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Session 2: Motivation and Personality

Assessment Task 2

Answer the following questions comprehensively. You may need some research outputs to
sustain and justify your answers. Upload your answers in pdf format using the file name:

1. Among the Theories of Motivation, which one do you like best and applies to your
company? Explain your answer.

Intrinsic Motivation, it can help myself in many ways like since I am in control of
my self-environment, I can make sure I have a positive outlook and growth mindset
and ensure I understand my everyday goals. Identify the “why” behind my desire to
achieve said goal especially when submitting school forms and meeting the learners’
need. I can always focus on the process and the learning experiences along the way.

I can make simple and fast decision especially when participating community
linkages activities like volunteering because I feel contented and fulfilled rather than
needing it to meet a school or work requirement and taking on more responsibility at
work because I enjoy being challenged and feeling accomplished, rather than to get
a raise or promotion. J. Eisenberger & Eisenberger Cameron's discussion of the
influence of incentive on creativity. According to the authors, Eisenberger and
Cameron ignored or failed to appropriately explain multiple demonstrations of
reduced creativity in paid vs nonrewarded tasks. Furthermore, the data they
presented of enhanced creativity in response to incentive is more relevant to
relatively simple human actions than to true creative ability. The authors feel it is
incorrect and misleading to assume, as Eisenberger and Cameron do, that the
negative impacts of reward occur only under specific and readily avoidable

2. Why is it important to provide motivation questions for employees?

Employee motivation is essential to an organization's growth. It's the degree of

devotion, passion, and enthusiasm that employees bring to their jobs on a daily
basis. Without it, organizations endure decreased productivity, lower production, and
are more likely to miss crucial targets.

Seeking information into what influences team members' workplace motivations

will help you obtain a better knowledge of how you can make them feel more
supported, encouraged, and engaged, so they'll continue to feel motivated to deliver
valuable work.

Shultz and Shultz go on to say that when an individual's values and wants are
satisfied, it leads to job satisfaction, and that "high job satisfaction is closely
associated to good conduct on the job, notably high performance, low turnover, and
low absenteeism." Employee motivation study publications go on to say that "for any
productive work to occur, a certain level of unanimity on core values is required."
Therefore, it is important to select individuals whose values and goals match those
of the organization. This will result in happier employees, a more productive staff,
and hence a more profitable company.

Employee motivation is the driving factor behind every organization's success. It

is critical for any firm to increase employee morale, especially those aiming for new
heights. It is undeniably a complicated process that is impacted by a number of
elements. These elements might be personal, organizational, or dependent on the
nation in which the organization is located. Several studies have studied employee
motivation and discovered several motivational elements. The current study is a
combination of several motivational elements found and employed by the
researchers in their investigation.

3. Why is it important to know your personality and the rest of your co-employees?

Understanding personality types may help you understand your own and
other people's preferences, as well as how and why they differ. Personality types
can assist us recognize how we lead, influence, communicate, cooperate,
negotiate business, and handle stress. Understanding personality type may be
used in the job in a variety of ways. It can assist us in improving our leadership
style, resolving conflicts more effectively, communicating more effectively,
understanding how others make decisions, coaching others, improving sales
abilities, and retaining important employees.

Individuals are born with several instincts that shape their personalities,
such as how they act or respond to their surroundings. As an employee, your
personality at work is critical to achieving organizational goals, which include not
just profit but also effective performance via people. The researcher realized that
an organization's profitability was determined by the level of client loyalty (Yee,
Yeung & Cheng, 2008). Customers' first impressions of personnel are crucial in
establishing customer loyalty and happiness. Customer loyalty is a basic aim of
every organization's service or product, according to Harris & Goode (2004).

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