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Name: Relente, Lara Czarina D.

GE 2-J

Have we ever thought about our country? Do we care? Maybe not,

maybe yes. Recently, President Duterte's administration is fulfilling their
proposed plan when president duterte ranked-top at the survey of soon-to-be
president. He said that when he reigns, it will be "bloddy." Yet, as far as I
know, most of the Filipinos voted for him. That's why he won. This means
that the highest percentage of Filipino people is in allegiance with him.
Maybe it is his strong and influencial character that makes him stand out
from the others. However, I reckon that less than half of the population of
filipino was disappointed of how president duterte deals with the extrajudicial
killings of drug addicts. Like how it always appears on the news, many drug
pushers have been killed without getting a right to explain himself. Can we
see? President duterte
have a great ignorance of the morality of law.
But on the other hand, if the drug pushers weren't killed, who
will be? Can we please take a time to reminisce the past news about how a
baby was raped by a drug addict man? How the teenagers have lack of
confidence and self-esteem because of being harrased by their own
relatives? Look, we should be in favor of Duterte's administration. Who shall
you choose to be killed? The victim or the criminal? I want all of us to realize
that President duterte is only fulfilling his promises to us which is world
peace. Though it is alarming that many people have been killed, let's just
pray for President duterte that he may be guided by the light and love of our
God. In the first place, we chose Rody Duterte to be our president, didn't we?
It's our choice that matters. In reality, President didn't ignore the morality but
in the contrary, he cares. He loves our country more than his own safety.

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