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ABDN4044 PEOPLE & ORGANISATION Tutorial 4 Answer 20 June 2010

Question 1
According to Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, self-esteem is belief on one’s self worth and overall self-
evaluation. In collective society, there is more strong correlation on between self-esteem and life
satisfaction compares to individualistic society. Besides that, one who being employed will also have
high self-esteem. Self-esteem can be improved with support from the environment and thinking of
desirable characteristics which you possess. For example, I feel I am a person of worth, the equal of
other people. (This is a person who with high self-esteem)

However, self-efficacy is a person’s belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a
specific task. The increase with acquisition of complex cognitive, social, linguistic and physical skills
will become high self-efficacy. Therefore, that will lead to high successful in doing task. For example,
“I know I can do this job” (The one self-efficacy).

Question 2
According to Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, individual believes are closely linked to the organization
believes/ goals.

The dividing line between self and other is not a neat & accurate one. A certain amount of blurring
occurs. For example, when an employee comes to define him or herself with specific organization, a
psychological process called organizational identification. Organizational identification occurs when
one come to integrate beliefs about one’s organization into one’s identity.

Employees who identify closely with organizational identification will be more loyal, more
committed, and hardworking. When employees relates closely to an organization, he/she has the same
belief as the organization, hence, there are no reason for an employee to leave, so therefore the
employee stay longer with the organization/ more loyalty. When the employee’s goals are same as the
organization’s goals, the employees will be more committed and hardworking. For example, AMEX
credit card breeds loyalty. Nearly ¼ of employees have been with the company more than 15 years.

Formal employees who have strong organizational identification normally are potential customers as
well as informal marketers and good will ambassadors. For example, employees at Harley Davidson’s
motorcycle factories is so strong organizational identification, many of them have the company logo
tattooed on their body.

There is a disadvantage to having too much organizational identification. Enron, end up with
emotional scars when the organization closes up. Organizational identification may affect employee’s
personal ethical standards and values when work on clearly illegal deals. Unhealthy group think may
be occurring and needed constructive conflict does not occur.

Question 3
According to Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, personality is definer as the combination of stable physical and
mental characteristics that give the individual his/her identity. These characteristics or traits including
how one looks, thinks, act, and feels. In this part, they introduce the “Big Five Personality
Dimensions”, to explore the proactive personality and issue some cautions about workplace
personality testing.

The personalities which include inside the “Big Five” are extraversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience.
ABDN4044 PEOPLE & ORGANISATION Tutorial 4 Answer 20 June 2010

People who usually scoring positively on extraversion, are outgoing, talkative sociable, and friendly
with other people. People who have this personality are good in socialize with people and able to have
good relationship with client and it help in marketing and public relations.

The person, who usually has agreeableness, will be trusting, good natured, cooperative, and
softhearted. People with this personality are willing to help others and sometime can get taken
advantage of.

People with conscientiousness personality are dependable, responsible, achievement oriented,

persistent or won’t give up easily. People who have this dimension, most of them are managers and
they are more result or outcome oriented. Those individuals who have this dimensions, will exhibit
with a strong sense of purpose, obligation, and generally performs better than those who do not.

On the other hand, people with a personality of emotional stability will be relaxed, secure, and
unworried. People with this personality do not panic easily when they face rejection. They can face
stressful situation quite well.

Lastly, people with openness to experience are intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded.
People who scoring positively on these dimensions, are usually entrepreneurs, designers or leaders
with a vision.

Question 4 Part I
According to Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, the 3 causes of job satisfaction and need are fulfillment,
discrepancies and equity.

First of all we need fulfillment, it purpose that satisfaction is determined by extent to which the
characteristic of job allow an individual to fulfill his/her need. For example, a survey by the society for
human resource management asked their employees to choose the aspects of their job that were very
important to their job satisfaction. The result show that all the aspect are related to employee’s ability
to meet a variety of basic need- the top 4 choices were compensation, benefits, job security, and work

Secondly, discrepancies, these modal purposes that satisfaction is a result of meet expectations. It is
represent the difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job. Such as good pay
and promotional opportunities, and what they actually received. When expectation is greater than what
is received, then a person will be dissatisfaction and vice versa.

Last but not least, equity. In this model satisfaction is a function of how “fairly” an individual is
treated at work. Satisfaction results from one’s perception that work outcome relative to inputs
compare favorably with a significant other’s outcome/input. For example, extra salary will pay if an
employee work overtime because manager are encouraged to monitor employee’s fairness perception
and to make them feel equitably treated.

Question 4 Part II
According Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, the 3 consequences of job satisfaction are motivation, job
involvement, and organizational citizenship behavior.

First, motivation, a Meta analysis from Kreitner & Kinicki, shows that there is a positive relationship
between motivation and job satisfaction. Because with supervision also was significantly correlated
ABDN4044 PEOPLE & ORGANISATION Tutorial 4 Answer 20 June 2010

with motivation, manager can potentially enhance employee’s motivation through various attempts to
increases job satisfaction.

Secondly, job involvement, it represents the extent to which an individual is personally involved with
his/her work role. A Meta analysis from Kreitner & Kinicki shows that job involvement was
moderately related with job satisfaction. So, managers are thus encouraged to foster satisfying work
environment in order to fuel employee’s job involvement.

Lastly, organizational citizenship behavior, it is consisting of employee behaviors that are beyond the
call of duty. Example, it will be expression of personal interest in the work of others, suggestion for
improvement, care for organizational property and punctuality and attendance will beyond standard or
enforceable levels. A Meta analysis shows a positive relationship between the job satisfaction and
organizational citizenship behavior.

Question 5
According Kreitner & Kinicki 2010, Stereotypes are an individual’s set of belief about the
characteristics or attributes of a group.

A sex role stereotype is the belief that differing traits and abilities make man and woman particularly
well suited to different roles.

Age stereotype reinforce age discrimination because of their negative orientation. For example, long
standing age stereotypes depict older workers as less satisfied and productive in their work, even less
motivated, not as committed compare to younger coworkers. Older employees are also perceived as
being more accident prone.

People can actually decrease their use of stereotypes. First of all, an organization should need to
inform its workforce about the problem of stereotyping through employee education and training. For
example, organization should create opportunities for diverse employees to meet and work together in
cooperative group of equal status.

Secondly, managers have to identify valid individual differences that differentiate between successful
and unsuccessful performances. Removing promotional barriers for man and women, people of color,
and persons with disabilities is one of the examples.

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