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We are starting a new unit

on baby literacy. This unit
focuses on writing an essay
that states a strong opinion
about a piece of literature
and supports it clearly with
reason and evidence.
We are starting a new unit
on character studies. This
unit focuses on characters
and how they are different
across a series of books.
In math, this module focuses
on students exploring areas
as an attribute of twodimensional figures and
relate it to multiplication.

Social Studies:
In Social Studies we are
learning about World
Community and Asia. How do
culture, history, geography,
people and government shape
the development of a
In Science we are continuing
to learn about energy. How
does the use of various forms
of energy affect our world?

Please Remember:
Make sure your child
is reading for 30
minutes every night!
Please make sure your
child knows their
multiplication tables!

Dates to Remember:
January 16th- Martin Luther
King Jr. Day School Closed
January 17th- MoMath Trip

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