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Innovation Management Essay

Rasadujjan Rony
Ibraheem Akintola

Abstract: This paper is about TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) . The
non deceptiveness of this great tool is highlighted in this paper . The goal of
TRIZ Methodology and scope of application. There is also an insight into the
most important model. Further discussion about approach to TRIZ is discussed.
The last part discusses the SWOT analysis of TRIZ.

You can wait hundered years for an enlightenment, or you can

solve the problem in 15 min with this principles . . . Genrich

TRIZ is a unique, rigorous and powerful toolkit which guides engineers to
understand and solve their problems by accessing the immense treasure of past
engineering and scientific knowledge. It delivers systematic guaranteed
innovation and creativity. It helps us to understand the problem and all its
solutions. It also simplifies systems to maximize benefits and minimize costs and
harms. TRIZ helps us to overcome psychological inertia. Before preparation for
problem solving,TRIZ and tools kits for requirements/needs capture system
analysis. Find any root causes of problems. During problem solving:
brainstorming creativity tools and triz conceptual solutions,40 principles,76
standard solutions and 8 trends. After solution selection and developement,TRIZ
and other tool kits for concept development.caoncept selection process such as a
matrix, successful innovation and new technology.

TRIZ tools
Analytical tools
Innovation system questionnaire ( ISQ ) : It is used primarily for problem
definition . It supports solver to structuralize and document information on
problem situation with question categories and items including information about
system and problem situation. This TRIZ tool also give ideal visualization of
solution. Questions about available resources, allowable changes to system and
criteria for selection of concept are answered .
Su Field Field Analysis
It is part of analytical for problems modeling which is related existing
technological system. It is used to zoom on the area of interest. Every system is
created to perform some certain function. Substances are objects of any level of
complexity. They can be single items or complex systems. The means of
accompanying the action is referred to as field. Su-field analysis provides a fast,
simple model to use for considering different ideas drawn from knowledge base.
It can also be applied to a system as well as component level abstraction .
ARIZ (Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving )
This is multi-step process asking you a series of question that allow integration of
different pieces of TRIZ.
is not an equation, but rather a multi-step process asking you a series of questions that
integrates different pieces of TRIZ . It reacquaints one with problem by allowing one to see
his problem with fresh eye . This tool is also used as problem reformation process. It is the
main TRIZ method for resolution of conflicts.
Knowledge based :
The knowledge base consist of :

40 inventive principle
The separation principle
76 Standard Solution

General approach to TRIZ

Step 1: Situation Analysis
At this stage , the following question are answered with regards to the problem
and using the ISQ .
What are the existing problems ?
What is the ideal solution?
What are the constraints on realizing the ideal solution?
Step 2 : Problem definition stage.
Problems identified in the previous step would be defined by diagnosing the most
problematic factors.
Step 3: Problem Resolution
Problems are resolved by applying 40 inventive principle of TRIZ , which can be
modified according to need.
Step 4: Solution Evaluation
Solution from previous steps is independent of one and the other. The solutions
should be checked whether there are contradictions or not if they are applied to
the same system.
Step 5: Concept Generation
At this stage, all contradictions are resolved.

Step 1:
Situation analysis
Conducting a survey based on ISQ

Step 2:
Problem Definition
Identifying the problem decion factors
Step 3:
Problem Resolution
Applying 40 incentive principles
Step 4 :
Solution Evaluation

Aggregating solutions and identification of contradictions

Step 5:
Concept Generation
Resolving contradictions and finalization of Concept.

General approach to TRIZ

SWOT-Analysis of TRIZ
TRIZ is applicable to both technical problems and some other areas such as
Service, IT , and business transaction problems. Contradiction and 40 inventive
principles in basic TRIZ are very effective in providing innovative ideas. High
quality ideas and solutions can be generated using for new innovation concept.
Using TRIZ can lower complexity of a problem that makes such problem
approachable. Problem solution time can also be reduced; in fact this is one of
the great advantage of TRIZ over some other generic method such as
Morphological method or brainstorming.
The weakness of TRIZ is that , it requires skills and knowledge in order to be able
to execute TRIZ efficiently and effectively. It can also be time consuming when
one choose the wrong tool for problem solution. Another main disadvantage is
that , it can be too strict , which may stifle innovation. Presently there are rare
application in biological fields.

TRIZ has been a very useful efficient tool compared to other generic tools.
Although there are some critics about it. There are references of this tool
applications in some companies such as intel,Boeiny etc . But nevertheless the
generic methods are still preferred by some other companies when it comes to
innovation thinking and Product development.

References :
TRIZ-based approach to generation of service-supporting product concept by
Su- Field analysis by John Terinko
Introduction to TRIZ Concept by John Vandenbenden

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