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Ice Although many people do not think

about Ice as a mineral, it is in fact a

mineral just as much as Quartz is. It is
a naturally occurring compound with a
defined chemical formula and crystal
structure, thus making it a legitimate
mineral. The only consideration not to
consider it a mineral is the fact that it
is not stable at room temperature.

Rumus Kimia : H2O

Komposisi : Hydrogen oxide. May be impure.
Gores : White
Kekerasan : 1.5
Sistem Kristal : Hexagonal
Keseluruhan dan : Massive, stalactitic, stalagmitic, crusty, and in fibrous
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Transparent to translucent
Berat Jenis : 0.9
Kilap : Vitreous
Belahan : none
Pecahan : Conchoidal to uneven
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : Floats in water and melts at 32 F (0 C)
Kumpulan Mineral : Oxides; Hydroxides
Gambar lainnya :
Hastingsite is a member of the
extended Hornblende group. There are
several variations of Hastingsite with
different elemental substitutions.
Some of these are recognized as
individual minerals, thereby making
Hastingsite a mineral group, with
Hastingsite the dominating member.
Hastingsite is named after Hastings
Co. in Ontario, which is the type
locality for this mineral.

Rumus Kimia : Ca2Fe2+3Fe3+


Komposisi : Basic sodium, calcium, iron and aluminum silicate.

Gores : Light gray with a greenish tinge
Kekerasan :5-6
Sistem Kristal : Monoclinic
Keseluruhan dan : Prismatic or tabular
crystals are uncommon.
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Translucent to opaque
Berat Jenis : 3.2 - 3.6
Kilap : Vitreous, submetallic, dull
Belahan : 1,2 - prismatic
Pecahan : Uneven
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : In marble deposits, metamorphic gneiss, and
nepheline syenites.
Jenis Batuan : Metamorphic
Kumpulan Mineral : Silicates; Inosilicates; Amphibole Group
Mineral yang Sama : Cleavage angles, environment, and crystal habit
yang Membedakan
Gambar lainnya :
Hornblende is a group name used to
describe Ferro-hornblende and
Magnesio-hornblende, but the term is
generally more inclusive for all calcium
aluminum amphiboles. (Hornblende is
frequently also used to describe any
dark, opaque amphibole mineral
without individual analysis.) The
individual Hornblende minerals appear
very similar and can be virtually
indistinguishable without complex

Rumus Kimia : Ca2(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al)5(Si,Al)8O22(OH)2

Komposisi : Complex basic silicate of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and
Gores : Colorless
Kekerasan :5-6
Sistem Kristal : Monoclinic
Keseluruhan dan : As prismatic or tabular crystals with a diamond-
shaped cross-section
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Opaque
Berat Jenis : 2.9 - 3.4
Kilap : Vitreous, submetallic, dull
Belahan : 2,2 - prismatic
Pecahan : Uneven, splintery
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : found in many different types of metamorphic and
igneous environments.
Jenis Batuan : Igneous, Metamorphic
Kegunaan : Hornblende is usually an uninteresting gangue
Keterdapatan : Although Hornblende is fairly abundant
Kumpulan Mineral : Calcite, Quartz, Biotite, Albite, Orthoclase,
Gambar lainnya :

Howlite specimens are often tumbled

and polished, then sold to collectors,
who find a particular liking to this
inexpensive stone. Howlite can be
easily dyed, and if dyed a turquoise-
blue color it resembles the mineral
Turquoise. Howlite is often used as a
cheap substitute for Turquoise, and
some dishonest dealers label dyed
Howlite as Turquoise

Rumus Kimia : Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5

Komposisi : Basic calcium silico-borate
Gores : White
Kekerasan : 3.5
Sistem Kristal : Monoclinic
Keseluruhan dan : Occurs in giant masses and as fragments of them.
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Translucent in thin splinters; otherwise opaque
Berat Jenis : 2.5 - 2.6
Kilap : Dull, sometimes vitreous
Belahan : None
Pecahan : Conchoidal to even
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : Borax evaporite deposits in dry lakes and in
sedimentary clay.
Jenis Batuan : Sedimentary
Kumpulan Mineral : Borates; Hydrous Borates
Mineral yang Sama : Mineral formations and localities
yang Membedakan
Gambar lainnya :
Humite is the namesake mineral of the
humite group. The name can be used
to describe the humite group, or the
individual member Humite. Humite is
very similar structurally to
Chondrodite and Clinohumite, but
forms in a different chemical structure
than those minerals. Humite was
named in 1813 in honor of Sir
Abraham Hume (1749-1838), English
connoisseur and collector.

Rumus Kimia : (Mg,Fe )7(SiO4)3(F,OH)2


Komposisi : Magnesium iron fluoro-hydroxyl-silicate

Gores : White
Kekerasan : 6 - 6.5
Sistem Kristal : Orthorhombic
Keseluruhan dan : Forms as small tabular and prismatic crystals that are
often rounded.
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Transparent to translucent
Berat Jenis : 3.1 - 3.2
Kilap : Resinous, vitreous
Belahan : 3,1
Pecahan : Subconchoidal to uneven
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : In marbles, metamorphosed dolomites and hornfels
Jenis Batuan : Metamorphic
Kumpulan Mineral : Silicates; Nesosilicates; Humite Group
Mineral yang Sama : Color, crystal habits, and hardness
yang Membedakan
Gambar lainnya :
Hydrozincite, also known as zinc
bloom, is a white carbonate
mineral consisting of
Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6. It is usually found in
massive rather than crystalline
form.It occurs as an mine
incrustations. It occurs associated
with smithsonite, hemimorphite,

Rumus Kimia : Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6

Komposisi : Basic zinc carbonate
Gores : White
Kekerasan : 2 - 2.5
Sistem Kristal : Monoclinic
Keseluruhan dan : Only occurs in microscopic crystals which form tiny
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Translucent
Berat Jenis : 3.2 - 3.8
Kilap : Vitreous to dull
Belahan : Indiscernible
Pecahan : Earthy or splintery
Daya Tahan : Slightly flexible and sectile
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : As a secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of zinc
Jenis Batuan : Metamorphic
Kumpulan Mineral : Carbonates;
Gambar lainnya :
Halite, the natural form of salt, is a
very common and well-known mineral.
It is found in solid masses, and as a
dissolved solution in the oceans and in
salt lakes. The inland lakes that are
rich in salt exist in arid regions, and
may also be below sea level without
an outlet. These lakes evaporate
during dry seasons, causing a
recession in the water level and an
increase of salinity content.

Rumus Kimia : NaCl

Komposisi : Sodium chloride
Gores : White
Kekerasan : 2 - 2.5
Sistem Kristal : Isometric
Keseluruhan dan : Crystals occur as cubes, sometimes distorted with
hopper growths.
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi : Transparent to translucent
Berat Jenis : 2.1 - 2.6
Kilap : Vitreous
Belahan : 1,all sides - cubic
Pecahan : Conchoidal
Daya Tahan : Brittle
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan : Evaporite deposits such as dry lakes and saline lake
Jenis Batuan : Sedimentary
Kumpulan Mineral : Halides
Gambar lainnya :

Rumus Kimia :
Komposisi :
Gores :
Kekerasan :
Sistem Kristal :
Atlas Kristal 3D :
Keseluruhan dan :
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi :
Berat Jenis :
Kilap :
Belahan :
Pecahan :
Daya Tahan :
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan :
Jenis Batuan :
Kegunaan :
Keterdapatan :
Kumpulan Mineral :
Mineral yang Sama :
yang Membedakan
Gambar lainnya :

Rumus Kimia :
Komposisi :
Gores :
Kekerasan :
Sistem Kristal :
Atlas Kristal 3D :
Keseluruhan dan :
Bentuk Kristal
Transparansi :
Berat Jenis :
Kilap :
Belahan :
Pecahan :
Daya Tahan :
Terhadap Pukulan
Lingkungan :
Jenis Batuan :
Kegunaan :
Keterdapatan :
Kumpulan Mineral :
Mineral yang Sama :
yang Membedakan
Gambar lainnya :

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