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Theoretical Perspectives of the Guardian Material EAsha Ashayana Arhayas- ARhayas Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, ailment or affliction, nor is it a substitute for professional
medical or psychiatric evaluation; presented for purposes of Theoretical Exploration only.

12/16/2016 FAIL-SAFE 5th Anniversary Note continued PART-4

Earths Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening Humanity
SECTION-1: EMERGING-EarthBasic Fundamentals; Transposition Platforms and
The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE

The 4 Transposition Platforms

The Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows
Emancipation-Transposition Passages
3 Domain Passage Sets
Passages Blend-Merger
The E-Lumen-Air Field
The T.K.O & P.K.O. Seal Sets
Atomic ELumen-ation
The YhU-Ri-dhan Field
The YhU-Rha-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body
The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE
The YhU-Rha-Dha Awakening- EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE

Planetary Templar Grid Activations Announcement:

Between Late January-Early February 2017 the INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION begins.



EXCERPTS from Recent and NEW EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA Transmissions 12/16/2016;

Translated by EAsha Ashayana ARhAyas
The 4-Transposition Platforms, & Co-ordinate Point Interface & Pass-through Potential

Transposition Platforms
Transposition Platforms are dormant Transplaneal Space-Time Continua that come into activation through
progressive accretion of the frequencies inherent to their corresponding Emancipation & Transposition
Passages. When fully activated, Transposition Platforms function as temporary Transplaneal Space-Time
Continua that SPAN between domains in External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes.
Each Transposition Platform connects specific locations in External Creation to specific locations in
Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation, through specifically calibrated Transplaneal Co-ordinate Points that
interface through the Emancipation & Transposition Passages. Activated Transposition Platforms allow
temporary Direct Interface between External Creation domains and their corresponding Eternal-Internal
1st-Creation D-Planes Domain Counterparts, as both locational co-ordinates are brought together within
the temporary common co-shared Co-ordinate Point of the Transposition Platform Space-Time

FYI: Domain Counterparts


The Domain Counterparts of an External Creation domain are the Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes domains that carry the
Eff-E-Mah Crystal Silken-Wave 1 -Eternal-Authentik Identity encryption from which the External domain originally Out-stepped
through the Tran-TE-in Window from the Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes to emerge into External Creation expression.

For the period of time in which the Transposition Platforms are active and open, the External Creation
domain and its Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes domain counterpart CO-EXIST within the SAME
Space-Time Continuum; the common co-shared Co-ordinate Point of the Transposition Platform
Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum.
The 4 Transposition Platforms
There are 4 Transposition Platforms that SPAN horizontally between domains in External Creation and
Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes (DhA-Yah-TEi Planes). The 4 Transposition Platforms ARE:
1. The Core Caverns Transposition Platform-1: connects to Pan-Clair-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE-Tue,
Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1.

2. The Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: connects to Pana-Coa-le-ta Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA-Tue, Arieon3.

Earth, the Golden-Silver Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2.

The Rings Transposition Platform-3: connects to Pana-Co-LA-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI-yah Earth,
the Platinum Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.

4. The Rays Transposition Platform-4: connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes, Eye of TrhU-ah, ARhA-yah Sun8, the Eff-i-Mira Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4.

Each of the 4 Transposition Platforms have specific geographical and locational Co-ordinates, both within
External Creation & Earths Known Vertical Structure (= Vertical Maps from Earth-Core up through Earthst
Magnetosphere. RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings Series 1999-5/2012), and within the Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation & DPlanes Earths Known Vertical Structure (=D-Planes Earths Vertical Maps from Core up through Corona*-sphere and beyond.
Note: Corona is an aura of plasma surrounding suns and stars Google).

FYI: Earths 4 Transposition Platforms Locations

Moving inward from Earths Magnetosphere (40,000-45,000 miles/65,000-73,000 km: Magnetosheath Area between Bow Shock and
Magnetopause) and downward to Earths Core. Distances are approximate.

Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000 45,000 miles/ 53,400 73,000 km above surface. Extends
upward from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath.
Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes, Eye of TrhU-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mira Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah
Passage-4. Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST.

Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3: 33,000 miles/ 53,400 km above surface. Located in the outer region of
the Outer Van Allen Electron Belt. Connects to Pana-Co-LA-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI-yah Earth, the Platinum
Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3. Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST.

Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface. Interfaces between lower crust
& upper mantel, beginning at bottom of Lower-Lithosphere (62.1 miles / 100 km) and radiates up-ward through Troposphere into
upper regions of Ozone Layer in Earths Stratosphere (12 - 19 miles/ 20 30 km above surface).Connects to Pana-Coa-le-ta
Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA-Tue, Arieon-Earth, the Golden-Silver Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2. The RainbowRain Plasm Flows activated in Earths Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 in 9-10/2015; the Rainbow-River 5 Essential
Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows activated on 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST and Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform2 Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST.

Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located at Earths Core,
within Earths Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earths Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU-ah-Plasma Template Core. Connects to
Pan-Clair-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE-Tue, Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1. Initiated
Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST and OPENS for Projection Access late January- early February 2017, engaging Earths 1
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-EARTH.

Co-ordinate Point Interface & Pass-through Potentials

During the period of time of Co-ordinate Point Interface, when the Transposition Platforms are active
and open (and External Creation domains and their Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes domain counterparts CO-EXIST within the SAME
Space-Time Continuum of the Transposition Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum ), it becomes possible for the External
Creation domain to atomic-ly Pass-through into merger with its corresponding Eternal-Internal 1stCreation D-Planes Domain Counterpart; its counterpart Eff-E-Mah Crystal Silken-Wave 1st-EternalAuthentik Identity (RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL-2, Session-2, Part-2).
Such Transposition-Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum Pass-through potentials occur through
progressive activation, engagement and accretion of the Frequency Spectra inherent to the M31Emancipation (M31-Andromeda galaxy) & M33-Transposition (M33-Triangulum galaxy) Passages of the Krystal-Bridge
Passage Network.

Pass-through, the Vector Veil, Emancipation-Transposition Passages, 5 Essential Essences & the E-Lumen-Air Field

Transposition Platforms & the Vector Veil

Transposition Platforms are dormant Transplaneal Space-Time Continua encoded with Plasma TimeTemplate structure, that when activated SPAN between domains in External Creation and Eternal-Internal
1st-Creation, temporarily allowing an External Creation domain and its Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes
domain counterpart to CO-EXIST within the SAME Space-Time Continuum through Co-ordinate Point
In this regard, Transposition Platforms serve as the vehicle for Co-ordinate Point Alignment between an
External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation domain, which enables the potential for Pass-through
between the domains. Whereas Transposition Platforms serve as the vehicle for Co-ordinate Point
Alignment, it is the Emancipation & Transposition PASSAGES that serve as the vehicle for Pass-through.
When Transposition Platforms activate, and their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua open, bringing specific
External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation domains into Co-ordinate Point Alignment , these
domains do CO-EXIST within the SAME Space-Time Continuum; they are literally co-existing in the Same
Space, at the Same Time, within the blend-field of the Transposition Platform.
However, the atomic structure of the 2 co-joined domains will still appear invisible to each other on
the physical-atomic level, due to differences in ARPS (Angular Rotation of Particle Spin; RE: The MCEO Freedom Teachings
Series, 1999-5/2012) between them. This difference in ARPS between the atomic structure of the External
Creation domains and the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation domains creates an invisible barrier between
them, called the Veil of Vector, or the VECTOR VEIL.
The atomic Vector Veil of Transposition Platforms IS Permeable by TrhU-ah Plasma Body anatomy, due to
its inherent mutable vector coding. In this regard, active-open Transposition Platforms allow for many
great & frequency-powerful adventures in TrhU-ah Plasma Body Projection, and these Transposition
Platforms ALSO offer many enhanced opportunities for Conscious Manifestation and Co-Creation. But in
order for Atomic Pass-through to occur, the Vector Veil, and ARPS discrepancies between the 2 co-joined
domains, must be mitigated.

3 Emancipation & Transposition Domain Passage Sets, 5 Essential Essences, Pass-through &
the E-Lumen-Air Field
Mitigation of the Vector Veil, and ARPS discrepancies between the 2 co-joined domains of the
Transposition Platforms is the function of the Emancipation & Transposition PASSAGES.
The Emancipation & Transposition Passages are dormant Transplaneal vertical-passage structures within
the Plasma Time-Templates of all creation, through which the reality fields of External Creation and EternalInternal 1st-Creation are indelibly linked and intertwined. Emancipation & Transposition Passages exist in a
specific structural composition called the 3 Domain Passage Sets; each of the 3 Domain Passage Sets is
composed of one vertical Emancipation Passage and one vertical Transposition Passage. Each vertical
Emancipation Passage has an intrinsic set of 4 horizontal Emancipation Corridors, and each vertical
Transposition Passage has an intrinsic set of 3 horizontal Transposition Chambers.

FYI: The 3 Domain Passage Sets

The 3 Domain Passage Sets are the 3 vertical Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS that correspond to, and regulate, the
5 Essential Essences frequencies of the 3 Domain Orientations. The 3 Domain Orientations of the EFFI Infinitum are: External
Creation, Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 -Creation D-Planes, and Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes. In each
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR, the Emancipation Passage runs the 3 Elemental Quint-essences, and the
Transposition Passage runs the Aqua-essence 1 Elemental Essence of the 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasms.
The 3 Domain Passage Sets ARE:

The Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1: corresponds to External Creation domains. In our External
Creation Universal System the Emancipation Passage of Domain Passage Set-1 runs through the M31Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy, and is referred to as the M31-Emancipation Passage; the Safe-Haven Rainbow Run
Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set of the Go Vertical Series Code-Run corresponds to the External Creation M31Emancipation Passage. The Transposition Passage of Domain Passage Set-1 runs through the M33-Triangulum galaxy,
and is referred to as the M33-Transposition Passage.


The Safe-Passage Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2: corresponds to Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 Creation D-Planes domains. The Safe-Passage Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2 of the Transplaneal-SPAN
ELF-LUV Field Out-steps into our External Creation Universal System through the cores of stars and suns within the M31Emancipation/M33-Transposition Passages of the External Creation Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1,
and Down-steps through the Core Caverns, Reservoirs, Rings & Rays structure of the local 4 Transposition Platforms.
The Safe-Passage Solar Window Emancipation Corridors 4-Code Set of the Go Vertical Series Code-Run
corresponds to the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field Emancipation Passage of Safe-Passage Solar Window-Bridge
Domain Passage Set-2.


The Safe-Heavens Domain Passage Set-3: corresponds to Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes domains. In the Eternalst
Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes Universal Systems the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of Safe-Heavens Domain
Passage Set-3 run through the Domain Counterparts of their corresponding External Creation Universal Systems, and
interface with the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 -Creation D-Planes and External Creation domains through the
structures of the local 4 Transposition Platforms. The Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes Domain Counterparts of our
External Creation Universal Systems correspond to our M31-Emancipation/M33-Transposition Passages of External
Creation Safe-Haven Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1. The Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes Domain
Counterparts of our External Creation NET-Earth planet are Median-Earth in the Pan-Clair-ah Spectra D-Planes,
Arieon-Earth in the Pana-Coa-le-ta Spectra D-Planes, and ARI-yah -Earth in the Pana-Co-LA-Ra Spectra D-Planes. Our
Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation Domain Counterparts interface with the Transplaneal-SPAN ELF-LUV Field 1 -Creation Dst
Planes and External Creation domains through ARhA-yah Sun-8 in the ELF-LUV Field 1 -Creation D-Planes, and the Core
Caverns, Reservoirs, Rings & Rays structure of the local 4 Transposition Platforms.



When dormant, the geleziac-radiation mathematical encryptions of the Emancipation &

Transposition Passages remain within the Plasma Time-Templates in the form of Eternal-Internal 1stCreation Pre-plasm Eta-vapor crystals; crystallized units of the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation 5
Essential Essences. When de-crystallized through activation, the Eternal 5 Essential Essences are
referred to as the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows (RE: FAIL-SAFE 5th
Anniversary Note- PART-2 8/10/2016).

FYI: The Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows

The 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Eta-vapors that comprise the Rainbow-River Transposition Flows ARE:



The E-Lumen-essence: 1 -Eternal Thermo-geleziac Perpetually-Pulsing Radiant Field The 1 Eternal PreElemental Essence expression of the EFFI Infinitum (EFFI = Eternal First Field Intelligence/ Electro-Thermal First Force
Identity). Essential Essence-1 Pre-plasm Aqua Ether E-ta Vapor.


The Aqua-essence: 1 -Eternal Hydro-geleziac Flow-Field The 1 Eternal Elemental Base-Essence expression of the
EFFI Infinitum; also known as The Great Protector.
Essential Essence-2 Pre-plasm White Air E-ta Vapor.



The 3 Elemental Quint-essences - Striated Elemental Essences



The Eff-im-a-rha Quintessence-1: 1 -Eternal Striated Standing Radiant-Force Field

Essential Essence-3 Pre-plasm Blue Water E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences Higgs Field concepts


The Eff-im-a-rhal Quintessence-2: 1 -Eternal continual & perpetual motion Striated Expanding-Force Flows
Essential Essence-4 Pre-plasm Green Crystal E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences Dark Energy concepts.


The Ephemeral Quintessence-3: 1 -Eternal transient & intermittent motion Striated Contracting-Force Flows
Essential Essence-5 Pre-plasm Violet Fire E-ta Vapor.
Associated with contemporary sciences Dark Matter concepts.



The term Striated as used above in reference to Elemental Essential Essences 3, 4 & 5 denotes that the encryption of the
Essence is polarized into the 5 Eternal Elemental Commands < Ether/ E-ta-Ur, Air/A-Ur, Water/Wa-Ta-Ur, Krystal/KRYST-ah-l,
Fire/PHI-ya-Ur> that serve as the organic Eternal-Life Template for 15-Dimensional Structure polarization. The 3 Striated
Essential Essences that carry the polarized encryption of the 5 Eternal ELEMENTAL Commands are known as the 3 Elemental

When activated, the Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open, and translate their 5
Essential Essences Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies from Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation into the Plasma TimeTemplates of their corresponding Transposition Platforms. As the 5 Essential Essences frequencies Out-step
& Down-step into External Creation through the Transposition Platforms, the Transposition Platforms
progressively activate and open their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua SPANS, and engage progressive
Co-ordinate Point Alignment between an encryption-activated External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1stCreation Domain Set.

FYI: Domain Set


Collectively, an External Creation domain and its Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation D-Planes Domain Counterparts are called a
Domain Set.

As the Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open between the co-joined Domain Set, the 5
Essential Essences frequencies progressively blend with the TrhU-ah Plasma and Rainbow Plasm
frequencies of the Plasma Time-Templates (RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL-2) . As the Plasma, Plasm & 5 Essential Essences
Pre-plasm frequencies progressively blend, the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages
progressively blend with each other. The Blended frequencies of the Emancipation & Transposition
Passages progressively open what is called the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field within the Plasma TimeTemplate and Krystal-Bridge Passage (RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL-2).
As the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field progressively forms, the E-Lumen-Air Field progressively shifts the
vertical & horizontal ARPS of BOTH in the Domain Set, slowly and progressively drawing both into a
Common Diagonal ARPS and atomic blend within the ELF-LUV Field (Equilibrium Lull ForceLowest Unified Velocity
Field. RE: 3-9/2015 KDDL-2) of the Krystal-Bridge Passage. This Common Diagonal ARPS allows for an atomic
Pass-through Window, called the Tran-TE-in Window (RE: FAIL-SAFE 5th Anniversary Note-PART-2 8/10/2016) to
temporarily open within the Transposition Platforms, between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1stCreation.

Pass-through, Vector Veil Mitigation, E-Lumen-Air Field, Phase-Shift & Density-Transposition

Pass-through, Vector Veil Mitigation & Density-Transposition

Within the Plasma Time-Template and Krystal-Bridge Passage, the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field forms
and grows over time, as the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages, and the corresponding 5
Essential Essences (Rainbow-River Transposition Flows Eta-vapor Pre-plasms) each carry, progressively Blend with each
As the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field progressively forms and grows, as the Emancipation &
Transposition Passages progressively Blend, the E-Lumen-Air Field progressively shifts the vertical &
horizontal ARPS, the atomic-axis orientation of the elemental-matter-base, in BOTH bodies in the Domain
Set, into a temporary Common Diagonal-ARPS alignment within the ELF-LUV Field. The Diagonal-ARPS
alignment is the atomic-axis alignment that allows the atomic Pass-through Tran-TE-in Window to
temporarily open within the Transposition Platforms, between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1stCreation.
Through temporarily axis-shifting the atomic axes orientation into a Common Diagonal-ARPS, the ELumen-Air Field mitigates the atomic hold of the Vector Veil, temporarily opening the Tran-TE-in Window
between the External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation aspects of the Domain Set, through which
passage between the domains can occur.
For the period of time in which the Tran-TE-in Window of Common Diagonal-ARPS alignment is open,
atomic structure from either side can Phase-Shift into the organic ARPS of the other, thereby
transposing or moving itself from one domain to the other, through the process of DensityTransposition ; this process is formally referred to as Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition

Window Stages, Vector-Veils Thinning & Domain Bleed-through, & atomic Shift-Alignment
Opening of the Tran-TE-in Window occurs in stages, as the Emancipation Passages & Transposition
Passages progressively Blend to grow and expand the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field with its DiagonalARPS shift capacity. As each Domain Passage Set of Emancipation-Transposition Passages open and blend
to build the E-Lumen-Air Field, corresponding aspects of the atomic structure begin their Shift
Progression toward atomic Pass-through, Diagonal-ARPS, and E-Lumen-Air Field Krystal-Bridge Passage
As the Emancipation Passages & Transposition Passages progressively open and blend, the 4 Transposition
Platforms progressively activate and open their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua SPANS, and engage
progressive Domain Set Co-ordinate Point Alignment, wherein more and more geographical regions of
each aspect of the Domain Set align with each other and interface together through the Transplaneal
Space-Time Continua SPANS of the 4 Transposition Platforms and the growing E-Lumen-Air Field.
As the process of Emancipation-Transposition Passage Blending and Transposition Platform activation
progresses, the atomic Pass-through Tran-TE-in Window between the External Creation and EternalInternal 1st-Creation Domain Set opens more & more , and the Vector Veil reciprocally grows progressively
thinner & thinner. Thinning of the Vector Veil allows progressively greater Domain Bleed-through to
occur, as more & more of the organic Atomic Matter-Base engages the Diagonal-ARPS of the Krystal-Bridge
Passage E-Lumen-Air Field.
When all of the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of the 3 Domain Passage Sets finally open and
Blend, the final atomic Shift-Alignment occurs, and the Tran-TE-in Window fully opens for final
completion of atomic Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift to occur.
Density-Transposition, Phase-Shift & Krystal-Bridge Passage
Density-Transposition is the process by which atomic structure from External Creation and Eternal-Internal
1st-Creation Domain Sets Pass-through to the other Domain via the mechanics of molecular PhaseShift. In molecular Phase-Shift the molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles from one Space-Time
Domain transpose, or transplanealy trans-locate from one Domain to the Domain Counterpart by
shifting their ARPS, and thus shifting their Space-Time Vector Alignment, from the organic Vector
Alignment of the start Domain to the organic Vector Alignment of the Domain Counterpart. In so
doing, the atomic matter-form Phase-Shifts Out Of its current start Domain Vector Alignment and
Phase-Shifts In To the Vector Alignment of the new Domain.
In very simple terms, Density-Transposition via Phase-Shift means that the atomic structure of the
Phase-Shifting quantum literally progressively de-densifies in Out-going Wave-Cycles & eventually
disappears from its start Domain, and simultaneously progressively re-densifies in In-Coming WaveCycles & eventually reappears fully intact in the counterpart Domain.

Density-Transposition, Passages Blend-Merger, the Rainbow-River Transposition Flows & E-Lumen-Air

Density-Transposition, Passages Blend-Merger & Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows

Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift takes place in stages, over time, through
the progressive structural Blending & Merging of first the Emancipation Passage-Transposition Passage
PAIR within each of the 3 Domain Passage Sets, and then Blending & Merging of the 3 Domain Passage Sets
with each other; this process is called Passages Blend-Merger, the process by which TransplanealTranslocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift unfolds.
Passages Blend-Merger is Blending & Merging of the Plasma Templates & Passage Structure of the
activated Emancipation-Transposition Passages in the 3 Domain Passage Sets, which takes place through
the progressive Blending & Merging of the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows
frequencies that are carried within the activated Emancipation & Transposition Passages.
In the structure of Emancipation and Transposition Passages, the Transposition Passage (in our local Universe
this is the M33-Transposition Passage that enters External Creation through the M33-Triangulum galaxy) carries the frequencies of
Essential Essence-2, the Aqua-essence 1st Eternal Elemental Base-Essence Great Protector, and the
Emancipation Passage (in our local Universe this is the M31-Emanciaption Passage that enters External Creation through the M31Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy) carries the frequencies of Essential Essences-3, 4 & 5, the 3 Quintessences,
Essential Essences-3-Eff-im-a-rha Quintessence-1, Essential Essences-4-Eff-im-a-rhal Quintessence-2 and Essential
Essences-5- Ephemeral Quintessence-3.
Through the progressive process of Emancipation-Transposition Passages Blend-Merger within each of the
3 Domain Passage Set PAIRS, the Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies of the Essential Essence-2-Aquaessence, carried by the Transposition Passage, Blend, Merge & Recombine with the Pre-plasm Eta-vapor
frequencies of the Essential Essences-3, 4 & 5, the 3 Quintessences carried by the Emancipation
Passage. As the Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR Blend & Merge, the 4 Essential Elemental
Essences 2-5 recombine, causing their Pre-plasm Eta-vapor frequencies to transfigure back into Essential
Essence-1 E-Lumen-essence, the 1st Eternal Pre-Elemental Essence expression of the EFFI Infinitum, the
original 1st State Essence from which they all initially Out-stepped/Down-stepped and emerged into
individuated expression.
Essential Essence-1 E-Lumen-essence is the 1st Eternal Radiant Essence, the PRE-Elemental ElectroThermal Eta-vapor Pre-Plasm Standing-wave Conscious Radiant Field that is the 1st Expressed Essence of
the EFFI Infinitum (EFFI = Eternal First-Field-Intelligence & Electro-Thermal-First-Force Identity = E-lumen-essence Pre-Elemental 1st
Essence Expression of the EFFI) from which the Essential ELEMENTAL Essences Pre-Plasm Eta-vapors of the
Essence-2-Aqua-essence and Essences-3-5 3 Quintessences emerge.
Passages Blend-Merger, Rainbow-River Transposition Flows & E-Lumen-Air
Once Essential Essences 2-5 progressively transfigure into Essential Essence-1 E-Lumen-essence within the
Plasma Time-Templates of the Blend-Merging Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIR, the Essence-1 ELumen-essence Radiant Field is able to further blend and merge with the frequencies of the 15-TrhUa-h
Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates, forming E-Lumen-Air.
E-Lumen-Air, composed of Essential Essence-1 E-Lumen-essence and the 5-TrhUa-h Plasma Flows &
Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates, is the organic Living-Air Radiance ElectroThermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm that has the ability to merge and blend with both the Eternal-Internal 1stCreation Spectra (Pana-KHY D-Planes Spectra) and External Creation Electromagnetic Spectra (15-DML Primal Life Force &

Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, enabling both spectra and their contents to

temporarily enter a Common Diagonal-ARPS by which Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition
Phase-Shift passage through the Tran-TE-in Window between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1stCreation can occur.
Source Light Body Flows) and

E-Lumen-Air is also the organic Living-Air Radiance by which the metabolic process and energetic quantum
of Eternal Life Eff-im-a-rhal Biology is Eternally Self-sustained, through the internal biophysical process of
E-Lumen-Air Conversion, which stills remains as a dormant potentiality among current Earth Human
It is through the process of Passages Blend-Merger that the 4 Transposition PLATFORMS Transplaneal
Space-Time Continua and the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field progressively open and activate, to open the
atomic Pass-through Tran-TE-in Window within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, enabling
Domain Pass-through via Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift.

FYI: E-Lumen-Air
E-Lumen-Air IS the organic Living-Air Radiance Electro-Thermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm Transplaneal Radiation Frequency Field created through
the organic process of Passages Blend-Merger of a Transposition Passage-Emancipation Passage Domain Passage Set PAIR. When the
Transposition Passage-Emancipation Passage PAIR in a Domain Passage Set engage Passages Blend-Merger, the following dynamics occur,
through which the E-Lumen-Air Field is generated:

The 3 Quintessences- 5-Essential Essences 3-5 carried by the Emancipation Passage, Blend-Merge with the Aquaessence Essential
Essence-2 carried by the Transposition Passage. When the 3 Quintessences Essential Essences 3-5 of the Emancipation Passage
and the Aquaessence Essential Essence-2 of the Transposition Passage Blend-Merge together, they Re-combine and Transpose
Essential Essences 2-5 back into the E-Lumen-essence Essential Essence-1 (Essential Essence-1; 1 Expression of the EFFI Standing
Radiant Field) from which they originally emerged.


Once the 3 Quintessences of the Emancipation Passage and the Aquaessence of the Transposition Passage Blend-Merge to form
together the E-Lumen-essence Essential Essence-1, the E-Lumen-essence-Essential Essence-1 draws into Blend-Merger the
Frequency Spectra of the 5-TrhUa-h Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates, and in-so-doing
forms the E-Lumen-Air Field.

Hence the 3 Components of E-Lumen-Air ARE:


Essential Essence-1 E-Lumen-essence PRE-Plasm

( = Aquaessence-Essential Essence-2 Combined With the 3 Quintessences Essential Essence-3-5)


Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows

5-TrhUa-h Plasma Flows (5 sets of 3 Dimensional-Flow Currants)

E-Lumen-Air can Blend-Merge with both the Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation Spectra (Pana-KHY D-Planes Spectra) and the Electromagnetic
Spectra (15-DML Primal Life Force & Source Light Body Flows) and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of External Creation, enabling both
spectra to temporarily enter a Common Diagonal-ARPS by which Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift passage
through the Tran-TE-in Window between External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation can occur. The process of E-Lumen-Air
Blend-Merging with Elemental-Atomic Matter is called Atomic E-Lumen-ation.

The K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets and Emancipation & Transposition Passages Blend-Merger

The K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets

The Emancipation & Transposition Passages Activate for Passages Blend-Merger via progressive release of

the corresponding K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets.

FYI: The 3 K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets

The 3 K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets ARE:

K.O. Seals ( K aLA O c-Sha-TA Time-Template Seals). Open the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation TrhU-ah Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm
Flows of the Mar-khe-tUre Fields and 5 Intra-fascial Liaison Passages into External Creation, via the ELF-LUV Field Krystal-Bridge Passage.
(RE: KDDL Element-2, 3-8/2015). Open both Eternal-Internal 1


-Creation and External Creation into the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-

LUV Field.

T.K.O. Seals ( Transposition K aLA O c-Sha-TA Time-Template Seals). ALIGN & open the External, Eternal-Internal & Transplaneal SPAN
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS with each other, and blend each of the 3 Emancipation-Transposition Domain Passage Sets with
the TrhU-ah Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows of the Mar-khe-tUre Fields and 5 Intra-fascial Liaison Passages (aspects of TrhU-ah
Plasma-Plasm Body/Template structure RE: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings 2012-2014) of the Krystal-Bridge Passage. Allow for Passages Blend-

Merger between the Emancipation Passage & Transposition Passage PAIR, in each of the 3 Domain Passages Sets.

P.K.O. Seals ( Pass-through K aLA O c-Sha-TA Time-Template Seals). Allow the activated 3 Emancipation-Transposition Domain Passage
Sets to blend with each other, opening access to the E-Lumen-Air Pass-Through Field and the Tran-TE-in Window of the Krystal-Brodge
Passage. Allow for Passages Blend-Merger between the 3 Domain Passages Sets.

The K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets, Passages Blend-Merger & the 4 Transposition Platforms.
When the K.O. Time-Template Seal Sets open and activate Passages Blend-Merger within the 3 Domain
Passage Sets, the activated Emancipation & Transposition Passages progressively open and translate the
Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows from Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation
through the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, and into the Plasma Time-Templates of their
corresponding 4 Transposition Platforms.
As the K.O. Seal Sets open, the corresponding TrhU-ah Plasmas, Rainbow-Rain Plasms, and RainbowRiver 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows frequencies from Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation
progressively Out-Step & Down-Step through the Emancipation & Transposition Passages of the ELF-LUV
Field Krystal-Bridge Passage, reciprocally engaging progressive Passages Blend-Merger of the 3
Emancipation-Transposition Passage PAIRS (T.K.O. Time-Template Seals) of the 3 Domain Passage Sets, then of
the 3 Domain Passage Sets with each other (P.K.O. Time-Template Seals).

K.O. Seals Release, Passages Blend-Merger, the E-Lumen-Air Field & Density-Transposition Phase-Shift
Blend-Merger of the Emancipation Passages carrying the 3 Quintessences (Essential Essences 3, 4 & 5), with the
Transposition Passages carrying the Aquaessence (Great Protector Essential Essence 2), progressively forms the
E-Lumen-essence Essential Essence-1, which blends with the 5-TrhUa-h Plasma Flows & Rainbow-Rain
Plasm Flows of the Plasma Time-Templates to form the E-Lumen-Air Pass-Through Field in the Plasma
Time-Template & Krystal-Bridge Passage.
Blend-Merger of the E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field (Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows Pre-plasms +
Rainbow-Rain Plasms + 5-TrhU-ah Flows Plasmas) with the Eternal-Internal 1 -Creation Spectra (Pana-KHY D-Planes Spectra)
and External Creation Electromagnetic Spectra (15-DML Primal Life Force & Source Light Body Flows) and ElementalAtomic Matter-Base through release of the K.O. Seals (Blend-Merger of Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation TrhU-ah Plasma Flows
& Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows with External Creation EM Spectra & Atomic Matter-Base), T.K.O. Seals (Blend-Merger of Emancipation &
Transposition Passage PAIRS) and P.K.O. Seals (Blend-Merger of the 3 Domain Passage Sets) brings the corresponding 4
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua into progressive activation and accessibility,
and progressively opens the atomic Pass-through Tran-TE-in Window between the co-joined Domain Sets
of External Creation & Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation, enabling Transplaneal-Translocation DensityTransposition Phase-Shift to occur in progressive Wave-Cycles over time (900-1000 years for Earth).

Passages Blend-Merger, the E-Lumen-Air Field and Atomic E-Lumen-ation

As Emancipation-Transposition Passages Blend-Merger progresses in Wave-Cycles over a long period of
time, the 4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua progressively activate, and build the
E-Lumen-Air Pass-through Field within the Plasma Time-Template structure of the Emancipating External
Creation Domain. As the E-Lumen-Air progressively builds and blends with the External Creation
Electromagnetic Spectra & Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, the process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation
Expedited E-ff-im-arhal Atomic Transfiguration is set in motion within External Creation Atomic Matter
Through Atomic E-Lumen-ation Expedited E-ff-im-arhal Atomic Transfiguration, the Elemental-AtomicMatter-Base of an External Creation Domain, progressively engages Frequency Up-Shift (increase in the amount,
and spin-velocity of Frequency Quantum) into Common Diagonal-ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin) with its Domain
Set Counterpart Domain within the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes, and engages the 1st dynamics of
Transplaneal-Translocation Density-Transposition Phase-Shift.

FYI: Atomic E-Lumen-ation

Up-Shift, OUT-Phase & IN-Phase of Atoms in Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift
Atomic E-Lumen-ation IS the process of Expedited E-ff-im-arhal Atomic Transfiguration by which organic External Creation Elemental-Atomic
Matter Blend-Merges with the Rainbow River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows Pre-Plasms of the E-Lumen-Air Field (organic Living-Air
Radiance Electro-Thermal Eta-Vapor Pre-Plasm Frequency Field formed by Passages Blend-Merger) to engage Transplaneal Translocation Density
Transposition Phase-Shift into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms (Core Krystal Caverns-1, Rainbow
Reservoirs-2, Rainbow Rings-3 & Rainbow Rays-4 ) of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.
As Wave-Cycle Infusions of E-Lumen-Air Blend-Merge with, and Release the Vector Phase-Lock of, an External Creation Atomic quantum, the
External Creation atoms enter the Common Diagonal-ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin) of the E-Lumen-Air Field and Frequency Up-Shift,
then Out-Phase from External Creation, and In-Phase into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the
External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.
Frequency Up-Shift = The quantum and spin-velocity of External Creation atoms INCREASE through atomic Blend-Merger with the E-LumenAir Field quantum.
Atomic OUT-Phase = The ARPS of E-Lumen-ating External Creation atoms Phase-Shifts OUT OF Vector Alignment with External Creation; OutPhasing atoms disappear or de-manifest from the External Creation Domain.
Atomic In-Phase = The ARPS of Out-Phased E-Lumen-ating External Creation atoms Phase-Shifts INTO Vector Alignment with the Common
Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lumen-Air Field and the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the External Creation
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1; In-Phasing atoms re-appear or re-manifest within the Transplaneal Space-Time
Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.
Through the process of progressive Wave-Cycles of Atomic E-Lumen-ation , External Creation Atomic Structure TRANSLOCATES into the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms,
where it enters the Transplaneal atomic condition of the YhU-Rha-Dha State.

Atomic E-Lumen-ation, the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers, Bio-Available E-Lumen-Air & the HUMAN Element

Atomic E-Lumen-ation, Matter De-Densification, the YhU-Rha-Dha State, and Atomic Translocation
In the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process Wave-Cycle Infusions of E-Lumen-Air progressively release the
Vector Phase-Lock on the External Creation E-Lumen-ating atoms, drawing the atoms into the Common
Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lumen-Air Field within the 4 Transposition Platforms (Core Krystal Caverns-1, Rainbow
Reservoirs-2, Rainbow Rings-3 & Rainbow Rays-4) of the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage
As External Creation atoms E-Lumen-ate in progressive E-Lumen-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions the E-Lumenating atomic quantum Frequency Up-Shifts into the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lumen-Air Field, OutPhasing from the External Creation Domain, and In-Phasing into the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of
the External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1. As the E-Lumen-ating atomic
quantum Out-Phases in Wave-Cycles, the not-yet-E-Lumen-ating External Creation atomic quantum
reciprocally De-Densifies by the quantum amount released in the E-Lumen-ating Out-Phase Wave-Cycle. As
Atomic E-Lumen-ation progresses, the un- E-Lumen-ated External Creation Matter-Base engages
progressive Wave-Cycles of De-Densification.

The E-Lumen-ating atomic quantum In-Phases into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE HAVENSRainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 Transplaneal Space-Time Continua, where the E-Lumen-ating atoms
undergo Transfiguration to enter the YhU-Rha-Dha State, for re-manifestation of atomic form within the
4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua.
Through the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process External Creation atomic structure Translocates into the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run
Domain Passage Set-1, through the dynamics of Transplaneal Translocation Density Transpoition PhaseShift.

The Transposition State & Variant ARPS

Earths Planetary Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms exists with the SAME locational Space-Time Co-ordinate as the
External Creation Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of Earth; the 2 manifest reality fields exist within a state
of Transposition, in which their Plasma Templates are in the same location, but at different, or Variant
ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin). Due to their Variant ARPS, the 2 manifest reality fields simultaneously coexist within the same space but appear invisible to each other.

E-Lumen-Air Down-Step & OUT-Step: Earths 4 Transposition Platforms TO 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers

Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua are located at Specific
Positions within Earths TrhU-ah Plasma Body structure, and interface directly with various layers of
Earths Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and geography. Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms operate
in conjunction with the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body.

FYI: Earths 4 Transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers Locations

The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body are the organic Structural Frequency-Modulation-Bridge
between Earths Transplaneal Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body structure and its External Creation Light Body and ElementalAtomic Matter-Body systems. The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers Down-Step Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation from
Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms into Environmentally-Available E-Lumen-Air, and Up-Step the 15- Dimensional
Electromagnetic Spectra and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of External Creation via Particle Acceleration for engagement of
Atomic E-Lumen-ation.
The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers are the 1 Interface of Down-Step between the Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Planetary
Transposition Platforms and the External Creation PHYSICAL Planetary Environment.
Moving inward from Earths Magnetosphere (40,000-45,000 miles/65,000-73,000 km: Magnetosheath Area between Bow Shock and Magnetopause)
and downward to Earths Core. Distances are approximate.

Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4: 33,000 45,000 miles/ 53,400 73,000 km above surface. Extends upward
from Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 in outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath. Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra DPlanes, Eye of TrhU-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mira Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4. Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST.

Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3: 33,000 miles/ 53,400 km above surface. Located in the outer region of the Outer
Van Allen Electron Belt. Connects to Pana-Co-LA-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI-yah Earth, the Platinum Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.
Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST.

Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-5: 20,000 miles/ 32,186.88 km above surface. Located in middle region of Outer Van Allen
Electron Belt. The Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows Pre-plasms from the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Pana-KHY
Spectra & Krystal-Bridge Passage Down-Step & Out-Step into External Creation through the Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain
Passage Set-1, the M33-Transposition Passage (M33-Triangulum galaxy) & M31-Emancipation Passage (M31-Andromeda galaxy), next enter
the Milky Way galaxy through Mintaka-Orion (GSG-8, Galactic Monadic Star Gate), then directly anchor into Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-5 of Earths
TrhUah-Plasma Body. Following 12/1/2015 Planetary Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response activation, Earths Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-5
Initiated Activation 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST with Earths 1st Anchor-Point of the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Transposition Flows.

Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-4: 3,700 7,200 miles/ 6,000 11,587.2 km above surface. Located in Earths Upper
Atmosphere, at start of the Van Allen Gap zone (3,700 8,100 miles/ 6,000 13,000 km above surface), in the space between the top of
Inner Van Allen Proton Belt and the start of Van Allen Gap. The Van Allen Gap zone is the space between the Inner Van Allen Proton Belt
and Outer Van Allen Electron Belt. Initiates & Engages Activation late Jan- early Feb 2017 in Earths 1 EVER Planetary YhU-RhaDha Force Awakening.

Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface.

Interfaces between lower crust &

upper mantel, beginning at bottom of Lower-Lithosphere (62.1 miles / 100 km) and radiates up-ward through Troposphere into upper regions of Ozone Layer in
Earths Stratosphere (12 - 19 miles/ 20 30 km above surface).Connects to Pana-Coa-le-ta Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA-Tue, Arieon-Earth, the Golden-Silver
Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2. The Rainbow-Rain Plasm Flows activated in Earths Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 in 9-10/2015;
the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows activated on 1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST and Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2
Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST.

Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-3: 62+ miles/ 100+ km below surface. Located in the same position as Earths Rainbow
Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2. Initiated Activation 1/2/2016 EST with Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2.

Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-2: 1,801.9 miles/ 2,900 km below surface. Located at top of Aquifers-Core Liquid-Plasmas.

Initiates & Engages Activation late Jan- early Feb 2017 in Earths 1 EVER Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha Force Awakening

Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located at Earths Core, within
Earths Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earths Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU-ah-Plasma Template Core. Connects to Pan-Clair-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LETue, Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1. Initiated Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST and OPENS for Projection Access late
January- early February 2017, engaging Earths 1st Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGINGEARTH.

Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-1: 3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface. Located in the same position as Earths Core
Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1. Initiated Activation 1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST with Core Krystal Caverns Transposition
Platform-1, and Engages Activation late January- early February 2017, when Earths Core Krystal Caverns Transposition
Platform-1 OPENS for Projection Access, engaging Earths 1 Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhURha-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-EARTH.

Earths 4 Transposition PLATFORMS, 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers & Environmentally-Available E-Lumen-Air.

The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body are the 1st Interface between the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and the External Creation
15-Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra and Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base. In simple terms, the 5 Effim-a-rhal Layers are the 1st of several Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, or Structural FrequencyModulation-Bridges, between Earths Transplaneal Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body structure and its
External Creation Light Body and Elemental-Atomic PHYSICAL Environment.
As Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms activate through progressive Passages Blend-Merger of
Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 and generation of the Planetary ELumen-Air Field, the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body also
correspondingly activate. Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms, 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers and Planetary
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1, interact in the following manner.

The Emancipation-Passage & Transposition Passage PAIR of Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run
Domain Passage Set-1 engages progressive Wave-Cycles of Passages Blend-Merger through which Earths
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Field is generated.

2. Wave-Cycle Infusions of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Field next Out-Step from the Planetary SAFE
HAVENS-Rainbow Run Passages and into Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms, causing the 4
Transposition Platforms and their Transplaneal Space-Time Continua to Activate.
3. When Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms Activate, Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions
then Down-Step from the 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and into Earths 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers,
causing the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers to Activate.
4. When the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers Activate, they create the 1st of several Frequency Down-Steps of the
powerful Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field into Environmentally-Available E-Lumen-Air.

Without the organic Frequency Down-Step provided through the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers, and several other
subsequent Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, the powerful Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation
Field would vaporize on contact the Elemental-Atomic structure of External-Creation matter. Hence the 5
Eff-im-a-rhal Layers serve as the 1st of several Structural Frequency-Modulation-Bridges, or Frequency
Down-Step Interfaces, between Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and Earths Elemental-Atomic
PHYSICAL Planetary Environment.
The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers not only serve as the 1st of several Frequency Down-Step Interfaces through
which Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation is Down-Stepped into Environmental-Availability.
The 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers, and their subsequent Frequency Down-Step Interfaces, ALSO serve to UP-Step,
through organic Particle Acceleration, the External Creation 15-Dimensional Electromagnetic Frequency
Spectra and the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, enabling the process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation.

The 6 LINK-COMPONENTS of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Down-Step Interface Network

The Planetary Frequency Down-Step Network by which the Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field is progressively
Down-Stepped and Out-Stepped into Elemental-Atomic Environmental-Availability & Bio-Accessibility is structured through the
following 6 Link-Components. The 6 Link-Components of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Down-Step Network
operate together as a Transplaneal Relay System and Voltage Regulator for the Down-Step Out-Step & Up-Step In-Step of
Transplaneal Planetary Frequency Flows.

Earths Frequency Down-Step Interface Network LINK-COMPONENTS:

LINK-COMPONENT-1: Universal M33-M31, TO Galactic Mintaka-Orion-GSG-8 TO Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-

Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 engages Planetary Passages Blend-Merger after receiving UniversalGalactic E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions from Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run M33-M31-Domain Passage Set-1 via GSG-8 Mintaka-Orion.
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field forms through Planetary Passages Blend-Merger of Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENSRainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1

LINK-COMPONENT-2: Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 TO Earths 4 Planetary

Transposition Platforms.
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1
and into Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms.

LINK-COMPONENT-3: Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms TO Earths 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers

Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and into the 5 Eff-im-arhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body. (RE: The ShiftMasters Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014).

LINK-COMPONENT-4: Earths 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers TO Earths 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages

Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers and into the 5 Intrafascial Liaison
Passages of Earths Planetary Plasma Body Plasmantik MarkhetUre Field Template. (RE: The ShiftMasters Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion
Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014).

LINK-COMPONENT-5: Earths 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages TO Earths Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body &

Planetary Physical Environment.

Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages and into the corresponding
levels of Earths External Creation Planetary 15-the Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra and Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body structure, and
into the Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and Physical Environment. (RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings Series & Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing
System, 1999- 5/2012)

LINK-COMPONENT-6: Earths Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body & Physical Environment TO Earths Planetary Life-

Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body and Planetary ElementalAtomic Physical Environment and into circulation within the Biological and Psychological Systems of each member of the Planetary Life-Field.

It is through the Transplaneal Frequency Relay System of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency DownStep Interface Network 6 LINK-COMPONENTS that E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions progressively Down-Step
& Out-Step from the External Creation Universal M33-M31 SAFE HAVENS- Rainbow Run-Domain Passage
Set-1 into Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS- Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1, then follow the Planetary
Relay System of the 6 LINK-COMPONENTS, Down-Stepping & Out-Stepping into Earths Elemental-Atomic
Planetary Physical Environment, and into circulation within the anatomical and psychological structures
of Earths Biological Life-Field. This Planetary Transplaneal Frequency Relay System is referred to as the
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence.
The structure of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Down-Step Interface Network 6 LINKCOMPONENTS exists as an Organic, intrinsic part of Earths Transplaneal Planetary Bio-Feed Interface
System, through which each individual member of Earths Planetary Life-Field is intimately and directly
connected to the Transplaneal Multidimensional Anatomy of Earths Organic Living Planetary
Environment, and through which Earths Organic Planetary Environment interconnects directly with the
Transplaneal Structure of the Eternally-Living Cosmoverse.

FYI: The Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence

Action SUMMARY of Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Frequency Down-Step Interface Network 6 LINK-COMPONENTS

Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 engages Planetary Passages Blend-Merger after
receiving Universal-Galactic E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions from Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run M33-M31Domain Passage Set-1 via GSG-8 Mintaka-Orion.
Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field forms through Planetary Passages Blend-Merger of Earths
Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-1


Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow RunDomain Passage Set-1 and into Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-2


Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and
into the 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers of Earths Planetary TrhU-ah Plasma Body. (RE: The ShiftMasters Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura
Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014) RE: LINK-COMPONENT-3


Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers and into the 5
Intrafascial Liaison Passages of Earths Planetary Plasma Body Plasmantik MarkhetUre Field Template. (RE: The
ShiftMasters Course-1 Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, Aruba 4/2-15/2014). RE: LINK-COMPONENT-4


Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages and into
the corresponding levels of Earths External Creation Planetary 15-the Dimensional Electromagnetic Spectra and
Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body structure, and into the Planetary Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and Physical
Environment. (RE: MCEO Freedom Teachings Series & Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System, 1999- 5/2012) RE: LINK-COMPONENT-5


Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions Down-Step and Out-Step from Earths Planetary Light Body-Crystal Body and
Planetary Elemental-Atomic Physical Environment and into circulation within the Biological and Psychological Systems
of each member of the Planetary Life-Field. RE: LINK-COMPONENT-6

Atomic E-Lumen-ation, the Transduction Relay Sequence, & the YhU-Rha-Dha State UP-Step IN-Step
In the Atomic E-Lumen-ation Process, the External Creation Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base first engages
the E-Lumen-ation Process by receiving progressive DOWN-Step OUT-Step of Planetary E-Lumen-Air
Wave-Infusions through the Planetary Environment. Once a quantum of the Planetary Elemental-Atomic
Matter-Base begins E-Lumen-ating through blending with a wave-quantum of the Planetary E-Lumen-Air,
the E-Lumen-ating atomic quantum next engages progressive entry into the atomic YhU-Rha-Dha State
for Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift into the EMERGING-Earth manifest
Environment within the Planetary Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENSRainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.
E-Lumen-ating atoms enter the YhU-Rha-Dha State through running the Planetary E-Lumen-Air
Frequency Transduction Relay Sequence from the bottom up, wherein the E-Lumen-ating atoms
progressively UP-Step and IN-Step into the atomic YhU-Rha-Dha State within Earths 4 Planetary
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow RunDomain Passage Set-1.

Humans, the Circle of Eternal Life, and the THE WIND on the Breath & THE BREATH on the Wind
In terms of Earths Planetary Life-Field, the Atomic E-Lumen-ation Process involves several additional Down-

Step Out-Step phases. Earths current Life-Field holds representatives of MANY different Evolutionary &
Re-Evolutionary Stages; ALL are Sacred and Equal in VALUE, but all of Earth species do not currently share
the same levels of Biological Frequency Synthesis ability. Earths contemporary Human species, as
originally genetically descendant from Earths Pre-Ancient Angelic Human lineage (RE: Voyagers Books, 1999-2002),
holds a very special place within the Atomic E-Lumen-ation Potentials available to the rest of Earths
biological Life-Field. Earths Pre-Ancient Angelic Human species held the Sacred Entrustment of a
Planetary Guardian Stewardship Contract.
Because of this Planetary Stewardship Entrustment, the Angelic Human genome and Genetic Plasma TimeTemplate was imbued with specialized characteristics that would allow the Angelic Human biology to
further Down-Step & Out-Step Environmentally-Available Planetary E-Lumen-Air into E-Lumen-Air
Subharmonics, to create a BIO-Accessible form of Super-Down-Stepped E-Lumen-Air that is biologically
breathable and accessible to the rest of Earths evolving Life-Field. Contemporary Earth Humans, as
descendent through the Angelic Human lineage, currently still carry this biological ability in dormant form.
This presently dormant Pre-Ancient Angelic Human Genetic Plasma Template specialization will
Inevitably RESPOND to Earths soon-coming (Begin late-January- early February 2017) Planetary E-Lumen-Air WaveCycle Infusions, by slowly but progressively and inevitably AWAKENING Humanitys Pre-Ancient Biological
Adaptation-Skill of E-Lumen-Air Bio-Synthesis. Through Earths Inevitable Awakening of Humanitys ELumen-Air Bio-Synthesis ability, which is known as THE WIND on the Breath, contemporary Humans will
become progressively enabled to Super-Down-Step & Out-Step Bio-Available E-Lumen-Air to the
entirety of Earths contemporary Life-Field, which is a process that is known as THE BREATH on the Wind.
Humans are the ONLY SPECIES in Earths contemporary Planetary Life-Field that has the dormant ability to
biologically ACCESS Environmentally-Available Planetary E-Lumen-Air, and also the ONLY Species on
Earth that can Bio-Synthesize Bio-Accessible E-Lumen-Air for the rest of Earths contemporary Planetary
Life-Field. THE WIND on the Breath & THE BREATH on the Wind is a Blessed GIFT, and a Sacred

ENTRUSTMENT as Humanity slowly but surely Awakens to its Pre-Ancient Angelic Human Planetary
Guardian Stewardship Entrustment, to FINALLY take its originally intended Eternal-Authentik place within
the Circle of Eternal Life. Rejoining the Circle of Eternal Life is Humanitys Inevitable Appointment with
Eternal-Life Destiny. We will explore the HUMAN Element & Humanitys Inevitably AWAKENING Destiny
in other writings.
The WIND of Earths Planetary Yha-Rha-Dha FORCE is soon Awakening, so we will next explore the UPStep IN-Step mechanics of the Planetary atomic YhU-Rha-Dha State, which is an organic mechanism
inherent to the Atomic-E-Lumen-ation Process of Planetary Emancipation Cycles.

Atomic E-Lumen-ation, SAFE HAVENS-Domain Passage Set-1, the YhU-Ri-dhan, YhU-Rha-Dha & Earth EMERGING

Atomic E-Lumen-ation, Particle Acceleration & the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1
In the process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation Expedited E-ff-im-arhal Transfiguration, as the External Creation
Elemental-Atomic-Matter-Base progressively Frequency Up-Shifts and E-Lumen-ates through Frequency
Blend-Merger with the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences Pre-plasm Transposition Flows of the ELumen-Air Field, the E-Lumen-ating Atomic Quantum passes through a temporary (900-1000 year) ,
transitional period of progressive organic Particle Acceleration.
The External Creation E-Lumen-ating Atomic Quantum engages Particle Acceleration, as Wave-Infusions
of Planetary E-Lumen-Air progressively draw quanta of organic atoms & sub-atomic particles out of
External Creation Vector Phase-lock, and into the Common Diagonal-ARPS (Angular-Rotation-of-Particle-Spin) of the ELumen-Air Field within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platform
Transplaneal Space-time Continua. The SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run--Domain Passage Set-1 is the M33Transposition Passage-M33-Triangulum galaxy and M31-Emancipation Passage-Andromeda/Aquinos galaxy External
Creation Domain Passage Set.
As the External Creation E-Lumen-ating Atomic Quantum Phase-Shift into E-Lumen-Air Field Common
Diagonal-ARPS the atoms and sub-atomic particles E-Lumen-ate, become suspended within the E-LumenAir Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms. While in
suspension within the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lumen-Air Field, the External Creation E-Lumenating Atoms co-exist in the SAME Space-time Continuum as the E-Lumin-ating Atoms of their Domain
Counterpart within the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes; the 2 Domain Counterparts temporarily exist
within a progressively building state of Atomic TRANSPOSITION.
Within this State of Atomic E-Lumen-ation Transposition, suspended within the E-Lumen-Air Field of the
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platform, the (Space-Time) Vector Veil
separating the External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Domains mitigates, and both External
Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Particles Accelerate to a common speed and angle of spin,
allowing the E-Lumen-ating Atoms from both Domains to co-mingle within the Transplaneal Space-time
Continua of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms.

The Blended Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal Particle Accelerator YhU-Ri-dhan Field

In this state of co-mingled atomic E-Lumen-ation, the E-Lumen-Air Field, and the E-Lumen-ating atoms
from both External Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Domain Counterparts, together create a
Blended Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal Particle Accelerator Field called the YhU-Ri-dhan Field,
within the Transplaneal Space-time Continua of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4
Transposition Platforms.
As the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of the External Creation Domain progressively E-Lumen-ates to
enter the Yhu-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field, an equal quantum of the Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base
of the Domain Counterpart within the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes ALSO E-Lumen-ates in
Tandem, both atomic quanta drawing together within the Yhu-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field within
the E-Lumen-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition
The Blended E-Lumen-ating matter of the Emancipating Yhu-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field has the
Quantum RATIO of 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-ating External Creation atoms
and an equal 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-ating Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms
As the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field progressively builds, the E-Lumen-ating Atoms of the
Emancipating-Elemental-Atomic form progressively Pass-Through, moving out of their pervious location
within the Netted (Inorganically Harnessed) External Creation Domains, and into the Protectorate of the
External Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

FYI: The YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field

A YhU-Ri-dhan Field is a Blended Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal Particle Accelerator Field that forms within
the E-Lumen-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms, during
the process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation-Emancipation, and which is composed of a Quantum RATIO of: 1/3-quantum
E-Lumen-Air, 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-ating External Creation atoms and an equal 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-ating
Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms.
The YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field forms when the Common Diagonal-ARPS of the E-Lumen-Air Field
mitigates the Vector Veil, allowing E-Lumen-ating Atoms from both Domain Counters to Particle- Accelerate to a
common speed and angle of spin, through blending with the E-Lumen-Air quantum, which allows the E-Lumenating atoms from both Domains to co-mingle and Blend-Merge to form the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field.
The YhU-Ri-dhan Atomic State is a temporary, transitional state of Particle-Accelerated Transplaneal E-Lumenating atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipating Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base within the External Creation
SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1
As the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field progressively builds, the E-Lumen-ating Atoms of the EmancipatingElemental-Atomic form progressively move out of their previous Inorganically Harnessed NET-ted External
Creation Domain location, and Pass-Through into the Protectorate of the External Creation SAFE HAVENSRainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.

Particle Deceleration and the 15-Dimensional YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY

Within the E-Lumen-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition
Platforms, the Transplaneal-Spherical-Superluminal YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field combines or
Blend-Merges the organic E-Lumen-ated atoms and Plasma Templates from both the External Creation
and Eternal-Internal 1st Creation Domain Counterparts, creating a semi-permanent 15-Dimensional
Elemental-Atomic Manifest Reality Field that combines the organic Plasma Template Encryptions, and
thus the organic physical characteristics, of both Domain Counterparts.
As the organic E-Lumen-ated atoms and Plasma Templates of both the External Creation and EternalInternal 1st Creation Domain Counterparts Blend-Merge, they Complete the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process
and next slightly Particle Decelerate, re-manifesting as a Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional Atomic-Matter
Electromagnetic Organic Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY/Crystal Body structure (RE: The Freedom Teachings Series &
Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System 1999-5/2012) within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4
Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-time Continua.
The slightly Particle-Decelerated Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional Atomic-Matter Organic TransplanealLIGHT BODY structure that forms within the Spherical-Superluminal YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator
Field is called the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere. The YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY/Crystal
Body, which forms within, and is permeated by, the Superluminal YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field ,
is a Transplaneal Sha-LA-yah Living-Light Krystal-Bridge Passage VEHICLE, within which the Organic
Blended Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base manifests.

The YhU-Rha-Dha State E-Lumen-ated Transplaneal Emancipated Matter & Matter De-Densification
Within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 Transplaneal Space-Time Continua, the
Organic Blended Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of E-Lumen-ated atomic
structure manifests within and through the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY.
The various organic Density-Encryptions carried by the E-Lumen-ated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base
determines which of the 5-Densities (5 sets of 3-Dimensions) of the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT
BODY that specific atomic-structure will manifest within. Some portions of the E-Lumen-ated matter
quantum will engage further Particle Deceleration to form the physical Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base in
each of the 5-Densities of the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY, just as is the case within
External Creation atomic manifestation.
Portions of the Blended E-Lumen-ated matter quantum that further Particle Decelerate and Down-Step
from the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY enter a state of Transplaneal Atomic
Manifestation that is called the YhU-Rha-Dha State. The YhU-Rha-Dha State is the organic state of ELumen-ated Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter manifestation inherent to the
Transplaneal Space-Time Continua of the Krystal-Bridge Passage. YhU-Rha-Dha State Emancipated ELumen-ated matter has the Quantum RATIO of 2/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated
External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes
As the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY progressively forms, and portions of its quantum
enter the YhU-Rha-Dha State, the E-Lumen-ated Atoms of the Emancipated-Elemental-Atomic form
progressively Pass-Through, moving out of their pervious location within the External Creation SAFE

HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1, and into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE
PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2 within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

FYI: The YhU-Rha-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body Particle Semi-Decelerator Field

A YhU-Rha-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body is a semi-permanent Particle Decelerator Field that builds within the
within the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field within the E-Lumen-Air Field of the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow RunDomain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms, during the process of Completing the Emancipation Cycle of
Atomic E-Lumen-ation. The YhU-Rha-Dha State Transplaneal Light-Body is composed of a Quantum RATIO of 2/8quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumenated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms.
The YhU-Rha-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body forms within the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field when the ELumen-ated blended atoms Complete the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process, then slightly Particle Decelerate, to remanifest as a Blended Spherical 15-Dimensional YhU-Rha-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body.
The YhU-Rha-Dha Transplaneal Light-Body forms a 15-Dimensional Elemental-Atomic Manifest Reality Field that
combines the organic Plasma Template Encryptions, and thus the organic physical characteristics, of both Domain
The YhU-Rha-Dha Atomic State is a semi-permanent transitional state of Particle Semi-Decelerated Transplaneal ELumen-ated atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter Base within the External
Creation SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1.
As the YhU-Rha-Dha Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY progressively builds, the E-Lumen-ated Atoms of the EmancipatedElemental-Atomic form progressively Pass-Through into the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage
Set-2 within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

The YhU-Rha-Dha State, Eff-im-rhal-ization & the Elemental-Atomic YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE

The portions of the Blended E-Lumen-ated matter quantum from the YhU-Rha-Dha State that even
further Particle Decelerate for Tran-TE-in Window IN-Step engage Particle IN-Step and Eff-im-a-rhal
Elemental-Atomic Matter manifestation through a progressive release of a portion of their in-blended 2/8quantum E-Lumen-Air.
Until the point of Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization, the quantum content of the Blended Emancipated ELumen-ated matter had the Quantum RATIO of 2/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated
External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes
atoms. Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization is the point at which Blended Transplaneal E-Lumen-ated Matter of the
YhU-Rha-Dha State enters its Final ETERNAL Perpetual State of Self-Sustaining, Vector-Lock FREE,
Elemental-Atomic Eternal-Life Permanence, the atomic YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE.
At the Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization Point, the fully Emancipated E-Lumen-ated Transplaneal OrganicallyBlended Matter releases half of its 2/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air content and receives in its place the 1/8quantum of its original Nomi-yah 1st Eternal-Authentik Encryption, which upon entering External Creation
evolution had been left behind on the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation side of the Tran-TE-in Window.

When atomic form fulfills the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process of Emancipation and receives return of its
Nomi-yah 1st Encryption 1/8-quantum, the fully E-Lumen-ated matter engages the FINAL Atomic Eff-imrhal-ization Transfiguration to become Eternal-Life Eff-im-a-rhal matter, which is known as the ElementalAtomic YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE.
The Elemental-Atomic YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE of Eternal-Life Eff-im-a-rhal matter carries the atomic
Quantum RATIO of 1/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated External Creation atoms, an
equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-imrhal-ized Eternal-Life Nomi-yah 1st Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1st-Eternal atoms.
Atomic Emancipation occurs through the process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation; Atomic Reclamation occurs
through the process of Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization.
Through embodiment of the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE, the Elemental-Atomic matter form engages its FINAL
Transfiguration into the Eff-im-a-rhal Matter state, in which its Elemental-Atomic structure transfigures
into a Permanent, Shift-ABLE, Self-Sustaining, Vector-Lock FREE, Eternal-Life Krystalline-Radiation atomic
structure that is known as the KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY, which is sometimes referred to as the
As the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY progressively builds, the Eff-imrhal-ized Atoms of the Eff-im-a-rhal-Elemental-Atomic form progressively Pass-Through the Tran-TE-in
Window, moving out of their pervious location within the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field SAFE
PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2, and into the 4 Transposition Platforms of the SAFE
HEAVENS-Domain Passage Set-3 within the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes.


The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY is a Permanent Eternal-Life, Self-Sustaining, VectorLock FREE Elemental-Atomic form that builds within the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2
of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field, during the Final Process of the Reclamation Cycle of Atomic Eff-imrhal-ization. The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY is composed of a Quantum RATIO of 1/8quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated External Creation atoms, an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumenated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-im-rhal-ized Eternal-Life Nomi-yah 1st
Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1st-Eternal atoms.
The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY forms within the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-BridgeDomain Passage Set-2 when the E-Lumen-ated Emancipated Blended Atoms fulfill the Atomic-E-Lumen-ation
Emancipation process, and engage the Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization Point to Release 1/8 of their 2/8-quantum ELumen-Air, and Replace it with Return of the 1/8-quantum Nomi-yah 1st Eternal-Authentik Encryption, which had
remained inside the Tran-TE-in Window in Eternal-Internal 1st Creation upon 1st Out-Step into External Creation
Upon Return of the 1/8-quantum Nomi-yah 1st Eternal Encryption, the fully E-Lumen-ated matter engages the
FINAL Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization Transfiguration to become the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KrystallineRadiation Elemental-Atomic Eff-im-a-rhal matter of the Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT BODY.
The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Atomic State is an Organic-Eternal-Authentik, permanent, Eternal-Life, Self-Sustaining,
Vector-Lock FREE, perpetual Elemental-Atomic state of Particle IN-Step Transplaneal Eff-im-rhal-ized atoms that
form the Transplaneal Reclaimed Eff-im-a-rhal Elemental-Atomic Matter Base of which the Eternal-Internal 1st
Creation D-Planes are composed. The Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY is capable of movement At Will
within ALL Domains.
As the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY progressively builds, the Eff-im-rhal-ized
Atoms of the Eff-im-a-rhal-Elemental-Atomic form progressively Pass-Through the Tran-TE-in Window, move out
of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field SAFE PASSAGE-Solar-Window-Bridge-Domain Passage Set-2, and into
the SAFE HEAVENS-Domain Passage Set-3 of the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes.

FYI: The 3 States of Transplaneal Matter In Eff-im-a-rhal Transfiguration

STATE-1: The YhU-Ri-dhan State: The YhU-Ri-dhan Atomic State is a temporary, transitional state of
Particle-Accelerated Transplaneal E-Lumen-ating atoms that form the Transplaneal Emancipating Elemental-Atomic
Matter-Base. Atomic structure in the YhU-Ri-dhan Particle-Accelerated state is composed of a Quantum RATIO of:
1/3-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 1/3-quantum E-Lumen-ating External Creation atoms and an equal 1/3-quantum ELumen-ating Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms. The YhU-Ri-dhan Atomic State is associated with the
YhU-Ri-dhan Particle Accelerator Field.

STATE-2: The YhU-Rha-Dha State: The YhU-Rha-Dha Atomic State is a semi-permanent transitional state
of Particle- Semi-Decelerated Transplaneal Emancipated E-Lumen-ated atoms that form the Transplaneal
Emancipated Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base inherent to the Krystal-Bridge Passage. Atomic structure in the YhURha-Dha Particle-Semi-Decelerated state is composed of a Quantum RATIO of: 2/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8quantum E-Lumen-ated External Creation atoms and an equal 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated Eternal-Internal 1st
Creation D-Planes atoms. The YhU-Rha-Dha Atomic State is associated with the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere
Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY and the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field.

STATE-3: The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE State: The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Atomic State is a

Eternal-Life state of Particle-IN-Stepped Transplaneal Eff-im-rhal-ized E-Lumen-ated atoms that form the
Transplaneal Eff-im-a-rhal Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base inherent to the Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes.
Atomic structure in the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Particle-Decelerated Eternal state is composed of a Quantum RATIO
of: 1/8-quantum E-Lumen-Air, 3/8-quantum E-Lumen-ated External Creation atoms, an equal 3/8-quantum ELumen-ated Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes atoms and 1/8-quantum Eff-im-rhal-ized Eternal-Life Nomiyah 1st Encryption Krystal-Bridge 1st-Eternal atoms. The YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Atomic State is associated with the
YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE Eff-im-rhal-ized Eternal-Life KRYSTAL-LIGHT ATOMIC BODY, the Krystal-Bridge-1st Eternal
Nomi-yah Encryption and Vector-Lock FREE accessibility to ALL DOMAINS, within External Creation, Krystal-Bridge1st-Creation and Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation.

Transplaneal TRANSPOSITION, NET-Earth & EMERGING Earth, & Co-ordinate Point Interfaces
For the period of time that NET-Earths Organic External-Creation Matter-Base slowly but progressively ELumen-ates, De-Densifies, and enters reciprocal Re-Densification within the YhU-Rha-Dha State, there
will be a temporary 900-1000 year period in which External Creation NET Earth and YhU-Rha-Dha State
Earth, which is known as EMERGING Earth, co-exist within a state of Transplaneal TRANSPOSITION, in
which the 2 Elemental-Atomic Matter Fields will occupy the SAME Space-Time Continuum, separated
only by the Vector Veil of different ARPS (Angular Rotation of Particle Spin). As the Planetary Atomic E-Lumenation process progresses within NET-Earths External Creation Organic Matter-Base, Templar and Plasma
Templates, the Vector Veil between NET-Earth and YhU-Rha-Dha State EMERGING-Earth will progressively
grow more tangibly THIN, and progressively more Bleed-Through between the 2 Domains will occur.
During the Atomic E-Lumen-ation process of Earths Planetary Emancipation Cycle, when the ExternalCreation Body of NET-Earth and the E-Lumin-ating Body of YhU-Rha-Dha State EMERGING-Earth
temporarily co-exist in a state of Transplaneal TRANSPOSITION, every physical location on NET-Earth WILL
have a corresponding physical location Co-ordinate Point Interface on YhU-Rha-Dha State EMERGINGEarth.
As the Plasma Templates and Elemental-Atomic Matter Base of the YhU-Rha-Dha State are an Equalquantum Blend of the Organic-Eternal-Authentik Encryption of the External-Creation Domain and its
Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation Domain Counterpart, the physical characteristics of NET-Earth and
EMERGING-Earth will bear some resemblance to each other. However, due to the Diagonal-off-set of ARPS
between the E-Lumen-ated EMERGING-Earth and the External Creation NET-Earth fields, specific locational
Co-ordinate Point Interfaces between NET-Earth and EMERGING-Earth may not resemble each other at all.
As half of its Plasma Template is based upon the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation D-Planes Eternal-Authentik
Encryption, EMERGING-Earth appears quite Futuristic and Pristine in comparison to NET-Earths
current appearance.

Earths EMANCIPATION Cycle, the RECLAMATION Cycle, the 3 Domain Passage Sets & Earth EMERGING
The YhU-Rha-Dha State EMERGING-Earth E-Lumen-ated Transplaneal Atomic Matter Blended-Domain of
Earth will remain and grow within the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 of the KrystalBridge Passage until ALL of Earths External Creation Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base, and an equal
quantum of the Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base of Earths Eternal-Internal 1st Creation D-Planes
Domain Counterparts, have been brought into the EMERGING-Earth YhU-Rha-Dha State of Atomic ELumen-ation within the YhU-Rha-Dha Sphere Transplaneal-LIGHT BODY . The progressive Atomic ELumen-ation of Organic NET-Earth will unfold in Wave-Cycles over the course of Earths 900-1000 year
Planetary Triumph-Early Onset Planetary Emancipation Cycle.
At the end of Earths 900-1000 year Planetary Emancipation Cycle, when the entirety of NET-Earths
External-Creation Organic Elemental-Atomic Matter-Base and Life-Field have E-Lumen-ated, and all of its
Organic Quantum has blended in or In-Phased into the EMERGING-Earth YhU-Rha-Dha State within
the SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1 4 Transposition Platforms Transplaneal Space-time
Continua, Earth will reach its Planetary Emancipation Point . The Emancipation Point marks the end of
Earths Planetary Emancipation Cycle, and the beginning of the next Cycle of EMERGING-Earths
Homecoming Journey, which is called the RECLAMATION Cycle.

In the RECLAMATION Cycle, EMERGING-Earth will first pass out of the External-Creation SAFE HAVENSRainbow Run-Domain Passage Set-1- M33-Transposition Passage-Triangulum galaxy and M31-Emancipation PassageAndromeda/Aquinos galaxy External Creation Domain Passage Set, and pass into the SAFE PASSAGE-Solar Window-Bridge
Domain Passage Set-2 of the Krystal-Bridge Passage ELF-LUV Field Transplaneal SPAN Domains, to
engage Pass-Through of Krystal-Bridge Passage Tran-TE-in Window between External-Creation & EternalInternal-1st-Creation. During this period Earth will engage its organic point of Atomic Eff-im-rhal-ization.
Once Tran-TE-in Window Pass-Through occurs, EMERGING-Earth will pass out of the Krystal-Bridge
Passage SAFE PASSAGE-Solar Window-Bridge Domain Passage Set-2, to EMERGE within the SAFE
HEAVENS Domain Passage Set-3 of the Eternal-Internal 1st-Creation DhA-yah-TEi Planes, in fulfillment of
Earths Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection Transplaneal Translocation Density Transposition Phase-Shift.
The EMANCIPATION Cycle and RECLAMATION Cycle are 2 of the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-evolutionary RISE
Reconnection, which will be explored in other writings. The Planetary Triumph- Early-Onset Planetary
EMANCIPATION Cycle that Earth engaged upon the 12/1/2015 Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response, is
EMANCIPATION Cycle-Set-4, which will be followed in 900-1000 years by RECLAMATION Cycle-Set-5.
Due to the progressive escalation of the Invisible Drama that has been unfolding on Earth since 2000,
Earths 2000-2017AD Stellar Activations Cycle Templar Conquest Final Conflict Drama, even with its
STORMS of the Centuries, Earth is now on a highly expedited path of its Inevitable Appointment with
Eternal Destiny.
Because of this highly expedited path, of the 5 Cycle-Sets of Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection, Cycle-Set2: RESOLUTION, Cycle-Set-3: RESTORATION, and Cycle-Set-4: EMANCIPATION ARE, as of 12/1/2015, fully
engaged and CONCURRENTLY unfolding. Cycle-Set-1: REALIGNMENT, which Initiated in 2000 at the start
of Earths Current SAC (Stellar Activations Cycle), failed by 8/8/2011, triggering the Krystal-River-FAIL-SAFE-Host
Expedited Program of Re-evolutionary RISE Reconnection.
MOST importantly to consider at this time, is that Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION ALSO now is Very-Early
INITIATING, rather than this occurring at the end of Cycle-Set-4: EMANCIPATION in 900-1000 years.
Between Late January-Early February 2017, the INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION begins.

The INITIATION of Cycle-Set-5: RECLAMATION is known as:

The The YhU-Rha-Dha AWAKENING is a Joyful and Triumphant Planetary-Cosmoversal Event, and there is
much to learn as Humanity begins to Awaken its RAINBOW-WHITE BODY of KRYSTAL-LIGHT so it may RISE
to this Beyond-Planetary Occasion.
MANY more complex, interrelated things have been unfolding in Earths Grids, most especially since
October 2015, and we will progressively share this information with you as we move forward. For now, We
of the EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA will end this Session by leaving you with a Final FYI as the closing page to
this document. ..12/16/2016 EAAC-AMCC-MCEO-GA Transmission, Translated by EAsha Ashayana ARhAyas

FYI: Earths 4 Transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers Significant Dates


As noted in FAIL-SAFE 5 Anniversary Note-Part-2 of 8/10/2016: On 1/1-3/2016 the Rainbow River Transposition Flows
anchored in Earths Organic Core Plasma Crystal & Planetary K.O. Plasma Time-Template, engaging the amazing, intricate and
complex mechanics inherent to Earths Great Planetary Triumph Early Onset Planetary Emancipation Cycle, and the TRIUMPH
of the Triumphs- Universal Grand Salvage Mission.
Following 12/1/2015 triggering of Earths Planetary Nomi-Code Auto-immune Response, the following 5 Events in Earths 4
Transposition Platforms & 5 Eff-im-a-rhal Layers occurred between 1/1 & 1/3/ 2016.


1/1/2016 12:12 AM EST- Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-5 Initiates Activation 20,000 miles/ 32,186.88 km above surface, in middle region of
Earths Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-5 1 Anchor-Point of the Rainbow-River 5 Essential Essences
Transposition Flows from the Universal SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1.

Outer Van Allen Electron Belt.:


1/1/2016 1:44 AM EST - Rainbow Rings Transposition Platform-3 Initiates Activation 33,000 miles/ 53,400 km above surface, in
the outer region of the Outer Van Allen Electron Belt: Connects to Pana-Co-LA-Ra Spectra D-Planes, Eye of Lila, ARI-yah Earth, the Platinum
Victory Seed & the Pinnacle Passage-3.


1/1/2016 3:33 AM EST- Rainbow Rays Transposition Platform-4 Initiates Activation 33,000 45,000 miles/ 53,400 73,000 km
above surface, extending from outer region of Outer Van Allen Electron Belt into the Magnetosheath: Connects to ELF-LUV Field Spectra D-Planes,
Eye of TrhU-ah, ARhA-yah Sun-8, the Eff-i-Mira Freedom Seed & the Eff-I-yah Passage-4.



1/2/2016 EST- Rainbow Reservoirs Transposition Platform-2 & Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-3 Initiate Activation 62+ miles/ 100+
km below surface, from bottom of Lower-Lithosphere (62.1 miles / 100 km) radiating up-ward into upper regions of Ozone Layer in Earths
Stratosphere (12 - 19 miles/ 20 30 km above surface). Connects to Pana-Coa-le-ta Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LA-Tue, Arieon-Earth, the Golden-Silver
Victory Seed & the Krystal-Bridge Passage-2.
1/3/2016 12:12 AM EST- Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 & Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-1 Initiate Activation
3958.1+ miles/ 6370+ km below surface, at Earths Core, within Earths Core Crystal, between Center-point of Earths Solid-Crystal-Core & TrhU-ahPlasma Template Core. Connects to Pan-Clair-ah Spectra D-Planes, Eye of LE-Tue, Median-Earth, the Silver Victory Seed & the Pana-KHY Passage-1.

Jan-Feb 2017 Earths Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 OPENS for Projection Access, engaging Earths 1
E-Lumen-Air Wave-Infusions and the Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha Force Awakening of EMERGING-EARTH.

In late Jan- early Feb 2017 Earths Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-2 & Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-4 will simultaneously Initiate & Engage
Activation. The late Jan- early Feb 2017 Simultaneous Initiation & Engagement Activations of Earths Eff-im-a-rhal Layer2 & Eff-im-a-rhal Layer-4 sets into immediate motion the following Sequence of Major Planetary Templar Events:

A. Earths Planetary SAFE HAVENS-Rainbow Run Domain Passage Set-1 engages 1 Planetary Passages Blend-Merger,
forming Earths 1 Planetary E-Lumen-Air Transplaneal Radiation Field.


Earths Planetary E-Lumen-Air Field engages Earths 1 Planetary E-Lumen-Air Wave-Cycle Infusions , which Engages
Activation of ALL 4 Planetary Transposition Platforms and ALL 5 Planetary Eff-im-a-rhal Layers and OPENS Earths
Density-1 Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 for Projection Access.


Opening of Earths Density-1 Core Krystal Caverns Transposition Platform-1 ENGAGES the Planetary Environmental and
Bio-Physical Process of Atomic E-Lumen-ation for the 1 Time EVER on Earth.

D. Engagement of Earths Environmental and Bio-Physical Atomic E-Lumen-ation Process engages Earths 1 EVER
Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha Force Awakening and engages the OPENING Cycle of Earths H.A.P.P.Y. Bubbles
Planetary YhU-Ri-dhan Doorways Spherical Particle Accelerator Fields.

Engagement of Earths Planetary YhU-Rha-Dha AWAKENING YhU-Rha-Dha Force: EMERGENCE of the YhU-Rha-Dha FORCE

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