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Filming Diary #1

Today we went to the multi-story car park to shoot our first

shots and try to come up with other ideas through being at
the location first-hand. The current song we have decided
on is Supernova by Mr Hudson (ft Kanye West), however,
this is not set in stone as we have a few other song ideas
and we dont want to rule them out just yet.
We managed to capture a variety of shots, the ones at the
top of the car park being the best as there is more content
with in the footage. I was filming with my Canon 700d
camera with a tri pod, whilst Chris and Ryan were doing
the lip-syncing. We also brought a speaker with this to
help with the lip-syncing.
We wanted the shots to be in good light so we went
directly after school. Ideally we wanted to have the Car
Park as clear as possible, however, we had to compromise,
as it is a busy location.
The overall conclusion of todays filming is that the shots
we took were good but the group as a whole feel as if we
should choose a different song to work with as it isnt
really compatible with the style we want to manifest
Dance/Hip Hop.

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