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The last lesson

Q1. Why didnt Franz want to go to school ?

That day ,Franz teacher wast to question him on particles and Franz didnt know a
word about them.He also dreaded his teachers scolding.Later,At the edge of the
woods near the open field,Franz was tempted to atay away and enjoy the
pleaseant outdoors.
Q2. What was the significance of the bulletin board?
The bulletin board at the town hall carried important information for the village
people.During the last two tears,it had informed them about the lost battles,the
drafts & the orders of the commanding officer.
Q3. What was posted on the bulletin board that day?
It carried an order from Berlin that only german would be taught in the schools of
Alsace & Lorriance.The bew master was expected the next day and M.HAMEL
,their teacher was supposed to leave the country.
Q4.How did the villagers react to the news?
They came to school and sat through the class,paying tribute to the teacher who
had been there for 40 years.To Franz this announcement was like a thunderclap
a shock which filled himw ith regret for not being serious about his lessons.
Q5. How did Franz react to the news ?
The announcement was a thunderclapto him.He regretted not learning his
lessons & idling away his time.He realized that now he couldnt give up his
books,his friends & the even Mr. Hamel whom he wouldnt see after that day.
Q6. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day ?
Usually the school began with a great bustle which could be heard in the streets.
Today it was still quiet , the students were sitting in their places.Hamel spoke

kindly to Franz ,not scolding him.On the back benches sat some villagers quietly
like students there.
Q7. How did Franzs feelings about M. Hamel & school change ?
When Franz heard the news he was shocked.At that moment he realized that
though he had very often avoidedschool he would now missit,his books,his
lessons and even old M. Hamel.
Q8. Why were the villagers sitting in the school romm ?
The were sorry to that they had not gone to school anymore.They were there to
pay tribute to the old master who had been a teacher for 40 yrs .it was a respect
for a country which was theirs and not theirs,
Q9. What was Hamels state of mind on that day ?
He was not his usual self and didnt scold the children .Speaking in a grave &
gentle tone he continued with the lessons as if he wanted to give them all he
knew .Courageously he went through the class but at the end his voice trembled
with emotions & he cried .Before leaving he wrote on the board Vive la France .
Q10. What was M. Hamels regret?(nay two pts.)
He felt that they had some reason to reproach themselves with.the village people
kept on putting away learning.resulting in their inability to grasp language well.
The parents hadnt been anxious enough to have the children learn,preferring
them to work.
He even blamed himself for sending children on personal errands instead of
letting them learn their lessons.
Q11. According to hamel what is the importance of language ?
People must guard their language and not forget it because it gives people an
identity and when people are enslaved , as long as they hold fast to their
language it is their key to the prison .

Q12. Who all were there in the class room ?

Ans . Besides the students , there was hauser , the former postmaster , former
mayor and several others .
Q13. What did he write on the board and why ?
He wrote "viva la france " - long live france . It was his love for his country and a
tribute that he was paying to it . It also conveyed his last minute effort and
courage of not wanting to give in .
Q14. How did the villagers react to the news of that day ?
A big crowd had gathered to read the news . Later some of them came dressed in
their sunday clothes and sat in the scool room paying attention to each lesson in
silence . Old hauser had even brought his primer , as if paying his tribute to the
old teacher and to his language .
Long Answer Questions
Q1. Mr. Hamels character as a teacher,strict yet
gentle,courageous,patriotic,respected by all.-emotional ,inwardly strong,patient,
inspiring teacher,competent,persevering.
Q2 how did the people react to the devastating news? What this show about
Justify the title the last lesson ?
Written against the back-drop of Franco-Prussian war 1871,the story deals with
the language imposition and language loyalty. Two regions of France ,Alsace and
Lauren have been overruled by the Prussians and a new order has been passed
that henceforth German will be taught in schools instead of French .This
declaration has made the villagers realise the importance of their languge and a
sudden feeling of regret has dawned upon them about the fact that they did not
spend a considerable time in learning their language :French . for the villagers the
last lesson in their school is a way to pay a tribute to their old master for his

dedication ,to language which will not be taught soon and to their country which
had been overruled by Prussians .it is also the time for the old teacher himself to
bid them all good bye. He goes through the last lesson with utmost patience and
determination. He teaches as never before, emphasizing the value of French as
their national language and at the end he exhibits his devotion and courage by
writing viva la frranceon the board
*for the speaker it is a moment of realisation that the school and lessons which
he had taken lightly till now will come to an end .he now wants to hang on to this
class and absorb as much as he can because he knows there wouldnt be any
more such classes after this
*this last lesson thus acquires a greater significance than an ordinary last lesson
.it becomes a moment of realisation ,regret and a renewed determination to keep
their language alive

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