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: Sella Rihayuning Rizki


: 1403070




1) Ring the frequency of 512 Hz tuning fork

2) place the stem perpendicular to the mastoid Planum patient ( posterior of MAE ) until
the patient does not hear
3) then quickly move forward MAE patients .
4) If the patient still hear the tuning fork at the front called the MAE positive Rinne .
When you do not hear so-called negative Rinne

Phase Orientation
Nurse : Good morning maam
Patient : Good morning
Nurse : Let me introduce myself. My name is Sella and I am nurse in here. I will do Rinne
test to compare air- and bone-conduction hearing. I will ring the tuning fork then place the
stem perpendicular to the mastoid bone. Once the sound is no longer heard, please raise your
thumb. Are you ready, maam?
Patient : Yes, I am.
(after a while..)
Nurse : I think enough for the test. The result is positive Rinne. There are no other sign that
interfere your hearing acuity. Any question, maam?
Patient : Nope. Thank you

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