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BA 301 S. K.


Operations Management Speak Exam I

4-hours house video Operations management

Baldridge Criteria Pareto charts
Batch process strategy Pareto principle
Benchmarking Payoff Table
Born a little too wild - Pontiac Aztek Process-focused strategy
Competing on differentiation Product life cycle
Competing on low cost Product-focused strategy
Competing on response Project crashing
Competitive advantage Project management
Continuous improvement Quality
Continuous process strategy Quality circle
CPM Repetitive-process strategy
Critical path Six sigma
Decision trees States of nature
Dummy activity Strategy
Expected value of perfect information Total quality management
Job shop process strategy Variation
Kaizen Work breakdown structure
Mass customization

Operations Management Concepts Exam I

Chap Topic Concepts

1 Operations What is operations management?
& 10 OM Decision strategies
Production Differences between goods and services
2 Operations & Difference between missions and strategies
Compare and contrast competitive advantage strategies of differentiation, low cost, and
Examples of firms that compete by differentiation, by low cost, and by response

Product life cycle and OM issues

16 management What is involved in project management?
Interpret a work breakdown structure

Create network for a list of activities and immediate predecessors

Determine the critical path
How can a project be crashed?
Identify decisions

BA 301 S. K. Norman

QM A Decision What is a state of nature?

Identify states of nature
Theory Interpret decision tree and decision tables
Compare and contrast maximax, minimax, equally likely criterions
Best decision using four approaches: Optimistic, Conservative, Equally likely, and expected
Expected value of a decision
Expected value of perfect information
7 Process Process design graph
strategy Know and recognize examples of each type of process strategy

6 Quality - What is total quality management?

- Describe and interpret and know when to use:
- Fish-bone diagrams
- Pareto charts
- Quality issues in services

Also review:
- Videos
- Buzz groups
- Assignments

General guidelines
- You can expect a breakdown of questions that is APPROXIMATELY that in the
table below. I may modify it slightly.

Number of Number
Concept Concepts of Problem
Chapter Topic Questions Points Problems Points
1 OM 3 9
2 Missions & Strategies 4 12
3 Project Management 5 15 4 13
7 Process strategies 3 9
QM A Decision Analysis 5 15 4 12
6 Quality Management 5 15
TOTAL 25 75 8 25

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