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What is Your Birth Card?

Eight of Diamonds Birth Card

In old metaphysical studies, the number Eight is associated with Saturn - father, and superstitiously
counted as symbol of Evil. Number Eight is made of two circles - one for a man, and one - for God.
Together these two circles create the symbol of infinity. Today we know, that 8 is the number of the
Sun (and therefore the God), and that Saturn is not the embodiment of evil.
Eight Of Diamonds have the freedom of choice in the highest degree. They can choose any destiny
they want and be as great as they want. Their birth card is probably the most successful cards of
all. Eight Of Diamonds are very independent, at times domineering and exacting. They are active
and willing to work while always conscious of their position of rulership. They are true leaders who
usually find themselves in position of authority in any chosen field.
Eight Of Diamonds are naturally directed by values, and they know exactly what things and people
worth. In all cases, their great power is used or misused. They can be philanthropic or misers,
universal-minded or self-servers. They manifest the creative principle, closely associated with the
resurrection and the certainty of rebirth. Theirs is the ability to conquer all enemies and to
overcome all obstacles. They are usually aware of their high role and responsibility and willing to
take it to the full extend. People naturally trust them, and for a reason - Eight Of Diamonds are the
best guardians and wise conservers of values. They serve honestly and faithfully, often at their own
Children born the Eight Of Diamonds should be raised carefully, given soft guidance and spiritual
foundation. These kids are determined and will rebel against strict rules and unfair formalities.
Developing spirituality and high principles is mandatory, otherwise they can become bullies, and
grow into ruthless dictators. The main pitfall of the Eight Of Diamonds - love of power and love of
money that enhances it. They may be thrown completely out of balance by worshiping the golden
calf. This can bring them success, but separate them from friends and love, they so desperately
need. Their place is already high and they have the strength to keep them there.
All opportunities in life are at their feet. What they can achieve depends only on heights they
impose on themselves. Many presidents and kings of all times are born under this card influence.
They can be financial magnates, kings of industry, but this is not essential to fulfill their destiny.
They make great teachers, great parents, or good professional - anywhere they go, they will be
recognize and respected. Right or wrong, they are usually leaders.
The Eight Of Diamonds have a strong desire for knowledge, and a realization that the knowledge
itself is the power. They are passionate debaters, and learn greatly from a good argument with

powerful opponents. They want others viewpoints and love to draw them out.
Eight Of Diamonds benefit from women who are intelligent, clever in business and career-minded
on their own. They are themselves positive thinkers and happier in cheerful and pleasant
In personal life the Eight Of Diamonds have a difficult time to choose a mate, and can have two love
affairs at the same time. They search for diversion, but they need approval and understanding.
Those who bring out the best of them can straighten them up for

Three of Hearts Planetary

Ruling Card and Decanate
Possessing an exceptional ability
to intuitively understand other

people, spectacular

communication skills, creativity

and energetic nature, Three Of

Hearts can achieve great heights

in any profession they choose.

They can be described by friends

as "witty, exciting, optimistic,

cheerful, light-hearted and full of

fun." Wherever Three Of Hearts

go, they led an electricity to the

environment and the people in

that environment. Three Of

Hearts enjoy the atmosphere of

harmony, and many of them

become significant in business or

professional world. Successfully

combining business activities and

social life, they tend to be the

light of a party, transact business

in clubs, working with large groups of people, especially with groups of men. Seriously undertaken,
their work holds the greatest possibilities for public success and appreciation.
With natural curiosity about life from an early childhood, many Three of Hearts are motivated to
receive good education and get off to a good start. While they must to be serious about goals and
work, their romantic life gives so many choices that it may conflict with the pursuit of knowledge.

Three Of Hearts are sure to know how to do a delightful talk - big and small, and there are many
men and women are inevitably drawn by their energy. At times, it's not easy to make a decision
and choose one special person to be an ideal partner for life. Quest for perfect love can make their
love life series of trials and errors.
Three Of Hearts have very sensitive intellect with strong intuitive possibilities. They can easily find
support from their association with women both personally and professionally. This card suggests
leadership abilities and for men, temptation to get involved with women, as intelligent and
independent as their mother. But anyone who tries to limit Three Of Hearts freedom and trap them
in relationships, have zero chances to succeed.
Three Of Hearts regard variety in their work as the spice of life. They are open to new experiences,
and if the work doesn't pay well, they can keep changing jobs and occupations in the hope of better
security. Many Three Of Hearts are impulsive and emotional about economic changes, and there is a
need to take care of finances seriously, leaving along gambling and speculative ventures, because it
is not likely to contribute to the pocket book nor to their sense of security, and nor to their health.
Three Of Hearts is shared with many successful politicians, actors, writers. People who are born on
birthday associated with this card have great pool of creativity, the freedom of self-expression,
quick mind, social charm and a lot of energy to achieve anything they want in life.

Queen of Spades Karma Card

Mastery of environment and self. Good fortune and results, especially for legal matter and business.
Responsibility. Leadership.

Seven of Clubs Birth Card

Seven is the most mystical of all numbers, the hardest to
understand or the most beautiful and rewarding influence in
anyone's life. On the Tree of Life the 7th is the Sphere of Victory.
Seven is "Perfect" Number, and difficult to live up to this
requirement of perfection. Seven is the number of our soul. There is no "young souls" with a 7 Birth
Seven of Clubs true expression can be found through the realm of "inspired knowledge". The plan is
to cultivate their great gift of intuition and listen carefully to it. Seven of Clubs have a great power
behind them - the power that not just gives them an opportunity to exercise right judgments of
values, but secures their protection when unfairness is exercised. They often worry about finances,
but they can always make good money if they will work for it. Many Seven of Clubs do work, but
periodically they get into a panic and get into some unwise investment or get-rich-quick scheme
which leaves them poorer than ever.
Education is the prime essential. When this is neglected, the accomplishments are problematic.
Seven of Clubs should train their minds to be strong, never succumb under the pressure, neither
they should accept discouragement or worry over a multitude of things that never happen.
There is a subconscious urge for spiritual development. The Seven of Clubs keep on seeking religion
until they find a faith they can cling to.
There is sometimes scandal and backbiting connecting with this card. Trouble in their work usually
comes through labor disputes and unreliable employees. This often reacts unfavorably on their
health and mental confusion. If you are Seven of Clubs, you must realize that you always can
succeed - and succeed greatly - through work and application. Watch out form petty and frivolous
associates, psychic experiments, gambling, drink, and careless thoughtless living.

Seven of Clubs who are live "up right life" have provided themselves with a fine educational
foundation, have developed their intuitive power, and have crowned their life with tremendous
achievement and success.
Seven of Clubs are opinionated, and often mentally stubborn. They might be competitive rather
than cooperative. They like debates on controversial subjects. They like to associate with lawyers,
politicians, and take the other side of any argument. There might have very supporting and
nurturing mother, who stimulated their ambitions, and interfering father or older brother interfering
their naturally combative spirit. They should be sure of their own grounds.
Symbolically, the greatest obstacle to the mystical potential of this card is a preoccupation with
material values. Seven of Clubs tend to live extravagant life style and often have expensive tastes.
If not through their own efforts, they acquire money through inheritance or marriage. The big
challenge is to manage money wisely. The safest financial course
is budgeting.

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