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Birthday Card

Six of Spades:
Characteristics: Indeed it is so much so that a
lot of Six of Spades start to believe life as a
location where they have limited choices and
little power to influence the outcome. There are
still a lot of events in life over which we have a
huge responsibility, and our options in this life
are always important in this regard. It is true
that we cannot amend actions once they are in
motion, and this is one of the big lessons for
the Six of Spades. The Six of Spades is the
most powerful representation of the law of
cause and effect and is seen as the card of
Fate. Regardless of whether it is done for good
or ill, we reap what we sow. Six of Spades
people can expect there to be events that
seem to be fated at different points in their
lives. Our actions or things we have said in
earlier lifetimes, set events into motion for
events experienced later, when situations are
correct to create a balancing of those actions.
Some of these events can be negative and
harmful and show what it is like to receive such negativity; others are positive and
rewarding. Life seems to be extraordinarily fated for the very powerful Six of Spades.
This is a person who is here to learn the responsibility of such power. These people
either have their power turned on them for their own destruction, or line up with a
higher purpose and vision and achieve great success. A strong Neptune influence can
mislead a lot of them to go down the highway of escapism and wasted time in fantasy
and delusion, but in general, they are very responsible for their actions. Falling into a
comfortable or even uncomfortable rut is something they should be alert to. There is a
stubbornness about them. Many Six of Spades are destined for supreme
achievement, as this card has some of the highest possibility for success and fame of
any card. There are glimmers of the big possibility for monetary gain. There needs to
be action and a willingness to carry great responsibility, of course, if this is to come to
fruition. They find a lot of fulfillment, reason, meaning and friendship through gaining
knowledge. Love and romance are their biggest obstacles in this area. Indecision is
against them. As dreamers they must be cautious to keep their dreams in sync with
higher ideals and morals, otherwise they will become nightmares. Their power can be
used to grab the highest dream and utilize it. Completion on each level is guaranteed
and if their vision is clear, they are unstoppable.
Relationships: True intimacy while fearful of something, can make it very hard to
have a relationship with another until it is seen and admitted. Intelligence and wit are
things both genders are attracted to. Wealth, authority or prominence are things the
women like. In matters of love they can be sneaky or dishonest and need to avoid
catching themselves in their own fantasies and ideas. Thinking about love and
romance is something the Six of Spades cannot halt. They have many experiences,
both positive and negative, while they collect experience to fortify their notions and
ideas at the same time, and this causes them to tend to have a somewhat mental
approach to the whole situation. They usually have negative results from being drawn
into several relationships. Underlying these attempts at relationships is usually a
hidden fear of not getting ample affection.

Personality Connections: Six women are quite alluring to Club men and Diamond
men. The Six of Spades would have to assume a back seat in the relationship with a
Heart for it to really work, but they do have great connections with them.

Confrontations: In the late 1800, according to many published stories and interviews
in newspapers, a Six of Spades could prove that his life was totally fated with a
specific destiny. He had, so it was claimed, an ability to foretell without error what
cards would be picked from a deck by any person after he knew the time of day and
birthday of the person. Hindu astrologers hold the same notion. Fixed principles and
laws of mathematics, he claimed again and again, could tell us how the world

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