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Opening Sequence Analysis

Inception directed by Christopher Nolan

The film starts with eerie strong bass music, which builds up tension
and confusion to the audience, the use of the non-diegetic sound is
used to help set the scene and foreshadows what may happen in a
couple of seconds.

The scene starts with the camera panning across the sea, this is
also an establishing shot as it helps to set the scene so that the
audience are aware of where the scene is happening. For example,
from this image we can see that this scene is taking place on the
beach. The diegetic sounds of the waves crashing against the shore
also help to set the scene. This fades and the camera cuts to the
protagonist laying in a lifeless state washed up on the beach. A
close up of the protagonist is then shown to empathise the severity
of the protagonists scenario.

dramatic opening such as this is very common in the thriller genre,
as it arises many unanswered questions such as: why is he there
and what did he do to get there? This builds up a mystery relating
back to Roland Barthes enigma code theory.

There is a quick straight cut and the camera focuses on a young

boy, in the manner of a medium shot which allows the audience to
see his costume and what hes doing. Although the lighting
throughout the opening scene is high-key it is present that there is
sinister aspects revolving within this scene.

An eye-line match is then used to represent the protagonist looking

at the child. This juxtaposes with what we first see as the young boy
appears to be harmless and full of innocence.

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