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NAME: Jeanita Putri Yuli





- Make a sentence using the words given below

- Each sentence describe a nursing care
1. ( have to --- check --- everyday)
I have to check vital signs of patient everyday.
2. ( assist ---bathing --- at 7.10 this morning)
Nurse assisted bathing of patient at 7.10 this morning.
3. ( clean --- after elimination )
I clean parts of the body of patient after elimination.
4. ( have --- apply infusion to Mr)
Nurse have applied infusion Nacl to Mr. Dony.
5. ( have --- move --- casualty --- stretcher)
I have to move the casualy to the stretcher.


Translate these into communicative English

1. Saya mengecek tanda-tanda vital pasien secara teratur.
I check the patients vital signs regulary.
2. Untuk menentukan diagnose keperawatan, saya harus mengkaji kondisi kesehatan
To determine nursing diagnose, I had to assess the patients health condition.
3. Saya sudah mengecek tekanan darah Mr. Peter Cathcart.
I have check the blood pressure Mr. Peter Cathcart.
4. Dokter, saya sudah member suntikan Intravena.
Doctor, I have give an intravenous Injection.
5. Saya menemani Mrs. Ryan pergi keliling dengan kursi roda, tadi pagi.
I accompanied Mrs. Ryan go around with the wheel chair this morning.
6. Kita harus segera melakukan resusitasi.
We must do resusitasi Immediately.
7. Apakah anda sudah menulis dokumentasi keperawatan untuk Mr. Catchcart?
Have you written Nurse documentation of Mr. Catchcart?
8. Apakah anda sudah selesai membantu eliminasi Mr. catchcart?
Have you finished helping elimination of Mr. Catchcart?
9. Dokter, saya sudah selesai memberikan perban kepada Mr. Satawar Husein.
Doctor, I had finished giving a bandage to Mr. Satawar Husein.
10. Kita harus member dia suntikan anestesi local.
We have to give him a local anesthesia Injection.
11. Saya sudah memeriksa kondisi Mr. Johnson.
I have checked condition of Mr. Johnson.
12. Suster, apakah sudah membuat laporan mengenai Mr. Lolita.
Nurse, have you made a report about Mr. Lolita.
13. Saya mau mengecek tekanan darah anda.
I want to check your blood pressure.
14. Sudahkah anda mengirim pispot untuk Mrs. Johnson?
Have you sent a bedpan for Mrs. Johnson?
15. Kita harus memindahkan Mrs. Johnson ke tempat tidur secara bersama-sama.
We have to move Mrs. Johnson to the bed together.

Study the patient care plan below, then report to the other participans.
Instruction : Retell in your group what action you have to take for Mr. Peter Cathchart.
1. Monitoring blood sugar levels, give insulin injections.
2. Dietician to discuss diet.
3. Patient to be shown how to self-monitoring blood Glucose (SMBG).


- Take one case in your nursing practice.

- Report care plan to your class.


Patients Name Action to be taken
Janhsen 1. Assess for signs and symptoms relating
to pain.
Reason for admission : 2. Assess to what degree cultural,
Pain coming from medical problems, Pain due environmental, intrapersonal, and
to diagnostic procedures or medical intrapsychic factors may contribute to
interventions and treatments. pain or pain relief.
3. Assess the patents anticipation for pain
Symptoms : relief.
4. Assess the patients willingness or
Patient complains of pain, Appetite changes,
ability to explore a range of techniques
Change in muscle tone, Observed evidence of
aimed at controlling pain.
pain using standardized pain behavior Assess the patents anticipation for pain
checklist. relief.
TASK 3. Home Work
Describe your daily activity as a nurse.
Describe the case you have ever assessed.
Write your nursing care plan.
Report to your class orally.

When I start a new shift, I listen to the nursing report from the previous shift. The
report is about the patients condition and nursing intervention that has been dont
for each patients. I observed a case of Mr. Jemi, and then Im observe blood
pressure, pulse rate, respiratori, and temperature. After that, I help patients weren
moved from bed to wheelchair, and invited the patients to get around the hospital.
The patient looks very happy.


Task 1

Instrument Uses

to cover and protect areas of the body, such as a

recent injury

for patients who are unconscious or too weak to sit up or

walk to the toilet to defecate

to create a permanent pathway to a vein (or artery) for the

Cannula purpose of repeated injections or infusion of intravenous

Cardioverter / Defibrillato to correct arrhythmias of the heart or to start up a heart

r that is not beating

Catheter to drain and collect urine directly from the bladder

(primary use); also to act as a makeshift oxygen tube, etc.

to remove toxic materials from the blood that are generally

removed by the kidneys; used in case of renal failure

Electrocardiograph to record the electrical activity of the heart over a period of

machine time

Enema equipment to passively evacuate the rectum of faeces

to look inside the gastrointestinal tract, used mainly

in surgery or by surgical consultants

Gas cylinder as a supply of oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, etc.

Gauze sponge to absorb blood and other fluids as well as clean wounds

Hypodermic for injections and aspiration of blood or fluid from the

needle / Syringe body

as in gloves, gowns, bonnets, shoe covers, face

Infection control
shields, goggles, and surgical masks for preventing
nosocomial or healthcare-associated infection

Instrument sterilizer to sterilize instruments in absence of an autoclave

Kidney dish as a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue, etc.

Measuring tape for length, height, and girth measurements

Medical halogen penlight to see into the eye, natural orifices, etc. and to test
for pupillary light reflex, etc.

for nasogastric suction or the introduction of food or drugs

Nasogastric tube
into the body

to produce aerosols of drugs to be administered

by respiratory route

Ophthalmoscope to look at the retina

Otoscope to look into the external ear cavity

to deliver gases to the mouth/nostrils to assist in oxygen

Oxygen mask and tubes
intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs

Pipette or dropper to measure out doses of liquid, specially in children

Proctoscope to look inside the anal canal and lower part of the rectum

Reflex hammer to test motor reflexs of the body

Sphygmomanometer to measure the patient's blood pressure

to hear sounds from movements within the body like heart

beats, intestinal movement, breath sounds, etc.

Suction device to suck up blood or secretions

Thermometer to record body temperature

Tongue depressor for use in oral examination

Transfusion kit to transfuse blood and blood products

Tuning fork to test for deafness and to categorize it

to assist or carry out the mechanical act

Ventilator of inspiration and expiration so the non-respiring patient
can do so; a common component of "life support"

for recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.; for
Watch / Stopwatch
certain hearing tests

Weighing scale to measure weight

Crocodile Forceps to remove foreign bodies from ear or nasal cavities



1. Alat ini diguhnakan untuk memotong.

This instrument used to cut.
2. Apa nama alat yang digunakan untuk mencabut jahitan?
What is the name of a instrument that is used to pull out the stitches?
3. Saya perlu alat untuk membantu pasien yang lumpuh kakinya untuk bangun dari
tempat tidur.
I need a instrument to help patients whose legs are paralyzed to get out of the bed.
4. Dalam proses endoskopi,kita perlu suatu alat untuk membuat mulut pasien tetap
In the process of endoscopy, we need a instrument to keep the patients mouth open.
5. Bisa minta tolong untuk mengambilkan sebuah thermometer digital untuk saya?
Can you help me to get a digital thermometer for me?
6. Alat ini berfungsi untuk menyerap cairan atau darah ketika proses operasi.
This instrument serves to absorb the liquid or blood in the process of operation.
7. Untuk mengangkat korban kecelakaan, kita menggunakan stretcher.
To raise the victim of accident, we use stretcer.
8. Untuk mengukur tekanan darah kita bias menggunakan Aneroid manometer atau
To measure blood pressure we can use Aneroid manometer or sphygmomanometer.
9. Maukah anda menjelaskan fungsi dari Sling?
Can you explain the function of a Sling?
10. Apa nama alat yang digunakan untuk menimbang dalam bahasa inggris?
What is the name of the instrument used to weigh in English?



NURSE 1 : What is this ? (pointing at a trolley)

NURSE 2 : It is a stolley.
NURSE 1 : What do you call a small sharp pointed knife used in surgery ?
NURSE 2 : It is a Scalpel.




Say these dates:

14 Jan 1978
January the fourteenth nineteen seventy eight.
21 Sept 1980
September the twenty first nineteen eighty.
3 Aug 1066
August the third ten sixty six.
10 Oct 1906
October the tenth nineteen hundred and six.
3 Mar 1860
March the third eighteen sixty.
19 Oct 1969
October the nineteenth nineteen sixty nine.

Answer these orally:
1. What date is it?
8 April 2017 (April the eighth twenty seventeen)
2. What date is it tomorrow?
9 April 2017 (April the ninth twenty seventeen)
3. What date is it after tomorrow date?
10 April 2017 (April the tenth twenty seventeen)
4. What date was it yesterday?
7 April 2017 (April the seventh twenty seventeen)
5. What date was it before yesterday?
6 April 2017 (April the sixth twenty seventeen)
6. When were your born?
01 january 1998 (first january nineten ninety eight)


Translate this communication exchange into English. (V: Visitor) (N: Nurses)

1. V: Saya pasien dr. Stewart. Jam berapa saya hari ini bisa bertemu?
N: Sebentar saya cek jadwalnya dulu. Baik, anda bias ketemu pk. 16.30.
V: Im patient of dr. Stewart. When can i meet visit him today?
N: Wast, Ill check the schedule fast. Right, you can visit him at 16.30 pm.
2. V: Hari apa saja ada dokter spesialis anak?
N: Dokter spesialis anak? Sebentar ya bu Dokter spesialis anak ada padahari Selasa
dan Jumat.
V: Jam berapa jadwalnya?
N: Pagi jam 8 sampai jam 12. Sore jam 4 sampai jam 6.
V: When the pediatrician is available?
N: The pediatrician? Wait a moment maam The pediatrician is available on
Tuesday and Friday.
V: What time is the schedule?
N: At 8 until 12 am in the morning at 4 until 6 pm in the afternoon.
3. V: Suster, kapan jadwal kunjungan pasien dr. William.
N: Ia sudah datang. Ia akan mengunjungi anda kira-kira jam 8.15.
V: Nurse, when is the visit schedule patient dr. William?
N: he has come. He will visit you approximately at 8.15.
4. V: Suster, jam berapa operasi adik saya akan dimulai.
N: Operasi? Hari ini jam 10 tepat.
V: Suster, what time is my sisters operation will begin?
N: Operation? Today at 10 exactly.
5. V: Maaf. Jam berapakah jadwal kunjungan di rumah sakit ini?
N: Pagi jam 10 sampai jam 12 dan jam 6 sampai jam 8 sore.
V: Excusme, what time is the visit schedule in this Hospital.
N: At 10 until 12 a.m in the morning and at 6 until 8 p.m in the afternoon.

Conversation 1. Current Time
P: What time is it?
N: It is nine oclock p.m.
Conversation 2. Doctors schedule.
P: When can I see the Obstetrician today?
N: The Obstetrician will be on duty at 10 oclock.
Conversation 3. Turn
N: Your turn is at 10 oclock.

Practice this with your Partner. (P: Patient) (N: Nurse)

1. V: When was the time mother passed away?

N: It was Ten to one.
2. V: When is the visiting time in the afternoon starts?
N: At Four oclock.
3. V: What time dr. Dina will visited?
N: At seven thirty.
4. V: What time is it?
N: Its fifteen to twelve.
5. V: Nurse, may I ask what time is it?
N: its twenty five past four.
6. V: When is my turn to get treated?
N: Ten past five.
7. V: When is the time I should visit the pediatrician?
N: At fifteen past eleven.
8. V: Excuse me, when will the operation finished?
N: Two fourty.
9. V: What time is it?
N: Its five past two.
10. V: What time will be my turn to get my obstretcian treatment?
N: At six forty.

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