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Worsbrough Common Primary

& Rising stars Children Centre
Bruce Avenue, Barnsley, S70 4EB
01226 289989
17 November 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
RE: Sundown Adventureland
As part of this terms topic, Nursery are planning a trip to Sundown Adventureland on
Friday 2nd December. We will be seeing Santa around 11am while we are there. Your child
will need to be at school for 8.15 prompt, in readiness for the coach departing school at
8.30am. We should return to school for 3.30pm, traffic permitting. This trip is open to one
adult and one child only, (Please indicate below if you would like to attend with your child).
The cost contribution for this trip is 15.00 per child plus 15 per adult, this will help towards
entrance and coach costs. If you would like to attend with your child, please complete the slip
below and return with payment in the attached envelope, this can be placed in the grey post
box in reception. We would ask that parents do not take money to classes but post the
envelope in the box in reception including the bottom tear off slip and payment and
please put name of child on the front, thank you.
If you have any questions with regards to this trip, please do not hesitate to contact the school
office. Deadline for reply slips is Monday 28 November.
Yours faithfully

Mrs S White
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trip to Sundown Adventureland for Nursery Children plus One Adult
Child Name:Parents Name:..
I would/would not* like to attend with my child - Please indicate whether you would like to attend or
not, thank you

I enclose full payment of 15.00 for child
I enclose full payment of 15.00 for one
Signed:. Date
Parent/Carer* Please indicate Parent or Carer thank you

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