation in your exs mind is about you. You will get the fuel
you need to put your plan into action, using simple text messages to
seduce her or him back into your life, and ideally have them think it
was their own idea.


Well also cover some important CORE CONCEPTS and INNER GAME
stuff that will make the whole Text Your Ex Back process go much,
much smoother.

Why Did You And Your Ex Really

Break Up?
Lets play a little choose your own adventure here. Pick the option that
fits your relationship, read through it, and then do the exercise at the
end of the section.
Option 1: Your Ex Broke Up With You.
Ah, you got dumped. Sorry to hear it, but all is not lost.
The first thing is to figure out WHY your ex broke up with you. I dont
mean the reason they SAY they broke up with you, but the actual reason why. Thats going to require some painful honesty and some self
analysis, but its worth it.
Your ex may have lied about the actual reason he or she broke up with
you. If they did, it was probably because they didnt want to be mean
or hurt your feelings. We all lie to each other a little bit in relationships.
(You shouldnt lie about the big stuff, but brutal honesty on a day-today basis can really mess up a good relationship. Your spouse doesnt
really need to know what goes through your head when you eye the cute
waiter or waitress.)
Here are some typical reasons your ex may have given you why they
broke things off. If I dont cover the EXACT reason you and YOUR ex
broke up, fill in the form below with the correct information.
Its not you, its me. This is a white lie softener that your ex
used to dull the pain when he or she broke things off with you.
There probably wasnt any maliciousness in it. If your ex gave you
this line or some other vague reason for breaking things off, it
probably means they simply werent feeling attracted to you anymore (well address that later), were bored in the relationship, or
werent getting their sexual or emotional needs met (sexual incompatibility can send even a great relationship to an early graveyard).
They possibly dont even know themselves why they broke things
off. (It just doesnt feel right.)
The relationship is not moving forward. Its stereotypical, but
youll hear this one most often from women (especially women in
their early- to mid-thirties who have the biological clock ticking



like crazy in the back of their heads). If your ex got to the point
where they broke things off because you werent moving forward
together, it can actually be good news. It means theyre still attracted to you and see potential in you, but are frustrated by a
certain level of Peter Pans child who wont grow up that they see
going on. Your job is going to be to convince your ex that youre
ready to bring things to the next level, whatever that might be,
or to convince them that its not time to go to that level yet.
Feeling nagged or unappreciated/Cant relax in the relationship. I certainly see this one a lot. Dr. John Gottman (whos
an AMAZING relationship researcher at the University of Washington) says that contempt is the number one indicator of whether
or not a relationship will stand the test of time. And one of the
biggest ways men and women show contempt for each other is by
constantly nagging and criticizing. If in the past you were constantly criticizing your ex, measuring them against an unattainable ideal, or focusing more on their flaws than on their positives,
youre going to have to learn to accept your ex for who they are
and rebuild a lot of trust and self esteem. I recommend you read
Dr. Gottmans work and take it to heart. You can learn more at
I met someone else. The grass is always greener, huh? Finding
out the person you love is with someone else can feel like getting
stabbed in the gut (believe me, I know). Its also completely possible
that once they settle in with a new person, theyll realize what a
good thing they left behind. Your job here will be to put your best
face forward, be as unbothered by whats happened as possible,
and slowly open the door to reconciliation.
Betrayal/Cheating. I get a lot of emails about this one. If your
ex broke up with you because of cheating, its PROBABLY because
you cheated on him or her (though sometimes someone will cheat,
realize they cheated because they wanted out of their existing relationship, and then pull the trigger).
Actually, this is as good a spot as any to talk about WHY people
cheat in the first place, and some basics about human psychology
and evolution.
When a guy cheats it almost never has anything to do with
his wife or girlfriend. This is hard for women to get their heads
around, but when a man cheats it often is for basic, unemotional
reasons. He cheats because his testosterone is driving him towards that woman like a freight train and he thinks that he cant
help himself. Im not saying guys SHOULD cheat (I firmly believe
we should keep the promises we make), but if youre a woman whos



been cheated on, as much as it hurts, realize it probably had nothing to do with you. If the cheating was an isolated incident in an
otherwise good relationship, its not an indicator that a relationship is doomed. (Tangentially, open or semi-open relationships
can be very successful. But thats another topic for another manual.)
Women usually cheat for emotional reasons. When a woman
cheats, its usually because shes craving something shes not getting in her relationship and life. A woman will cheat as revenge (he
cheated on me; Im going to cheat on him), because shes mad at
her man (he never pays attention to me), because the man she
cheated with gave her attention shes not getting from her husband
or boyfriend, and sometimes, out of plain old-fashioned lust.
There are exceptions to both rules. Sometimes women cheat just
because they can and sometimes men cheat for deeply emotional
Despite what you may have been told, humans are NOT evolved
to be monogamous. This one can get me in trouble with readers,
but most reputable science shows us that humans are NOT evolved
to be with just one person sexually for our entire lives. If anything,
were like Bonobo apes who have wild orgies at the drop of a hat.
Now Im NOT saying that YOU should be out there whoring it up,
and Im not condoning cheating. Personally, Im in a very happy
monogamous relationship. I am saying that damning your partner
to hell for cheating is a lot like getting angry at them for breathing,
eating food or sleeping. Humans are ALWAYS going to want and
CRAVE sexual variety. The fact that we have brains and can choose
not to indulge in that variety is what makes us human. But youll
have a much happier relationship with your man or woman if you
admit that (just like you) theyre human, make mistakes, and have
desires and cravings they cant always control.
If your ex is (or you are) a serial cheater, however, all bets are off
. . . that behavior brings up issues of honesty and respect, and most
likely isnt going to change. Take a long, hard look at what you
really want out of a relationship.
We dont communicate. Again, this is a common reason for a
woman to break up with a man. I hear from women all the time
who say I just dont know whats going on in his head, or He
never TALKS to me. Later in this manual youre going to learn
some techniques to make speaking your heart to your ex a much
simpler and less frightening experience. If youre a woman, its
also going to make it easier for you to speak in languages your
man actually responds to.



Stonewalling/ No reason given. Finally, your ex may not have

given you ANY REASON AT ALL for breaking things off (man, that
drives us crazy, huh?) Personally, I think thats pretty immature
on their part. In this case youre going to have to do some internal
detective work.
With that in mind, answer these questions as honestly as possible:
1. What reason did your ex give you for breaking things off?

2. Whats the REAL reason you think the relationship ended? (Be
honest here. What was at the real core of the end of the relationship?
Ask yourself the question, dig deep, and the answer will come.)



3. Are you willing or able to address the real reason the relationship
ended? (If you dont want kids and your ex does, or vice-versa, thats
a pretty big deal breaker.) What actions are you willing to take in the
relationship to address these problems?

Once youve answered these questions, move on to the next section.

And if you were the one to break up with your ex, keep reading. Your
questions are coming.

Option 2: You Broke Up With Your Ex And

Now Want Them Back.
Uh oh, you messed up. This actually happened to a friend of mine
recently. He broke up with his girlfriend of two years because of his
own fear of commitment. He dipped his toe briefly back into the world
of being single, realized he was a fool, and then came to me begging
for advice on how to get his woman back. She was licking her wounds,
bitter and more than a little angry for the hell hed put her through, so
he had to work the system pretty hard.
Again, its totally possible that the reason you told your ex you broke up


with them and the REAL reason you broke up with them have about as
much in common as peanut butter and nuclear weapons.
Thats OK. Remember, were dealing with reality here. Just like we did
for the readers who were broken up with, we need to create a nice,
honest map of what happened at the end of your relationship and
establish whats going through your exs mind when they think of you.
Here are some typical reasons you may have broken up with your
ex but now want them back . . .
You thought you could do better (and now realize youre wrong.
Sucks, huh?)
You thought they betrayed you (but they didnt. Jealousy can be
You just werent attracted to them anymore (but now are).
Heat of the moment/result of a big fight.
You cheated, or he/she cheated. (See the section on cheating a few
pages back.)
If you broke up with your ex and now want them back, answer the
following questions as HONESTLY as you can.
1. Why did you break up with your ex? (The real reason. It might
take some soul searching.)



2. What reason did you TELL your ex you broke up with them for?
If its actually the REAL reason, thats awesome. Hopefully you didnt

3. Is the reason you broke up with your ex something that you

think can be addressed? Is it still a deal breaker, or is it something
you can move past? If you cant forgive your ex for being who they are,
youll never be successful.



Whats Your BIG GOAL?

I like to say, You cant hit the target until you paint it on the wall. So
now that weve got a clear picture of why your relationship ended in the
first place, were going to paint a big fat bulls eye on the wall and figure
out why you really want your ex back and what your goal is here.
Again, no one has to see this material but you, but its important that
youre as honest with yourself as possible.

Question 1: WHY do you want your ex back?

No, really, I mean it. And because it hurts so much right now that I
feel like Im going to drown isnt the right answer. (OK, I guess its AN
answer, but you want more than just that.) If Im going to help you get
your ex back, I want to make sure youve got a damned good reason for
getting back together and are going to do everything you can to make
that relationship work.
Here are some answers I hear all the time:
I want my ex back because we understand each other better than
anyone else on this planet.
I want my ex back because, despite some bad times, we work really, really well together.
I want my ex back because I want my children to grow up in a whole
family, AND I know we can be a positive, happy couple together.
I want my ex back because when I get around him/her I feel safer
and more passionate than any other time in my life.
I want my ex back because I want someone to take care of me.
I want my ex back because Im incredibly attracted to them.
I want my ex back because I dont want anyone else to have them.
I want my ex back because of financial reasons.
Notice that some of these are pretty boring and maybe even a little dark.
But theyre all HONEST and (in some way) LOGICAL as well as emotional. So dont beat yourself up if your reasons for wanting to get back
together seem a little less than fairy tale romantic. Just be honest
with yourself here. Really think about your answers here, theyll affect
everything you do during the rest of this process.



Question 2: Whats your Big Goal? What do

you actually WANT?
OK, now that we know WHY you want your ex back, lets paint a picture
of what getting them back actually means. This is the big picture,
destroy the Death Star and live happily ever after view of romance.)
Its totally possible (probable, actually) that your goal is going to change
as time moves forward, but lets figure out what youre aiming for now.
So heres your question: In a PERFECT world, what would your relationship with your ex look like?
Here are some example answers:
In a perfect world, my ex and I would live together, would spend as
much time as humanly possible together, and would be respectful
and passionate towards each other.
In a perfect world my ex and I would be dating. That means we see
each other a few times per week, but still have plenty of time apart
to live independent lives. Wed both still be seeing other people.
In a perfect world, my ex and I would be just like we were when
we first got married 20 years ago. Wed be able to erase all of the
built up BS around our relationship and really be a family for our
two kids. While wed sometimes have disagreements, wed never
resort to yelling or contempt.
In a perfect world, my ex and I would have sex one last time and it
would be awesome.
Again, no one is going to see this but you, so be as honest as you can.
Also, know that your perfect world doesnt have to be super realistic.
Its just important to know what the Big Goal is. If you get CLOSE to
your big goal, youre doing really well.

Question 3: Whats the Baby Step that

would give you a chance of getting your Big
You know WHY you want your ex back, and you know what your Big
Goal is. Now you just need to know what that first tiny step will look
like. For instance, if your Big Goal is to get your ex girlfriend to marry
you and start a family together, your first Baby Step would be getting
her to sit down to coffee with you.



Depending on how badly your relationship ended and what kind of relationship it was, you and your ex might be:
Not speaking at all
Seeing each other socially in a friendly way
Speaking and seeing each other only when you have to deal with
the kids
Hanging out all the time but not being romantic
Still madly in love but not willing to make it work
Some combination of the above
You need a Shift Point which would give you the chance to convert
your relationship from where it is now one step closer to your Big Goal.
Dont be too ambitious here, but define one small thing that you want
in the near term. Your Shift Point can be pretty damn small at this
Write down your Shift Point to start things in the right direction.
For instance, Ive worked with people who say things like:
I want my ex to be able to have one conversation with me where
neither one of us gets angry.
I want to have lunch with my ex so we can look each other eye to
I want to make love to my ex again as quickly as possible because I
know shell feel that bond again when we do.
Whew! OK, now go on to the next page. Weve got a LITTLE BIT more
prep work to do.



Core Concepts And

Marching Orders Before
You Start To Text Your Ex
Just by answering the questions Ive given you so far, youve taken massive steps towards getting your ex back and having a better relationship
than you ever thought possible.
Were about to get into the actual Text Your Ex Back system (its a
doozy), but before we do there are a few Core Concepts I need you to
get deeply embedded in your mind. Some of this stuff might feel hard
to accept at first (and some of it might fly in the face of what youve
been told by pop psychologists, romance experts, relationship advice
specialist and greeting card companies), but once you accept these concepts and really internalize them youll find the whole process of getting
your ex back (or having a successful relationship with someone else in
the future) is MUCH smoother.



Core Concept #1: Your Old

Relationship Is DEAD (and its never
coming back)
This one might hurt a little bit. Your old relationship with your ex
is DEAD (as a doornail, as communism in Russia, as Michael Jackson.
Its a dead parrot, mate.)
The moment you or your ex officially broke things off (and maybe even
BEFORE that), your relationship was led to the gallows and fed to a
rabid shark.
If you go into this process trying to get your old relationship back,
youre going to fail. You and your ex are both different people now than
you were the last time you were together, whether that was two months
ago or twenty years ago. (Human body cells replace themselves completely every few months, so Im actually being literal here.)
Instead of trying to recreate your OLD relationship (which probably
ended for a reason), were going to try to create a NEW and BETTER
relationship with your ex, hopefully without all the same hang ups and
deal breakers you suffered through before.
So really, the fact that your old relationship is dead is a GOOD thing.
It means in a lot of ways you can wipe the slate clean and create the
relationship (positive, sexy, fun) that you both deserve.
Mourn your old relationship. Pour back your whiskey. Do a jig. Have
a wake. Cry it out. And then get ready to birth something new and

Core Concept #2: Forgiveness Is

Before we officially start this process you need to do two very important
1. You need to forgive your ex for whatever they may have said or
done that led to your breaking up
Plain and simple, FORGIVENESS IS POWER. As long as you hold a
grudge against your ex, youre giving them power over your life and
your emotions. Now, Im not saying you should forget the words



that were flung or the way he or she hurt you. But accept that it
happens. We hurt those we care about the most.
Let go of any need you might have for them to wholeheartedly
apologize or give you recompense for what happened. Whether
they SHOULD or not is immaterial. Right here, right now, you
need to FORGIVE your ex for being human, for making mistakes,
and for hurting you. Only then can you move on.
2. You need to forgive yourself. Honestly, this is even more important. Whether you were the dumper or the dumpee, if you want
to get back together youre probably beating yourself up, dragging
yourself over the coals for messing up your relationship and playing the woulda shoulda coulda game in your head, trying to figure
out where you went wrong or why you werent good enough.
Its time to stop. Just like your ex is a human being, full of
frailties and desires they have no control over, so are you. If you
cheated, you cheated. Its not the greatest thing in the world, but it
doesnt mean youre a monster. If you said some things you regret,
its because you have emotions and you care. You may choose to
apologize in the future, but first you need to get cool with yourself.
There is NOTHING more unattractive in a person than self loathing
and rock-bottom self esteem. If you dont LIKE yourself and think
POSITIVE thoughts about yourself, youre never going to be able
to work the system and have your ex eagerly coming back to you.
So get your head up, dry your tears, look yourself in the mirror and
say I forgive myself. Do this Forgiveness Exercise hundreds of
times if you have to. Fake the smile for now, and eventually itll be
And then play The I Like Myself Game.

The I Like Myself Game

The I Like Myself Game is something I created several years ago when
I was at a real low point. Id just turned thirty, and even though a lot of
things in my life seemed pretty great, I was miserable. No matter what
I accomplished or what I did with myself, my self image was low and
dirty and evil and cruel.
And it wreaked havoc with my romantic life. I hated myself so much
that I just couldnt let a woman love me without wondering what the
heck was going on in her head.



Its taken me years of work to re-jigger my self image to something awesome, but its been worth it.
In my experience, the first time you play the I Like Myself Game its
going to scare the living bejeezus out of you. In fact, a lot of people who
TRY to play the I Like Myself Game the first time end up chickening
out. They confuse liking yourself with being arrogant and go hide
under the couch until the specter of positivity passes.
So take a deep breath and get ready.
Heres all you have to do:
Take out a blank piece of paper or fire up a blank document in your
word processor of choice. (I like Pages on the Mac, but anything will
At the very top of the paper write I like (YOUR NAME), I really do . . .
(If you feel a little shot of panic doing this, thats OK. Take another deep
In the third person (Mike is. . . ), write out what you truly LIKE about
yourself. Dont edit yourself. Dont apologize. Dont use wiggle words
or neutralizers like Id like Mikes smile, but his teeth are kind of
crooked or I like Mikes brain, but I wish he was smarter. Focus on the
positives. Dont qualify anything. Dont worry about being immodest
(modesty is noxious; Im not a fan). Be honest: what do you REALLY
like about yourself, and what do you think other people like about you,
Examples of stuff you might like about yourself can include:
Personality traits: I like Bobs sense of humor. He can make a
whole room laugh with a word.
Physical traits: I like Marys butt. Its taken years of work, and
shes got an ass that draws stares when she walks down the street.
Accomplishments: I like how Jerry kept moving even when things
got tough and graduated at the top of his class.
FILL THE WHOLE PAGE. Keep going no matter how hard it gets.
The first time I did this exercise I had a panic attack, but now I can do
it in my sleep. Were going to do a variation of this exercise and use it
later in our texts. So its SUPER IMPORTANT that you do it right.
Just as an example, heres a quick I Like Myself Game for me . . .
I like Mike, I really do.
I like his energy. It crackles off him like lightning, and when
he focuses he can change the world through his sheer force of


I like how Mike cares about people. I like that Mike goes out of
his way to help the people in his life and thinks loyalty is the
most important thing in the world.
I like Mikes smile. Hes got dimples and a naughty glimmer in
his eye that makes you wonder whats going on in his head.
The first time you play this game, youre going to feel like an egotistical
git. Thats because our culture programs us to have low self esteem and
low opinions of ourselves.
Play it anyway. Write it out longhand if you can (though typing is OK,
too. My handwriting is doctor-level bad, so I type everything). You dont
have to share this with anyone, but you can if you want. Its a great
game for a couple to play together, followed by a What I Like About
You variation.
Simply by focusing on the POSITIVES about yourself, youre going to REPROGRAM your mind. Confident people and people who like themselves have better relationships.
I really cant harp on this one enough. So much of seduction, whether
its with someone new or with someone youve been with in the past, is
MENTAL. If you truly BELIEVE that you are someone your ex SHOULD
be with, is BETTER OFF with, and will be HAPPY with, itll make your
job so much easier.

Core Concept #3: Youre Single! DATE!!

I know. Dating sucks. The meet market is a cold and horrible place,
full of frightening people and bad music.
But it can also be a lot of fun. And as painful as it sounds, one of the
best ways to get your ex to notice you again is for you to go out, date,
and actually HAVE FUN.
Im not saying you should hop into bed with a lot of people or get into a
serious thing with somebody else (you shouldnt). But I am saying that
its VERY important for you to go out, date, and realize that you are an
attractive and interesting person.
By dating youll . . .
Raise your own self esteem.
Hone your game for when its time to go after your ex again (because youre going to start at the beginning and DATE your ex
again . . . not just fall into the same old pattern).
Learn to appreciate the good things you and your ex had.


Learn new tricks and ideas you can use in your relationship.
Become a better rounded and more interesting person.
Also, dating lets you use a concept called Social Proof. I dont have
room to go into a ton of detail on this, but the core idea behind social
proof is that human beings tend to emulate the action of what other
human beings are doing.
If a bunch of people are looking up and you walk by, youll probably look
If you see enough testimonials in a diet ad from people saying they lost
400 pounds eating nothing but HoHos, youll be more likely to try the
And if enough OTHER people seem to find you attractive, interesting,
and sexy, then your ex is more likely to do so, as well.
(This is why Im generally a proponent of positive flirting and positive jealousy even when youre in a relationship. Another woman finding your man attractive actually reflects POSITIVELY on you, and vice

Core Concept #4: You WANT Your Ex. You

Dont NEED Your Ex.
Neediness is a major turnoff. I talked about this is the Forgiveness
section, but its worth repeating: if you want your ex back you really
need to LIKE YOURSELF first. You need to think of yourself as a worthwhile person, a great catch, and someone your ex will be lucky to be
Much of the work youve done so far is about figuring out WHY you want
your ex back and what kind of great life you can build together. The key
word there is WANT. You should WANT your ex back (otherwise why
are you reading this?). But you shouldnt NEED them.
Before you start to Text Your Ex Back, spend some time with yourself.
Join a gym. Eat better. Take care of yourself. Take up some hobbies.
Get a better haircut.
Only by loving yourself can you present yourself as someone your ex
should love, as well.



Core Concept #5: Only Fools Rush In

Honestly, theres not much in life you cant learn from Elvis lyrics.
If you and your ex JUST broke up a few days (or hours) ago, and youre
desperately trying to reignite the pilot light of your relationship, Ive got
some bad news for you. If you want REAL results with your ex, youre
going to have to wait.
Plain and simple, if you just broke up, theres too much stuff around
your relationship for you to be able to enjoy each other yet.
I recommend that you take at least ONE MONTH off from each other
before starting to use the Text Your Ex Back system.
And by off, I mean you completely cut contact. No phone, no texting,
no hanging out, no email, no little notes left on his car overnight, no
accidentally bumping into each other at a favorite hangout.
OK, by saying that I may have scared the bejeezus out of you. You might
feel like you NEED to see your ex NOW, or that if you dont strike while
the iron is hot youre going to miss your chance to reignite that spark.
And I totally understand that. Believe me, Ive been there. Ive felt
that horrible anxiety rushing through my body and that overwhelming
craving to see the woman I love, even though she doesnt seem to love
me anymore.
But its imperative to the success of this program that you take
your time and do it right.
Remember, were not just trying to get you a hook up with your ex.
Were trying to create a powerful, positive relationship that you both get
a lot out of for a long time to come.
If you have kids and have to interact, thats fine, but keep the interactions as SIMPLE and POSITIVE as possible. Dont dig into your exs life.
Dont act needy. Spend time doing your homework, thinking about the
relationship, dating other people (as weird as it might be), and biding
your time until you can put your plan into action.
Remember, 30 FULL DAYS of silence (more if you can handle it.) Itll
hurt now, but its worth it in the long term.
Were done with our prep work. So if you typed up your answers to the
questions, print up your answers and keep them handy. Get a drink,
settle in, and get ready to put the full Text Your Ex Back system into



The Text Your Ex Back

Step-By-Step System
Start your engines.
If you checked the Table of Contents and jumped right to this chapter,
go back and read the sections before this, ESPECIALLY the Core Concepts. If you want this to work, its also critically important that you
answer the questions I laid out for you, so that you can explain WHY
you want your ex back, what the mindset of your ex is around you,
and what your goals are.
Once youve done all of that, THEN its time to put the tested and proven
Text Your Ex Back system into action.
A couple quick notes about the following pages:
This system will work for you whether youre male or female (and
whether youre dating a man or a woman), but youll have to adjust
the psychology accordingly. Ill show you in the text where you
should be doing things differently.



This system is designed to build rapport and intimacy even when

your ex and you arent spending any real time together. Eventually
you WILL end up in the same room with your ex (they may even
be the one who suggests it), and at that point youll have to be off
script. For now, though, use the concepts and texts I give you and
let me do the work.
Obviously I cant write perfect texts for EVERY situation or EVERY
person in the world (Wish I could.). If the specific language of
what I give you or the formula I supply doesnt sound quite right
for you or your relationship, edit it and make it your own. I wont
be offended. The important part is that you FOLLOW THE STEPS
that I give you and WORK THE SYSTEM.
A couple Pre Text Instructions:
I said this in the last section, but its important: take some significant time off from your ex before you start this system. Wait a
month at minimum, though you may want to go longer than that.
Its important that you have time to let the rawness of the break
up dissipate before you go barreling back in.
Practice the Forgiveness Exercise I gave you in the last section.
Do it daily if you have to and remember to forgive both yourself and
your ex. It sounds kind of cheesy, I know, but it works.
Practice positive thinking about your ex. Try to banish the negative
thoughts from the end of the relationship from your mind.
If youre still in touch with your ex (because of kids, work, common
friends, etc.) STOP using text messaging for practical stuff. Our
goal is to create a fantasy world over text, and the best way to kill
that buzz is to text about picking the kids up from school or taxes.
If its impossible to stop talking about that stuff over text, keep the
conversations as short and practical as possible.
NO MATTER WHAT, you MUST refuse to go negative with your ex
over text. If he or she starts a fight over text, REFUSE to continue
the conversation in that medium, even if it makes your blood totally
BOIL. Call instead. Meet in person if it makes sense, but keep texting
as virgin territory.
Let any negatives from your ex go for now. Simply ignore them, DELETE
them from your phone right away and realize that the ANGER youre
getting from your ex really just shows that he or she cares. Hate is not
the opposite of love; apathy is. If your ex keeps hammering you over
text, simply send back a note saying something like, Im not willing to
have this conversation without being able to look you in the eye. If you
want to sit down and talk about it, let me know.



Another great way to cut a negative conversation short is to simply write

This is inappropriate. and stop talking. Youll be amazed at how well
that one works.

Text Judo - The Cornerstone Of The

Text Your Ex Back System
What is Text Judo?
Great question.
Text Judo is the art of using your exs existing emotions against
them in order to get the positive result you want.
In regular Judo, a martial artist uses an opponents strength against
him, redirecting a lunge or a punch, for example, so that the attacker
ends up in a bruised and battered pile on the floor. A really good Judo
practitioner at work is a sight to behold. A 5-foot-tall woman can throw
a 64 linebacker around like a rag doll if the woman knows CONTROL
while the linebacker knows nothing but POWER.
Now, your ex is not your enemy, or this is not like combat, but the
metaphor works. Since your ex is probably still feeling a lot of hot
emotion around you, youre going to use that emotion to our own advantage.
Remember, your ex feeling ANY emotion towards you (even hate) is, in
many ways, a GOOD thing. Apathy will kill any chance you have
of getting back together with your ex, but any positive or negative powerful emotion can be transformed and guided using simple
techniques Im going to teach you.
If your ex is angry at you, you can use that anger to ignite the spark of
love thats probably still buried deep down inside.
If your ex is hurt by you, you can use that hurt to uncover the desire
for acceptance and love that left him or her open to being hurt by you
in the first place.
And on and on and on.
The key to Text Judo is to ACKNOWLEDGE the elephant in the
room. If you come back into your exs life pretending that nothing ever
went wrong in your relationship, itll blow up in your face. Instead you
ACKNOWLEDGE the problem, give VALIDITY to your exs emotions (especially if youre a man trying to win back a woman), and then translate



those emotions into the feelings of warmness, closeness, and attraction

that were trying to create.
Sound complicated? Its not. But it does require more grist for the mill.
You need stories, emotions, and pieces of your relationship that youll
use in your communication with your ex to focus your ex on positive
thoughts about you, create your fantasy world, and drive them back
into your arms.

Prepping The Shot (A Little Bit Of Text

Judo Homework)
Fill out the following questions before moving on to the next section.
Like all the assignments, this is important, building organically on what
weve done before and creating a foundation for what is still to come.
Take the time, do the work, and youll be really happy with the results.
Question 1: What were the POSITIVE aspects of your relationship
with your ex? What were the things you had in common that drew
you together?
What was it about your relationship that you really loved and adored?
What was it that made you guys really WORK as a couple? (Even when
things started getting bad, there were probably things that drew you
Just to get the old creative juices flowing, here are a few possible categories that I hear all the time. You can beg, borrow or steal . . .
Music - what bands did you both LOVE? Was there a particular kind of
music that drew you together? Did you meet at a Phish concert?
Are you both jazz freaks or metal heads?
Politics - do you both hate the same ideas (strangely, that can be a
real bonder for people)? Do you have similar ideas on how your
country should be run? Do you have ideological or activist causes
in common?
Passions - what gets you both humming like an 8-cylinder engine?
What do you both CARE about on a really passionate level? If
youre both part of PETA, that definitely counts. So does a general
love of the outdoors, or a love of DIY projects.
Religion - same ideas as above. Are you both devout Christians? Occasional Mormons? Lapsed atheists? Write down the commonalities
of your faith.



Sex - are you guys sexually compatible? Do you share fetishes? Sex
is important, folks, and a good and compatible sex life is 100%
critical to you having a life together.
Kids - do you have kids together? If so, thats a pretty big common
interest. What is it about your kids that drives you together? What
about your children do you both enjoy? (Oh, and if you bad mouth
your ex in front of your kids, youre a bad person. Dont do that.
Hobbies - what kind of hobbies did you share? Dancing? Theatre?
Movies? Video games? Walking the beach with a metal detector?
Do you both love travel? Do you both hate Dr. Phil?
Whatever it is, get it all on paper in a big list. Be as exhaustive as you
can be. Really think out the stuff that drew you together before, and
that you think could draw you together again.
Question 2: What are the BEST EXPERIENCES you and your ex ever
had together?
Now that we know what drew you together in the first place (besides
pheromones . . . man, those things are powerful; I get within ten feet of
my girlfriend and my brain turns off and I start slobbering like a cave
man), now its time to list the BEST EXPERIENCES your ex and you
ever had together.
These should be the stories youd tell your grandkids, and the stories
that will crawl right into your exs unconscious to make them smile
or laugh, almost despite themselves.
These experiences dont necessarily have to be positive in the traditional sense. As any war vet or survivor of a natural disaster knows,
trauma has an incredible bonding effect on human beings, and being
in a foxhole together makes lifelong friends (and sometimes lovers).
These are the kinds of experiences I want you to list. Brainstorm freely
for now. You can edit down to the really good stuff later.
Your Couple Origin Story - This is the story of how you got together
in the first place. Its probably SUPER EMOTIONAL for both of
you, because you were both feeling such intense attraction when
it happened. Being able to bring that back up in your exs mind is
very powerful.
Adventures you shared - These are usually one off memories, like
that trip to the Grand Canyon, the honeymoon in Hawaii, or the
crazy weekend in Vegas. Just make sure the adventure was something you both look back on fondly, and not something your ex is
going to get annoyed by. For example, if the car broke down at the



side of the road and you spent hours yelling and screaming about
it, you should probably leave that out.
Us Against Them experiences - These are experiences where it felt
like you and your ex were a unit and were really there for each
other against a common enemy. (In-laws and parents make great
common enemies, as long as it doesnt seem like you are criticizing
your exs family.) These can be a little complicated. Examples
could be when you helped your ex get out of a sticky legal spot,
when you stood up for your girlfriend as she was getting hit on by
a guy, etc.
Bonding Tragedies or Challenges - This is where you take a negative
and make it a positive. Bonding tragedies or challenges are times
when you and your ex really went through a tough experience together. For instance, the death of a family member, a natural disaster (We were huddled in the dark for six hours together, waiting
for the hurricane to abate), a car wreck, a trip to Burning Man or
some other hostile environment, boot camp, etc. Anything where
it was HARD but satisfying and had a positive outcome.
Romantic Experiences - Romantic memories might include the night
you proposed or got married, a really romantic vacation at a spa, a
time you surprised your partner with a day off or a trip, etc. Anything where it was really just the two of you enjoying each other
without any outside interference. This could also be the moment
you discovered you were in love or other emotionally heavy moments. (Side note: Did you know that science shows men are actually more romantically minded than women? Weird but true.)
Family Experiences - These are the moments where you felt proud of
your family or were really happy that your partner was there. The
birth of a child, or your grandparents anniversary gathering. That
time you thought your kids were threatened but they turned out
Positive Sexual Experiences - Ahh, sex. No matter how long you were
together (or how bland things may ultimately have happened in the
bedroom), Im willing to bet you have some particular sexual experiences with your ex that you revisit in your fantasies again and
again. And Im willing to bet your ex does, as well. These should
be moments when you felt particularly close to your ex emotionally, felt out of control physically, tried new things in the bedroom
(with positive or at least goofy results), had the most amazing orgasm of your life, or otherwise ended up in a sweaty, happy pile
together. Public sex experiences are great for this (the thrill of
almost getting caught sticks in the unconscious for a long time).
Mundane Experiences You Both Enjoyed - And finally, weve got the


mundane experiences you and your ex used to enjoy. As a couple you undoubtedly had some boring stuff that you took comfort
in doing together. For me and my girlfriend, its sitting around in
our sweatpants, eating ice cream and watching Glee episodes on
Hulu. (Yes, were geeks.)
REMEMBER - no matter what the experiences are, they need to be
things that BOTH you and your ex enjoyed. Dont use stuff that was a
point of huge contention between you and your ex here. Stay POSITIVE.
Got it? Good.
Right now, list as many of these positive experiences as you can. USE AS
to reviving past positive emotions. (Even details that are made up can
do the job, oddly enough.)
While youre writing, also list out what the DOMINANT EMOTION around
that experience with your ex is. What FEELINGS come up for you when
you think of that experience?
Question 3: How is your ex currently FEELING about your relationship?
Ahh, emotion.
Whether its been a few weeks (at least a month, I hope) or a few years
since the break up, your ex probably still has some hot emotions
around you and your relationship. And those emotions are going to
IMMEDIATELY come up when he or she gets that first text from you.
Depending on how negative those emotions are, you might have to alter
your game plan to soothe the savage beast and slowly work your way
back into their good graces.(How your breakup went should give you
some good idea of how your ex is currently feeling about you. Did you
break up in an angry fight? Or was it more of a slow death? What does
that tell you about whats going on in your exs mind and heart?)
Write down the emotions your ex is currently feeling about you.
Anger? Why? What is that anger masking? What desires bubble
below it?
Sadness? Why?
Self righteousness? Why?
Melancholy? Regret? Dread? Whimsy?
Undoubtedly your ex has a whole stew of emotions around you, not
all of them logical. Your goal here is to be as honest as possible about
how he or she is feeling about you. This isnt the time to lie to yourself.
Lay it all on the table.



Chances are, your ex is feeling some conflicting emotions (and you might
be, too). The best example I ever had of conflicting emotions was when
my grandfather, Rocco, died when I was thirteen.
All my life my mom told me about what a horrible guy my grandfather
was. He was an abusive alcoholic who treated my grandmother horribly,
spent all his money on booze (instead of on helping his daughters), and
squandered his intelligence and gifts.
But then, at Roccos funeral, I watched my mom and her sister bawl
their eyes out up at the lectern.
At the time I was confused as hell. My mom hated her dad, so why was
she crying? But when I got a little older I understood that love and hate
are not opposites. In fact, to truly hate someone or to truly be angry
at someone, you have to care about them a little bit first (and probably
a lot).
Emotions are complicated and in no way logical. Its totally possible
that your ex is holding two (or 3, or 12) seemingly conflicting emotions
towards you all at the same time.
What if you dont know why your ex is reacting the way they are? Maybe
you were completely blindsided by the break up. You thought things
were fine until the hammer fell, and now you just dont have any insight
into your exs mind.
I hear from folks all the time who thought their relationship was perfect (or at least pretty good) when their partner broke the news that
things were over.
If thats the situation you find yourself in, youre going to have to do
something difficult and try to ask folks who know both you and your
ex for information, or sit back and think about how your ex MIGHT be
thinking about you. Use a little creativity. Its actually a great exercise
thats going to serve you well later anyway.
Use the following page to do your emotional brainstorming, and then
congratulate yourself. Were done prepping and loading the cannon.
Its time to aim and fire.



The Step-By-Step Text

Your Ex Back System
So Simple A Child Could Use It
(Though I have no idea why a child is dating
in the first place. Thats just weird.)



Getting Started: Across

The Bow Texts
Feel that little tingle of excitement running from the base of your brain
all the way down your arm to your thumb? Sit and enjoy that for a
moment. Were about to start working some magic.
Now, if youve done the things as prescribed, its been at least a month
since you and your ex have had any really meaningful interaction. Youve
been taking care of yourself, going out with friends, and most decidedly
NOT spending all your time staring at the ceiling and feeling sorry for
yourself. Youre getting ready to Text Your Ex Back, not because youre
needy and sad, but because you and your ex really did have some kind of
special chemistry and rapport thats worth fighting for and thats going
to add a lot of positivity to your lives.
Which means its time to take your weapon of choice (your cell phone)
and send that first across the bow text thats going to give you the
mission to seduce your ex back into your life.
Just to be SUPER CLEAR, our goal with this first text (or our first
DOZEN texts) . . .
. . . is NOT to get together for a drink or to talk things out.



. . . is NOT a booty call (though if you do things right, your ex

may want to go there pretty damn fast).
. . . is NOT to fix your relationship with one magic message.
(Man, if I could do that Id be charging a million dollars a pop.)
Nope, instead our goal with this first text is a lot more modest. Our goal
is to
. . . GENTLY open the door to more conversation.
. . . start establishing POSITIVE experiences and emotions with
your ex.
. . . remind your ex of the GOOD TIMES you had in your relationship (and plant the idea in his or her mind that more
good times really could be right around the corner).
. . . use TEXT JUDO to affirm your exs feelings in a positive
way so they can move past them.
. . . and create a subtle FRAMEWORK where your ex comes to
the conclusion seemingly on his or her own that you should
get together and talk (or do more than talk).
This is where a lot of the prep work weve done so far comes into play,
especially the emotional state and how your ex feels about you preparation we did.

Rules Of Your First Few Messages (actually

all of them)
Be positive and upbeat. (Do NOT bring up the negatives that
caused your relationship to end.)
Dont be needy. Its important that you come across as confident,
happy, and attractive. It also means that you cant come across as
desperately trying to reignite the flames of your relationship (even
if thats exactly what youre actually doing).
Dont worry if you dont get a response. If you dont get a response at first, dont worry about it. Simply let it go, take a deep
breath, and resolve to come back and try again later. If the fish
arent biting one day, it doesnt mean they wont bite again in the
Your texts must validate your exs emotions in a positive way.
This means you cant gaslight your exs emotions and say they



arent real. (Thats just mean.) You should never have to apologize
for them, and whatever youre feeling is the right thing to feel.
Avoid Nothing texts at all costs.
This is important enough to talk about in more detail. One of the
biggest mistakes you can make whether youre texting your ex, sending a message to a cute girl or guy you just met, or trying to seduce
your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend back into your bed is sending
a nothing text.
Whats a nothing text?
Its a text that doesnt actually SAY anything and doesnt leave any
hooks for positive interaction.
Here are a few examples of nothing texts:
Whats up?
Hey, how you doing?
Basically, if a text sounds like it was written by a 19-year-old frat boy, it
probably counts as a Nothing text and should be avoided (even if you
ARE a 19-year-old frat boy).
Instead of sending Nothing texts to open up a conversation with your
ex, youre going to use what I call Across The Bow texts and Curiosity
Pivots, which I first developed for my Text Your Wife Into Bed program.
No matter what you send, you should always know what your GOAL of
an interaction with your ex is BEFORE you send it. What SPECIFIC
thing are you trying to accomplish when you hit Send? What response
do you want from your ex? Are you just trying to get ANY response? Are
you looking for a smile or a laugh? Are you trying to open the door to
a particular conversation? (I recommend you save that for once youve
got good rapport going back and forth.)
You wont always get the response you want, but its important that you
have it in mind.
If you dont have a solid answer to that question in mind, take a deep
breath, put your cell phone back in your pocket, and wait for another



Across The Bow Texts Revealed

I said across her bow, not up it! - Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
An Across The Bow text is a shot in the dark. Its that first text you send
when you havent talked to or seen your ex in a while, and is designed to
let them know that youre thinking about them, that you dont have any
negative feelings towards them, and that youre not horribly, horribly
messed up over the break up (even if you actually are).

The Across The Bow Text Formula #1:

I (stumbled onto this thing you like or that reminds me
of you) and it (positive thought or reaction on my part.)
This is using one of your common interests or experiences in a positive
If Bill and Jenny were both really into football, and their favorite team
won a big game, Bill could send something like . . .
Bill: Just watched the end of the Seahawks game and it put
a huge smile on my face thinking how excited you must be.
Hope youre doing great!
(Yeah, I know. The Seahawks suck. But a man can dream, right?)
or for a couple thats big into reading . . .
Lisa: I just stumbled onto this old copy of Brave New World
and it made me think of you for the first time in a while. Put
a smile on my face. =-).
Notice how its all pretty innocuous? Notice how I even resorted to using
an =-) emoticon? (I usually hate emoticons, but sometimes you have to
go there.)
Your ex cant read or even assume where youre trying to go with things
with a message like this. While your ex COULD use this text as a door
to start a conversation if they want to, it doesnt DEMAND a response
or feel pushy in any way.
In other words, it gives your ex an out. Your ex has a chance to engage
in conversation if they want to, but doesnt force them into a confrontation or to make any kind of specific decision about whether they want
you in their life or not.
Its a little like putting a frog in some water and raising the temperature
by one measly degree. If we do it right, the frog doesnt even notice.



Across The Bow Formula #2: The Random

(Nice thing to say about your ex) (indicator that youre
OK with the breakup.)
For instance:
Harry (to his ex wife, Joan): Just caught myself thinking
about you. Im really glad you were in my life. Hope youre
doing great. =-)
Sally (to her ex boyfriend): Youre a really wonderful person. I hope we get to be friends again someday.
Notice how in both of these cases the sender is being kind of aloof?
In most situations, if you come on STRONG with your ex right away, its
going to blow up in your face.
This text is really just a variant on Formula One. Again, its designed
to let your ex know youre thinking of them (but not stalking them), to
give them a small compliment and open the door to the possibility of
conversation, and to give an out so that your ex doesnt feel horrible
amounts of pressure.
ASSIGNMENT: Right now, brainstorm 2 or 3 different Across The Bow
texts that you can send to your ex.
Be creative. Use your list of things that you and your ex had in common
as fuel for the fire.
After you hit send:
Once you send an Across The Bow text, a few different things might
1. You get no response at all.
Honestly, this is NOT necessarily a bad thing. After not hearing from
you for some time, your ex might just be shocked to find you buzzing
his or her pocket and might be overwhelmed by all the emotions that
come rushing up with your name.
If you dont get a response right away, just take a deep breath, let it go
for a few days, and then try again with another variation or another of
the texts I give you in this manual.
Whatever you do, DO NOT FREAK OUT and DO NOT SEND A LOT of
messages in a row. Were trying to project confidence here, and confi-



dent, attractive people do NOT freak out. Rest assured that your ex DID
receive your message. And just by reading the message, youve moved
them ever so slightly down the path to reconciliation.
2. You get a neutral response.
A neutral response would be something like Oh, thanks. or Oh,
thanks. How are you?
Your temptation in this case is going to be to POUNCE like a tiger on
this small piece of attention and try to get them to engage in some long,
explosive texting conversation. DO NOT DO IT. GET OFF THE DAMN
Instead, your proper response is to answer their neutral response with
something equally neutral, friendly, and innocuous, and then for YOU
to be the one to end the conversation and move on.
For example:
You: I know its been a while, but I started thinking about
you today and it put a smile on my face. Youre a really wonderful person. Hope youre doing really well. =-)
Your Ex: Oh, thanks. Hope youre good as well.
You: Thanks. Going into a movie, but its good to hear your
voice. Later.
Pretty simple, huh? The key here is for YOU to be the one who ends
the conversation. If you keep chatting with your ex until they decide to
end it, youve given up power and lost your chance to build mystery or
attraction. Whoever has the last word is the one who has the power
in these situations.
3. You get an overwhelmingly positive response.
Most likely youll only get this kind of response from your ex if you were
the one to break up with them, or if theyve independently come around
to realizing they made a mistake but havent had the guts to call you.
You should play the overwhelmingly positive response pretty similarly
to the neutral response. You match their enthusiasm to some degree,
and then YOU have to be the one to end the conversation.
So . . .
You: (Same as above.)
Your Ex: Hey, thanks! Its great to hear from you! How have
you been?
You: Really well, actually. =-) Im going into a movie but its
really great to hear from you. More later. =-)


And then you end the conversation for at least a day.

Why are you ending the conversation when they give you that level of
Well, its pretty simple. By ending the conversation and keeping control,
youre actually making them want and miss you MORE. The longer you
keep them in this longing state the more powerful it will be when you
do decide to get together and the more grateful your ex will be when
you give them the attention and affection they crave.
4. You get an overwhelmingly NEGATIVE response from
your ex.
Option 4 is, of course, our least favorite, though its not NECESSARILY
a kiss of death. Option 4 is when you send your initial text, and your
ex doesnt ignore you, doesnt give you a neutral response, and doesnt
give you a positive response, but actually comes at you negatively and
maybe even aggressively, bringing up the negatives around the end of
your relationship.
Obviously these are the kind of messages you need to be the most careful around.
So if you text your ex and get a response like:
Then you need to give things more time. I know its tempting to want
to plow through that kind of resistance, but youll do more harm than
good. If you get a message like that just say:
You: Sorry. Hope youre doing well.
And let things sit for a while.
And by a while, I mean weeks at the minimum, and possibly quite a
bit longer than that. I know its painful, but you need to give them time
to let the anger subside.
Another kind of negative response you might get would be something
Your Ex: Thanks for the message but I really cant talk to
you right now. It just hurts too much.
In that case you want to respond with something simple like:
You: I totally understand. Hope youre doing great.
No matter what happens, this first message is really just dipping the
toe into the Text Your Ex Back method. Rome wasnt built in a day,
and your relationships not going to be forged with one text. This is as
marathon, not a sprint.


Like I said, if your ex tries to rope you into a BIG conversation after this
first text YOU should be the one to resist (no matter how hard it is.)
Your goal is to get your ex to decide independently that they want
to see you again, and the best way to pull that off is to make sure
that you dont come off as too needy or eager. You need to be like
Fonzie, and Fonzie was cool. (Yes, I just made a Happy Days reference.)



Best Of The
Relationship Texts
Remember when I told you to write out all those pleasant memories and
favorite experiences with your ex? Its time to put those into action.
Once youve sent a few messages Across The Bow of your ex, its time
to move on to what I call Best Of The Relationship texts.
Note again that you are NOT actually trying to get your ex back yet.
Instead, youre trying to plant positive thoughts and emotions in your
exs mind so they start thinking about you in a positive way.
And EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE makes those good times feel as real as


Emotional language are the words that bypass the critical mind of whoever youre talking to and appeal directly to their Lizard Brain in a way
they almost cant resist.


For instance, which is more powerful:

We beat the other team.
We obliterated the competition.
The word obliterated resonates in your mind in a MUCH more powerful
way than something as simple and lame as beat.
In your Best Of The Relationship texts youre going to bring up past
experiences using as much POSITIVE emotional language and DETAIL
as possible. The Text Judo here is that were taking the powerful emotions your ex already feels around you and pushing them towards positive thoughts instead of the negative thoughts they may have now.

Best Of The Relationship Texts

These texts are a great way to follow up a successful Across The Bow
text. A day or two after you get a bite with an Across The Bow text,
follow by saying . . .
Formula 1: Do you remember (great experience with your ex)?
Formula 2: I was just remembering (great experience with
your ex).
Note the word remember here. A funny thing about the human mind
is that we really cant hear (or read) the word remember without our
brains immediately going into data retrieval mode.
Do you remember the first time I asked you if you remembered to remember something?
OK, Ill stop messing with you.
But its important to realize that when you ask your ex to remember
something, their subconscious is going to access those old memories
whether they want to or not.
So its important to only focus on things you actually WANT them
to remember and to tread lightly around the land mines of your relationships.
Now heres the cool part:
Did you know that memories dont actually exist? Its true. Every time
you try to remember something, your brain goes into data retrieval



mode and basically creates a movie of what happened in your head.

And every time you remember something its a new movie.
By narrating an experience to your ex, using a lot of detail and focusing
on the positives you can basically direct the movie in their head.
Cool, huh?
There are really three types of experiences that you want your ex
to access at this point:
Fun experiences where you bonded because you were really enjoying each others company
Bonding experiences that were tough, but that brought you closer
Ill talk more about how to use sensual language over text later, but this
stuff can be VERY powerful, especially if you and your ex had particularly good sexual chemistry.
Lets look at some examples first:
Example 1: Fun
Ken: Do you remember that time we climbed Mount Baker
together? I was just thinking of the smile on your face when
we got to the top of the mountain and how sweaty we both
were. That was a really fun day. =-)
Again, nice and innocuous here.
Example 2: More fun
Melanie: Ha. I just found this picture of the two of us wearing those stupid bear suits in Madrid. You looked pretty good
as a Panda.
Example 3: Bonding Experience.
Paul: Yikes. A friend of mine just got into a bad car wreck.
Shes OK, but it got me remembering the time we were on
Gabrielle Street and got hit by that drunk driver. I can still
feel the impact when I close my eyes, the way your hand was
clenched so hard in mine . . . how the glass went everywhere
when it shattered . . .
Notice the level of detail in this one. In everything you write to your ex
you want to use detailed language to make the experience more real.



Example 4: Sex
NOTE: The sex stuff is typically NOT something you should lead with.
Well get into it more in the future.
Charlie: Im at Jack and Janes wedding . . . reminds me of
the time we snuck away to the bathroom at your cousins
wedding . . . I can so vividly see the naughty smile on your
face as I pushed you up onto the counter . . . how you nibbled
your lip and smiled at me . . . how you used your legs to draw
me closer to you until our lips met . . .
Seriously, I could write a novel here. The key with using this kind of text
early on is to keep it light and fun. Later Ill teach you how to actually
seduce your ex with texts, but for now youre just playing.

Sneaky Trick: The Small Ask

One GREAT way to lead up to a Remember series of text is by asking
your ex to remind you of a small piece of data from a shared experience.
The smaller and more innocuous the data point is, the more likely you
are to get a response.
For instance . . .
Sarah: Hey, really quick can you remind me of the name of
that restaurant we went to on your 30th birthday?
Obviously, you only want to ask your ex to remind you of an event that
was a GOOD one. Again, just by asking the question youre having him
or her access the part of the brain where that entire memory is stored.
So if you were flirting with the waitress the whole night and it was the
worst birthday ever . . . well, thats not what you want to bring up.
The cool thing about the Can you remind me setup is that it draws
your ex in and gets them actively engaged in the memory.
From there you can go into more detail.
Peter: It was Gilligans.
Sarah: Oh, yeah! Great burgers. I was thinking of going
there again. I was just remembering your birthday and how
much fun we had. My favorite part of the night was when we
all sang Dont Stop Believing at the top of our lungs before
you blew out the candles. And then you hugged me so tight.
Peter: Ha. Yeah, that was a good time.



No matter what, your goal is to ENGAGE YOUR EX IN THE POSITIVE

MEMORY and direct the movie for them so they accept the best and
most connected version of the story as fact.
If your ex comes back to you with memories or details of their own,
engage in the conversation and make sure to steer the conversation
towards the positive.
Your goal is to have them focused on fun, pleasure, warm, and fuzzy
memories and positive feelings about you.
Got it?
Because were going to move on to Intimacy Booster texts, which are
super fun.



Intimacy Booster Texts

An Intimacy Booster text is, in a lot of ways, similar to the kind of texts
we used in our last section.
But this time, instead of reminding your ex of a specific event (sexy or
otherwise), were reminding your ex of how close you guys once were
(and planting the seed that you could be that close again).
If you were married or you dated your ex for any significant amount of
time, they probably became the most intimate person in your life, and
you probably became theirs. (If you guys were still strangers, you may
have been doing it wrong.)
Your goal is to remind them of that intimacy and connection in a positive
way. You want your ex to almost YEARN for the close support you
provided for them, and you want to do it all over text.
Now, the best time to use this particular kind of text is when you know
your ex is going through something hard. When theyve just failed a big
test, lost a job, lost someone close in their life, or otherwise had some
kind of tragedy or unfortunate event. This is basically a way for you to
show support for your ex from a distance and without physically being
And Ill say up front, when you use this kind of text youre kind of playing
with fire. If you use this kind of text from a manipulative standpoint
(instead of from a place of positivity), it could very easily blow up in
your face.
You can also use Intimacy Texts as a way to save your exs bacon if
theyre going to forget an important family event.



Formula 1: Hey, I know (BAD EVENT) is tough for you.

If you need me, Im here.
Formula 2: Hey, dont forget (important event)
Formula 2 works because it reminds your ex of you being on his or her
team. If your ex really did forget the birthday or other event, theyll be
grateful for the reminder.
Example 1:
Hey, Jen told me about your grandfather. I know he was
important to you. If you need me for anything, Im here. But
no matter what I hope youre OK and I hope youre around
people who love you.
Example 2:
Hey, dont forget your moms birthday is coming up. Wouldnt
want you to get in trouble =-)
Ive actually had this method used ON ME by an ex girlfriend. She
totally pulled my bacon out of the fire and I found myself feeling not
only grateful, but missing her in a very real way afterwards.
Example 3:
Was thinking you must be stressed getting ready for the bar
exam. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
Again, the same Rules Of Response play here as for all the other texts.
If your ex writes back and wants to chat, go ahead. LISTEN. Keep things
positive. Use the other techniques I teach you and YOU must be the one
to end the conversation.



The Green-Eyed Monster

Text (a.k.a. how to use
jealousy in a positive way)
Ahh, jealousy. The green eyed monster. The vicious beast in the heart
of every man and woman.
Ive been doing a lot of studying on WHY people get jealous (both in a
relationship and in other parts of their lives, like jobs).While I havent
found a super-solid reason for jealousy (beyond some theories about
protecting your genes), there are two things that are undeniably true:
People are possessive of what they think of as theirs (or what
USED TO BE theirs).
Social Proof is powerful stuff.
I talked about Social Proof a bit earlier in this manual. The short version
is that people tend to believe what other people tell them or what they
see. (If everybody else is going to jump off a bridge, would you? YUP!)
If your ex knows that youre seen as attractive/valuable to other attractive/valuable people, your stock will go up radically. If your ex knows
youre being hit on by hot people, he or she will most likely feel a horrible pang of jealousy and doubt the whole break up thing.
Add the fact that we all tend to take our significant others for granted,
and that its all too easy to let ourselves go in a relationship (get fat,



drink too much, forget to exercise), and weve got a great opportunity
NOTE 1: I only recommend you use Green Eyed Monster (GEM) texts AFTER youve been going back and forth
with your ex for a bit, and they seem receptive to the idea
of talking to you.
NOTE 2: Youve got to be at least a LITTLE subtle with
this stuff.
By subtle I mean you dont text your ex something like I was totally on
this hot date with three supermodels or anything like that.
The formula for GEM texts is a bit harder to quantify, so let me just give
you some good examples, instead. It basically involves letting your ex
in on the positive aspects of your post-breakup life, while subtly turning the screws in their heart. (Notice how youre combining jealousy
with connection and the reminder that you know them well in a really
interesting way.)
Definitely. As long as you dont go too overboard.
Example 1:
I just saw (romantic movie) with a friend. You should see it.
I think youd really enjoy it.
Notice that youre not saying I was just on a hot date or anything as
cruel as that. You want your ex to be able to FIGURE OUT that you were
out on a hot date without you ever actually having to come out and SAY
you were.
Example 2:
Hey, did I see you at (fun place) last night? If it was . . . you
look really good. =-)
In this text were establishing that YOU were out at the (bar, club, whatever) last night, having a good time with friends (and not sitting around
watching British sitcoms while drunk).
Plus youre establishing that youre out and looking at and flirting with
other people, and youll get them trying to figure out who the heck it
was that you were looking at that WASNT them.
Depending on your relationship with your ex, its totally possible youll
get a silent or even a slightly negative reaction to this kind of text. Thats


totally fine. What were trying to do here is establish you as an attractive

person who actually has a life. (This is why I told you to get off your butt
and start dating, as hard as that may seem.)
With GEM texts, were just planting a seed in your exs mind and giving
them an opportunity to want to talk to you and possibly mend the rift
between you. Got it? Good. Because the next thing Im going to tell you
could be . . . tough.



Emotional Honesty Texts

Cuz sometimes you have to lay it all on the table.
OK, so far weve talked about how to open the door to a conversation
with your ex by using Across The Bow texts, learned how to use the
power word remember to direct your exs mind to the good times in
your relationship (and plant the seed of more good times happening in
the future), used Intimacy Booster texts to remind your ex that you
know them better than anyone and are in their corner, and even resorted
to Green Eyed Monster texts to awaken the possessive beast in your
exs bosom. (Ahh, bosom.)
All of this stuff works REALLY well . . .
But sometimes you just have to cut the past the bullshit and tell your
ex how you really feel.
No excuses, no blaming, no fighting, no crap. You just take out your
cell phone (and with your thumb shaking and lip quivering) tell your ex
If you do it right, a lot of the other text formulas Ive given you in this
manual will eventually LEAD to the chance to really establish emotional
connection and communication this way.



And since youre texting, you dont have to worry about getting cold
feet, tripping over your words, breaking down crying, or rolling over
into anger or embarrassment.
Texting is PRIVATE, safe, and simple. Its a wonderful thing.
This technique is particularly effective for GUYS, by the way. Since men
are (usually) not as good at being emotionally open as women are (and
since women LOVE IT when a guy actually cracks the armor and opens
up), this one technique alone could be the thing that gets her to ask to
see you.

Rules About Emotional Texting:

ALWAYS read and re-read your text before you send it. This
should go without saying, but when you get to the point that youre
sending your real feelings over the airwaves, youre basically sending the nuclear bomb of texting. Make sure you read and re-read
what youre sending, and that you mean it. Reactionary texting is
No Negativity: Contempt kills relationships, plain and simple. Ill
give some examples in a second, but its incredibly important that
you dont use blaming language or anything your ex could see as
bait for a fight in your texts.
Take your time and write as much as you need to. Folks have
a tendency to think texts need to be short. Not true.
Make sure every word earns its place. At the same time, you
dont want to write a freaking novel. Anything more than a screen
or two is going to be a LOT for your ex to sort through. Make sure
you think about what you want to say before you say it, edit it down
to the core point, and be as honest and open as possible.
NO EXPECTATIONS. Dont have any big expectations about where
things are going to go once you send these kind of texts. You always want your ex to be the one to make the move to ask for a
meeting or a phone call. Why? Because by asking you to meet
or to accelerate the conversation, theyre taking action and will
mentally find ways to buy in to the process of having you back in
their life.
After you hit send, take a DEEP breath. Youre going to be
tempted to stare at your phone for hours waiting for a response.
You might not get one right away (or possibly at all), but your message HAS been received. Make sure you have something to distract
you after you hit the big shiny button.


OK, so how do you actually DO this?

Your Emotional Honesty Texts can really be broken down to a few different categories:
Compliment texts
Appreciation texts
How I Feel texts
What I Miss texts
(I know, I know. The guys reading this are groaning already. Get over
it. If you want her back, youve got to be willing to speak your heart.)

Compliment Texts
Compliment texts are just what they sound like . . . simple compliments
that you send, more or less randomly, over text.
Theyre simple, are loaded with little emotional weight, and are more
or less the equivalent of flirting at a bar with somebody you just met.
Compliment texts can be physical and basic, with less detail than some
of the Emotional Honesty texts that we will talk about next.
I like to slip in compliments in a matter of fact way during the course
of some other conversation youre having over text.
For example:
(Jim and Melinda broke up two months ago after a big fight over money.
Theyve been chatting over text and its been going well. Jims in the
middle of remembering a vacation they had in Hawaii.)
Jim: And the cabana boy kept checking you out in your
Melinda: He did?
Jim: He did. And I did too. Youre a very beautiful woman.
Melinda: =-)
Simple, huh?
Notice the confidence there? Again, no wiggle room. No BS.
Another simple compliment could be:
Stephanie (to Roger): Ive always really loved your hands.



Carl (to Sophia): One thing that has always made me stop
is your eyes. Theyre stunning.
A good compliment is just an aside comment. Dont try to give it a huge
amount of weight or import (like you do with appreciation texts), but
just slip it in as a way to raise your exs self esteem and let them know
that you care.
Got it?

Appreciation Texts
An Appreciation text is where you flat out tell your ex what you appreciate about them, without any wiggle room, ifs, ands, or buts. Its
your chance to be really honest about what you like about your ex and
why you enjoyed having them in your life in the first place. (Tangentially,
you should use these when youre IN a relationship, as well.)
The formula for a good Appreciation text is pretty simple.
What Ive always liked about you is (What you like about
I really appreciate (what you appreciate).
I always had a hard time saying this before, but I really
like (what you like)
One thing Ive always appreciated about you is . . .
And I usually like to end this kind of text with something like:
Im really thankful that youre in my life.
Im really glad youre in my life.
I like this kind of phrasing because its need neutral. It basically says
Yeah, we had our problems, but I wouldnt change anything, and lets
your ex know that theyre still in your life even after everything youve
been through.



(Yes guys, I know its cheesy. But it works! If you did this kind of thing
when you and your ex were still together, you may not have broken up.)
Here are some examples:
Laura dumped Ken a few months ago and, using the other techniques
in this manual, Ken has gotten Laura to start chatting with him again
over text. Theyve been friendly, talking about their lives. Ken feels like
its finally time to cut the charade and let Laura know how he feels.
Ken: Ive always really appreciated how caring you are and
how loyal you are to your friends. I was just remembering
how you were really there for Jenny when she and Jim got
their divorce. Youre a really special person, Laura, and Im
glad youve been in my life.
See how theres no wiggling in this? Theres no Youre really caring,
BUT . . . kind of stuff?
And how hes not fishing for her to give him any kind of appreciation
The key with a good Appreciation text is to be as specific as possible, to use detail, and to speak with confident language.
Lets try a female example. Kathy cheated on her ex-husband, Jim, in
a moment of weakness, but really wants him back. They have a couple
of kids together.
Kathy: One thing Ive always really liked about you is what
a great Dad you are. Im so thankful that youre the father of
my children. Youre really a wonderful guy.
Do you get the idea?
I know it sounds simple, but its amazing how folks almost NEVER tell
each other what they LIKE about each other. For most people, getting
this kind of text will brighten their whole day.
What do you appreciate about your ex? What simple statement can
you say to your ex to give them that little thrill of being appreciated?
Write it down. Take a deep breath. Send it.

What I Miss Texts

Now we move on to What I Miss texts.



What I Miss texts are just what they sound like . . . texts where you
let your ex know (with simple, intimate language) what you miss about
your relationship.
The formula for What I miss texts are . . .
What I miss about us is (what you miss)
(What youre doing) wish you were here.
Here are some examples:
Jason: What I really miss is the smell of your hair when you
cuddled up under my arm. It was intoxicating.
Melanie: Im at the beach right now and I keep thinking
about how I used to enjoy watching you surf. Wish you were
Brad: I miss sitting around with you on Sunday mornings
and playing board games. There was nothing like waking up
to the smell of the coffee and knowing youd be in the kitchen
waiting for me.
The key is to bring up sensory-rich experiences and experiences that
your ex would miss, as well. Stuff thats 100% positive for both of you.
And finally, we move on to . . .

How I Feel Texts

How I Feel texts are not childs play. Theyre where you really lay it
on the line and let your ex know exactly whats going on in your heart.
Theyre REALLY easy to mess up.
How do folks mess them up? Mostly by trying to make their exes feel
pity or feel guilty, or by focusing on negative emotions.
For instance, pick which one of these actually gives you a shot at getting
your ex back:
John: I can barely breathe without you. I feel like an elephant is standing on my chest right now and Im going to die
if I dont see you. Why arent you here? Dont you understand
that I LOVE you? COME BACK.



Mary: No matter what, theres always going to be a part of
me thats in love with you. When I think about you I cant
help but smile. I feel this great energy just flow through me
and it makes me happy that youre out there in the world.
(If you said John, then I suggest you go back and start re-reading this
whole manual from the beginning.)
A good How I Feel text should be centered, confident, and not at all
needy. It should also be positive and not (obviously) manipulative. In
a lot of ways its similar to a good Appreciation text, but instead of
telling your ex what you like about them, youre laying out on the line
how YOU actually feel about them.
Here are a few starter formulas for you for How I Feel texts:
No matter what (detail about how you feel).
Its funny, but (how you feel).
Ill always (how you feel).
Its hard for me to say this but (how you feel).
I never said this enough before but (how you feel).
Here are some examples:
Frank: Its hard for me to say this, but youre always going to
be so important to me. Im always going to love you and miss
you and be glad you were in my life. I cant help but think
about you and when I do, it just adds so much greatness to
my day.
Sarah: Its funny, but sometimes I crave you. The smell of
you. Having you nearby. How calm and safe I always felt
around you.
The key, as always, is to be CONFIDENT and SIMPLE in your emotion.
Speak in a clear and even voice without a lot of crying, shouting, or
anything else that can get in the way of what youre actually saying.



Possible Ways Your Ex Will Respond

Honestly, when you get to this level of communication, your ex could
respond in a million different ways. Ive seen women call up their exboyfriends crying, halfway between ecstasy and rage at their man for
not being able to say this before.
And Ive seen phones lay cold and dead for days as a womans ex just
didnt know how to respond.
Lets go through a couple possible scenarios
Option 1: Your ex responds in kind
If your ex responds with a compliment, an appreciation, or an emotion
of their own, thats awesome. Absorb it. Say thank you. LISTEN to
what they have to say and continue the conversation in positive terms.
DO NOT bring up negative or needy stuff. Simply enjoy saying nice
things about each other. If your ex suggests getting together, go for it,
but I recommend you put on some brakes and suggest coffee.
Option 2: Your ex says thank you
This is still on the positive end of things. In this case, you should
just say No problem. You deserve it, and move on. Dont lay it on
thick. Dont try to compliment them into submission. Remember,
were building something lasting here, and that takes time.
Option 3: Nothing
If you get no response . . . well, you know the answer there. Go run a
few miles, go on a date, hang out with friends, play Halo. But LET IT
GO. It can be incredibly tough to do this after you lay your heart on the
line, but its your only option.
Option 4: Negative Response
Heres something that could happen:
John: Ive always really appreciated the way you take care of
people in your life. Youre the most caring and loving person
I know. Im so lucky to be around you.
Weirdly enough, this is NOT a bad response. It means Kelly still has
feelings for John. The key at this point is for John NOT to defend himself. He needs to acknowledge Kellys feeling and to say something like:
John: I dont know. I guess being apart has made me realize.
Too bad we cant turn back time, huh?



No matter what kind of response you get, take a deep breath. Being
more openly emotional and honest with yourself like this is going to
take some time, but its is going to reap huge rewards either in this
relationship or in relationships in the future.
OK, now that weve dealt with the heart stuff lets get a little . . . well
. . . dirty.



Using Texts To Turn Your

Ex On (even if they dont
want to be)
I feel a little weird dipping into this stuff after getting so emotionally raw
in the last section.
But the fact of the matter is that SEX is (or should be) a huge part
of any successful relationship. Heck, sex might even be why you and
your ex broke up in the first place (lack of sex, bad sex, weird sexual
compatibility, cheating . . . you get the idea.)
Its a simple fact of life that people do NOT think rationally when
theyre excited.
This is why great fighters try to piss their opponents off. Trash talk a
guy enough, and hell get so mad hell get sloppy. Hell forget to defend
himself and leave an opening wide enough to drive a truck (or a big ol
FIST) through.
Now, obviously your ex isnt your opponent (at least I hope not. That
would be a weird relationship), but if you really, truly want them back,



theres no more effective way than pushing right by the rational mind
and sending messages that appeal to the deep and powerful LIZARD
I know this sounds weird, but texting is basically The Force (from Star
Wars) when it comes to accessing your partners deepest sexual mind
(or ANYONES deepest sexual mind, actually).
Like I said back at the beginning of this manual, theres something
VERY intimate about texting. Its the closest thing to telepathy that
you can get, and people will often respond to texts in a positive way they
NEVER would if you said the same thing to them face to face.
If you want to get to the REALLY dirty stuff, I recommend you check out
one of my other products, Text Your Wife Into Bed. You can see the
video I put together at (Oh, and dont let
the title put you off. That product has been VERY successfully used
by single guys, divorcees, and a LOT of women to add an incredible
amount of OOMPH into their relationships. My favorite is the 20-yearold woman from England who wrote me to say she has blokes wrapped
around [her] finger thanks to your stuff.)
Im not going to go SUPER dirty here, but lets dive into how you can
use sensuality and sexuality in your texts to get your ex turned on and
CRAVING you at the push of a button.
Because men and women really do tend to think of sex differently, Im
going to break this down a little bit. Make sure to read both sections,
though, you might pick up some useful tips.

For Women
Ahh, the sexual mind of a man. Its so . . . straightforward.
If youre a woman, you probably already know that men are pretty easy
to get interested in sex. This is probably why there arent a lot of books
written on the subject of seducing a man (though maybe there should
Men are such visual creatures that getting them interested is usually
about as hard as showing a little thigh (or ankle . . . or toe) and putting
the right kind of smile on your face.
But remember, in this case your goal isnt just to get your ex turned on,
its to get him turned on, thinking of you, and willing to run through
fire to get to be with you again.
Here are some rules about sexting your ex (Man, I HATE that


Your goal is to TEASE. You need to make your ex WANT you on a deep
and primal level. You want to remind him that YOU know, more than
anyone else, how to make him feel good. Men like to feel powerful, in
control, and dominant.
But you do NOT want to go all the way with your ex, even virtually,
unless you feel like hes showing legitimate interest in seeing and dating
you again. Men LIKE to chase. It gives us an energy that almost nothing
else in the world can replace. If you give in to your ex too early youll
screw the pooch when it comes to getting what you really want.
If, however, you tease your ex properly, hell almost undoubtedly ask to
see you. Its totally OK to see him in this case, but YOU have to set the
parameters of the meeting.
If your ex asks to be alone with you (Hey, want me to come over so we
can talk?), tell him I dont think that would be a good idea, or We
should really talk first.
Pictures? Men are VISUAL creatures, and for them a picture really does
say a thousand words. Dont send anything too dirty (once a pic goes
out in the world it never comes back), but definitely consider sending
some good teasing pictures to your ex to get him worked up.

For Men
If youre a man trying to seduce your ex girlfriend or wife . . . congratulations,
youre going to thank me years from now for what Im about to teach you.
Theres NOTHING as effective, in my experience, at getting a woman
really turned on as text messaging. Unlike us guys, women are hardwired to respond to stories and language. (Need proof? Go read a
romance novel.) And if you know what youre doing its VERY easy to
give a woman the kind of attention she CRAVES over text message (even
if you werent that good at it in person).
A few key points for guys:
A womans mind is her biggest erogenous zone. I shouldnt really
have to harp on this as much as I do, but the fact is if you can
turn on a womans mind, her body will invariably follow . . . and
LANGUAGE is the best possible way to turn most women on.
You want to start slow and THEN bring out the big guns. If you
try to go all sensual right off the bat it gives her too much of a
chance to back out. Go slow.
Its best to use these techniques when shes at work, out with
friends, or otherwise indisposed. The fact that she cant give you


her full attention creates a great amount of tension. (This is true

for women texting guys too. The fact that he cant act on what
youre saying will drive him nuts.)
To do this successfully, you need to be dominant but not creepy.
That means that you narrate the situation and the action, but
focus A LOT on her pleasure.
Do NOT suggest an actual hook up unless you feel like shes baiting you to do so.
If she asks to be alone with you, say OK, you can come over, but
were NOT going to have sex. (By setting that expectation you give
her permission to let her guard down and be the one to make the
first move. Plus it shows respect for her and for the relationship
youre trying to build.)
OK, now that weve set the rules, heres the formula for how you use
text messages to turn your ex on:

Send a Curiosity text to get his or her

A Curiosity text is simply a bait designed to get attention and to get
your ex engaged in the conversation.
For example:
I was just thinking . . .
So . . . =-)
Any kind of flirty open will work in this case. Ideally, you want an opening that can really only be answered one way, with what? or Thinking
of what?


ever had with your ex.
Use detailed and sensual language to have your ex relive the experience. Close things with a wink and a smile.
Let me give you two quick examples (Im going to be pretty PG here.)
Jeremy and Sarah were together for three years before ending things six
months ago. Theyve chatted back and forth over text for the last week
or two, and Jeremy feels like Sarah is giving him signals of attraction.


Jeremy: I was just thinking . . .

Sarah: About what?
Jeremy: The tree house in my parents back yard . . . =-)
Sarah: Oh . . . that was fun.
Jeremy: How we climbed up there on Thanksgiving. I remember how you smelled . . . how your body felt against me.
How you pushed your ass against me and turned your head
. . . that kiss was my favorite kiss of all our time together. It
felt . . . electric.
Sarah: It was nice. Im at work.
Jeremy: I keep imagining that smile on your face as I put my
hands on your hips and fumbled with your belt. You moaned
as my hands ran up your stomach.
(You get the idea, right? I mean, I COULD go into a lot more detail here,
but this is a relatively PG product and I dont have room to explain ALL
of the technique involved. If you want to get truly Down and Dirty
go check out Itll do wonders for any
relationship you get into.



From Virtual To
Using everything Ive taught you so far, you should be able to get your
exs attention, establish a basic emotional and physical connection,
show that youre emotionally mature and interested, and, hopefully, get
your ex to suggest that you get together.
Im not going to go into a huge amount of detail on what to do on
your actual date with your ex here. My friend TW Jacksons product The Magic Of Making Up does a great job of that, and you can find
it at But I do want to establish some
ground rules and tips for using texting to make the date as successful
as possible.
Your goal is to get your ex to be the one who suggests that you get
together. Its always more powerful and more effective if he or she comes
to the conclusion on their own that they want to see you.
If things are going well over text, but your ex doesnt seem to be willing
to make the first move, use a tag along method of getting to them in
Send a text saying Hey, Im in your neighborhood with friends, come


down. That gives your ex a chance to say yes or no without it being a

big deal. If they do come up, keep it light, have a good time, and try to
end the night with a good hug.
Your first meeting should be simple and casual. No big fancy dinners or anything like that. Dont try to be romantic. Just get together.
Talk. Have fun. Be open and honest and remember what I said before: Your old relationship is dead. Your goal now is to create a NEW
relationship from scratch (hopefully an even BETTER one than you had
If at the end of the night your ex suggests getting together again, GREAT.
You can play this however you want (hard to get or easy to please), but
again, make it simple. Youre starting to DATE your ex here, and you
need to treat him or her almost like someone you just met. Dont see
them more than once a week to start, make set plans and make every
date an event.
After your first date with your ex, go back to the cell phone.
Ahh, bet you thought the texting thing was done after you actually get
together in person? Nope.
After your first date, you need to keep with the program. Continue to
text as a way to share intimate thoughts and feelings, to be emotionally
honest, and to turn your ex on.
In fact, text RIGHT AFTER a date to really secure the positive aspects
of the evening in your exs mind.
Heres a few ways to do that:
The Nice Time. This is the text you send within an hour or so after
saying goodnight to your ex. Its really basic and is just designed to let
them know you had a good time and are open to more. Example: I had
a really nice time tonight. =-) Yes, I know thats not rocket science, but
its best to spell these things out.
The Sensory Expander. This is a more detailed and sensory-rich
version of the Nice Time, where you go into more detail with EXACTLY
what you liked about the evening. A great way to use this is if your date
ended with a kiss (or with more than a kiss).
For example:
Stephen: Mm. I can still taste you on my lips. Youre delicious. =-)
Mary: I can still smell you. I think the smell of you got into
my clothes. I like it.



Carol: Thanks for a lovely night. Sorry if I seemed a little
out of it. Your biceps kept distracting me. Its all I could do
not to pounce on you.
The Favorite Part. This is really just a variation on some of the more
Emotional texts Ive given you so far. In this case you send a text giving
your side of your favorite part of the evening.
For example:
Mark: My favorite part of the night was when you smiled at
me over the top of your glass of wine. I forgot how much I love
your smile. Youre really beautiful.
The key here is DETAIL. Details are whats going to make this stick in
your exs mind.



Dating Your Ex
After your first meeting, your goal should be to start dating your ex again
(Or dating them anew. Remember, were creating a new relationship
Here are some core tips for using texting once youve gotten your
ex back in your life and are dating again.
Keep using the Emotional texts and sexual texts Ive given
you (as well as those youll find in Text Your Wife Into Bed). These
things are GOLD as far as keeping rapport going between you and
your ex and keeping the romance going. Theres nothing like a
good Appreciation text or some dirty narration in the middle of
the day to keep that spark going. Theres a real lack of appreciation
in most relationships these days. Taking a moment to focus on
what you LIKE about your girlfriend or boyfriend (or husband or
wife) will create a powerfully positive context for your relationship.
Plus, once you establish it as normal to be giving compliments
and appreciation to your ex, youll start receiving similar messages
back from them.
Make sure you keep text messages as an intimate channel
with your ex. No slipping up and talking about boring stuff. By
keeping texting sacred youll be able to maintain your intimacy


with your ex no matter what stresses or obstacles come up in your

Be unapologetically romantic over text. This is particularly important for guys (though ladies, Ill tell you right now that men
do indeed swoon when you go for the heartstrings.) After every
date with your ex, make sure to send at least one text vividly talking about what you enjoyed with your ex and how youre looking
forward to next time.
Use texting to get to know your partner better. As you start
dating your ex again, I recommend you use texting as a way to
get to know your ex better. Check out Michael Webbs excellent
500 Questions for Couples for a series of questions you can ask.
You can find it at
Create the reality you want. Sometimes things wont go exactly
as you want. Luckily, perception is a lot more powerful than reality.
As you get better at this texting thing, youll be able to narrate
back the highlight reel of an evening with your ex and guide their
focus on to the positive parts only. One of the coolest things about
this is that you can basically create a Self fulfilling prophecy. By
observing and then narrating back your exs reactions during
the evening you can essentially trick them into thinking theyre
incredibly into you (even if theyre only a little into you).
For example:
After a particularly good date, you might send a text that says:
You: I missed you too. =-)
Notice that using this kind of text pre-supposed that your ex missed you.
In most cases, your ex will unconsciously assume that youre picking
up on cues they were giving off that said he or she missed you. Weirdly
enough, this will actually make them miss you more than they already
You: That was a good hug. I like how your body pulled me
Same basic concept. Youre telling your ex that their body was giving
you unconscious signals and welcoming you back. In many cases this
can create a really nice self fulfilling prophecy.



Final Thoughts
And here we are at the end of the Text Your Ex Back program. As
you probably figured out by now, this program is about a lot more than
texting. Its about getting closer to the person you love, accepting them
for who they are (and inviting them to accept you for who you are),
and laying the groundwork and foundation for a stronger and better
Depending on how you worked the program and what your relationship
with your ex was like before you started, you have one of three possible
Youre dating your ex again. Congratulations! Have fun and
KEEP DATING. Dont let yourself fall into a rut of codependence like
so many couples do. For tips on how to keep that spark going for
the foreseeable future, check out http://www.texttheromanceback.
Youre friendly with your ex, but not dating. Honestly, theres
nothing wrong with this at all. If you still have your ex in your life
and you both see each other as positive parts of your lives, thats
a good thing. And as long as the lines of communication are open,
that gives you the chance to have more in the future.
You didnt get what you wanted. Honestly? It happens. Ive seen
all of the techniques and ideas in this guide work again and again,
but every relationship is different. Its possible that you and your



ex simply werent meant for each other, or that too much damage
was done in your relationship for repair to be possible.
If thats the case, take a deep breath and realize that the pain youre
feeling will pass. And that everything youve learned in this guide is
going to help you create the relationship you want and deserve in the
In fact, I recommend that you mine this guide for stuff you can use
while youre dating. Youll be astounded by the results you get at the
push of a button.
Thank you so much for going on this journey with me. Id love to hear
from you. If you have questions, comments, success stories, or anything
else youd like to share, just send an email to


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