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Addiction to Facebook

There is an increased debate on Internet addiction where scholars argue whether

individuals are addicted to the content displayed on the net or simply addicted to the
platform. Scholars attribute excessive use of computers as a principle cause of Internet
addiction. They further discriminate among three kinds of addicts: texting or emailing,
gaming online and sexual preoccupation online. Social networks comprise one platform
which involves excessive emailing and texting.
Facebook addiction is considered to be a disorder driven by strong urge. There is a
compulsion factor to it because not browsing on Facebook creates anxiety among addicts.
It is considered to be an urge because browsing through Facebook can be a pleasurable
experience. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites and has over 600
million users globally. There are seven symptoms to suggest Facebook addiction. These
are spending excessive time browsing through Facebook, sharing ones secrets on the
website, being extremely concerned about updating and creating a favourable image on
Facebook, checking the website for updates every now and then, continuously adding
new friends, reporting on Facebook and not engaging in an offline social life.
A recent academic study further reveals that excessive addiction to social
networking sites can lead to signs of withdrawal. Individuals isolate themselves from
family and friends. Further signs of Facebook addiction have been linked with short and
poor sleep patterns.
Scholarly research on Facebook addiction has been associated adversely with
conscientiousness and favorably with extra-version. Researchers have also tried to
analyze certain individual personality traits to the addiction. This is based on the five-factor
personality theory that evaluates individual personality on the basis of being intellectually
and creatively focused, neuroticism, conscientiousness, extra-version and agreeableness.
Based on this theory, academic scholars observe that individuals who are addicted to
Facebook are narcissists. Researchers also relate Facebook addiction with continuous
maintenance of offline networks. Being in touch with friends, families and colleagues might
explain the reason why individuals are excessively addicted.
Facebook addiction leads to an alienated life and mental problems. Scientists
suggest the use of Facebook in moderation because being completely alienated from
social networking sites could lead to withdrawal signs. Spending more time with family and
friends online could help individuals control the addiction.

Smoking should be banned.

Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco or cannabis, is
burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. The most common method of smoking today is
through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose
tobacco and rolling paper. Today we are more aware about how bad smoking is for our
health. Smoking should be banned or restricted in almost all public places because it has
been shown to be dangerous to health, it can reduced athletic performance and it can lead
to bad skin, bad breath and bad-smelling clothes and hair.
The arguments against smoking are well known. Smoking has been shown to be
dangerous to health. Heart disease, bronchitis and lung cancer have all been linked. If you
smoke, you have a higher risk of dying from heart attack or stroke. In itself, this is a good
reason to leave your cigarettes in the packet. As we know, smoking also act as the pivotal
cause of chronic bronchitis. Smokers inhale tobacco smoke into their lungs, which irritates
the air passages. This finally produces mucus, subsequently developing into chronic
bronchitis. Due to the fact, more smoke you breathe, the more it damages your lungs but it
can be more hazardous to a passive smoker who inhales the smoke being in close vicinity of
the active smoker.
Besides that, smoking can reduced athletic performance. People who smoke usually
can't compete with nonsmoking peers because the physical effects of smoking like rapid
heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath impair sports performance. One of
the main impacts of smoking on athletic performance is a decrease in lung function. For
athletes, this means a decrease in stamina and performance, as muscles that get
inadequate oxygen become fatigued more quickly. Smokers also tend to suffer from
shortness of breath more often than non smokers, as their muscles and heart demand more
oxygen than their lungs are able to supply.Last but not least is smoking can lead to bad skin,
bad breath and bad-smelling clothes and hair. Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it
can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin which is why smokers often appear
pale and unhealthy. Cigarettes leave smokers with a condition called halitosis, or persistent
bad breath. The smell of stale smoke tends to linger, not just on people's clothing, but on
their hair, furniture, and cars. And it is often hard to get the smell of smoke out.
The only thing that really helps a person avoid the problems associated with smoking
is staying smoke free. This is not always easy, especially if everyone around you is smoking
and offering you cigarettes. To avoid these evils of smoking and ensure a healthy platform
for the youth it is not only our duty but need of the day to condemn such practices if not
completely then atleast socially. In general, I think the world would be a better place without
cigarettes and that is why smoking should be banned. However, the decision as to whether
to smoke or not should be for each individual to make.

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