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Task 1: MATCHING: From the pool of words below, choose the appropriate answer to the

following descriptions.
Set 1:
_________________ 1. The setting and characters are revealed.
_________________ 2. The highest point of interest in the story.
_________________ 3. The ending where the final outcome of the story is shown.
_________________ 4. The main character faces a conflict or problem.
_________________ 5. The problems and complications begin to be resolved.
Falling Action

Rising Action


Set 2:
_________________ 1. A struggle with a force outside ones self.
_________________ 2. The main character struggles against ideas, practices, or customs of other
_________________ 3. The main character struggles with his/her own ideas, physical limitations and
_________________ 4. The main character struggles with his physical strength against other
_________________ 5. The main character struggles against fate.
Man vs. Circumstances
Man vs. Himself /Herself

Man vs. Man

Man vs.

External Conflict

Task 2: In each statement, identify what is referred to.

1. It is the sequence of events in a story or play. ___________________
2. Without this element there is no plot. ___________________
3. He/She is the central or leading character in a story or play. ___________________
4. He/She is the opposer of the leading character. ___________________
5. A type of character who has a dynamic personality. ___________________
6. A type of character who is a stereotype. ___________________
7. A type of character who has a round personality. ___________________
8. It is the controlling idea or central insight. ___________________
9. it is the angle from which a story is told. ___________________
10. It refers to the time and location in which a story takes place. ___________________

The Three Questions

By Leo Tolstoy
The thought came to a certain king that he would never fail if he knew three things. These three things
What was the right time to begin everything?
Who were the right people to listen to, and whom to avoid?
What was the most important thing to do?
He proclaimed that the ones who give the right answers shall be rewarded. Many learned men attempted
to answer the king's questions, but they all came up with different answers. The king decided that he
needed to ask a wise hermit in a nearby village. The hermit would only see common people, however, so
the king put on common dress, left his guards behind, and went to see the hermit. The hermit was digging
flower beds when the king arrived. The king asked his questions, but the hermit went on digging. The king
offered to dig for him for a while. After digging for some time, the king again asked his questions. Before
the hermit could answer, a man emerged from the woods. He was bleeding from a terrible stomach wound.
The king tended to him, and they stayed the night in the hermit's hut. By the next day the wounded man
was doing better, but was incredulous at the help he had received. The man confessed that he knew who
the king was, and that the king had executed his brother and seized his property. He had come to kill the
king, but the king's guards had wounded him. The man pledged allegiance to the king, and he went on his
way. The king asked the hermit again for his answers, and the hermit responded that he had just had his
questions answered.
The most important time is NOW. The present is the only time over which we have power.
The most important person is the person you are with.
The most important thing is to do good to the person you are with.

The Three Questions

By Leo Tolstoy
The thought came to a certain king that he would never fail if he knew three things. These three things
What was the right time to begin everything?
Who were the right people to listen to, and whom to avoid?
What was the most important thing to do?
He proclaimed that the ones who give the right answers shall be rewarded. Many learned men attempted
to answer the king's questions, but they all came up with different answers. The king decided that he
needed to ask a wise hermit in a nearby village. The hermit would only see common people, however, so
the king put on common dress, left his guards behind, and went to see the hermit. The hermit was digging
flower beds when the king arrived. The king asked his questions, but the hermit went on digging. The king
offered to dig for him for a while. After digging for some time, the king again asked his questions. Before
the hermit could answer, a man emerged from the woods. He was bleeding from a terrible stomach wound.
The king tended to him, and they stayed the night in the hermit's hut. By the next day the wounded man
was doing better, but was incredulous at the help he had received. The man confessed that he knew who
the king was, and that the king had executed his brother and seized his property. He had come to kill the
king, but the king's guards had wounded him. The man pledged allegiance to the king, and he went on his
way. The king asked the hermit again for his answers, and the hermit responded that he had just had his
questions answered.
The most important time is NOW. The present is the only time over which we have power.
The most important person is the person you are with.
The most important thing is to do good to the person you are with.

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