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Jake Nava Music video director

Jake Nava is a British director, his work includes music videos, films and TV
commercials. He has worked with many famous artist over the years producing
unique, high class music videos. Each artist he has collaborated with all have
individuality, therefore resulting in each product being divergent from one
another, and he tends to focus on mainstream work. Moreover he has worked
with: Lana Del Rey, Beyonc, Britney Spears, Shakira, Kayne West and Rolling
Stones. He has a range of styles, which all suit the artist he is working with,
which show his skills of creativity of being able to represent different genres.

Lana Del Rey (High by the beach)

Lana Del Rey known for her Indie/Rock music, is one of the artist he has worked
with producing the music video High by the beach. Firstly the video is filmed
calm and peaceful. Moreover Mise-en scene took and important role, her floaty
gown and dress represented she was chilled and peaceful. This links with the
typical codes and conventions: there is a relationship between the lyrics and the
visuals (Andrew Goodwin). As she sings all she wants to do is get high by the
beach. As her and the location amplify and fit with what shes singing, by her
outfit and being by the beach. One of the things I love in this video which works
really well, is handheld filming. As the camera in somewhat chases Lana Del Rey
to see what she is doing next. This technique really feels like you are there and
your eyes are the camera, as the camera turns its although your head is turning.

Beyonc (Flawless)

Jake Nava has worked with Beyonc for 12 years. He claimed Flawless being the
most spontaneous, inspired by 2 toned night clubs from the 80s. Replicating
punks and rude boys in the video to get the real imagery and idea from this time.
His filming captures the artist in a unique style, which works well in this music
video filming by hand. This video follows concepts of the codes and conventions
shared by many music videos. Moreover it has the basic structures such as
performance, as Beyonc lip-syncs the song (Joan Lynch theorist). It also has
narrative, not a clear story being told, however it definitely has meaning
(representation of the 80s). Also as a lot of Beyoncs videos contain the song
and dance number (Jon Gow). Where the video focuses on the physical ability of
the dancing performers, just like single ladies which Jake Nava also directed.
What works well is the continuity editing, as the song slows down, the dancers
are put it slow motion; there is a relationship between the music and the visuals
(Andrew Goodwin). The theory follows up by following these codes and
conventions of the high demand for lots of close ups of the artist.

I love Jake Navas work because each time he produces something its different
and unpredictable. Its not about him having a style of filming and editing, its
about how he can represent the artist in the best way possible. This is why his
music videos really reach out to the audience because its what the fans want to
see and more. He uses a wide range of shots, including many close ups which
appeal to the consumer. He always has a clear interpretation of the artist and
narrative. As Lana Del Rey was fed up of paparazzis, this was established in her
video as she blows up the helicopter at the end following her. His work comes
across a fun and engaging way keeping you intrigued.

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