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Red Cross / Red Crescent The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives

of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the
world. They are dedicated to improve the situation of the most vulnerable
throughout the world. People can voluntarily demonstrate their caring for others in
need. They have values such as human values, respect and dignity, accountability,
and safety
Doctors Without Borders We are Doctors Without Borders/Mdecins Sans
Frontires (MSF). We help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering
emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or
exclusion from health care.
Green Peace Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that
acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment
and to promote peace by: Creating an energy revolution to address the number
one threat facing our planet: climate change. Protecting the world's ancient
forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them. Defending our
oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global
network of marine reserves. Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by rejecting
genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially
responsible farming. Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to
hazardous chemicals in today's products and manufacturing.
YWCA/YMCA The YMCA takes a holistic approach to community health that
embodies all aspects of physical, mental and social well-being. We engage with the
community to provide customized programs that support local needs while
embracing diversity. The YMCA of Greater Toronto is dedicated to making our
communities home to the healthiest children, teens and young adults.
Citizens for Local Democracy (C4LD) is a non-governmental organisation
dedicated to the promotion of good governance, citizen participation and
cooperation between local authorities and civil society. Young- Youth Organisations
Unified For New Generations: The aim of this project is to strengthen the role of civil
society in promoting democratic reform through the role of the Youth Council of the
City of Mostar. A new Youth Council (YC) has been registered and consists of a
network of local non-governmental, non-profit, apolitical youth NGOs that work with
the youth and for the youth
CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence) CAVEAT is a grass-roots charitable
organization serving as a non-partisan voice for all Canadians, working together for
safety, peace, and justice. Our means of support is a community of Canadian
shaken by senseless acts of violence and injustice. Our membership consists of
victims, the general public, and includes a large youth contingent. The fact that

over 80% of our members are not yet direct victims of violent crime gives our work
balance and perspective. It shows that Canadians are deeply concerned about crime
and public safety.
Goodwill Industries Goodwill Industries, a non-profit social enterprise, provides
work opportunities, skills development and employee and family strengthening for
those who face barriers such as disability or social disadvantage; with the aim of
advancing individuals, families and communities toward self-sufficiency and
Street Kids International Street Kids International is a Canadian-based nongovernmental organization founded by Peter Dalglishand Frank ODea in 1988. The
organization focuses on providing street youth with the opportunity to lead safer
and better lives through three main programme avenues: street health, street work
and street rights. In 2008, Street Kids International expanded its operations to the
United Kingdom with Street Kids International UK.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Our mission
is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all
persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Oxfam
Oxfam Canadas mission is to build lasting solutions to poverty and injustice with a
focus on improving the lives and promoting the rights of women and girls. Our
vision is a just world without poverty. We envision a world in which people influence
the decisions which affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and live as full citizens in a
world where all human beings are valued and treated equally. Our mission is to build
lasting solutions to poverty and injustice, with a focus on improving the lives and
promoting the rights of women and girls.
International PEN PEN International promotes literature and freedom of
expression and is governed by the PEN Charter and the principles it embodies:
unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations.
Amnesty International (Video) Amnesty International is a global movement of
over 7 million people in more than 150 countries working together to protect and
promote human rights. Our vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all
the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other
international human rights instruments. Our mission is to conduct research and
generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand
justice for those whose rights have been violated. We believe that we are at our
most powerful when we stand together for human rights. Each person, no matter
who or where they are, can make change happen by acting in concert with others
who share their vision of a world where everyone lives in dignity.

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