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Student Name: Matthew Micone Course Code: ECS 4070

Age Group:4-6 Date: March 24 2017

Learning Experience: Birds in the nest craft

Programming Purpose:

To celebrate the spring time with this craft then will use to decorate hallway as
well as small writing piece

Children will increase their artistic skills creating the bird in the nest and their literacy skills
writing a simple sentence

(29) Pre cut bird bodies
(29) Pre cut nest
(29) Pre cut head
(1) pack of straw (fake hay)
(1) Bag of googol eyes
(29) Pre cut speech bubbles
Opening (Introduction)

I will set this up at center time and have all the materials set up. I will encourage
the children to come here after being dismissed from the carpet.

Body (Content)
1. First the child will pick a body colour and head
2. Then place the bird in the nest
3. Add the fake hay
4. Write their simple sentance and attach to the bird

Closing (Ending)
Thank you all for participating!
I hope you all had fun creating birds in their nest

I will ask the students to help tidy and then go back and play.
Overall Group Learning Experience Evaluation

What worked during this learning experience? Why?

Having everything pre cut made it a lot easier. Having many different colours to
choose from was great because the child had a wide selection to choose form.
Working in steps helped not to rush the activity.

What did not work during this learning experience? Why?

The may thing did not work was the fake hay got very messy and the children
would throw it or put to much on their nest.

What might you do differently in the future?

Next time I would bring in gems and glitter to make the birds stand out more.
Site Supervisors Feedback

Provide the student with constructive feedback on his/her Group Learning

Indicate aspects the student did well
Comment on aspect the student could keep in mind when planning and
implementing future experiences

Site Supervisors Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________

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