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Time: 2.00.P.M. to 5.00. P.M. Maximum marks: 150



01. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, He has tasted the flavour of faith (IMAN) who believes in ALLAH as
his Lord ; Islam as his religion, and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as the Messenger (Recorded in Muslim).
Define IMAN in the light of Hadith. OR

Explain importance of Shariat and IMAN in Islam.

02. 'SALAT' (Prayer) is one of the fundamentals of Islam. Explain its significance and effects on
individual personality and community.

03.Explain in detail main difficulties faced by Hazrat Ali (R.A) during his Khilafat.

04. "HUDIBAYA TREATY" is known as "A CLEAR VICTORY" in the Holy Quran Discuss the effects
of the Treaty on consolidating peace in Arabia.

05. How did the First Pious Khalifa maintain the unity of Islam. Estimate the achievements of Khulfa-

06. Write a detailed note on the principles of criticism adopted by the Muhaddithin.

07. Write a note on the term TASAWWUF and its origin.


Saturday the 03rd January, 2004

Time: 10.00. A.M. to 1.00. P.M. Maximum marks: 150

NOTE: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

01. What do you know about excellence of the Holy Quran? Prove that the Holy Quran is complete code
of human life.

02. Describe the life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) at Madinah.

03. What are the fundamental belief of Islam? Why they all are essential for a Muslim men or women to
be acquainted with them.

04. What do you know the term "Kasib-i-Hilal" (earning money by lawful means). Write atleast 03
commandments from Holy Quran and the saying of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in this regards.

05. Discuss fully the characteristics of Kharjis as contained in the period of Hazrat Ali (K.W).

06. "If single fundamental belief as Zakat may off for time being from the fundamentals of Islam, suppose
to we are destroying the construction of the Islamic building." Discuss above quotation in the light of
Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique (R.A.) - the 1st Caliph of Islam.

07. Hazrat Umar Farooque (R.A.) the second caliph of Islam was born for justice. Illustrate at 03
examples in this regards.

08 The martyrdom of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A.) infact disunited the Muslims for ever. Comment.

09. What were the main reasons behinds the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali Karamullah Wajho the fourth caliph
of Islam.

10. Writ short note on any two of the following:

(a) Pledge of Hudaibiya

(b) The last sermon of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

(c) Battle of Uhad.


Maximum Marks 150

Note: Attempt any five questions in all including question no. 1, which is compulsory.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Read the following statements carefully and write-down correct answers in your answer books.

i) According to the custom among the Arab nobility, before Muhammad (S.A.W.) was entrusted to
HALIMAH of Bani Saad, he was nursed by a maid-servant of his uncle Abu-Lahab:

Shayyima Thwaibiyah Umm-i-Aiman

ii) At the age of twenty Muhammad (S.A.W) took part in the battle between the Quraish and Banu Qais
under the name of:

Harab-al-Basus Harab-al-Fijar Buath Al-Ghabra.

iii) Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, grand father of Muhammad (S.A.W), had sons in all:

Five Seven Ten.

iv) Hazrat Abdullah the father of Muhammad (S.A.W) died at the place called:

Taif Yathrib Abwa Jeddah.

v) Hazrat Aminah, the mother of Muhammad ( S.A.W.) belonged to a tribe named:

Bani Thaqif Bani Aws Bani Gatfani Bani Zuhrah.

vi) Youngest daughter of Holy Prophet (S . A. W). was

Zainab Ruqayyah Fatimah Um-e-Kulthum.

vii) First pledge of Aqabah took place in

7th year 11 th Year 12th year of the Divine Call or Nabuwat

viii) Battle of Badr was fought in second year of Hijrah on

9th 12th 15th 17th of Ramzan.

ix) Hazrat Hamzah the uncle of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was assassinated in the battle of

Badr Uhad Khardaq Muta .

x) Treaty of Hudaibiya was made in:

5th year 6th year 8th year of Hijrah.

2. What do you mean by the term "Articles of Faith"? Enumerate them in the light of Holy Quran.

3. What is the Concept of PRAYER (SALAT) in Islam? How far PRAYER is the source of purification of
soul and Body, Social, Moral and Spiritual Institution. Define it in the light of Holy Quran.

4. Enemies of Islam were not frightened by Religious Reforms but they did not want Economic, social
and Moral revolution led by Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Explain.

5. Analyse the Constitution of Islamic State as promulgated by Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) soon after his
migration to Madina and discuss how far it can be correctly described as the first Written Constitution of
the World".

6. What do you know about the "Truce of Hudaibiya"? How far did this Truce demonstrate the political
foresight of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Explain in detail.

7. Describe briefly the contribution of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A) in consolidating and building
Muslim Nation after the demise of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

8. Hazrat Umar Farooq's (R.A) accession to Caliphate was immense value to Islam. Discuss the character
and achievements of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A.) in the light of his Administrative system.

9. The martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman Ghani (R.A.) infact disunited the Muslims forever. Comment.

10. Hazrat Ali al-Murtaza (K.W.) was an excellent poet, an Orator, a great philosopher, a brave General
and a Chief counseller of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and his early Caliphs. Evaluate the personality and
achievements of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (K.W.).

Time 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon Max: Marks 150

Note: Attempt FIVE Questions in all, including question No.l which is COMPULSORY, All questions
carry equal marks.

1. Read the following statements carefully and write down correct answers in your answer-book:

i) The Prophet (Peace be upon him) received first WAHY (Revelation) when he was

25 40 60 years old.

ii) The rate of Zakat is 6 1/2 percent 21 1/2 percent 40 percent.

iii) Gabriel came to the Holy Prophet(Peace be upon him) in the cave of

mount SAFA mount HIRA mount MARWAH.

iv) The battle of Ditch was fought in

627 AD 625 AD 630 AD.

v) Iran was conquered in the time of

Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A.) Hazrat Ali(R.A) Hazrat Umer(R.A).

vi) The longest Surah in the Quran is

Surah al-lmran Surah al-Nisa Surrah al-Baqarah.

vii) Bait Ridwan was made to take revenge for the blood of

Hazrat Hamzah (R.A) Hazral Usman (R.A) Hazrat Ali(R.A)

viii) Masjid al Nabwi was built by

Hazrat Abu Bakr the Prophet (S.A.W.) Hazrat Ali.

ix) The MIRAJ (the Accession) of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) took place when he was in

Madinah Makkah Taif.

x) Safa and Marwa are the names of two Idols Mounts Angels

2. Explain the meaning of al-IMAN; al-ISLAM; al-IHSAN in the light of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet
(Peace be upon him)
3. Write a detailed note on collection and compilation of the QURAN during the time of the Prophet
(Peace be upon him) and also describe the services rendered by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) Hazrat Usman
(R.A) in this connection.

4. Explain the term "IJTIHAD" and discuss the importance and necessity of Ijtihad in the field of Islamic

5. Discuss the Four Schools of thought of Islamic FIQH and its importance in Islamic Shariah.

6. Write a detailed note on the significance of the belief in the FINALITY of the PROPHETHOOD in

7. Give briefly the historical background of the Prophet's migration to Yathreb and discuss the importance
of HIJRAH in Islamic history.

8. Enumerate the problems that Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) had to face just after being elected as a Khalifa
and show how he solved the problems.

9. Discuss the Socio-economic Institutions established by Hazrat Umer (R.A.) and their effects on
Muslim Society.

10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Khutaba-i-Hujjatul-Widda (b) Aims and objective of Hajj in Islam.

(c) Battle of BADR, its causes and its effects. (d) Islamic concept of life Hereafter (AKHRAT)

Time 9.00 A.M. to 12 00 Noon Max: Marks 150

No'e: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

1. Define word "Islam" and "Muslim" in the light of Al-Quran and Hadith and point out specific
peculiarities of Islam?

2. Fasting is universal institution of worship but Islam made reforms in it. Give its details and also
mention its aims and objectives?

3. Define the meaning of word "Jehad" and explain its various types with the support of the Quranic
verses and Ahadith?

4. How Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A) faced the dangers which threatened Islam after the demise of Prophet.

5. What were the reasons that Hadrat Umer (R.A) continued with Persia and Syria and give reference as
to how the allegations attributed by non-Muslims that Muslims were greedy and that they spread their
Islam at the point of sword, were not correct?

6. What were the achievements of Hadrat Umer (R.A.) and describe how did he carry on his

7. Give details of internal warfare which broke amongst Muslims after the murder or Hadrat Usman

8. Describe the primary problems which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) solved soon after his arrival at

9. Give the History of the compilation of the Quran and also explain its excellence? (Fazail e Quran)

10. Islam is the only religion which gave due status to women. Put light on it with special reference of
Surah Nisa in which legal inheritance of women has been discussed in detail. Also support with Ahadith?

Time 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon Max: Marks 150

Note: Attempt FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks.

1. The Holy Quran narrates about 'Muttaqeen' (God-fearing persons):

'This is the book.

In it is guidance sure without doubt.
To those who fear God.'
What are the virtues of such God-fearing persons as mentioned in the subsequent. 'Ayat.

2. What do you know about the embracing of Islam by Hazrat Omar (R.A).

3. What sermon was delivered by the Prophet (pbuh) about charity, in the first mosque of Madinah


4. What do you know about the marriage of Hazrat Khudija (R.A) with the Prophet?

5. State how the first mosque was erected in MADINAH Munawwara?

6. What orders were given by the Holy Prophet regarding treatment of captives captured in
'Ghuzwat' (holy wars)?

7. Comment that the Islam has played the greatest role for the libralization of slaves?

8. Is it correct to say that the 'Jihad (holy war) is also a kind of 'Ibadat' (PRAYER)?

9. After conquering the holy city of Makkah, when Hazrat Muhammad (peace, and blessings of God
be upon him) alongwith the force of 'Asahab' (R.A.) (companions) enter the holy city, what was their
behaviour towards conquered citizens, who were responsible for appressing and persecuting them?

10. About God-fearing persons the holy Quran says:

"Men who celebrate.

The praise of God.
Standing, sitting
And lying down on their sides".

Comment on this virtue by quoting instances from the Holy Prophet's sacred life.

11. The Holy Quran declares:

"We have not sent thee

But as a universal (Messenger)
To men. giving them
Glad tidings and warning
(against sin)".

What are your comments on this verse?

12. What were the contents of the sermon delivered by Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) after he was chosen
as first caliph?

Time 2.00 P.M. 10 5.00 P.M. Max: Marks 150

Note: Attempt any FIVE Questions.

1. Explain the belief in the Revealed Books. What is the place of Holy Quran amongst the Revealed
Books? Give the history of the revelation and compilation of Holy Quran.

2. Explain the finality of the Prophet-hood of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) with quotations from
Holy Quran and Hadith.

3. Give the history of the institutions of Prayers (salat) and fasting in Islam. What impact these
institutions leave on the life of the individual. Quote the specific verses from Holy Quran in which the
main objective of these institutions has been mentioned.

4. Give the Survey of the missionary efforts of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) at Mecca. What were the
reasons of Quraish opposition to his mission.

5. "Hijrat of Muslims from Mecca to Medinah is considered to be the turning point in the History of
Islam." Discuss.

6. Examine the nature and consequences of the Wars fought by Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) against the
enemies of Islam. Explain whether these Wars were offensive or defensive in nature.

7. Give an account of the fare-well pilgrimage of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and main teachings of his
sermon delivered on that Occasion.

8. How Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) was elected as first Caliph after the demise of Holy Prophet
(S.A.W.) and how far he proved himself to be the Saviour of Islam and the newly born Islamic State?

9. Give a brief account of the conquest of PERSIA or SYRIA during the Caliphate of Hazrat Omar
(R.A). What were the main causes of the Muslim success in Over-Powering these mighty empires?

10. "With the martyrdom of Hazrat Usman (R.A) the door of bloodshed opened in the History of
Islam, which never closed, though Hazrat Uma (R.A) had also been martyred." Discuss.
Give briefly the historical background of the Prophet's migration to Yathreb and discuss the importance of
HIJRAH in Islamic history. 1993

"Hijrat of Muslims from Mecca to Medinah is considered to be the turning point in the History of Islam."
Discuss. 1984

Describe the primary problems which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) solved soon after his arrival at
Madinah? 1990

Analyse the Constitution of Islamic State as promulgated by Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) soon after his
migration to Madina and discuss how far it can be correctly described as the first Written Constitution of
the World". 2000

Describe the life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) at Madinah. 2003

"HUDIBAYA TREATY" is known as "A CLEAR VICTORY" in the Holy Quran Discuss the effects of
the Treaty on consolidating peace in Arabia. 2008

Pledge of Hudaibiya 2003

What do you know about the "Truce of Hudaibiya"? How far did this Truce demonstrate the political
foresight of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Explain in detail. 2000

Battle of BADR, its causes and its effects. 1993

Battle of Uhad. 2003

Enemies of Islam were not frightened by Religious Reforms but they did not want Economic, social and
Moral revolution led by Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Explain. 2000

The last sermon of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). 2003

Khutaba-i-Hujjatul-Widda 1993

Give an account of the fare-well pilgrimage of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and main teachings of his sermon
delivered on that Occasion. 1984

Write a detailed note on collection and compilation of the QURAN during the time of the Prophet (Peace
be upon him) and also describe the services rendered by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) Hazrat Usman (R.A) in
this connection. 1993

Give the History of the compilation of the Quran and also explain its excellence? (Fazail e Quran). 1990

Write a detailed note on the significance of the belief in the FINALITY of the PROPHETHOOD in Islam.

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