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Easter always makes style to a

camp of five days in the field
with the family by Pope, we
make rice with coconut,
masamorra, chicha and also
curd, pasta with stewed
sardine, red beans and among
other foods, we make parties
Soccer and basketball among
uncles and cousins, table
games like the trick, domino
and lottery, we also dance and
we put in the pool. We rode
and rode around the farm, we
fished and at night when there
is no moon we went hunting.
When the 5 days are over, we

Amazonas state

The state of Amazonas is

located in Venezuela, is a very
interesting state in the area of
its landscapes and rivers, is
special for different reasons.
First, in this state is born the
main river of Venezuela, the
Orinoco, it does in the hill
Delgado Chalbaud and after
crossing 2140 km. Deposits its
waters in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Orinoco is, in turn, the
basin where they pour their
waters other important rivers
of the region, like the Ventuari
of 474 km. Second, The
climate of the Amazon State
corresponds to the rainy,
monsoon and tropical
savannah types. Basically
there are two seasons, one dry
and one rainy. Third, its
vegetation is covered by
immense forests, reason why
the vegetation due to the high
index of rainfall, is the typical
jungle. There are also sheets
of dry soils and sheets of wet
soils. Fourth, this state is
inhabited by animals such as
Puma, jaguar, tapir, monkey,

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