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Used To - Be Used To Get Used To

The following is a mini-tutorial on USED TO BE USED TO GET USED TO. Once you have completed the
tutorial, you are ready to do the practice exercises.

USED TO, BE USED TO and GET USED TO can be confusing structures for students learning English
because they seem so similar in appearance. However, their meanings are quite different.

I used to get up early

(This means that in the past I got up early, but I dont get up early anymore)

Im used to getting up early

(This means that Im accustomed to getting up early)

Im getting used to getting up early

(This means that I am in the process of becoming accustomed to getting up early, but Im still not used
to getting up early)


USED TO indicates an action that we did in the past, but no longer do in the present. We often use this
structure to contrast past habits with current situations. For example:

We used to live in a large city, but now we live in a small village

I didnt use to exercise regularly, but now I go to the gym every day
Did you use to smoke?

Be careful, because there are slight changes in the structures we use for USED TO, depending on
whether the sentence is affirmative, negative or interrogative.

The structure for USED TO is:

Affirmative: subject + USED TO + infinitive (without to)

Negative: subject + auxiliary verb + not + USE TO + infinitive (without to)
Question: auxiliary verb + subject + USE TO + infinitive (without to)


BE USED TO indicates a situation which has become normal. We have become accustomed to someone
or something. For example:

He is used to working long hours

She isnt used to the cold weather
Are you used to working with computers?

The structure for BE USED TO is:

Affirmative: subject + BE ( conjugated) + USED TO + gerund / noun

Negative: subject + BE ( conjugated) + not + USED TO + gerund / noun
Question: BE ( conjugated) + subject + USED TO + gerund / noun
Used To - Be Used To Get Used To


GET USED TO indicates a situation that we are in the process of becoming accustomed to. We often
(though not always) express this state using the present continuous. For example:

This is a new job and I am still getting used to working here

Even though I lived there for several years, I didnt get used to the weather
Now that you live in Spain, have you got used to eating dinner at 10:00 pm?

The structure for GET USED TO is:

Affirmative: subject + GET USED TO + gerund / noun

Negative: subject + auxiliary verb + not + GET USED TO + gerund / noun
Question: auxiliary verb + subject + GET USED TO + gerund / noun

You are now ready to put into practice what you have learned in this tutorial. Go directly to the practice

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