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The Purity

All praise is for Allah. We praise him, we seek his aid, and we ask for his forgiveness.
I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, who has no
partner, and who is the lord of the worlds. Allah loves those who turn unto him in
repentance and loves those who purify themselves and blessings and peace family
and Allahs righteous servants.

Oh friends I advise you to fear from Allah who said:

Oh you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear him and speak always the

Oh believers. Every Muslim keeps his purity because its an important part of his
worship, and this gives a proof for his faith existence.


Purity is half of faith

So prayers without purification is not correct

" :

No Salat (prayer) is accepted without ablution. Adding for that purification means
cleanliness and means removing the NAJAS, for that every Muslim most clean his
body and the environment near to him.

Everyday Muslim must take ablution 5 times daily and must wear his best and clean



Oh children of Adam! Toke your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while
praying. (7:30). It means that every Muslim used to keep his mosque and his house
in cleanliness case. In addition, Islam ordered His followers to clean their hearts
from bad characters like hating the others jealousy withholding.



Our messenger used to pray Allah to clean him from the sins as in the case of
washing the white cloth from dirt. And he prayed Allah to clean his sins with water
and snow.

This means that please Allah clean me from the sins which blacken the heart as
cleaning the white cloth from dirt.

This purity is a path to paradise. There is a story that we can summarize; one of the
followers didnt offer more prayers or more fasting but in the same case he was
pure from cheating or jealousy, and for these high characters our prophet promised
this follower with paradise. These characters give a clear proof that Islam in his
method is taking attention about purity.


[In it are men who love to clean and purify themselves and Allah love those who
make themselves clean and pure.] (9:108)

Our Lord praised Marry Allah may bless her because she kept her pureness, she
avoided the bad manners and for that she deserved to be above the women of the



Remember, when the angles said (Oh Marry! Verily Allah has chosen you, purified
you from polytheism and disbelief and chose you above the women of the world).

So every Muslim looking for Allahs love, looking for paradise, he must keep the
purity of his characters.


[But those who believe (in the oneness in Allah) and do deeds of righteousness we
shall admit them to gardens under which rivers flow (paradise)](4:57)

We pray Allah to make us pure slaves and we ask him to help us to obey him and to
obey whom we ordered to obey.

Source: http://www.muslim-

30 Short Friday Khutbah | Collected by: Ali Ateeq AlDhaheri

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