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SUBJECT: Biology


DATE: October 12, 2020

DURATION: 7 sessions

TOPIC: Digestion in Humans

 Understand that nutrition is the means by which living organisms obtain their energy and material requirements, and this occurs in different ways.
 Apply scientific knowledge and processes to the solution of real-world problems.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Differentiate between mechanical and chemical breakdown of food

2. Relate the structural adaptations of human teeth to their role in the mechanical breakdown of food (mastication)
3. Draw and label a longitudinal section of a tooth
4. Describe the processes involved in human nutrition as ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and egestion.
5. Recognise the importance and the site of secretion of digestive juices in the alimentary canal.
6. Explain the role of selected enzymes (protease, lipase and amylase) in digestion.
7. Identify the final products of digestion of protein, fat and starch.
8. Describe what happens to the products of digestion after their absorption;

KEY SKILLS: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, researching, creating, observing, recording, draw and label diagrams.

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Protein, fat, starch, ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, egestion, enzymes, digestive system, alimentary canal, digestive juice, incisors, canines, premolars and molars, mastication,
mechanical digestion, chemical digestion,


Digestion breaks down food into a form that is useful for body activities, i.e. simple, soluble molecules.

Digestion begins with the mechanical breakdown of pieces of food and this is followed by the chemical breakdown of food molecules. Mechanical digestion involves breaking up large pieces of
food into smaller pieces.

Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth where it is carried out mainly by the teeth called mastication. Humans have four different types of teeth (incisors, canines, premolars and molars).
When mastication is complete, the food is rolled into a ball called a bolus and salivary amylase speed up the chemically digest starch to maltose. The bolus is pushed to the back of the mouth by
the tongue and swallowed. It enters the stomach where contractions of the muscles in the stomach walls churn the food which continues the process of mechanical digestion.

Chemical digestion involves breaking down large, usually insoluble, food molecules into small, soluble food molecules by hydrolysis. During hydrolysis, the bonds within the large food
molecules are broken down by the addition of water molecules. Hydrolysis is catalysed by digestive enzymes.

Absorption of the products of digestion into body fluids occurs in the small intestine. Absorption occurs by both diffusion and active transport. The ileum is adapted to absorb food as efficiently
as possible. Any food that is not digested in the small intestine passes into the colon where water and mineral salts are absorbed from it; undigested food(faeces) is what is left.

Faeces is stored in the rectum and egested at intervals through the anus when the anal sphincter relaxes.

Assimilation occurs after digestion. In assimilation the body uses the products of digestion in a variety of ways.

PRIOR LEARNING: Students are expected to be able:

 Identify the different nutrients in food, topic taught prior.
 Relate the main organs of the digestive system to their functions learnt in grade 8 Integrated Science.
 Recall that the digestive system is responsible for breakdown/ digestion of food for subsequent use by body cells learnt in grade 8 Integrated Science.

LEARNING OUTCOME: Students who demonstrate mastery should be able to:

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 after watching video and discussion identify the main parts of the human digestive system and describe their functions.
 after online research differentiate between chemical and mechanical digestion.
 after watching video, class discussion and drawing and labelling the tooth, identify the types of teeth in an adult and explain how they are adapted for their function
 after viewing power point, watching video and during discussion explain the role of selected enzymes in the process of digestion
 after extended reading online, watching videos and class discussion identify the final products of digestion of protein as amino acids, starch as glucose (simple sugars) and fat as fatty
acids and glycerol.
 after discussion describe the stages involved in human nutrition
 after online research and discussion explain absorption and assimilation.


Main Activity Guided Practice Independent Practice
CSEC Biology by
Session 1 Students will draw the diagram of the human digestive system Awartoo-Ali pages 100-
and 2 Identifying the main parts of the Students will view a video on the human and write the function of each part. Students will also be asked 120
human digestive system and digestive system. They will then to do the following three (3) activities.
describe their functions. participate in teacher led discussion to
highlight the importance of the human The activities are as follows:
digestive system.  Activity 1: Draw the diagram of a typical tooth and
label it
 Activity 2: Write the functions of the different parts of
a tooth and their functions.
 Activity 3: Draw the four different types of teeth
present in the adult mouth

Session 3 Differentiating between chemical Students will research in their textbook or Students will record the information that they have researched
and mechanical digestion. online, the difference between mechanical in the guided practice in their notebooks.
and chemical digestion, stating the The teacher and students will engage in a discussion on the
definition of each term. Students will internal and external structure and care of the teeth and its
Identification of the different types observe a video presentation on the importance to the digestive process.

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of teeth different types of teeth and its function in (Synchronous)

Session 4 Stages in digestion Students will watch a video and teacher Students will write a summary of each stage and present to the
prepared power point presentation about class.
the stages involved in the process of (Synchronous)
nutrition (ingestion, digestion, absorption,
assimilation, and egestion).
Session 5 Explain the role of selected Students will be asked to identify the final Having completed the guided practice, students will be able to
enzymes in the process of products of digestion of protein as amino describe the stages involved in human nutrition.
digestion acids, starch as glucose (simple sugars) (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
and fat as fatty acids and glycerol.
(Synchronous and Asynchronous)

Session 6 Explain the process of digestion. Students will be asked to participate in a Students will present to the class their meal and explain how it
meal of their choice and then ask students is digested.
to relate how the food consumed is
digested. (Synchronous)

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Session 7 Describe what happens in Students will research in their textbook or
absorption and what happens to online, on the process of absorption and Students will complete research on absorption and
the products of digestion after their assimilation; also extended reading from assimilation, watch videos on these processes.
absorption the website below. (Synchronous and Asynchronous)
They will then participate in teacher led
discussion to highlight the role of the small
intestine in the absorption of nutrients after
digestion has been completed. Students
will be asked watch a video to cement the
knowledge about absorption and
assimilation; and the function of the large

(Synchronous and Asynchronous)


Students will read up on the relationship between the digestive system and one other system in the body. Students will share their findings with the class.


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Physical Education, Integrated Science

LESSON CLOSURE: an oral review of the lesson will be done via question and answers.

CULMINATING ACTIVITY: Review whole class discussion and then ask students to complete the following activities.
Students will complete two (2) Live worksheets activity on matter from the websites.

The lesson started with the students watching a video on digestion and then participating in a teacher led discussion on digestion and its importance. After which, the students read on the
difference between mechanical and chemical digestion and watched videos on the role of the teeth in digestion. Additionally, the students were shown a power point presentation on the process
of digestion. After which, the students participated in a discussion where they related how the food consumed is digested as well as the end products formed. An oral review of the lesson was
done via question and answers and the students completed worksheets online.

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