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Week of

January 30, 2017

Please know the definitions AND spelling

of the word below.


Vocabulary Words:

In this brief unit, students will build their

1. inclined: Having a mind to do so

background knowledge about the

importance of sports within the American

2. competition: The act of competing, or a rivalry

culture over time. They will read two

3. role model: a person who's behavior is emulated

by others

informational articles: Its Not Just a

Game! and The Literature of Baseball: The
Quintessential American Game. Students

4. cognitive: the act or process of knowing

will also be reintroduced to reading and

5. monitor: To assist or supervise

writing arguments (RI.5.8 and W.5.1). They

will begin to explore how to read opinion

6. stimulate: To encourage or spur on


7. integration: The act of combining into a whole

8. reflect: To think or ponder

Math: This week in math we will continue


module 4 which, explores multiplication and

division of fractions and decimal fractions As
always, we are continuing to work on writing
about math and thoroughly explaining our

Student Council Monthly Box Top Contest, please

bring in box tops J

Tues. 1/31 Stride 4 STEAM committee

2:30 pm in room 22
(Come be apart of hosting one of Woodlakes
biggest fundraisers)

Wed. 2/1 PTSA meeting @ 6:30 pm

Please take the School Experience Survey that has

been sent home (white envelope) or online at
by Feb. 7th

steps when solving.

Science: Weather

Social Studies:

The American Revolution

We will begin reading
Johnny Tremain

5th grade will be collecting recyclables (no glass)

and old pairs of shoes as part of two fundraisers.
Please send in, if you can. Thank you!

Valentine Grams will be sold for $1 under the pergola

during recess all week! J <3

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