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Artist Statement

Blending Techniques on Final Project

John Papagiannopoulos Foundations of Art

John Papagiannopoulos

Value- Artist Statement

While I was creating my value composition, I learned much about different techniques
for value. I learned about blending, hatching, cross hatching, stippling, and scribbling. Overall, I
tried to focus on blending, hatching, and cross hatching. I learned the different values of pencils
and about the pencil scale with 9H being the lightest shade and 9B being the darkest. I also
learned about the value scale. I learned about how value can help make an object look more three
dimensional on a two dimensional space (helps fill space-like cross contour).
My First stem was to create six sketches to represent my final project and to choose an
object. I choose a compass because it had many shiny areas which could demonstrate value
changes and highlights. Also, my compass had lots of edges creating a more unique way of how
the eyes moved around in the piece. Then, I sketched an outline on the final as my guide with a
minimum of six squares. My next step was to use tissues, blending sticks, and pencils with
different graphite values to create blending and other techniques. Next, I cleaned up some edges.
Finally, I added some other highlights and values of red for the background.
I used multiple different types of line in my final project in my outlines and my value
techniques such as hatching and cross hatching. I obviously used value to demonstrate the value
project and the dimensions of a compass. I used space/ shape to deter main the background and
the objects space in the context. Finally, I used shape in determining the dimensions, width and
size of the compass affecting its proportion to scale/ unity to make the piece whole. These
elements and principles were used through the project including edges and the mass in the object.
My artwork is about the value scale and the affect it has on objects. A two dimensional
sketch can appear three dimensional with value and contour. My art piece demonstrates previous
uses of contour and media in creating a value piece. I wanted my artwork to include many
different angles to interest the viewer and question an ordinary object. As a fan of sciences and
mathematics, the compass also represent my interests.

John Papagiannopoulos

Hatching/Cross Hatching

Stippling/ Scribbling

John Papagiannopoulos

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