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The Plant Cell, Vol.

7,1059-1070,July 1995 O 1995 American Society of Plant Physiologists

Alkaloid Biosynthesis-The Basis for Metabolic Engineering

of Medicinal Plants

Toni M. Kutchan
Laboratorium fr Molekulare Biologie, Universitat Mnchen, Karlstrasse 29,80333 Munich, Germany


Alkaloids-the term is linguistically derived from the Arabic of which were originally isolated and assayed for biological
word a/-qali, the plant from which soda was first obtained- activity in the 1960s in the laboratory of M.E. Wall. In other
are nitrogenous compounds that constitute the pharmacolog- areas, there are intense searches for nove1 antivirals and
ically active basic principles of predominantly, although not antimalarials.
exclusively, flowering plants. Since the identification of the first We also encounter alkaloids as the stimulants caffeine in
alkaloid, morphine, from the opium poppy, Papaver somnife- coffee and tea and nicotine in cigarettes. Although a wealth
rum, by Sertrner in 1806,.ulO,OOOalkaloids have been isolated of information is available on the pharmacological effects of
and their structures elucidated (Southon and Buckingham, these compounds, surprisingly little is known about how plants
1989).Historically,the use of alkaloid-containing plant extracts synthesize these substances, and almost nothing is known
as potions, medicines, and poisons can be traced back almost about how this synthesis is regulated. This is due, in part, to
to the start of civilization. Famed examples include Socrates the complex chemical structures of many alkaloids, which con-
death in 399 B.C. by consumption of coniine-containing hem- tain multiple asymmetric centers. For example, although
lock (Conium maculatum) and Cleopatras use during the last nicotine (one asymmetric center) was discovered in 1828,its
century B.C. of atropine-containing extracts of Egyptian hen- structure was not known until it was synthesized in 1904,and
bane (Hyoscyamusmuficus) to dilate her pupils and thereby the structure of morphine (five asymmetric centers) was not
appear more alluring. Medieval European women utilized ex- unequivocally elucidated until 1952,146 years after its isola-
tracts of deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna, for the same tion. Beginning in the late 1950s,radiolabeledprecursorswere
purpose, hence the name belladonna. Although coniine is too fed to plants and the resultant radioactive alkaloidswere chem-
toxic to find therapeutic use today outside of homeopathy, ically degradedto identify the position of the label. This opened
tropicamide, an anticholinergic that is a synthetic derivative the field of alkaloid biosynthesis to experimentation. As ana-
of atropine, is routinely used in eye examinations to dilate the lytical instrumentationbecame more sophisticated, precursors
pupil. Tropicamide has also recently shown promise as an early labeled with stable isotopes were fed to plants and the prod-
diagnostic tool in the detection of Alzheimers disease (Scinto ucts analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
et al., 1994).A tonic prepared from the bark of Cinchona No real progress was made in identifying alkaloid biosynthetic
officinalis that contains the antimalarial drug quinine greatly enzymes until the use of plant cell cultures as experimental
facilitated European exploration and inhabitation of the trop- systems was introduced in the 1970s.Since then, on the or-
ics during the past two centuries. der of 80 new enzymes that catalyze steps in the biosynthesis
In total, -~13,000 plant species are known to have been used of the indole, isoquinoline, tropane, pyrrolizidine, and purine
as drugs throughoutthe world (Tyler, 1994).Approximately 25% classes of alkaloids have been discovered and partially
of contemporary materia medica is derived from plants and characterized.
used either as pure compounds (such as the narcotic analge- Alkaloids belong to the broad category of secondary me-
sic morphine, the analgesic and antitussive codeine, and the tabolites. This class of molecule has historically been defined
chemotherapeutic agents vincristine and vinblastine; Figure as naturally occurring substances that are not vital to the or-
1) oras teas and extracts. Plant constituents have also served ganism that produces them. Alkaloids have traditionally been
as models for modern synthetic drugs, such as atropine for of interest only due to their pronounced and various physio-
tropicamide, quinine for chloroquine, and cocaine for procaine logical activities in animals and humans. A picture has now
and tetracaine. In fact, active plant extract screening programs begun to emerge that alkaloids do have important ecochemi-
continue to result in new drug discoveries. The most recent cal functions in the defense of the plant against pathogenic
examples of anticancer alkaloids are taxo1(clinically available organisms and herbivores or, as in the case of pyrrolizidine
since 1994)from the western yew, Taxusbrevifolia, and camp- alkaloids, as pro-toxins for insects, which further modifiy the
tothecin (and derivatives currently in clinical trials) from the alkaloids and then incorporate them into their own defense
Chinese happy tree, xi shu (Camptotheca acuminata), both secretions (reviewed in Hartmann, 1991).Alkaloids have now
1060 The Plant Cell


Strychnos nux-vomica L.
Morphine, Codeine
Papever somnllerum L
Con/urn maculatum L.

Me OAc

Nicotine Taxol
Nicotiana tabacum L. Taxua brevi/olia Nuttall

.. ^ OCOCH,
Catharanthus roaeua (L.)G.Don. i
Ajmaline Pilocarpine
Rauvolfla serpentine (L.)Benth. Pilocarpus jaborandi Holmes


|/ *A CHjOH

C6HS . CH30
jfScopolamine, Atroplne N'
Hyoscyamus niger L. Quinine
Cinchona olficlnalls L


Uragoga ipecacuanha (Brot.)Balll.
Erytnroxylcn coca Lam.

Sanguinarlne Chondodendmn tomentoaum R.&P.
Eschacholtzla calllornica Cham. Camptothecln
Camptotheca acumlntta Descne.

Figure 1. Some Physiologically Active Alkaloids and Plants That Produce Them.
Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 1061

been isolated from such diverse organisms as frogs, ants (Figure 1). Total chemical synthesesof these complex alkaloids
(pheromones), butterflies (defense), marine bacteria, sponges, would be of academic interest but due to low yields are not
fungi, spiders (venom neurotoxin), beetles (defense), and mam- likely to be applied commercially. To develop nove1 sources
mals, although is not yet clear whether de novo alkaloid of these drugs, two options are available. The cDNAs for en-
biosynthesis occurs in each organism. zymes that catalyze those biosynthetic steps that are difficult
With the introduction of molecular biology into the plant al- to achieve by chemical means can be isolated and heterolog-
kaloid field, induction of alkaloid biosynthesis in response to ously expressed for use in biornimetic syntheses. Alternatively,
exposure to wounding or to elicitors can be analyzed at the instead of single transformation steps, microorganisms could
leve1 of gene activation, and gene expression patterns in the be engineered to express short pathways, thus producing an
plant can be determined and interpreted as a first indication end-product alkaloid of interest. Alkaloid biosynthetic pathways
of possible function. We also now have the capability to alter that are to0 long to be introduced into a single microorganism
the pattern of alkaloid accumulation in plants for the purpose could be modified in the parent plant using antisense or co-
of studying the biological function of alkaloids, for engineer- suppression technologies such that a desired alkaloid can be
ing tailor-made plants that accumulate increased quantities accumulated by blocking side pathways or catabolic steps
of desired pharmaceuticals, or for producing foodstuff plants (schematically depicted in Figure 2).
with lower alkaloid content (for example, coffee without caf- All of these approaches require thorough knowledge of the
feine). Plants are some of natures very best chemists, and alkaloid biosynthetic pathway and the enzymes that catalyze
sophisticated structures such as codeine, vinblastine, taxol, the individual transformation steps. Progress toward identify-
and camptothecin remain well beyond the reach of commer- ing the enzymes of monoterpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis
cially feasible total chemical syntheses. With the ability to has been made primarily in the laboratory of J. Stockigt using
express alkaloid biosynthetic enzymes heterologously in or- Rauvolfia serpentina cell suspension cultures in studies of the
ganisms with better fermentation characteristics than plants, biosynthesisof the antiarrythmic drug ajmaline and in the lab-
we can achieve unlimited quantities of these biocatalysts oratory of V. De Luca using C. Toseus cell suspension cultures
for use in syntheses of important drugs. In this review, I dis- and plants to study the biosynthesis of vindoline, a precursor
cuss the progress that has been made in these areas as a to the antineoplastics vincristine and vinblastine (reviewed in
result of the fusion of alkaloid chemistry, enzymology, and Herbert, 1994; Kutchan, 1994). The first successful cDNA clon-
molecular biology, as well as some perspectives for future de- ing experiments in the alkaloid field were achieved with two
velopments in this field. cDNAs encoding enzymes that catalyze early steps in the bio-
synthetic pathway that leads to all monoterpenoid indole
alkaloids, tryptophan decarboxylase (De Luca et al., 1989) and
MONOTERPENOID INDOLE ALKALOIDS strictosidine synthase (Kutchan et al., 1988) (Figure 3).

The monoterpenoid indole alkaloids comprise a large family

of alkaloids, with over 1800 members of rich structural diver- Tryptophan Decarboxylase
sity. Many of these natural products are physiologically active
in mammals. Among the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid phar- Tryptophan decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino-aciddecarbox-
maceuticals that are still commercially isolated from plant ylase; EC catalyzes the decarboxylation of the amino
material are the antimalarial drug quinine from C. officinalis, the acid L-tryptophanto the protoalkaloid tryptamine. Tryptamine
antineoplastic drug camptothecin from C.acuminata, the rat can then serve as substrate for the enzyme strictosidine syn-
poison and homeopathic drug strychnine from Strychnos nux- thase (Stockigt and Zenk, 1977), which catalyzes the first
vomica, and the antineoplastic chemotherapeutic agents vin- committed step in monoterpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthe-
cristine and vinblastine from Catharanthus m e u s (periwinkle) sis. The cDNA clone encoding tryptophan decarboxylasewas

Figure 1. (continued).

Ajmaline, antiarrythmic that functions by inhibitionof glucose uptake by heart tissue mitochondria; atropine ([*I-hyoscyamine),anticholinergic,
antidote to nerve gas poisoning; caffeine, widely used central nervoussystem stimulant; camptothecin, potent anticancer agent; cocaine, topical
anesthetic, potent central nervous system stimulant, and adrenergic blocking agent, drug of abuse; codeine, relatively nonaddictive analgesic
and antitussive; coniine, first alkaloid to be synthesized, extremely toxic, causes paralysis of motor nerve endings, used in homeopathy; emetine,
orally active emetic, amoebicide; morphine,powerful narcotic analgesic, addictive drug of abuse; nicotine, highly toxic, causes respiratory paraly-
sis, horticultural insecticide; pilocarpine, peripheralstimulant of the parasympathetic system, usedto treat glaucoma; quinine,traditionalantimalarial,
important in treating Plasmodiumfalcipafum strains that are resistant to other antimalarials; sanguinarine, antibacterial showing antiplaque activ-
ity, used in toothpastes and oral rinses; scopolamine, powerful narcotic, used as a sedativefor motion sickness; strychnine,violent tetanic poison,
rat poison, used in homeopathy;taxol, antitumor agent; (+)-tubocurarine,nondepolarizingmuscle relaxant producing paralysis, adjuvant to anesthesia;
vinblastine, antineoplastic that is used to treat Hodgkins disease and other lymphomas.
1062 The Plant Cell

Microorganisms Plants
Plant pathway: >^ F
D => E Heterologous Normal Antisense or
G, G3 Gene Pattiway Cosuppression


Single gene
expression for
biomimetic syntheses

C D 1 i
\ D
1 i

Expression of
short pathways

Figure 2. Potential Biotechnological Exploitation of Alkaloid Biosynthetic Genes.

Plant alkaloid genes can be functionally expressed in microorganisms to produce either single biotransformation steps or short biosynthetic path-
ways. Likewise, using overexpression or antisense or cosuppression technologies, medicinal plants can be tailored to produce important pharmaceutical
alkaloids by introducing side pathways, eliminating side pathways, or accumulating biosynthetic intermediates. For example, a known plant biosyn-
thetic pathway contains an enzyme encoded by gene G3 that catalyzes a transformation step, of compound C to alkaloid D, which is difficult
to achieve by chemical synthesis. The G3 gene can be heterologously expressed in a microorganism and the gene product used in a biomimetic
synthesis of alkaloid D (that is, the microorganism is supplied with compound C and produces alkaloid D). Likewise, a short pathway consisting
of enzymes encoded by genes G,, G2, 63, and G,, could be expressed in a microorganism to produce alkaloid E directly from precursor A. Many
alkaloid biosynthetic pathways involve 20 to 30 enzymes. Our current knowledge of these pathways indicates that the genes encoding the biosyn-
thetic enzymes are neither clustered nor coordinately controlled by one operon. Expression of an entire, long alkaloid pathway in a single microorganism
is currently beyond our technical capability. In this case, it may be possible to alter the pathway in the plant cell and produce the desired alkaloid
either in culture or in the field. For example, to accumulate alkaloid Z, which is not normally produced in a particular plant species, a transgene
(from another plant or a microorganism) can be introduced. To accumulate alkaloid E, a side pathway that also uses precursor D may have to
be blocked. If intermediate alkaloid C is the target for accumulation, catabolism to D could be interrupted.

isolated from C. roseus by antibody screening of a cDNA ex- and vincristine. It has been well established that cell cultures
pression library prepared from poly(A)+ RNA of developing of C. roseus do not produce these commercially interesting
seedlings (De Luca et al., 1989). The tryptophan decarboxy- and valuable alkaloids because the cultures lack vindoline,
lase amino acid sequence shows similarities with an aromatic one component of both dimers. Induction of the last two en-
L-amino acid decarboxylase from Drosophila melanogastar and zymes of vindoline biosynthesis in C. roseus seedlings,
with L-amino acid decarboxylases from diverse animal origins. 2-oxoglutarate-/V(1)-methyl-16-methoxy-23-dihydro-3-hydroxyta-
The tryptophan decarboxylase transcript was shown to ac- bersonine 4-hydroxylase and 17-O-deacytylvindoline O-acetyl-
cumulate in C. roseus cell suspension cultures exposed to a transferase, appears to be regulated by phytochrome (Aerts
variety of biotic elicitors (Pasquali et al., 1992; Roewer et al., and De Luca, 1992), but red light-induced accumulation of
1992). Auxin reduces transcription of the gene, as demon- at least the acetyl transferase has not been observed in cell
strated by run-off transcription experiments with C. roseus cultures. The biotechnologically most important experiments,
nuclei (Goddijn et al., 1992). those that may potentially result in the production of the anti-
A main point of interest in C. roseusand the likely reason neoplastic dimeric alkaloids in cell culture, thus await the
for the recent increase in the number of researchers working isolation of these final genes of vindoline biosynthesis.
on this plant- is that it produces the dimeric alkaloids vinblastine The tryptophan decarboxylase cDNA from C. roseus has
Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 1063

Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids Tropane and Nicotine Alkaloids

Putrescine HaN NHS


W-Methyl- J [
putrescine H;N NHCH3

3n(S)-Slnclosidme CH,
acid 1-Melhyl-i'
pyrrolinium /
Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids cation / Tropinone
/ Reduclase-l
Berberine Alkaloids
n CH,OH^

Enzyme Protopine Alkaloids N
Nicotine Tropine Tropic acid
(S)-Reticuline (S)-Scoulerine Alkalloids

Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids
H3CO Hyoscyamine ][ H [I

Berbamine I Hyoscyamme

(fl)-W -Methylcoclaurine R, pH, R 2 CH3
(S)-N -Methylcoclaurine R, - aH, R; - CH3

Figure 3. Reactions Catalyzed by Alkaloid Biosynthetic Enzymes for which cDNAs Have Been Isolated.

been heterologously expressed in tobacco plants (Songstad although the condensation of tryptamine and secologanin can
et al., 1990,1991), and it increased their levels of tryptamine be achieved chemically, the reaction product is a mixture of
and tyramine, the product of u-tyrosine decarboxylation. A fine the diastereomers vincoside and Strictosidine. Only Strictosi-
example of what metabolic engineering can achieve in second- dine with the 3a(S) configuration, the exclusive product of the
ary metabolism has been provided by the transformation of enzymatic reaction, can serve as a precursor to the monoterpe-
8rass/ca napus with the C. roseus tryptophan decarboxylase noid indole alkaloids (Stockigt and Zenk, 1977). The enzyme
cDNA (Chavadej et al., 1994). The seed of this oil-producing is stable, requires no cofactor addition, and is readily immobi-
crop has limited use as animal feed due in part to the presence lized (Pfitzner and Zenk, 1987) for producing Strictosidine.
of indole glucosinolates, which make the protein meal less pal- The cDNA encoding Strictosidine synthase was first isolated
atable. The introduced cDNA for tryptophan decarboxylase from R. serpentine (Kutchan et al., 1988), a plant used today
redirects tryptophan pools away from indole glucosinolate pro- as the commercial source of antihypertensive indole alkaloids
duction and into tryptamine. The mature seed of the transgenic such as ajmaline and ajmalicine; a Strictosidine synthase cDNA
8. napus plants contain reduced levels of indole glucosinates was subsequently isolated from C. roseus (McKnight et al.,
but no tryptamine, achieving a potentially economically use- 1990). These two enzymes show 80% amino acid homology,
ful product. which probably reflects the fact that both plants are members
of the Apocynaceae. DMA gel blot analysis using the R. ser-
pentina cDNA as a probe shows that not all species that contain
the enzyme contain a similar gene, possibly due to differences
Strictosidine Synthase in codon usage (Kutchan, 1993a). Strictosidine synthase from
R. serpentine has been functionally expressed in Escherichia
Strictosidine synthase (EC catalyzes the stereospecific co// and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and in insect cells using
condensation of the primary amino group of tryptamine and a baculovirus vector (Kutchan, 1989; Kutchan et al., 1994). The
the aldehyde moiety of the iridoid glucoside secologanin to C. roseus enzyme has been expressed in tobacco and co//
form the first monoterpenoid indole alkaloid, 3a(S)-strictosidine. (McKnight et al., 1991; Roessner et al., 1992). A comparison
Strictosidine synthase is of biotechnological interest in the bio- of these as production systems has been reviewed by Kutchan
mimetic syntheses of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids because, (1994).
1064 The Plant Cell

The gene for strictosidine synthase, strl, has been isolated Putrescine N-Methyltransferase
from R. serpentina (Bracher and Kutchan, 1992). A single gene
appears to code for the enzyme in both R. serpentina and Cuban cigar tobacco varieties discovered in the 1930s to have
C. mseus(Pasqua1i et al., 1992). In both species, the transcript low nicotine content were used in backcrosses to establish a
accumulates predominantly in the roots and leaves of mature genetically stable breeding line with a low alkaloid content for
plants, although it can also be detected in flowers and stems. producing low nicotine cigarettes. This commercial low nico-
Levels of C. mseus strictosidine synthase transcript can be tine variety, LA Burley 21, and the parenta1strain, Burley 21,
increased in cell culture (Pasquali et al., 1992; Roewer et al., which is isogenic at all but two low nicotine biosynthesis loci,
1992) and during a very narrowtime period in developing seed- were used to isolate a cDNA for an enzyme of nicotine biosyn-
lings (Aerts et al., 1994) by treatment with various elicitors. thesis, putrescine N-methyltransferase (EC This
However, the high levels of transcript present in mature plants enzyme catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from S-ade-
suggest that sfrl is not one of the regulating genes of indole nosyl-L-methionineto an amino group of putrescine, which is
alkaloid biosynthesis. the first committed step in the biosynthesisof nicotine and tro-
pane alkaloids. The availability of the near-isogenjc Burley
Strains made it possible to use subtractive hybridizationto iso-
TROPANE AND NlCOTlNE ALKALOIDS late a cDNA encoding this enzyme (Hibi et al., 1994). The
deduced amino acid sequence of one of the clones obtained
by subtractivehybridization is homologousto spermidine syn-
The tropane class of alkaloids, which are found mainly in the thase from human (73% identical), mouse (70% identical), and
Solanaceae, contains the anticholinergic drugs hyoscyamine E. coli(58% identical).Heterologousexpression of the tobacco
(the racemate of which is called atropine) and scopolamine. cDNA in an E. colideletion mutant lackingthe spermidine syn-
Solanaceousplants have been used traditionally for their me- thase gene resulted in accumulation of N-methyl putrescine,
dicinal, hallucinogenic, and poisonous properties, which are confirming the identity of the cDNA. Transcripts for putrescine
due to their tropane alkaloids. The narcotic topical anesthetic N-methyltransferaseaccumulate predominantly, if not exclu-
and central nervous system stimulant cocaine is a tropane al- sively, in root tissue of the wild-type tobacco plant, suggesting
kaloid found outside of the Solanaceae in Erythmxylon coca. that this organ is the major site of nicotine biosynthesis.This
What is a useful medicinal in small, controlled doses is poten- correspondsto the site of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis in other
tially lethal when abused. Hence, scopolamine isolated from members of the Solanaceae (Hashimotoet al., 1991). The log-
Duboisia is commonly used today in the form of a transdermal ical progression of this work isto isolate a putrescineN-methyl-
patch to combat motion sickness, but Datura leaves are smoked transferase gene from a plant that produces tropane alkaloids.
for the hallucinogeniceffects of this alkaloid. Although cocaine
has served as a lead, a starting structure that medicinal
chemists modify to design an optimized drug, for the develop- Tropinone Reductase
ment of synthetic topical anesthetics, this alkaloid is illicitly
applied to mucus membranes for its addictive stimulatory ef- Along the biosynthetic pathway that leads specifically to the tro-
fects. Metabolic engineering of the plants that serve as pane alkaloid scopolamine,tropinone reductase I (EC
commercial sources of nicotineor scopolaminecould enhance converts the 3-keto group of tropinone to the 3a-hydroxyl of
classic breeding in the effort to develop plants with optimal tropine. The cDNA encoding this enzyme was isolated from
alkaloid patterns, that is, that serve as improved sources of Datura stramonium (jimsonweed)by screening a cDNA library
pharmaceuticals. preparedfrom hairy roots with oligonucleotides based on pep-
A study of the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids implies a tide amino acid sequences from purified native tropinone
study of nicotine biosynthesisalso, because the N-methyl-A- reductase I (Nakajimaet al., 1993). The cDNA was expressed
pyrrolinium cation is a precursor to both classes of alkaloids. as a p-galactosidasefusion protein in E. coli and found to have
Analyses of nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco and cocaine bio- tropinone reductase I activity. DNA gel blot analysis identified
synthesis in coca were pioneered in the laboratory of E. Leete. homologous DNA fragments in the nuclear DNA of the tro-
The enzymology and molecular biology of scopolamine bio- pane alkaloid-producing species H. niger and A. belladonna,
synthesis in Hyoscyamus have been studied principally by but not in tobacco, a species in which tropane alkaloids are
T. Hashimotoand Y. Yamada. The cDNAs encoding hyoscya- not biosynthesized.
mine 6p-hydroxylase (Matsuda et ai., 1991) and tropinone A cDNA for a second reductase, tropinone reductase II, was
reductase(Nakajima et al., 1993), both of which are enzymes also isolated in these experiments. Tropinone reductase I1
of scopolamine biosynthesis in Hyoscyamus niger, have been reduces tropinone with a stereospecificity opposite to that of
cloned (Figure 3). In addition, a tobacco cDNA for putrescine tropinone reductase I. Hence, the 3-keto group of tropinone
N-methyltransferase, an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis is converted to the 3p-hydroxyl of pseudotropine. The deduced
of the N-methyl-A-pyrroliniumcation, has been isolated (Hibi amino acid sequences of the two cDNAs are 64% identical.
et al., 1994). In a series of elegant experiments, various domains of these
Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 1065

two reductases were exchanged and the chimeric enzymes knowledge of the alkaloid biosyntheticpathway at the enzyme
were expressed in E. coli to identify the domain that confers level so that meaningful transformation experiments can be
the stereospecificityof the reaction (Nakajima et al., 1994). In designed. It is also limited by our ability to transform and
this manner, it was demonstratedthat a 120-amino acid resi- regenerate medicinal plants. To date, expertise in this impor-
due peptide at the C terminus of each reductase determines tant area lags well behind that for tobacco, petunia, and cereal
the stereospecificity of the reaction it catalyzes. crops, among others. For example, in the area of tropane
alkaloids, transformation and regeneration of Duboisia, a plant
for which plantation, harvesting, and purification techniques
Hyoscyamine 6p-Hydroxylase have already been commercially established, will have to be
developed before any potential commercialization. The sec-
The final two steps in the biosynthetic pathway leading from ond implication is that metabolic engineering may make it
hyoscyamine to the medicinally important alkaloid scopolamine possible to produce alkaloids in cultured cells. The produc-
is catalyzed by a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent enzyme, hyoscya- tion of alkaloids in tissue and cell culture, such as in hairy roots,
mine 6P-hydroxylase (hyoscyamine [6S]-dioxygenase; EC is an area that received much attention in the past because This dioxygenase first hydroxylates hyoscyamine it promisedan alternative source of pharmaceuticals that would
in the 6s position and subsequently catalyzes epoxide for- be independentof weather, blight, and politics. It has become
mation. Molecular cloning and heterologous expression of clear with time, however, that many important compounds, such
hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylase have demonstrated that this as vincristine, vinblastine, pilocarpine, morphine, and codeine,
enzyme catalyzes both the hydroxylation reaction and the intra- are not synthesized to any appreciable extent in culture. The
molecular epoxidation reaction (Matsudaet al., 1991). RNA gel reason is thought to be tissue-specific expression of alkaloid
blot analysis of the hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylase gene has biosynthetic genes, because in some cases, plants regener-
corroborated the results obtained by immunohistochemicallo- ated from nonproducingcallus cells contain the same alkaloid
calization of the enzyme (Hashimoto et al., 1991),which showed profile as the parent plant. For certain costly alkaloids (for ex-
that hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylaseis localized to the root peri- ample, taxol), cell culture production at a commercial level
cycle in scopolamine-producing species of Hyoscyamus, would be worthwhile establishing. The increased accumula-
Atropa, and Duboisia. Similarly,the hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxy- tion of scopolaminein hairy roots that contain an hyoscyamine
lase transcript is localizedto roots and cultured roots of H. niger 6P-hydroxylasetransgene is an elegant demonstration that this
but is not found in stem, leaves, or cultured cells of this same approach remains a viable one.
species. These results explain why it has not been possible
to produce substantial quantities of tropane alkaloids in cell
culture. The gene encoding hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylase BENZYLISOQUINOLINEALKALOIDS
should help with the elucidationof the underlying mechanisms
of tissue- and cell-specific expression of tropane alkaloids in
the Solanaceae. The benzylisoquinoline alkaloids are avery large and diverse
The current commercialsource of scopolamine is Duboisia, class of alkaloids. This family contains such varied physiolog-
which was cultivated originally in Australia. Certain tropane ically active members as emetine (an antiamoebic), colchicine
alkaloid-producing species, such as Atropa, accumulate (a microtubuledisrupter and gout suppressant), berberine(an
hyoscyamine instead of scopolamine as the major alkaloid. antimicrobial against eye and intestinal infections), morphine
To ask whether expressionof a transgene in a medicinal plant (a narcotic analgesic), codeine (a narcotic analgesic and an-
could alter the alkaloid pattern such that more of the phar- titussive), and sanguinarine (an antimicrobial used in oral
maceutically useful alkaloid, scopolamine, could be produced, hygeine). As with the pharmacologically active members of
the cDNA encoding hyoscyamine 6P-hydroxylasefrom H. niger the indole and tropane classes of alkaloids, those of phar-
was introduced intoA. belladonna using either Agrobacferium maceutical interest from the benzylisoquinoline class are
tumefaciens- or Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated trans- largely still isolated from plants, again due to the complexity
formation. The resultant transgenic plants (Yun et al., 1992) of their structures. One notable exception to this is the ben-
and hairy roots (Hashimoto et al., 1993) each contained zylisoquinoline alkaloid berberine, which is isolated in Japan
elevated levels of scopolamine. from cell suspension cultures of Copfisjaponica (summarized
Each of these two successful transformation experiments in Zenk et al., 1988).
has a distinct implicationfor the future of metabolic engineer- Benzo(c)phenanthridinealkaloids, a subclass of the benzyl-
ing of medicinal plants. First, the transgenic A. belladonna isoquinolines,are produced in a numberof species within the
plants, although not necessarilycommercially useful, provide Papaveraceae, including Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot),
the first example of how medicinal plants can be successfully I? somniferum (opium poppy), and Eschscholtzia californica
altered using molecular genetic techniques to produce in- (California poppy, used as a sedative by Native Americans).
creased quantities of a medicinally important alkaloid. The Extracts of bloodroot that are rich in the intensely red ben-
future of this field is completely dependent upon a thorough zophenanthridine alkaloid sanguinarine are currently added
1066 The Plant Cell

to toothpastes and oral rinses in'the United States because is covalently flavinylated and that closure of the ring system
of this alkaloid's antiplaque properties. Benzophenanthridine to form (S)-scoulerineduring the course of the enzymatic reac-
alkaloids have been shown to accumulate in cell cultures of tion proceeds via an ionic mechanism with the methylene
E. californica in responseto funga1attack and to treatment with iminium ion as a reaction intermediate (T.M. Kutchan, unpub-
numerous elicitor substances (Schumacher et al., 1987). This lished data).
phenomenon, when exploited in cell suspensioncultures, pro- An analysis of the time course of the elicitation process using
vided the main experimental system with which the entire the cDNA clone as a hybridization probe in RNA gel blot ex-
biosyntheticpathway leading from two moleculesof L-tyrosine periments revealed that the berberine bridge enzyme transcript
to the most highly oxidized benzophenanthridine alkaloid, reaches maximal levels within 6 hr after addition of a yeast
macarpine, was elucidated in the laboratory of M.H. Zenk. This elicitor to E. californica cultures. Enzyme activity increases until
pathway, encompassing 21 conversions, 20 of which are 17 to 22 hr after elicitation, and total benzophenanthridine
enzymatic and one of which is a spontaneous skeletal rear- alkaloids continue to accumulate for severa1days after elicita-
rangement,is the single longest secondary metabolic pathway tion (Dittrich and Kutchan, 1991). This scenario is indicative
to have been completely elucidated at the enzyme leve1(sum- of de novo transcription of phytoalexin biosynthetic genes,
marized in Kutchan and Zenk, 1993; Kammerer et al., 1994). which also occurs during stress-induced phenylpropanoidme-
A cDNA encoding one of seven inducible enzymes from this tabolism (see Dixon and Paiva, 1995, this issue). Methyl
pathway, the berberine bridge enzyme (Figure 3), has been jasmonate induces the accumulation of low molecular weight
isolated (Dittrich and Kutchan, 1991). compounds in a large number of plant species in culture
(Gundlach et al., 1992), and both methyl jasmonate and the
jasmonic acid biosynthetic precursor 124x0-phytodienoic acid
Berberine Bridge Enzyme induce transcription of the single bbel gene in E. californica
cell cultures (Kutchan, 1993b; Kutchan and Zenk, 1993). It has
The berberine bridge enzyme ([SI-reticu1ine:oxygenoxidore- recently been shown that the Pseudomonas syringae von Hall
ductase [methylene bridge forming]; EC catalyzes the phytotoxin, coronatine, mimics 124x0-phytodienoic acid in its
stereospecific conversion of the N-methyl group of (S)-reticuline ability to induce a series of physiological responses such as
into the berberine bridge carbon, C-8, of (S)-scoulerine.There tendril coiling, secondary metabolite accumulation in cell cul-
are two main reasons why this particular enzyme is of interest. ture, and bbel transcription in E. californica (Weiler et al., 1994).
First, the reaction catalyzed by the berberine bridge enzyme Unlike various abiotic and biotic elicitors(Gundlachet al., 1992;
is very elegant from the chemist's point of view. The direct con- Mueller et al., 1993), coronatine affects gene transcription
version of the N-methyl group into a methylene bridge moiety without inducing endogenous 12-0~0-phytodienoicacid and
is not presently achievable by synthetic chemical methods and jasmonic acid accumulation. lnduction of the berberine bridge
exists nowhere else in nature. It is of biochemical interest to enzyme transcript with trihomo-jasmonatehas demonstrated
know how an enzyme catalyzes a reactionthat we as chemists that P-oxidation is not necessary for gene activation (Blechert
cannot. The second point of interest is that the E. californica et al., 1995). Analysis of the cis and rrans elements necessary
berberine bridge enzyme is elicitor inducible. This implies that for elicitor-inducedtranscription of bbel and of other induc-
regulation of berberine bridge enzyme transcript accumula- ible genes along the benzophenanthridinealkaloid biosynthetic
tion may regulate benzophenanthridinealkaloid accumulation. pathway should help to elucidate the complex defense re-
From an analysis of the promoter of the bbel gene, details can sponse signal transduction chain.
therefore be learned about how alkaloid biosynthesis is regu-
lated in response to pathogen attack.
The cDNA encoding the berberine bridge enzyme has been BISBENZYLISOQUINOLINE ALKALOIDS
isolated from a cDNA bank prepared from elicited cell sus-
pension cultures of E. californica using oligonucleotidesbased
on peptide amino acid sequences of the purified native en- The bisbenzylisoquinolineclass of alkaloids contains over 270
zyme (Dittrich and Kutchan, 1991). Translation of the nucleotide members, all of which are dimers of tetrahydrobenzylisoquino-
sequence confirmed the presence of a signal peptide (by com- linesconnectedby one to three ether linkagesformed by phenol
parison with the experimentally determined sequence of the coupling. The structure of a prototype of these natural prod-
mature protein N terminus) that directs the enzyme into the ucts,(+)-tubocurarine, which is the muscle relaxant isolated
endoplasmic reticulum and then into the smooth vesicles in from tube-curare (a preparation of Chondodendmn romenro-
which it accumulates (Amann et al., 1986). Heterologous ex- sum in wooden tubes), contains two ether linkages with the
pression of this cDNA in insect cell culture using a baculovirus tetrahydrobenzylisoquinoline moieties combined in a head-to-
expression vector resulted in the productionof sufficient quan- tail orientation (Figure 1). Tube-curare has been traditionally
tities (4 mg of homogeneous enzyme per liter of insect cell used by South American lndians as an arrow poison. In modern
culture medium) for a biochemical analysis of the berberine medicine, tubocurarine chloride is used as a neuromuscular
bridge enzyme (Kutchan et al., 1994). A series of spectral blocking agent to secure muscular relaxationin surgical oper-
determinations and modified-substrateconversion-ratemea- ations. It is of interest that only one plant, C. romenrosum, is
surements has demonstrated that the berberine bridgeenzyme known to contain (+)-tubocurarine.
Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 1067

The bisbenzylisoquinoline family of alkaloids is rich in phar- (Poulos et al., 1985). Mutation of Thr-252 to Ala or Val abol-
macologically active constituents that range in activity from ishes insertion of oxygen into the substrate (Imai et al., 1989).
cytotoxins to antihypertensives to antimalarials. The structural Thr-252 is present in berbamunine synthase, although there
variations in these alkaloids include substitutions on the phenyl is no monooxygenation reaction in the carbon-oxygen phe-
rings, the regiospecificity of the ether linkages, and the no1coupling process. However, the essential Ala or Gly at the
stereospecificity of the isoquinoline moieties. The best under- position corresponding to 248 in P-450cam is replaced by a
stood biosynthesis is that of the dimeric alkaloids berbamunine Pro in berbamunine synthase. Because this amino acid resi-
and guattegaumerine, which are produced in cell suspension due is one of three highly conserved residues of the oxygen
cultures of Berberis stolonifera (barberry). The single most im- binding pocket that are thought to be required for insertion
portant step in the biosynthesis of this category of alkaloids of oxygen into the substrate, this may be a first indication of
is ether linkage formation through phenol coupling. Any bio- how berbamunine synthase functions as an oxidase.
technological production of the pharmaceutically important Berbamunine synthase has been expressed in functional
bisbenzylisoquinolines requires correct stereo- and regio- form in insect cell culture using a baculovirus expression vec-
selectivity of ether bond formation. It has only recently been tor (Kraus and Kutchan, 1995). The oxidase accepts electrons
shown that the enzymes that catalyze either carbon-carbon from either insect cell, porcine, or Berberis cytochrome P-450
or carbon-oxygen phenol coupling in plants are not nonspecific reductases. Heterologously expressed berbamunine synthase
peroxidases or laccases but rather highly regio- and stereo- can be obtained in near-homogeneousform and in large quan-
selectke substrate-specific cytochrome P-450-dependent tities (5 mgll) after insect cell microsomesolubilization followed
oxidases (Zenk et al., 1989; Stadler and Zenk, 1993). The reac- by a single column-chromatography fractionation step. To ob-
tion catalyzed by these enzymes is nove1for cytochromes P-450 tain this amount of enzyme from B. stolonifera cells, 18,000
in that it proceeds without incorporation of oxygen into the prod- L of suspension culture would have to be extracted. A single
uct. In other words, this cytochrome P-450 functions as an gene probably codes for berbamuninesynthase in the B. stolo-
oxidase rather than as a monooxygenase.It would be mecha- nifera genome, although two more weakly hybridizing DNA
nistically interesting to discern how these enzymes act on fragments are also present that may represent genes encod-
molecular oxygen differently from the more common hydrox- ing other phenol coupling cytochromes.
ylases. Studies of the enzymatic mechanism require the ability
to isolate large quantities of functional enzyme and to alter
the enzyme's structure and observe the types of changes that ECOCHEMICAL FUNCTION OF ALKALOIDS
occur in the enzymatic reaction. These approaches are, of
course, dependent on molecular genetic manipulations. TOthis
end, the first cDNA known to encode a plant cytochrome P-450 Their medicinal and toxicological properties clearly make
unequivocally involved in alkaloid biosynthesis has recently alkaloids important to people, but their role in plants has been
been cloned. This cDNA encodes berbamuninesynthase (Fig- a longstanding question. Why should a plant invest so much
ure 3) (Kraus and Kutchan, 1995). nitrogen in synthesizing such a large number of alkaloids of
such diverse structure?C, meus alone contains over 100 differ-
ent monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. That many alkaloids are
Berbamunine Synthase cytotoxic provides insight into their potential function in the
chemical defense arsenal of the plant. It needs to be system-
Berbamunine synthase (N-methylcoclaurine,NADPH:oxygen atically addressed whether alkaloids function as phytoalexins,
oxidoreductase [carbon-oxygen phenol coupling]; EC; as nitrogen storage forms, as UV protectants, or in any combi-
CYP80) catalyzes formation of the ether linkage between one nation of these and other potential functions. The question of
molecule of (R)-N-methylcoclaurine and one molecule of alkaloid function in plants and the relevance of that function
(S)-N-methylcoclaurine to form the bisbenzylisoquinoline al- have been reviewed (Hartmann, 1991; Caporale, 1995).
kaloid berbamunine. This cytochrome P-450 enzyme alSO One alkaloid whose ecochemical functions have been thor-
couples two molecules of (R)-N-methylcoclaurineto form guat- oughly analyzed in recent years is nicotine, a highly toxic
tegaumerine. The cDNA encoding berbamunine synthase was alkaloid that has been identified in the leaves, stems, and roots
isolated from a B. stolonifera cell suspension culture cDNA of a number of Nicotiana species. Nicotine sulfate, a byproduct
library (Kraus and Kutchan, 1995). An oligonucleotide primer of the tobacco industry, serves commercially as a very effec-
based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified tive insecticide and fumigant. To date, no insect has evolved
native oxidase was used as a screening probe. Translation of a resistance mechanism against nicotine. In mammals, inges-
the nucleotide sequence of the clone revealed at least one tion of nicotine results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mental
notable amino acid residue difference in berbamunine syn- confusion, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis. With such
thase as compared with the sequences of cloned cytochrome strong and varied physiological responses, nicotine would
P-450 monooxygenases. Structure-function studies on bac- seem to be an effective deterrent against insect attack and
teria1P-450camsuggest that three amino acid residues of the herbivore grazing. This is indeed the case. A series of studies
dista1 helix (helix I), Gly-248, Gly-249, and Thr-252, are essen- in the laboratory of I.T. Baldwin has demonstrated that nico-
tia1 for formation of the molecular oxygen binding pocket tine, which is known to be synthesized in roots and transported
1068 The Plant Cell

to leaves, is synthesized de novo from (15N)-nitrate in re- why these sophisticated and diverse structures evolved. What
sponse to wounding of leaves of hydroponically grown N. sy/- is clear is that alkaloids as integral components of medicinal
vesfris (Baldwin et al., 1994a). The amount of alkaloid that can plants have enjoyed a long and important history in traditional
be accumulated in the leaf is sufficient to reduce larva1growth medicine. Our first drugs originated in the form of plant extracts,
of the tobacco hornwormManducasexta (Baldwin, 1988). Most and some of our most important contemporary pharmaceuti-
importantly, field tests with native populations of the summer cals are either still isolated from plants or structurally derived
annual N. artenuata demonstrated a systemic alkaloid induc- from natural products. New antineoplastic, antiviral, and an-
tion in response to simulated leaf herbivory and browsing timalarial alkaloids are still being discovered in plants. As we
(Baldwin and Ohnmeiss, 1993). accumulate the tools (biochemical knowledge, clones, and
Nicotine is clearly synthesized in response to wounding, but transformation and regeneration techniques) necessary for fu-
does the alkaloid have additional functions, for example, as ture developments in this field, we can look forward to
a nitrogen storage form oras a UV protectant?Although exog- genetically engineered microorganismsand eukaryotic cell cul-
enously administered nicotine is catabolized to nornicotineand tures that produce medicinal alkaloids, to medicinal plants with
myosmine, most likely as a result of a detoxification mecha- opitimized alkaloid spectra, and even to the production of im-
nism, de novo-synthesized nicotine is not turned over. The portant pharmaceuticals in transgenic plant cell cultures.
plant does not recover nicotine nitrogen and reinvest it in other
metabolic processes, even under conditions of nitrogen-limited
growth, implying that nicotine is not used as a nitrogen stor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
age form (Baldwin and Ohnmeiss, 1994). Nicotine supplied
exogenously to D. sframonium, a species that accumulates tro-
pane alkaloids but not nicotine, does not result in increased Our moleculargenetic researchon strictosidine synthase,the berber-
UV protection, although nicotine has a high molar extinction ine bridge enzyme, and berbamuninesynthase has been supported
coefficient (2695 M-l cm-l) at 262 nm (Baldwin and Huh, by a grant from the Bundesministerfijr Forschung und Technologie,
Bonn, and by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft(Grant No. SFB
1994). Taken together, these results suggest that nicotine func-
369), Bonn.
tions as a phytoalexin in tobacco and has no additional role
as a storage form of nitrogen or as a filter for UV radiation.
These results raise an important question: How does leaf
wounding induce nicotine biosynthesisin the root? Jasmonates
are known to induce accumulation of secondary metabolites
in plant cell culture, and endogenousjasmonate pools increase Aerts, R.J., and De Luca, V. (1992). Phytochromeis involved in the
rapidly in response to treatment of cells with a yeast elicitor light-regulationof vindoline biosynthesisin Catharanthus. Plant Phys-
(Gundlach et al., 1992). Leaf damage to N. sy/vesfris produces iol. 100, 1029-1032.
a similar increase in endogenous jasmonic acid pools in shoots Aerts, R.J., Gisi, D., De Carolis, E., De Luca, V., and Baumann,
within 30 min, and root pools of this signaling molecule in- T.W. (1994). Methyljasmonate vapor increases the developmentally
crease within 2 hr (Baldwin et al., 1994b). In addition, controlledsynthesis of alkaloids in Catharanthus and Cinchona seed-
lings. Plant J. 5, 635-643.
application of methyl jasmonate as a lanolin paste to leaves
results in increases in both endogenous jasmonic acid in roots Amann, M., Wanner, G., and Zenk, M.H. (1986). lntracellular com-
partmentation of two enzymes of berberine biosynthesis in plant
and de novo nicotine biosynthesis. Jasmonate and 12-0x0-
cell cultures. Planta 167, 310-320.
phytodienoic acid function as inducers of alkaloid biosynthe-
Baldwin, I.T. (1988). Short-termdamage-inducedincreasesin tobacco
sis both in culture and in plants. The next question that needs
alkaloids protect plants. Oecologia 75, 367-370.
to be addressed is whether jasmonate is the systemic signal-
Baldwin, I.T., and Huh, S. (1994). Primary function for a chemical
ing molecule that is transported from the wounded leaf to roots,
defense? Nicotine does not protect Datura stramonium L. from UV
where it then induces transcription of the alkaloid biosynthetic
damage. Oecologia 97, 243-247.
Baldwin, I.T., and Ohnmeiss, T.E. (1993). Alkaloid responses to dam-
age in Nicotiana native to North America. J. Chem. Ecol. 19,
1143-1 153.
PERSPECTIVES Baldwin, I.T., and Ohnmeiss, T.E. (1994). Swords into plowshares?
Nicotiana sylvestris does not use nicotine as a nitrogen source un-
der nitrogen-limitedgrowth. Oecologia 98, 385-392.
Although the alkaloid field is a very old one, it is still in its in- Baldwin, I.T., Karb, M.J., and Ohnmeiss, T.E. (1994a).Allocation of
fancy with regard to being fully understood, and our exploitation 15Nfrom nitrate to nicotine: Production and turnover of a damage-
of the biotechnological potential of alkaloid biosynthesis has induced mobile defense. Ecology 75, 1703-1713.
only just begun. We are still a long way from understanding Baldwin, I.T., Schmelz, E.A., and Ohnmeiss, T.E. (1994b). Wound
how most alkaloids are synthesized in plants and how this bio- induced changes in root and shoot jasmonic acid pools correlate
synthesis is regulated. We also have much to learn about the with induced nicotine synthesis in Nicotiana sylvestris Spegazzini
chemical ecology of alkaloids so that we can better understand and Comes. J. Chem. Ecol. 20, 2139-2158.
Alkaloids and Their Biosynthesis 1069

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