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Total No. of Pages: 2 B.Tech.

BTCH 2101
4th Semester Examination (2012 Syllabus):2013-14
Full Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hrs.
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any Five from the rest.
The figure in the right hand margin indicates marks.
PART A [10x1.5=15]

1. a) Write any three methods to create public awareness for protection of our
b) Differentiate between renewable and non renewable resources with suitable
c) Write two remedial measures to control flood and drought.
d) Nuclear energy is renewable or non renewable? Justify.
e) What do you understand by stratification/ zonation in a pond?
f) Write any three major cause of biodiversity loss.
g) What is carrying capacity, supporting capacity and Assimilative capacity?
h) What is meant by Anthropocentric Worldview and Eco-centric Worldview?
i) What are the sources of nuclear pollution?
j) Write the control measures of Acid rain.

PART B [5x9=45]

2. a) What do you mean by environmental gradient? Write the different tolerance

zones with the plot between environmental gradient and population growth

b) Describe the benefits and problems of big dam.

3. a) Describe how overgrazing and agriculture type is a cause of world food
b) Name any four important solar energy harvesting devices and write their uses.
4. a) Describe the sources, effects and control measures of thermal pollution.
b) Describe the energy flow in an ecosystem using pyramid of energy.
5. a) Define biodiversity? What are the main objectives of conservation of
biodiversity? Discuss the strategies for the conservation of biodiversity?

b) Why do cyclones occur? Taking the Phailin cyclone hit in Odisha as a case
study, briefly write the measures taken to reduce its effect.
6. Write the sources and effects of water pollution. Briefly describe the different
steps involved in waste water treatment process with special reference to
secondary treatment.
7. a) What are greenhouse gases and greenhouse effect? Discuss mechanism of
global warming due to these gases. What are the major implications of
enhanced global warming? Write the control measures of green house effect.

b) Write some strategies that can be adopted for conservation of water?

8. a) What is a watershed? Write some causes of watershed degradation. Describe
any three watershed management practices.
b) Write the salient features of Environmental Protection Act, 1986?
9. Write short notes on any Three:-
a) Food web
b) Consumerism and waste products
c) Eutrophication
d) GPP and NPP
e) Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)
f) Thinning of ozone layer

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