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Review of Related Literature

Local Study

Ganiron Jr. T (2014) An Analysis of the Public Perception of Floods in Manila

City, stated that flood is one of the perennial problems in Manila. The residents itself

are one of the contributing factors why this problem occurs. Furthermore, he believed

that the solution in flood problems in Manila is constructing more pump stations and

launching flood control program. Pump station is one of the factors to consider solving

the flood problem in our country. A pump station reduces hazards to local residents and

potential for damage to pavement.

Ani (2013, July) A Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Water Level

on Drainage Systems using ZigBee, specified that clogged drainage systems are the

major cause of pollution and frequent flooding in Manila especially during the rainy

season. Hence, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the drainage system in

Manila. The use of ZigBee in wireless sensor network provides low cost and reliable

network which is fast and easy to deploy. The design includes water level sensors in

order to detect and determine the blockages in drainage systems. The ZigBee module is

used to wirelessly send information to a central computer that observes drainages

throughout the area.

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