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Rationale for unit

This units purpose is to give students a foundation to understand the Skylight play which they
will be seeing at TheatreCalgary; as well, it will be beneficial for their later study of
Shakespeares play Hamlet. Kims Convenience is a modern, relevant, and easy to read play.
There is only a couple of weeks at the beginning of the semester before students go to see
Skylight, and this play is short enough that it can be taught well and thoroughly before students
see the play. Despite being a short play, and an easy read, the play is full of great themes,
content, and ideas.

Long range plan for unit

Intro/pre-assessment class
o Students set a goal for the semester
o Assess strengths and weaknesses
o Think of strategy to work on for the term
Play - Kims Convenience
o Building on knowledge of play format
o Choose positions on issues, ideas, themes, and
o Connecting self to characters, ideas, themes
o Personal context/background context how does their
own background knowledge/experience affect what
they take from a text?
o Understand how purpose and audience affects creation
of the text in terms of form, content, ideas
o Skylight play- appreciation of the craft of playmaking
o Skylight play- create a review using an appropriate
o Students assess time, resources, self, and expectations
for review assignment to decide how to create their
review and get it handed in on time
o Students display appropriate effort put into review
assignment a reflection of professional reviews written
about plays
Shakespeare Hamlet/poetry
o Go through poetry conventions, structure, format
o Appreciate the craft of playmaking
o Creative project representing the themes of the text
(they will be used on D2L as means of classmate
review- purpose and audience)
o Choose an appropriate medium to present thoughts and
o Develop presentation
o Presentation skills
o Work is error free, clear, and understandable
o Work together in groups to complete project
Feature film unit
o Develop understanding of text creation in terms of
camera techniques
o Creation of a text in relation to film techniques (e.g.
story boarding, creation of own film, etc.)
o Work in a group to complete the project on film
Novel Maus?
o Research project on other genocides around the world
o Take into account purpose, audience, and form of
o Plan research out
o Use strategies to find appropriate sources and
o Learn referencing sources
o Reflection on the research process afterwards
o Choose an appropriate medium to present thoughts and
o Develop presentation
o Presentation skills
o Work is error free, clear, and understandable
o Appropriate language for the discussion on holocausts
and genocides
Short stories
o Read through different short stories and analyze
content, literary devices, tone, atmosphere, and other
literary structures
1 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 10 11 12 13

15 16 17 18 19 20

22 23 24 25 26 27

29 30 31
First day of
classes- intro

1 2 3
Scenes 1, 2, 3 Scenes 4,5,6,7 Scenes 8,9,
5 6 7 8 9 10
Scenes 11,12,13 Scenes 14,15,16 Scenes TV episode Assignment
17,18,19,20 + theme

12 13 14 15 16 17
Assignment on Quiz on Kims Context for skylight PD Day PD Day
theme Convenience

19 20 21 22 23 24
Family day (no Context for skylight Skylight Play End of Skylight Diploma wo
classes) 10:00am study

-get them to take

notes after the play Diploma workshop
initial reactions
makes the
tomorrow easier
26 27 28
In class critical Start of
essay- Kims Con. Shakespeare
Or Skylight (Hamlet) unit

Pre-assessment of
poetry terms and
analysis of a poem

1 2 3
Poetry + Start Hamlet Ripping apart
metaphors ac
Sonnets of
5 6 7 8 9 10
Comparing three Parent/teacher
versions of Hamlet conferences 5-8pm

12 13 14 15 16 17
watch and Finish movie Creative project for PD Day (no
compare movie to Hamlet classes)

19 20 21 22 23 End of 24 Spring bre

Diploma writing Diploma writing Shakespeare begins)
workshop workshop (Hamlet) unit

Personal response in
26 27 28 29 30 31


2 3 4 5 6 7
School starts End of film study
Feature film
study start

9 10 11 12 13 14
Start of novel Literature circles Good Friday (no
study (reading school)
in and out)

16 17 18 19 20 21
Easter Monday Parent/teacher
(no school) conferences (no
classes) 9-3

23 24 25 26 27 28
research project

1 2 3 4 5
Critical essay on Start of research
Kims Con., project presentat
Skylight, Hamlet,
film, or novel

7 8 9 10 11 12
End of novel Start of short
unit stories
Going through
how to do a
close reading

14 15 16 17 18 19
Last minute My last day
assignments for me
to mark before I
21 22 23 24 25 26

28 29 30 31
Assessment for the unit
Personal response
In class handouts
Critical essay
Review assignment
Date: Jan 31st
Class: 30-1 (Intro class/pre-assessment)

1.2.3a: appraise own strengths and weaknesses as a language user and

language learner; select appropriate strategies to increase strengths and
address weaknesses; monitor the effectiveness of selected strategies; and
modify selected strategies as needed to optimize growth [for example, assess
growth in writing by using a writing portfolio and portfolio reflections]
1.2.3b: set goals and identify and experiment with strategies for language
growth in relation to formal and informal personal communications [for
example, working in a group or taking a leadership role in a club]
2.3.1b: respond personally and analytically to ideas developed in literature
and other texts

PowerPoint slides
o Intro to me
Intro handout one for each student
o Expectations
Particular emphasis on duo tangs
In class assignments will be put inside of the duo tangs so
they cannot be lost and so they can be used later on in
the school year
These are to help reduce the risk of work being lost as
well as to increase the likelihood of in class handouts
being finished
The duo tangs will be for completion marks at random
points throughout the semester it is the students
responsibility for the work to be completed and inside the
duo tang. When I go to check them, with a list of the
handouts that need to be both in the duo tang AS WELL
AS appropriately completed, I will not be chasing down
students to get missing assignments
If a student does not finish an in class handout they have
to either ask to work on it during a lunch period, spare, or
o Extra credit
Personal response
o Students will watch this 6 minute video and personally respond to it - I
just sued the school system Prince Ea. Let students know that this is
to help me see where everyone is with writing skills, formation of
ideas, etc. The whole point of this intro class is for me to get a feel for
the class and to help figure out how to teach them.
o The handouts are to go into their duo tangs which are NEVER to go
home with them
Go through syllabus


1.2.3a/1.2.3b: explain strengths and weaknesses in intro handout getting to

know you + think of one strategy to improve as an ELA student
1.2.3b: set goals and choose one strategy for improving skills in name bar
2.3.1b: personal response to the video


Paper for making the name bar

I just sued the school system:
Scrap paper for students who didnt bring any
Date: Feb 1st
Class: 30-1 (Start of Kims Convenience)

1.2.1a: select appropriate strategies to extend awareness and understanding

of new perspectives, monitor their effectiveness, and modify them as needed
[for example, record new understandings in a learning log; develop new
group perspectives using a fish bowl organization]
2.1.2g: assess the contributions that visual and aural elements make to the
meaning of texts
2.3.1a: identify and consider personal, moral, ethical and cultural
perspectives when studying literature and other texts; and reflect on and
monitor how perspectives change as a result of interpretation and discussion
2.3.1b: form positions on issues that arise from text study; and assess the
ideas, information, arguments, emotions, experiences, values and beliefs
expressed in works of literature and other texts in light of issues that are
personally meaningful and culturally significant

Scene one: Open

o Before reading the scene, get students to appreciate how music and
colour affect mood/tone/etc.
They are going to listen to the trailers without any visuals
Using the music and colour handout, get students to respond to
the first three questions.
trailers for handout:
Your name:
o The point of this exercise is for students to
appreciate how much music affects their ideas
about media without them really being conscious of
it. The two videos with actual words spoken are
deliberately in non-English languages so that most
students (some may speak the other languages)
will have to focus on the music alone to determine
the type of film
Get students to read through the cheat sheet article
highlighting anything they see important/relevant
o Elf trailer vs. thriller trailer
Get students to watch both and ask them to explain what the
difference between the two is (both have the same content but
are coloured different and have different editing and style of
o Read the setting (scene one) of Kims convenience and get students
to fill out the second half of the music and colour handout how would
you colour/light the setting (think about music as well + anything else
they think is relevant)
Scene two: I am Korean
o What do you think about the conversation: Yo forget it, its no big
deal/Yo, its very big deal? Who do you agree with? Rich or Mr. Kim?
Get them to discuss with an elbow partner
Then use random student picker to get a few students to explain
what they talked about
o My own experience: (are you from Australia? Oh
no, Im English They sound the same dont they?
No.) its really annoying and a bit of an attack on
identity (even if that is not the intention)
Scene three: Call police
o Read the scene
o Have students write to the question: What do you think about Mr.
Kims obvious dislike of Japanese people, Japanese products, and Japan
overall? do not prompt about Korea vs. Japan past yet!!
o Get them to read the context of Japan vs. Korea (in the Kims
Convenience handout package)
o After reading about the background, ask them to add a bit to their
written response: Does knowing this information change who you side
with in scene two? Why or why not?

1.2.1a: Encourage the if you dont know something when you are reading
then look it up idea when talking about Mr. Kims obvious dislike of Japan.
2.1.2g: the activities in scene one: how music sets a mood, look at the way
colour changes atmosphere, and a comparison of original Elf trailer vs.
Thriller Elf trailer; music and colour handout
2.3.1a: in the scene 3 response their own personal response then +
reflection of new knowledge about Japan and Korea to personal response
2.3.1b: choose a position on Richs and Mr. Kims conversation


Kims Convenience class set
Music handout
Your name trailer:
Guardians trailer:
Hush trailer:
Cheat sheet article about lightening, colour, and mood
Elf original trailer:
Elf thriller trailer:
Kims Convenience class set
Kims Convenience package
Random student picker site:
Date: Feb 2, 2017
Class: 30-1 (context, purpose, cultural, personal)

2.1.1a: explain the text creators purpose, including implicit purpose when
applicable; describe whether or not the purpose was achieved [for example,
describe an authors use of juxtaposition to develop a contradictory
impression of a character]; and assess the suitability of a text to the target
2.1.1d: identify the impact that personal contextexperience, prior
knowledgehas on constructing meaning from a text
2.1.2d: analyze the personality traits, roles, relationships, motivations,
attitudes and values of characters developed/persons presented in literature
and other texts; and explain how the use of archetypes can contribute to the
development of other textual elements, such as theme
2.3.1a: a. identify and consider personal, moral, ethical and cultural
perspectives when studying literature and other texts; and reflect on and
monitor how perspectives change as a result of interpretation and discussion
2.3.1b: form positions on issues that arise from text study; and assess the
ideas, information, arguments, emotions, experiences, values and beliefs
expressed in works of literature and other texts in light of issues that are
personally meaningful and culturally significant

Scene four: The Offer

o Read scene four
o do you think Mr. Kim will take Mr. Lees offer? Would you?
Divide the class by yes vs. no get them to physically move the
desks out of the way and stand on either left or right side
If majority of students stand on one side, then you stand
on the other, and argue which ever side that is
Get students from both sides to explain their points of
Facilitate an interesting discussion about the merits and
cons of both sides
o Look at the context of Regent park (setting and story) in the Kims
Convenience booklet
Discuss the idea of gentrification
Discuss as a class Mr. Kim: The community needs me. In
the context of these new ideas
Scene five: I am serious
o Read it
o Discuss: has anyone had a conversation like this with a relative?
o Pair up: get them to act out the scene. Then switch the role they are
playing and play the opposite role. Tell them to self-reflect how they
speak to one another to deliver the lines
If any students want to present this scene, let them!
Scene six: Im going
o Miss Choi will read the Korean in this scene- STUDENTS ARE NOT TO
Students will be asked what the scene was about
It is likely they wont know
Read through the actual scene
Gangnam style: play it (no subtitles on the video- just Korean)
What is the song about? What does the title mean?
Show the lyrics/context of the song
Discuss- is this what you thought it was about?
Show the article about other languages in English speaking films
on the projector
How would your view change of the scenes if you
understood what was being spoken?
Ask: What does the presence of the two languages (English and
Korean) imply about the audience that Choi was waiting for?
Scene seven: Whats your exit plan?
o Read it
o Janet says to her dad: didnt you do what you had to do so I woulntd
have to do what I had to do but could choose what I wanted to do?
Elbow partner: What do you think first generation Canadians
give up by moving to Canada?
Write on the board the answers given
o Mr. Kim wants Janet to be financially secure in life but Janet wants to be
able to follows her passions. How does their conversation reflect, the
often, differing views that many first generation immigrants have
about living in a new country compared to their childrens view?
o Show (make sure to tell students to listen to what the man is saying):
Written response: How is Mr. Hans relationship with his children
similar to the relationship we see between Mr. and Ms. Kim and

2.1.1a: responses to what they think about the presence of the two
languages and the implication of the audience Choi was writing for
2.1.1d: exit slip did the idea of language (in terms of personal context) get
2.1.2d: written response about the similarities between Mr/Ms Kims
relationship to Janet and Mr. Hans relationship with his children
2.3.1a: classroom activity of yes or no to would you take Mr. Lees offer?
2.3.1b: scene four response to the offer


Kims Convenience class set

_hilarity_of_untranslated_foreign_language_movie_lines/ - explains
the Gangnam styles song purpose/ also has the lyrics for the song
I am an immigrant
Date: Feb 3rd
Class: 30-1

2.3.1a: identify and consider personal, moral, ethical and cultural

perspectives when studying literature and other texts; and reflect on and
monitor how perspectives change as a result of interpretation and discussion
2.3.1b: form positions on issues that arise from text study; and assess the
ideas, information, arguments, emotions, experiences, values and beliefs
expressed in works of literature and other texts in light of issues that are
personally meaningful and culturally significant
2.3.1c: assess the choices and motives of characters and people portrayed in
texts in light of the choices and motives of self and others

Scene 8: Jamaican
o Read the scene
o Richs comment about Chinaman at the end of the scene and the idea
of broken English.
Write on the board: What do people usually say about those who
speak in broken English?
Ask students to offer any views on what they think of this
(this might be a sensitive topic for some so dont push for
answers but instead lead into the Modern family bit
This scene made me think of this: Modern family: You
have no idea how smart I am in Spanish
Class discussion about the implications of broken English: means
the person likely knows more than one language (more that I
know!); many are like Gloria in that they are judged by how they
talk (Mr. Kim talks with broken English) and not taken seriously-
remember Mr. Kim wanted Janet to call the Police in a past scene
because they would hear his accent and wouldnt take him
Scene 9: Steal or no steal
o Read the scene in small groups (3 per group)
Talk in small groups: Janet says her dad is being racist but he
responds Not racist. survival skill. What do you think
motivates Mr. Kim to think like this?
o Come back as a class and discuss the idea
Display quote from article
e+adds+chapter+canada+story/8881230/story.html : he
explains how every single person who walks into the store falls into
one of two categories steal or no steal.That leads to a hilarious bit
of racial and gender profiling that might not be politically correct, but
reflects life running a corner grocery.
My interpretation:
Mr. Kim is stereotyping people by their skin colour and
Mr Kim: Every customer, have to know he is thinking
about it from a business mindset. He needs to make sure
he is not losing money as locally owned convenience
stores dont have the profit margins that big stores do.
Someone stealing affects him and his family badly. In this
way, he believes because he is not making a personal
connection to the people in terms of their skin colour and
gender but a business one that he is not being racist but
instead using a survival skill which is to protect himself
and his family
Janet only sees the stereotyping that Mr. Kim is doing. She
thinks he is making unfair judgements on people because
of how they look and therefore is being racist
Scene 10: Hapkido
o Read the scene
o Really interesting lines:
No, I dont excuse you. You have no excuse. You living in
Canada, you is healthy, you is smart, you is good boy, you have
no excuse to steal
Thank you, Mr. Kim. You not welcome
Why do you think Mr. Kim mutters you not welcome after
Mike leaves?
o My interpretation: he doesnt like people stealing
from him, he also doesnt like having to try and get
the objects back, and he doesnt understand why if
you live in Canada you choose to steal
o Read the Hapkido section in the Kims con. booklet
Discussion: Mr. Kim refers to Hapkido as Korean fighting style
but in the Kims Convenience booklet handout it refers to
Hapkido as self-defence. Why do you think Mr. Kim calls it a
fighting style?
I think he was trying to scare Mike into just giving up the
stuff and not causing any more trouble)
Also, you could argue that Mr. Kim is actually defending
something by fighting Mike. Can you think of what I might be
referring to?
He is defending his family from financial ruin by stopping
Mike from stealing from his store
o Written response: Mr. Kim told Janet that he didnt see Mike steal, but it
turns out that Mike had in fact stolen some things. Do you think Mr.
Kim knew Mike had stolen something or was he just assuming? Do you
agree with how Mr. Kim dealt with the situation? What would you have
done in his place?
My interpretation: I would argue that Mr. Kim suspected him
because he caught Mike in a lie. Why do I think this? The
interesting exchange about the Vaseline. Mike says he found it in
the back, and later, Mr. Kim says Give to me what you steal
from back of store and I give to you change. To me, this implied
that the Vaseline wasnt at the back of the store, and Mr. Kim
knew this and therefore suspected that Mike might have pinched
something off the shelves at the back. Do I agree with how he
dealt with the situation? Not really, I understand that he would
to get back the goods that Mike stole but having done Karate
myself I know I would have been in trouble for using martial arts
when I know I wasnt physically in danger. I honestly dont
know what I would have done in his place. Ive only ever been in
a position where I would tell a manager that I thought a
customer was stealing and they dealt with it. Having to deal with
that myself would be something I would find very difficult.
This discussion is a perfect time to talk about how even
though texts like this are very simply written, that does
not mean there is not a lot of substance to them. When I
first read this scene it felt weird; are we supposed to be
justifying Mr. Kims stereotyping? I wondered. Now, I think
it is a perfect example of how to teach close reading. The
Vaseline moment was an odd moment to me when I first
read this scene. It was only after I started analyzing the
text closely and questioning things that I started to notice
small and subtle connections. That led to me being able
to make an argument about the text.
o For fun: Example of Hapkido:
2.3.1a: class discussion about peoples views about broken English, show a
different perspective through modern family clip, and a self-reflection on how
students own views may have changed
2.3.1b: talk in small groups about Mr. Kims motives in scene 9; answer to
written response in scene 10; form an opinion on if they agree with how Mr.
Kim dealt with the situation in the written response section
2.3.1c: what would you have done in his place? written response section


Modern family:
Class set of Kims Con.
Kims Con. booklet

Getting to know you

The point of this handout out is to help me understand who you are as a
person as well as a student. I will use these answers to help determine how I
teach, what I teach, and what our classroom needs to succeed.
1. What is your favorite setting?

2. Who or what has been the biggest antagonist in your life? Explain the

3. If you could choose one object that could represent you symbolically,
what would it be and what does it say about you?
4. How would you describe the mood or atmosphere of your life?

5. Describe your life so far in one sentence.

6. Name three stock characters in your life and what role they play in it.

7. If your life was being narrated by a third person narrator, how would
they describe you? Give me five adjectives.

8. What type of conflict exists in your life?

9. Think of a turning point in your life a moment in time when you just
knew that you never see things in exactly the same way again.
Describe the moment.

10. If you were an onomatopoeic word, what would it be?

11. Make up a simile about yourself.

12. Make up a sentence using alliteration to describe your

impressions of high school.

13. A movie is going to be made about your life. Give it a title.

14. Who will star as you in the movie?

15. How do you feel about English? What are some of your strengths
and weaknesses in the course?

16. What grade do you want to get this semester? Give me one
strategy that you can use to help make this happen (e.g. going to
tutorials, reading more, etc.)

17. Ideas on what you would like to pursue after High School (e.g.
post secondary, work, etc.)

18. Anything else that you think I need to know

Music and colour handout

What type of film do you think the first trailer is for?


What type of film do you think the second trailer is for?


What type of film do you think the third trailer is for?



Decide a mood, atmosphere, or tone for your own production of the first scene
from Kims Convenience.

Briefly mention it here:


Based on your decided mood, atmosphere, or tone, describe how youd light
and colour the set. What sort of music would you use (or would you use any?)
Describe anything else you think is relevant.
Image from:
TV show: Modern Family
Skylight Review Assignment

Overview of the assignment:

You have been hired to write a professional review on the new play being
showcased by TheatreCalgary, Skylight. As with any other professional
reviewer, it is your job to examine the overall presentation of the play as well
as examine it on more specific levels.
Your editor in chief suggests that you look over the expectations she has set
for your review before seeing the play. This way, when you see the play, you
will be able to make mental notes about things youd like to talk about in
your review.
Your editor in chief is allowing you to present your review in any medium that
you desire. However, be warned, she is more concerned with the actual
content of the review over the showy way you choose to present it.

In-class time:
You will be given one in class period to work on this review. It will be due on
the following Monday.
It is YOUR responsibility to email me about any resources/materials that you
think youll need after seeing the play I cannot guarantee that Ill have
access to what you want (e.g. cameras) so make sure to think about what
resources you have available yourself. You will not be allowed to simply sit
there and say Ill work on it at home use your in class time effectively and
you wont need to worry about completing this assignment when youd
rather be doing something else outside of school hours.
This is an individual assignment. It is okay to talk to one another about how
to present, write certain things, or discuss ideas, but I will be expecting
individually unique assignments from ALL of you.
Tip: I would suggest that right after the play is done, take out your phone or
a notebook and quickly dot down some ideas. You may think that youll
remember them the next day, but the mind can be a tricky thing and I
cannot help you to remember what you felt, thought, or reflected on when
watching the play. My own experience of the play will be different than your
Review Assignment Evaluation
Your presentation
Did the student choose a suitable medium for the content to be
presented? (1 mark)
Is there obvious effort put into the content and presentation of the
review? (2 marks)

Overall examination
Student uses appropriate terminology in their discussion of the play (1
Student makes clear what parts of the play they found effective and
what parts they did not (2 marks)
Student clearly explains why parts of the play were effective and why
others were not (2 marks)

Student discusses the plays themes/controlling ideas and whether the
supporting details made the themes/controlling ideas effective or not
(2 marks)

Student discusses and assesses the overall and specific set up of the
play in terms of costume, acting, lighting, colour, etc. (3 marks)
Student examines the effects of these decisions and whether they
believe the effects chosen were appropriate for the tone and themes of
the play (2 marks)

Total: _________
Explanation of review assignment assessment

4.1.3b: recognize and assess personal variables [such as personal experience and prior
knowledge] and contextual variables [such as availability of time and resources] that influence
the selection of a topic, concept or idea; and address these variables to increase the likelihood of
successful text creation
Students will be instructed: to keep in mind that they only have one class to work on this,
to notice that while they can present this review in anyway they want that it is only worth
3 marks overall, and that they need to be ready to work in the in-class period with
resources they themselves have brought in or have asked me -BEFORE the work period-
to bring in.
I will assess students on this outcome before they start the assignment (i.e. do they ask for
resources they need/ask for help if they need it?), during (are they on task in the work
period or just wasting their time? Did they bring what they needed to work on the
project?), and after (did they complete the assignment on time? Is it a successful
assignment or something thrown together last minute?)

Summative- what the evaluation handout says

2.3.3a: recognize that texts can be effective and artistic, and use terminology appropriate to the
forms studied for discussing and appreciating the effectiveness and artistry of a variety of texts
Student uses appropriate terminology in their discussion of the play
Student makes clear what parts of the play they found effective and what parts they did
Student clearly explains why parts of the play were effective and why others were not

2.2.2f: analyze the various elements of effective presentation, and assess the effects created [for
example, colour to create symbolism or mood, and gestures to enhance clarity]
Student discusses and assesses the overall and specific set up of the play in terms of
costume, acting, lighting, colour, etc.
Student examines the effects of these decisions and whether they believe the effects
chosen were appropriate for the tone and theme of the play

2.3.2f: assess the significance of a texts theme or controlling idea, and the adequacy, relevance
and effectiveness of its supporting details, examples or illustrations, and content in general
Student discusses the plays theme/controlling idea and whether the supporting details
made the theme effective or not

4.1.2a: select a text form appropriate to the purpose for text creation and consistent with the
content to be presented in the text
Did the student choose a suitable medium for the content to be presented?

4.1.3f: develop content consistent with form and appropriate to context

Did the student choose a suitable medium for the content to be presented?
Is there obvious effort put into the content and presentation of the review?

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