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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

I. Describe the Class

Explorers 4 Prekindergarten
Age Range Upper 3 - 5 only
II. Subject/Skill:
Science-Life Cycle of the Butterfly
III. Objective(s)
After a direct class discussion and demonstration of the life cycle, students will
be able to understand the developing stages of a butterfly. They will be able to
demonstrate all four stages of the life cycle by placing the individual cards in
IV. Procedures
Ask students if they can remember what my favorite thing to draw is. Ask students
if they know where butterflies come from. Present a small lecture on each stage
while demonstrating and drawling all four stages of a butterfly, labeling; egg,
caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly in the correct order. Ask for volunteers
from students who would like to draw their own individual life cycle on the white
board. Ask each student to pick a number 1-4 for table work. Students will work
individually on their personal work sheet coloring and cutting out each stage.

V. Materials
Draw and label the Life Cycle of the Butterfly on white board.
Print and cut a teacher copy to use for assessments.
Print copies for each individual child to color.
Supply crayons and scissors for individual group tables.
VI. Grouping Structures
While using whole -group participation have children select between tables 1-4.
Proceed with direct instructions on material presented on tables. A small lecture
will be given on the life cycle. Students will continue to work on individual work
while being allowed to converse with peers for assistance.
VII. Modifications
Students can pair up with a partner and work on worksheet. After finishing all
stages students then can play a game by placing all the cards at their table upside
down and matching them into pairs.

VIII. Assessment
Students will sit for gathering time at the carpet. Take the previously prepared
teacher copy and sit with students at the carpet. Place all laminated cards in the
middle of the circle allowing students to comfortably, volunteer and demonstrate
knowledge of the life cycle.

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