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Myrtle liqueur, (red Myrtle liqueur)

1) clean the berries with water very well and then dry them.
2) infuse the berries in pure alcohol ( at least 80 degrees) better 95 % vol for 30
days or more, (Depending on how intense you want the infusion)
** note) that my mother's friend does 3 months infusion
3) After the period of infusion,you must press the berries to release the absorbed
alcohol, then you can discard the berries(some one leave the berries in the battle,
mostly pressed on the bottom).
** note) the filtration of red myrtle liqueur is possible through a paper towel
** note) leave the aromatized alcool for a week in a battele or container well
closed in a cool place
4) prepare a syrup of sugar (brown sugar) (some one uses honey, if use honei do
not boil) and water and wait till it cool down.
5) now mix the syrop and the aromatized alcool

Doses :
myrtle 0,5 kg
alcohol at least 80 degrees / 0,5 liter
water 0,5 Liters;
brown sugar. 0,55 kg

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