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2 digit or 3 digit by 1 Digit Multiplication

Grade: 4th
Common Core State Standard: Mathematics Standards
Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number,
and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value
and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by
using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Objective: Student will multiply two digit and three digit numbers by one
digit numbers using rounding to produce an estimated answer.
Anchor Chart
Index cards
Math Notebooks
1. Lesson Introduction/Objective and purpose:
a. Gather students on the rug for the mini-lesson. Make sure each
student has their math notebook and a pencil with him or her.
b. Hello mathematicians! Today we are going to multiply using
rounding. Can anyone tell me what rounding is?
i. Allow students to explain what rounding is and how they
can round
ii. Rounding means making a number simpler but keeping its
value close to what it was.
iii. Provide an example of a number and how to round it

1. 782 -> 800

c. Explain to students that it is important to know how to round
when multiplying because you will have to do this in your
everyday life. Ask the students
i. Is there ever a time that you may need to estimate? If you
think so, please put your thumbs up
d. Your right! There are many times that we could use rounding
such as if you want to see the number of students on a bus, or
guess the amount of jelly beans in a jar!
e. Today we are going to learn how to round two digit and three
digit numbers by one digit numbers using rounding. It is
important to remember that when we are rounding to multiply,
we are getting an estimated answer. The answer will be close to
what the actual answer is, but not exact.
2. Teach and model:
a. Use anchor chart to teach how to solve a multiplication problem
using estimation.
i. Anchor Chart will include the steps and definition
b. Boys and girls, since we all know how to round numbers, I am
now going to teach you how to round when completing
multiplication problems. Here are the steps that you need to take
when you are solving a problem
i. Look at your problem and decide which number is bigger
and needs to be rounded.
1. Ex: 76 x 3 =?
2. 76 is larger
ii. Estimate the larger number to make it simpler to work with
1. Ex: 76 -> 80
iii. Re-write the multiplication problem
1. 80
iv. Solve
1. Remind the students that anything multiplied by 0 is
2. 80 x 3 = 240 estimated answer

3. Guided Practice:
a. Now that I worked through an example with you. I want to go
over one more example with your help.
i. 427 x 4 = ?
b. Allow students to guide the example and explain each of the
steps on how to solve it using estimation
i. 427 x 4 = ?
ii. 400 x 4 = ?
iii. 1600 estimated answer
c. Provide students with two problems to complete in their math
i. 76 x 3 = ?
ii. 421 x 4 = ?
d. Allow them 2-3 minutes to complete the problems
e. Now that you have solved the problems, I would like you to turn
and talk to the person next to you and talk about two things
i. How you solved each problem using the steps and your
ii. The estimated answer you got
4. Independent Practice (Example 3: No Teacher Help):
a. Once students demonstrate confidence and understand how to
solve a multiplication problem using estimation, have students
answer three problems on an index card and hand it in.
i. 38 x 6 = ?
ii. 735 x 3 = ?
iii. 486 x 4 = ?
b. Allow the students to complete the questions and hand the index
card in
c. If anyone has any questions or problems, have them stay on the
carpet to gain further understanding and help
d. Students will than begin their math stations based upon blocks
they have not completed yet in their folder.
5. Small Group and Individual Conferencing
a. First walk around the class to check and see if everyone is in
their correct station and working diligently
b. Pull a small group of 3-4 students using the data collected from
the index cards


Provide students with a paper copy of the steps to solve a

multiplication problem using estimation with practice

ii. Allow students to complete the problems on white boards
iii. Complete 2 problems with the students, explaining why
each step is important
iv. Allow the students to complete a question individually
v. Review the answer for the question and how they solved it
vi. Thank the students for coming to work on their
multiplication problems with the group
6. Wrap Up
a. Before the students clean up from math, allow the students to
share with their table:
i. What they have learned today
ii. Why it is important to their everyday math skills
7. Assessment
a. You will be able to determine that the lesson was a success if, the
students are able to correctly estimate the product of a
multiplication problem using rounding. The students will use two
digit or three digit by 1 digit numbers to estimate.
b. The students will be informally assessed when participating in
turn and talk and small group.
c. Additionally, the students will be informally assessed when
submitting their index cards with answers. These index cards will
be used to pull students for small group and see who might need
more assistance.


Lesson Introduction & explanation

Example 1- me
Example 2- guided by students
Examples in their notebook
Turn and Talk
Complete problems on index cards
Small Group
Wrap- Up

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