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M. D. Pathak and Z. R. Khan


International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was established in 1960 by
the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations with the help and approval of the
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ISBN 971-22-0028-0

Foreword Seasonal occurrence and RICE HISPA 43

abundance 30 Life history 43
INTRODUCTION 1 Damage 30 Seasonal occurrence and
Control methods 31 abundance 43
STEM BORERS 5 Cultural control 31 Damage 44
Life history 6 Biological control 31 Control methods 44
Adults 6 Varietal resistance 31 Cultural control 44
Eggs 8 Chemical control 31 Biological control 44
Larvae 9 Selected references 32 Varietal resistance 44
Pupae 10 Chemical control 44
Seasonal occurrence and RICE LEAFFOLDERS 33 Selected references 44
abundance 11 Life history 33
Damage 13 Seasonal occurrence and RICE WATER WEEVIL 45
Control methods 14 abundance 35 Life history 45
Cultural control 14 Damage 35 Seasonal occurrence and
Biological control 14 Control methods 35 abundance 45
Varietal resistance 15 Cultural control 35 Damage 46
Chemical control 16 Biological control 35 Control methods 46
Selected references 17 Varietal resistance 35 Cultural control 46
Chemical control 36 Biological control 46
RICE LEAFHOPPERS AND Selected references 36 Varietal resistance 46
PLANTHOPPERS 19 Chemical control 46
Life history 21 GRAIN-SUCKING INSECTS 37 Selected references 46
Seasonal occurrence and Rice bugs 37
abundance 22 Life history 37 RICE THRIPS 47
Damage 23 Seasonal occurrence and Life history 47
Control methods 23 abundance 38 Seasonal occurrence and
Cultural control 23 Stink bugs 39 abundance 48
Biological control 23 Life history 39 Damage 48
Varietal resistance 24 Seasonal occurrence and Control methods 48
Chemical control 26 abundance 39 Cultural control 48
Selected references 27 Damage 40 Varietal resistance 49
Control methods 40 Biological control 49
RICE GALL MIDGE 29 Cultural control 40 Chemical control 49
Life history 29 Varietal resistance 40 Selected references 49
Adults 29 Biological control 41
Eggs 29 Chemical control 41
Larvae 30 Selected references 41
Pupae 30
RICE CASEWORM 51 Damage 62 Control methods 70
Life history 51 Control method 62 Cultural control 70
Seasonal occurrence and Selected references 62 Biological control 70
abundance 52 Varietal resistance 70
Damage 52 RICE BLACK BUGS 63 Chemical control 70
Control methods 52 Life history 63 Selected references 71
Cultural control 52 Seasonal occurrence and
Biological control 52 abundance 63 SOIL-INHABITING PESTS 73
Varietal resistance 53 Damage 64 Ants 73
Chemical control 53 Control methods 64 Control methods 73
Selected references 53 Cultural control 64 Cultural control 73
Biological control 64 Chemical control 73
RICE MEALYBUGS 55 Varietal resistance 64 Termites 73
Life history 55 Chemical control 64 Control methods 74
Seasonal occurrence and Selected references 64 Cultural control 74
abundance 55 Chemical control 74
Damage 56 ARMYWORMS AND CUTWORMS 65 Crickets 74
Control methods 56 Common armyworm 65 Life history 74
Cultural control 56 Life history 66 Damage 74
Biological control 56 Adults 66 Control methods 75
Varietal resistance 56 Eggs 66 Cultural control 75
Chemical control 56 Larvae 66 Biological control 75
Selected references 56 Pupae 66 Chemical control 75
Seasonal occurrence and White grubs 75
WHORL MAGGOTS 57 abundance 66 Life history 75
Rice whorl maggot 57 Damage 67 Seasonal occurrence and
Life history 57 Rice swarming caterpillar 67 abundance 76
Seasonal occurrence and abun- Life history 67 Damage 76
dance 57 Adults 67 Control methods 76
Damage 58 Eggs 67 Cultural control 76
Rice leaf miner 58 Larvae 67 Biological control 76
Life history 58 Pupae 68 Chemical control 76
Seasonal occurrence and Seasonal occurrence and Rice root aphids 76
abundance 58 abundance 68 Life history 76
Damage 59 Damage 68 Seasonal occurrence and
Paddy stem maggot 59 Fall armyworm 68 abundance 76
Life history 59 Life history 68 Damage 77
Seasonal occurrence and Adults 68 Control methods 77
abundance 59 Eggs 68 Biological control 77
Damage 59 Larvae 68 Chemical control 77
Control methods 59 Pupae 68 Rice root weevils 77
Cultural control 59 Seasonal occurrence and Life history 77
Biological control 59 abundance 68 Damage 77
Varietal resistance 60 Damage 69 Control methods 77
Chemical control 60 Common cutworm 69 Cultural control 77
Selected references 60 Life history 69 Chemical control 77
Adults 69 Selected references 78
Life history 61 Larvae 69 RICE STEM MAGGOT 79
Adults 61 Pupae 69 Life history 79
Eggs 61 Seasonal occurrence and Seasonal occurrence and
Larvae 61 abundance 69 abundance 79
Pupae 62 Damage 70 Damage 79
Seasonal occurrence and
abundance 62

The world rice crop is attacked by Reduction in insect pest damage This new edition includes updated
more than 100 species of insects; 20 of should come from incorporating information on biology, damage,
them can cause economic damage. genetic resistance into new genotypes seasonal history and factors of
Insect pests that can cause significant and from the development of suitable abundance, and control measures of
yield losses are stem borers; leafhop- cultural and biological control meth- the major insect pests of rice. IRRI
pers and planthoppers (which cause ods. The first edition of this book, hopes this expanded content will
direct damage by feeding as well as published in 1967, contained basic prove useful to researchers, extension
by transmitting viruses); gall midges, information on the biology and workers, and students everywhere.
a group of defoliating species (main1y factors of abundance of common Many people were involved in the
lepidopterans); and a grain-sucking insect pests of rice. Since then, due to production of this book. N.J. Fernan-
bug complex that feeds on develop- the introduction of high-yielding dez, A.D. Tan, and F.F.D. Villanueva
ing grains. modern varieties, distinct changes helped compile the text, references,
Average yield loss due to various have occurred in the insect pest and tables; A.T. Barrion validates
insect pests in Asia-wheremore complex of rice. Several species, once scientific names of insect pests;
than 90% of the world's rice is pro- considered minor pests, have become E. Panisales provided artwork; and
ducedis about 20%. Any decrease major pests. Also, much information M.L.P. Abenes provided photogra-
in pest damage means a correspond- on various aspects of control, includ- phic services. The volume was edited
ing increase in needed rice produc- ing integrated pest management, has by W.H. Smith and G.S. Argosino.
tion. become available.

Klaus Lampe

Rice, the staple diet of over half of the Two major factors are responsible
world's population, is grown on over for low yields: adverse weather
145 million ha in more than (floods, drought, typhoons, etc.) and
110 countries, and occupies almost pest epidemics.
one-fifth of the total world cropland Low temperature is a major factor
under cereals. Classified primarily as limiting rice cultivation. The opti-
a tropical and subtropical crop, rice is mum temperature is about 30C, and
cultivated as far north as 53 N temperatures lower than 20C,
latitude on the border between the particularly during the flowering
USSR and China and as far south as stage, induce sterility. In regions of
39 S latitude in Central Argentina, cool winters only one crop a year can
and from sea level to altitudes of be grown, but in warm areas as many
3,000 m. The crop is established either as three crops are common.
by direct sowing (broadcast or Average rice yield varies from less
drilled) or by transplanting. Rice than 1 t/ha in some tropical countries
1. Magnitude of rice crop loss due to
grows under diverse water regimes: to more than 6 t/ha in Japan, Repub- insect pests in the Philippines. The
it is an upland crop where there is no lic of Korea, and the USA. Rice yields average yield from plots protected with
standing water and rains are the sole in South and Southeast Asia, the insecticides was 4.9 t/ha whereas that
source of moisture, or a lowland crop world's rice bowl, fluctuate widely, from unprotected plots was 3.0 t/ha,
suggesting a loss of 40% (modified from
under conditions in which water, averaging around 2 t/ha.
M.D. Pathak and G.S. Dhaliwal, 1981,
derived either from rain or irrigation Most of the world's rice produc- Trends and strategies for rice insect
systems, is impounded in the fields. tion is from irrigated and rainfed problems in tropical Asia, IRRI Res. Pap.
Rice is cultivated on terraces, on lowland ricefields where insect pests Ser. 64, International Rice Research
slopes, and in valleys or other low- are constraints. The warm and humid Institute, P.O. Box 933, Manila 1099,
lying sites. Floating rice may be environment in which rice is grown is
grown in several meters of standing conducive to the proliferation of
water. insects. Heavily fertilized, high-
As many as 80,000 rice accessions tillering MVs and the practice of
(cultivated and wild varieties) have multicropping rice throughout the
been collected at the International year favor the buildup of pest popu-
Rice Germplasm Center of the Inter- lations. The intensity of the insect
national Rice Research Institute problem in such an area can be
(IRRI). The traditional tropical rice illustrated by the experience at IRRI.
varieties are tall and leafy; they often In 117 experiments conducted over
lodge during the later stages of 15 yr, plots protected from insects
growth. Modern varieties (MVs) are yielded almost twice as much as
shortusually about 1 m highstiff- unprotected plots (Fig. 1). Average
strawed, erect-leafed, and lodging rice yield loss due to various insect
resistant. The plant characters of the pests was estimated to be 31.5% in
MVs are commonly associated with Asia (excluding mainland China) and
high yields. 21 % in North and Central America in

1967. 1 Estimates for tropical South Table 1. Insect pests and stages at which they attack the rice crop.
and Southeast Asia are considerably
Insect pests (order:family)
lower. In a 1989 survey of 50 rice en-
tomologists from 11 countries, Vegetative sfage
average yield losses due to insect Seedling maggots (Diptera: Muscidae)
pests were estimated at 18.5%. Yield Rice whorl maggots (Diptera: Ephydridae)
Rice caseworms (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
increases of this magnitude fre-
Rice green semiloopers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
quently result from effective insect
Rice leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
control in the different South and Rice thrips (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)
Southeast Asian countries. Rice gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
The rice plant is subject to attack Armyworms and cutworms (Lepidopera: Noctuidae)
by more than 100 species of insects; Grasshoppers, katydids, and field crickets (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Gryllidae, and Tettigoniidae)
20 of them can cause economic Rice leaffolders (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
damage. Together they infest all parts Rice stem borers (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae and Noctuidae)
Stalked-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae)
of the plant at all growth stages, and
Black bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
a few transmit viral diseases. The Rice hispa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
major insect pests that cause signifi- Mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)
cant yield losses are leafhoppers and
planthoppers, which cause direct Reproductive stage
damage as well as transmit viruses; Greenhorned caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
stem borers; and a group of defoliator Rice skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Planthoppers (Homoptera: Delphacidae)
species (Table 1). As in many other
Leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)
agroecosystems, the rice agroecosys-
tem has a few primary pests that may Ripening stage
actually limit production under Ripening seed bugs (Hemiptera: Alydidae)
certain conditions. In addition to the Stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
primary pests are numerous species
that cause periodic losses, and a few Soil-inhabiting pests
species that may occur in such low Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Termites (Isoptera: Termitidae and Rhinotermitidae)
numbers that no damage occurs.
White grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Since the introduction of high- Field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
yielding varieties, distinct changes Mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
have occurred in the insect pest Root weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
complex of rice in Asia. Several Root aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae)
species, which once were considered Wire worms (Coleoptera: Elateridae)
minor pests, are now considered Root-feeding mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae)
major (Table 2). Examples are the
brown planthopper, whitebacked
planthopper, green leafhopper, and
leaffolders. Until the 1960s, the stem
borers were considered the most
serious pests of rice throughout the
tropics. In recent years, however,
damage from them has declined. In
Japan, the population densities of
stem borers have steadily declined
since the mid-1960s (Fig. 2).

1 Cramer H H (1967) Plant protection and

world crop production. Bayer Pflanzenschutz

Leverkusen 20(1):1-524.

2 Insect pests of rice

Other insect pests are reportedly
becoming serious on rice in many
countries. Examples are thrips in
India and China, rice bugs in Malay-
sia, and mealybugs in India and
Bangladesh. In addition, new pests
are recorded in several areas: sugar-
cane leafhopper Pyrilla perpusilla
Walker and rusty plum aphid
Hysteroneura [=Carolinaia] setariae
(Thomas). These pests were recently
recorded to have attacked the crop in
Another important example is the
rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus
oryzophilus Kuschel in Japan. This 2. Annual changes in hectarage of ricefields infested with two stem
borer species in Japan (from K. Kiritani, 1988, Jpn. Agric. Res. Q.
pest, originally distributed in the Mis-
sissippi River basin in the USA, is
now the most destructive rice pest in
Japan. The weevil was first recorded Table 2. Changes in economic importance of various insect pests during the last 15 yr
in 1976 in Aichi Prefecture and is with the introduction of modern varieties and improved crop production practices. a
believed to have been transported to Major insect pests becoming Minor insects becoming
Japan with hay imported from the Country less important more important
USA. The insect is presently regarded
Bangladesh Stem borers, armyworms Green leafhopper, brown planthopper,
as the most destructive rice pest in
grasshoppers, rice leaffolders,
Japan and the most difficult to whitebacked planthopper
control. China (mainland) Stem borers, small brown Brown planthopper, whitebacked
Insect pests attack the rice crop planthopper, armyworms planthopper, rice hispa
from the time the nursery bed is China, Taiwan Stem borers Rice leaffolders, small brown
Province planthopper, whitebacked planthopper
prepared until harvest. The actual
India Stem borers, swarming Whitebacked planthopper, rice
species complex varies in abundance caterpillars, brown leaffolders, rice root weevil, rice bug,
and distribution from locality to planthopper, gall midge rice whorl maggot, rice hispa
locality and from year to year. Only Indonesia Stem borers Brown planthopper, rice leaffolders
the most common and specific insect Japan Stem borers, brown Rice bugs, rice water weevil
pests of rice in Asia are discussed in
Korea, Republic of Stem borers, zigzag Whitebacked planthopper,
this book. leafhopper, brown rice leaffolders, rice water weevil
Pakistan Stem borers Whitebacked planthopper, rice
Philippines Brown planthopper, Rice bugs, rice leaffolders,
stem borers whorl maggots
Sri Lanka Stem borers Whitebacked planthopper, brown
planthopper, green leafhopper
Thailand Green leafhopper Rice leaffolders, caseworm
a Data obtained from 50 rice entomologists in different countries.

Introduction 3
Stem borers

The stem borers, generally consid- Table 3. Stem borers of rice worldwide.
ered the most serious pests of rice
Order Family Species a Distribution
worldwide, occur and infest plants
from seedling stage to maturity. Fifty Lepidoptera Pyralidae Acigona ignefusalis (Hampson)
Adelpherupa flavescens Hampson Africa
species in three families-Pyralidae, Ancylolomia chrysographella (Kollar) Asia
Noctuidae (Lepidoptera), and Diop- Catagela adjurella Walker China
sidae (Diptera)are known to attack Chilo agamemnon Bleszynski Middle East/North-East Africa
Chilo aleniellus (Strand) Africa
the rice crop (Table 3). Thirty-five
Chilo auricilius Dudgeon Asia
pyralids belonging to 12 genera, Chilo diffusilineus (J. de Joannis) Africa
10 noctuid species belonging to Chilo luniferalis Hampson Africa
Chilo mesoplagalis (Hampson) Africa
3 genera, and 5 diopsid species
Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) West Asia/Africa
belonging to the genus Diopsis have Chilo plejadellus Zincken North America
been recorded as rice stem borers. Chilo polychrysus (Meyrick) Asia
Chilo psammathis (Hampson) Africa
The pyralid borers are the most Asia
Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur)
common and destructive, and usually Chilo suppressalis (Walker) Europe/Middle East/Asia/
have high host specificity. The Oceania
Chilo zacconius Bleszynski Africa
noctuid borers are polyphagous and
Diatraea lineolata (Walker) Central/South America
only occasionally cause economic Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) North/South America
losses to the rice crop. In Asia, the Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) North/South Amerlca
most destructive and widely distrib- Eldana saccharina Walker Africa
Maliarpha separatella Ragonot Africa/West Asia
uted are yellow stem borer Niphadoses palleucus Common Australia
Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), Rupela albinella (Cramer) North/South America
striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis Scirpophaga aurivena (Hampson) Asia
Scirpophaga fusciflua Hampson Asia
(Walker), white stem borer Scirpophaga gilviberbis Zeller Asia
Scirpophaga innotata (Walker), dark- Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) Asia/Australia
headed stem borer, Chilo polychrysus = Schoenobius incertulas (Walker)
= Tryporyza incertulas (Walker)
(Meyrick), and pink borer Sesamia Scirpophaga innotata (Walker) East Asia/Australia
inferens (Walker). In Asia, Scirpophaga = Tryporyza innotata (Walker)
incertulas and Chilo suppressalis are Scirpophaga lineata (Butler) Asia
Scirpophaga nivella (Fabricus) Asia/Australia/Oceania
responsible for a steady annual Scirpophaga occidentella (Walker) Africa
damage of 5-10% of the rice crop, Scirpophaga subumbrosa Meyrick Africa
with occasional localized outbreaks Scirpophaga virginia Schultze Asia
Noctuidae Bathytricha truncata (Walker) Australia
of up to 60%. Busseola fusca Fuller Africa
Scirpophaga incertulas, distributed Sesamia botanephaga Tams &
primarily in the tropics, also occurs in Bowden Afrlca
Sesamia calamistis (Hampson) Africa
the temperate areas where tempera- Sesamia cretica Lederer Africa/Europe/Middle East
ture remains above 10 C and annual Sesamia epunctifera Hampson Africa
rainfall is more than 1,000 mm. It is Sesamia inferens (Walker) Asia/Australia/Oceania
Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebre) Africa
the predominant species in Bangla- Sesamia penniseti Tams & Bowden Africa
desh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Sesamia uniformis Dudgeon Asia
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Diptera Diopsidae Diopsis apicalis Dalman Africa
Diopsis circularis Macquart Africa
Vietnam, and parts of Indonesia. Diopsis ichneumonea Linnaeus Africa
Chilo suppressalis and Scirpophaga Diopsis macrophthalma Dalman Africa
innotata follow close behind. In Diopsis servillei Macquart Africa
Bangladesh, Scirpophaga incertulas is a Species printed in boldface are those commonly occurring on rice.

of major importance followed by In North and South America, Most borer species can fly
Sesamia inferens. In the Republic of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) is the 5-10 miles, but can cover longer
Korea, Chilo suppressalis is the only most widespread species, followed distances if carried by winds. The
stem borer damaging rice; Scirpophaga by Rupela albinella (Cramer) and distance covered per second has been
incertulas does not occur. In Japan, Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller). reported as 0.6-3.4 m for Chilo
Chilo suppressalis and Scirpophaga Because stem borers are the most suppressalis males, which fly in an
incertulas are the two economically important rice pests in Asia and other irregular or circuitous course, and
important rice borers. Because parts of the world, their bionomics 0.48-2.15 m for females, which usu-
Scirpophaga incertulas is restricted to has been widely studied. Except for ally fly in straight lines.
southern Japan, the maximum area of some investigations in Japan, most Mating in most species generally
ricefields it infests is one-tenth of that studies have been conducted under occurs between 1900 and 2100 h. The
of Chilo suppressalis. Moreover, natural environmental conditions and sex ratio of different species, based on
Scirpophaga incertulas in Japan has any ecological conclusions drawn are light trap catches, has been reported
been steadily decreasing since 1948 more generalized than specific. as generally more females than
and Chilo suppressalis since 1960. males, except for a 1:l ratio for
Scirpophaga incertulas is also a major Maliarpha separatella. In the absence of
pest of deepwater rice in eastern Life history data on phototropism of different
India, Bangladesh, and Thailand, sexes in these experiments, the
causing more than 20% yield loss in Adults validity of light trap catches to
many fields. The adults of lepidopterous stem represent sex ratios in nature is
Chilo suppressalis is highly tolerant borer species (Fig. 3a-3f) are noctur- questionable.
of low temperature. Full-grown nal, positively phototropic, and In experiments at IRRI, field-
larvae exposed to -14C for 1-3 h do strong fliers; diopsid flies (Fig. 4a, b) collected females of Chilo suppressalis
not exhibit significant mortality. are diurnal and rest in the shade and Sesamia inferens mated many
Scirpophaga innotata, a tropical when not actively flying. Scirpophaga times; those of Scirpophaga incertulas
species, occurs in regions with incertulas moths usually emerge and Scirpophaga innotata mated only
distinct dry and wet seasons. Chilo between 1900 and 2100 h; Chilo once. In laboratory tests using vary-
polychrysus, initially reported as the suppressalis moths emerge from 1500 ing sex ratios of Chilo suppressalis,
most common and destructive in to 2300 h, peaking between 1900 and individual females mated as often as
Asia, has been recorded in several 2000 h, and become active again four times and males as often as eight
other countries in recent years and its toward dawn. During the day, Chilo times. The male moths were strongly
importance is being increasingly suppressalis hides among the grasses attracted to the virgin females.
recognized. while Scirpophaga incertulas and Attraction was maximum on the
In Africa, sorghum stem borer R. albinella remain in nurseries or evenings of female emergence, but
Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Chilo ricefields. declined on subsequent days. Virgin
diffusilineus J. de Joannis, white stem The strong phototaxis of these females used as baits in field traps
borer Maliarpha separatella Ragonot, species in earlier years was used to attracted several wild males, but no
and African pink borer Sesamia attract them to light traps for moni-
calamistis (Hampson) are serious rice toring and control. In Japan, how-
pests. In eastern Africa, the principal ever, even with one light trap in-
stem borer of upland rice is Chilo stalled in every 80 ha of rice, only
partellus. Maliarpha separatella and 50% of the moth population could be
Sesamia calamistis are more abundant attracted. The moths are most at-
in lowland rice. In Central and West tracted to UV and green fluorescent
Africa, Maliarpha separatella and lights. Light traps are now used only
Sesamia calamistis are dominant stem for studying population fluctuations.
borers of upland rice. Chilo
diffusilineus and Chilo partellus are
important pests in upland savannas.
Stalk-eyed stem borers Diopsis spp.
are also important rice pests in

6 Insect pests of rice

moths of either sex were attracted to
unbaited traps or to those containing
male moths. The male moths showed
typical sex excitement when exposed
to airstreams from containers of
virgin females.
Oviposition by most stem borer
species occurs in the evening. Chilo
suppressalis moths start oviposition
the night after emergence and con-
tinue up to 3 d, usually from 1700 to
2200 h with a peak at about 2000 h.
Scirpophaga incertulas females oviposit
between 1900 and 2200 h in summer
and 1800 and 2000 h in spring and
autumn. The moths deposit only one
egg mass per night and oviposition
occurs up to five nights after emer-
gence. Oviposition usually takes
10-35 min. Chilo suppressalis moths
are most active between 19 and 33 C;
no flight or oviposition occurs below
15 C. The maximum number of eggs
is laid at 29 C and 90% relative
humidity (RH). The moths exhibit
strong preference for oviposition on
certain host plants, but eggs within a
field are generally randomly
3. Adults of lepidopterous stem borers: a) Scirpophaga incertulas male,
b) Scirpophaga incertulas female, c) Scirpophaga innotata, d) Chilo auricilius,
e) C. suppressalis, f) Sesamia inferens.

4. Diopsis adults: a) Diopsis macrophthalma, b) D. apicalis.

Stem borers 7
Eggs Egg masses of lepidopterous stem decreases with temperature increase,
Lepidopterous stem borers lay eggs borers usually contain 50-80 eggs, beginning at 30 C and continuing up
in masses (Fig. 5a-5e); diopsid flies and a single female is capable of to 35 C. Although embryonic
lay isolated eggs. The eggs of laying 100-200 eggs. Diopsid females development can be completed at 35
Scirpophaga incertulas and Scirpophaga lay about 30 eggs each in a span of C, the larvae die within the egg shell.
innotata are laid near the tip of the about 2 wk. Pyralids oviposit openly In Chilo suppressalis eggs,
leaf blade, while those of Chilo on the leaf blades, noctuids oviposit cholinesterase activity starts at about
suppressalis and Chilo polychrysus are behind leaf sheaths. The eggs of 60 h after oviposition. This could be
found at the basal half of the leaves Scirpophaga incertulas, Scirpophaga the reason for the ineffectiveness of
or, occasionally, on leaf sheaths. innotata, and R. albinella are covered organophosphate insecticides on
R. albinella and Chilo polychrysus with pale orange-brown hairs from freshly laid eggs. Egg development
oviposit on the lower surface of the the anal tufts of the female moths duration in diopsids is 2-3 d; that in
leaf blade. Several workers in Japan (Fig. 5a, b). Those of Chilo suppressalis lepidopterous moths, 5-9 d.
have reported that first-generation and Chilo polychrysus have no such The optimum egg hatching
Chilo suppressalis moths normally cover (Fig. 5c). Maliarpha separatella temperature is 21-33 C for
oviposit on the upper surface of the eggs, although devoid of any such Chilo suppressalis and 24-29 C for
leaves and that moths of subsequent covering, are more ingeniously Scirpophaga incertulas. Both species
generations deposit eggs on the lower protected in that the glue, which the require 90-100% RH; hatching is
surfaces. For several thousand field- females spread on the leaf before severely reduced below 70% RH. The
collected eggs at IRRI, no distinct oviposition, wrinkles the leaves, eggs usually hatch during daytime.
difference in position on either leaf forming a case that encloses the egg In Chilo suppressalis, maximum
surface was recorded, except that the mass. Among eggs of all species, hatching is from 0500 to 0600 h,
eggs on the upper leaf surface of those of Sesamia inferens, laid be- followed by another peak from 1400
hairy varieties were laid in the tween the leaf sheath and the stem, to 1600 h. In R. albinella, hatching
glabrous area along the midrib. are probably the most effectively usually occurs in the evening. Gener-
protected (Fig. 5d). ally, all eggs in a mass hatch simulta-
The threshold temperature for neously (Fig. 5e). Larvae emerged
development of Chilo suppressalis eggs from a large egg mass of Chilo
is reported to be 10-12 C. Although suppressalis in about 13 min, but those
Scirpophaga incertulas eggs show some from a small egg mass lacked syn-
development at 13 C, hatching chronization and took longer.
normally occurs at 16 C or higher. In
both species, the incubation period

5. Eggs of lepidopterous
stem borers: a) Scirpophaga
incertulas, b) Scirpophaga
innotata, c) Chilo
suppressalis, d) Sesamia
inferens, e) hatching of an
egg mass.

8 Insect pests of rice

Larvae mortality. During later instars, older plants, they bore through the
The larvae of lepidopterous stem crowding results in high mortality, upper nodes and feed their way
borers are shown in Figure 6a-e. The slower growth rate, smaller size, and through the nodal septa toward the
hatching larvae are negatively geo- reduced fecundity of the emerging base. On a crop at heading stage,
tropic and crawl upward toward the female moths. The newly hatched boring usually occurs at the peduncle
tip of the plants where they stay for larvae in the second and third broods node or internode, which results in
only short periods. Some spin a silken normally enter either the third or whiteheads even with slight feeding.
thread, suspend themselves from it, fourth leaf sheath without moving to At this stage the larvae cause maxi-
and swing with the wind to land on the plant tip. They live there together mum damage.
other plants. Those that fall on water for about a week before migrating to From the second instar onward,
can swim because of an air layer adjoining plants. Early migration of the Scirpophaga incertulas larvae
around their body. Most of those the first-generation larvae is probably migrate by using body leaf wrap-
remaining on the tip descend toward an adaptation to the limited food pings, made by webbing the two
the base and crawl between the leaf available on young plants rather than margins of a leaf blade into a tube.
sheath and stem. They congregate a reflection of inherent behavioral The larva encases itself in this tube
and enter the leaf sheath through a differences between larvae of differ- and detaches it from the leaf to fall on
common hole bored by one of them. ent generations. the water. The length of this tube
They then feed on the leaf sheath Scirpophaga incertulas larvae rarely approximates that of the larval body.
tissues for about a week, and then feed gregariously, but their initial In this case and with its head and
bore into the stem, mostly through orientation and establishment for thorax protruding, the larva swims to
the nodal regions at the point of feeding are much the same as those of other rice plants where it attaches the
attachment of the leaf sheath to the Chilo suppressalis larvae. On a 30-day- case perpendicularly to a tiller
stem. old plant, the larvae take about slightly above water level and bores
The first-generation larvae require 30 min to migrate to the leaf sheath into the plant. Sesamia inferens larvae,
1.5 h from hatching to enter the leaf after hatching. Usually, 75% of these hatching from eggs laid between the
sheaths; the second generation larvae bore in, but only 10% reach the leaf sheath and stem, generally bore
require a somewhat longer period. adult stage. They seldom enter into the stem or leaf sheath without
The Chilo suppressalis larvae live seedlings, but if they do, boring takes coming to the surface of the plant.
gregariously during the first three longer and survival is low. During
instars, but disperse in later instars. the vegetative phase of the plants, the
If the early-instar larvae are isolated larvae generally enter the basal parts,
from each other, they suffer high usually 5-10 cm above the water; on

6. Larvae of lepidopterous
stem borers: a) Scirpophaga
incertulas, b) Scirpophaga
innotata, c) Chilo auricilius,
d) C. suppressalis,
e) Sesamia inferens.

Stem borers 9
They usually feed individually. Upon developmental period. A more
hatching at dawn, diopsid larvae profound physiological change that
move down the stem and behind the enables stem borers to live for
leaf sheath on a film of dew. The eggs months in suspended development is
are dispersed and, normally, only one called diapause. Diapause can be
larva per tiller occurs. either hibernation (overwintering in
Chilo auricilius Dudgeon is primar- temperate climates) or aestivation
ily a pest of sugarcane and only (dry season dormancy in the tropics).
occasionally infests rice. Generally Scirpophaga incertulas and Scirpophaga
larvae infest grown-up canes only, as innotata hibernate or aestivate.
the mature larvae cannot make exit Depending on the site, Scirpophaga
holes through several leaf layers of incertulas is more prone to diapause
young canes. than Scirpophaga innotata, particularly
The threshold temperature for in the tropics. Stem borers, including
development of Chilo suppressalis diopsids, diapause as last-instar
larvae is 10.5-12 C, but optimum larvae. Some diopsids diapause as
development is between 22 and 33 adults in swarms.
C. The threshold temperature for Hibernation is broken by warm
Scirpophaga incertulas larvae, how- weather and longer daylengths;
ever, is a minimum of 16 C. When aestivation is broken by rainfall or
reared at 12 C, the second- and flooding. In the Philippines, with
third-instar larvae cannot molt and so multiple rice crops, Scirpophaga
die. The rate of larval development is incertulas is nondiapausing; in
positively correlated with tempera- Pakistan, with only a wet season
ture between 17 and 35 C. crop, it overwinters in rice stubble. In
In identifying stem borer instars, Indonesia, Scirpophaga innotata does
many workers consider the width of not aestivate in double-cropped
the mandibles a better indicator than irrigated areas.
the width of the head capsule because
the mandibles are contiguous in Pupae
different instars. Scirpophaga incertulas Pupae of lepidopterous stem borers
larvae usually undergo four to seven are shown in Figure 7a-d. Pupation in
larval instar stages to become full lepidopterous rice stem borers
grown. Most larvae undergo five usually takes place in the stem, straw,
instars when reared at 23-29 C, but or stubble. Diopsids pupate within
only four at 29-35 C. The number of the stem. Sometimes Sesamia inferens
molts decreases in larvae feeding on also pupate between the leaf sheath
maturing plants compared with those and stem. Before pupating, the full-
feeding on tillering plants. Molts grown larvae cut exit holes in the 7. Pupae of lepidopterous stem borers:
increase where few host plants are internodes through which the emerg- a) Scirpophaga incertulas,
available. ing moths escape. Usually the exter- b) Scirpophaga innotata, c) Chilo
Under optimum conditions, Chilo nal opening of the exit hole is covered suppressalis, d) Sesamia inferens.
suppressalis has five to six larval with fine web and cannot be easily
instars. Under adverse conditions, detected before the moths have
such as those discussed above, as escaped. Chilo suppressalis pupae are
many as nine instars have been without cocoons, but pupae of
recorded. In lepidopterous and Scirpophaga spp., Rupela spp., and
diopsid species, the larval period Maliarpha spp. are covered with
usually lasts from 20 to 30 d. whitish silken cocoons. The anterior
Most stem borer species can pass extremity of the cocoons is tubular
an unfavorable period in dormancy. and attached to the exit holes; often
Drought during the larval period can one or two horizontal septa are
induce a temporary slowing down of webbed by the larvae in this tubular
body metabolism to prolong the area to make the cocoons waterproof.

10 Insect pests of rice

Since the full-grown larvae of Seasonal occurrence west. A possible third ecotype, Tosa
from Kocha Prefecture, has been
Scirpophaga spp., Rupela spp., and
Maliarpha spp. tend to feed in the and abundance reported. The intensity of diapause is
basal parts of the plants, all the larvae weak in the Shonai ecotype, which is
are usually left in the stubble after In general, stem borers are polyvolt- more tolerant of lower temperature
harvest. Some Chilo suppressalis larvae ine, but the number of generations in than the Saigoku ecotype. The stem
feeding aboveground are removed a year depends on environmental borer population between the areas
with the straw. During dormancy or factors, primarily temperature, distinctly occupied by these ecotypes
diapause, larvae in the stubble move rainfall, and crop availability. In is intermediate in character. Al-
down into the plant base and most different geographical areas, the though it has not been fully estab-
stay 3-5 cm below ground level. borers hibernate, aestivate, or remain lished, evidence suggests that
Overwintering Scirpophaga innotata active throughout the year, and occur Scirpophaga incertulas larvae diapause.
larvae move into the roots and in different seasonal patterns. In areas Records of suppression in the growth
construct tunnels up to 10 cm deep. of short optimum environmental of a yellow muscardine fungus on
On return of optimum conditions, conditions, such as in northern Japan, hibernating Scirpophaga incertulas
they pupate at the hibernation sites. they appear in only one generation; larvae (a reaction normally consid-
Thus, in all these species overwinter- in Central Japan and the Republic of ered characteristic of diapausing
ing larvae pupate in the stubble. In Korea, in two generations; and in Chilo larvae) and differences in the
addition to the stubble, harvested most of the comparatively warm diapausing tendency of Scirpophaga
straw is another pupation site of places with a single rice cropping incertulas larvae, even when exposed
some Chilo suppressalis larvae. Since regime, in three to four generations. to the same temperature, also suggest
conditions of straw and stubble The moths of different generations that this species diapauses. Although
differ, the rate of larval development are frequently referred to as respec- there is frequent mention of diapause
is affected. Therefore pupation and tive broods. During periods when for almost all other species, available
emergence of Chilo suppressalis are there is no rice crop and the tempera- data are inadequate to differentiate
less synchronized than those of other tures are not optimum for larval diapause from hibernation or aestiva-
species. development, the full-grown larvae tion.
The pupal period in lepidopterous undergo dormancy or diapause. But Temperature, daylength, and
and diopsid species lasts for 9-12 d. wherever two or more rice crops are growth stage of the host plants are
The threshold temperatures for pupal grown in a year, the borers remain principal factors inducing diapause.
development are 15-16 C for active year-round, undergoing only a Chilo suppressalis larvae hatching from
Scirpophaga incertulas and 10 C for temporary quiescent stage or weak eggs incubated at temperatures
Chilo suppressalis. The rate of pupal diapause in the last larval instar below 22 C usually undergo dia-
development for Chilo suppressalis during brief periods of nonavailabil- pause; the temperature exposure
increases linearly from 15 to 30 C, ity of host plants. This is apparently during advanced embryonic develop-
but slows down above 35 C. Above true for most tropical rice where ment is particularly effective. Al-
35 C the pupae suffer high mortality moths have been caught in light traps though total darkness or continuous
and emerging moths are often de- throughout the year. Their popula- illumination does not bring about
formed. When pupae that had been tion peaks have often been misinter- diapause, exposure to short
kept at a temperature between 20 and preted as different broods. A critical daylengths (8-14 h) induces it,
36 C for 2-4 h a day were exposed to evaluation of the data shows that whereas long daylengths (14.5-16 h)
a low temperature near the develop- these peaks in light trap catches are prevent it. Such effects are more
mental threshold (12-15 C), the reflections of major planting seasons evident during the larval than during
development rate was faster. Also, and brief environmental variations the egg stage. Various ecotypes show
when Chilo suppressalis larvae were rather than distinct seasonal effects. sensitivity to daylengths, depending
exposed to continuous illumination, In temperate areas, and in the on other local conditions. Under total
pupation was accelerated. Continu- tropics where only one rice crop is darkness, high temperature (33 C)
ous darkness delayed pupation and grown a year, the borers aestivate or prevents diapause and low tempera-
reduced its percentage. Daily expo- hibernate. Detailed studies of the ture (28 C) induces it. Both Chilo
sure to light for even a minimum of hibernation of Chilo suppressalis have suppressalis and Scirpophaga incertulas
30 min was adequate to mask the established that the full-grown larvae larvae that fed on mature plants tend
effect of continuous darkness. undergo diapause, which is a hormo- to enter diapause. However, as the
nal reaction. In Japan, two distinct number of generations of both
ecotypes have been recorded: Shonai
in the north, Saigoku in the south-

Stem borers 11
species is governed largely by the essential for population buildup; the often plowed during that time is
number of crops grown in a particu- moths in cool areas are generally equally important.
lar area, especially in the tropics, the smaller and lay fewer eggs. If the The age and variety of the host
role of mature plants in inducing weather stays warm during the plants and the level of soil fertility
diapause is somewhat uncertain. The remaining rice crop seasons, the have an effect on the size of the stem
diapause of R. albinella and larvae develop rapidly and the total borer population. Generally, rice
Scirpophaga innotata terminates with number of generations may increase. plants in the vegetative phase and
higher precipitation. The problem is exacerbated particu- early heading stage receive more eggs
In places having distinct genera- larly in areas of multiple rice crops. than those nearing maturity. The
tions, the first generation usually Larvae suffer high mortality on extended periods of host plants at the
appears when the plants are in the seedlings. Some workers in Japan more attractive stages should there-
nursery or shortly after transplanting; attribute this to high water tempera- fore encourage a population increase.
the population increases in subse- ture. Increased larval mortality is For oviposition, stem borer moths
quent broods and the second or later recorded whenever the average prefer ricefields receiving high rates
generations are often the ones that temperature of floodwater exceeds of nitrogenous fertilizers. Rice plants
cause serious damage. This is why 35 C for any 5 d in July. Measure- containing higher levels of N are
the borers are more destructive to the ments of the temperature of the more suitable for larval growth.
late-planted crop, or the second crop floodwater and within the rice stem The stem borer problem is more
where double cropping is practiced. suggest that temperature itself is not intense in areas with soils deficient in
Besides the seasonal fluctuations, directly lethal. Rather, high tempera- silica. Both field and laboratory
distinct annual fluctuations also ture might reduce larval vitality, studies have shown that larval
occur in stem borer populations. thereby increasing their vulnerability survival is significantly reduced if
Although the factors responsible for to bacterial diseases or other natural silica is applied to these soils. It has
such fluctuations are not fully under- hazards. also been demonstrated that the soil
stood, some of the possible causes are Larvae on seedlings used for mass itself renders rice plants less attrac-
the following. rearing have high survival, and it is tive to the insect, and the silica
Generally, all borer larvae suffer unlikely that the greater larval particles in the plant interfere with
low mortality during winter. In mortality in the field is due to nutri- larval feeding, often causing exces-
Japan, where the winter temperature tional deficiency. However, because sive mandible wear. A similar effect
is much lower than in most other rice the early-instar larvae feed gregari- of silica on stem borer larvae was
regions, mortality of Chilo suppressalis ously, the food available on the recorded in larvae reared on varieties
and Scirpophaga incertulas has been seedlings is inadequate and the containing different percentages of
low even during severe winters. Chilo larvae are forced to migrate much silica. Silica level also significantly
suppressalis is more tolerant of low earlier, probably resulting in high affects lodging and disease incidence
temperatures than Scirpophaga mortality. In areas of double crop- in the rice plant.
incertulas. In years of high precipita- ping, the seedlings of the second crop
tion during autumn, higher percent- carry a heavy egg load, leading to
ages of larvae hibernate, and if the subsequent high larval mortality.
winter or spring is warm, more of Such regulation of the population
these successfully pupate and emerge may not be operative, however,
as adult moths. These conditions, where planting seasons are not
however, also accelerate pupation distinct.
and emergence. Oviposition then Both in tropical and subtropical
occurs on seedlings, on which the regions, the population has been
larvae suffer high mortality and the reported to decline drastically during
population is reduced. However, if the summer months after the second
late spring is somewhat cooler and crop harvest. The decline has fre-
delays moth emergence, or if the rice quently been attributed to high
is planted slightly earlier, the popula- temperature, but the fact that most
tion builds up rapidly and heavy ricefields have been harvested and
damage may occur. Warm weather is

12 Insect pests of rice

through the tiller at a slanting angle
Damage After panicle initiation, severance
of the growing plant parts from the about 10 cm aboveground and the
The initial boring and feeding by base dries the panicles, which may leaf sheath is not cut. After the
larvae in the leaf sheath cause broad, not emerge; panicles that have deadheart develops and the tiller
longitudinal, whitish, discolored emerged do not produce grains. rots, the larva moves on to another
areas at feeding sites, but only rarely Affected panicles later become tiller. On average, one larva can
do they result in wilting and drying conspicuous in the fields. Being damage three tillers. Diopsids seldom
of the leaf blades. About a week after empty, they remain straight and are cause whiteheads. The synchrony of
hatching, the larvae from the leaf whitish. They are usually called emergence of the flies with the onset
sheaths bore into the stem and, whiteheads (Fig. 8b). When the of the wet season concentrates the
staying in the pith, feed on the inner panicles are cut off at the base after attack on a newly planted crop.
surface of the walls. Such feeding spikelet filling is partially completed, Damage from succeeding generations
frequently severs the apical parts of shriveled grains are observed. The is more spread out over time.
the plant from the base. When this plants can compensate for a low The damage potential is also
occurs during the vegetative phase of percentage of early deadhearts, but related to the inner diameter of the
the plant, the central leaf whorl does for every 1% of whiteheads, 1-3% loss stem in relation to the diameter of the
not unfold, but turns brownish and in yield may be expected. larvae. If the tiller is wider than the
dries off, although the lower leaves Although stem borer damage larva, damage is less. There may be
remain green and healthy. This becomes evident only as deadheart differences between species in this
condition is known as deadheart and whitehead, significant losses are regard. Although high levels of
(Fig. 8a), and the affected tillers dry also inflicted by larvae that feed infestation can occur with R. albinella
out without bearing panicles. Some- within the stem without severing the and Maliarpha separatella, recorded
times deadhearts are also caused by growing plant parts at the base. Such yield loss is minimal.
larval feeding above the primordia; if damage results in reduced plant Plant type, crop vigor, and the pest
no further damage occurs, the sev- vigor, fewer tillers, and many complex can play a large role in
ered portions are pushed out by new unfilled spikelets. determining eventual yield loss by
growth. Diopsid larvae have small mouth- stem borers. Low-tillering varieties
parts and can penetrate only a young have less opportunity to compensate
tiller. Usually, only one generation for deadhearts than high-tillering
per crop develops. The larva cuts varieties. A high-tillering variety can
produce a replacement tiller for a
deadheart. Similarly, a vigorous,
well-nourished crop can tolerate
higher levels of deadhearts and
whiteheads than can a stressed crop.

8. Damage caused by
stem borers: a) deadheart,
b) whitehead.

Stem borers 13
Control methods most effective. Since stubble is the Biological control
major source of the overwintering Most biological control of stem borers
Cultural control stem borer population, proper stub- in tropical Asia and Africa comes
Crop cultural practices have a pro- ble management cannot be overem- from indigenous predators, parasites,
found bearing on the stem borer phasized. and entomopathogens. The conserva-
population. Some methods are In several countries, delayed tion of these valuable organisms is
effective only if carried out through seeding and transplanting have been the key to development of stable and
communitywide cooperation; others effective in evading first-generation successful integrated pest manage-
are effective on a single field. Com- moths. This practice has not been ment (IPM) systems. Over 100 species
munitywide practices act to prevent highly effective against Chilo of stem borer parasitoids have been
colonization and have the greatest suppressalis in Japan since emergence identified. The three most important
potential to minimize infestation. is delayed if planting is delayed. It genera are the egg parasitoids
China and prewar Indonesia devel- has been effective, however, against Telenomus, Tetrastichus, and
oped effective cultural practices, Scirpophaga incertulas, the appearance Trichogramma. Tetrastichus wasps
often in combinations that isolate the of which is not affected by planting have elongated ovipositors and can
rice crop through time and space. dates. The number of generations of lay their eggs in stem borer eggs,
Practices that can be carried out on a this species is determined by the even if the latter are covered with a
single field include using optimal growth duration of the crop. Thus, mat of hair. Telenomus wasps, how-
rates of N fertilizer in split applica- where continuous rice cropping is ever, parasitize stem borer eggs while
tions. Applying slag increases the practiced, a change in planting time the moth is in the act of oviposition-
silica content of the crop, making it has little effect unless practiced over before the eggs are covered with hair.
more resistant. large areas. In such areas, crop The wasp locates the female moth,
Since the eggs of Scirpophaga rotation to include some short- possibly by the sex pheromone,
incertulas are laid near the tip of the duration nongraminaceous crops attaches itself to the tuft of anal hair
leaf blade, the widespread practice of should significantly reduce the borer near the ovipositor, and waits for the
clipping the seedlings before trans- population. moth to lay eggs.
planting greatly reduces the Changing planting time may not Egg masses are also the food of
carryover of eggs from the seedbed to always be feasible because of other several predators. The longhorned
the transplanted fields. However, this agronomic considerations. In Paki- grasshopper Conocephalus longipennis
control method has merit only if stan, the planting date has been (Haan) preys voraciously on eggs of
older seedlings are transplanted. regulated by releasing canal water the yellow stem borer. Other orthop-
Similarly, the height at which a crop only after the first brood Scirpophaga teran predators such as the crickets
is harvested is an important factor in incertulas moths have emerged. This Metioche vittaticollis (Stl) and
determining the percentage of larvae late-planted crop is far less infested Anaxipha longipennis (Serville) feed
that are left in the stubble. At harvest, than fields planted early with private on eggs of Chilo suppressalis. The
Chilo suppressalis larvae are usually irrigation systems. The early planted predatory mirid Cyrtorhinus
about 10 to 15 cm aboveground. fields, however, minimize the full lividipennis Reuter also attacks eggs of
Although Scirpophaga incertulas larvae impact of late planting on the stem Chilo suppressalis.
are located somewhat lower, most of borer population. In Japan, where A wide range of predatory species
them are aboveground as well. highly effective insecticides are attacks the small larvae of stem
Therefore, harvesting at ground level available, early planting has been borers before they enter the stem of
can remove a majority of the larvae of reintroduced at several sites, result- the rice plant. Some important
all species. To destroy those remain- ing in high survival of first-genera- predators are coccinellid beetles
ing in the stubble, burning or remov- tion Scirpophaga incertulas larvae. Micraspis crocea (Mulsant), Harmonia
ing the stubble, decomposing the Also, the first and second broods of octomaculata (Fabricius), and carabid
stubble with low rates of calcium Chilo suppressalis moths appeared beetles such as Ophionea spp. When
cyanide, plowing, and flooding have earlier, possibly introducing a distinct young larvae fall on the water, they
been suggested. Burning is only third generation in the warmer are preyed upon by Microvelia
partially effective because after sections of the country. Light-trap douglasi atrolineata Bergroth and
harvest the larvae generally move catches of moths reveal a change Mesovelia vittigera (Horvth). Ants
below ground level. It is also difficult from a unimodal to a bimodal pattern and a dozen other predators prey
to uniformly burn stubble in a field. in both the first and second broods. upon stem borer larvae.
Plowing and flooding are apparently

14 Insect pests of rice

The larval and pupal stages are scores vary from highly susceptible to At IRRI, breeding for resistance to
attacked by a large number of para- moderately resistant. Even varieties Chilo suppressalis started in 1965.
sites, but parasitization rates are often classified as resistant suffer some Selected resistant varieties have been
low. damage under high insect popula- used in a hybridization program to
The adult moths are attacked by tions. However, several wild rices improve their resistance to Chilo
several spiders while resting on have high levels of resistance to stem suppressalis and to incorporate their
foliage or are caught in webs while borers. Genetic analysis has shown resistance into plants with desirable
flying. Dragonflies and birds are also such resistance to be polygenic in agronomic characters. TKM6 has
effective daytime predators; bats are nature. been used extensively in breeding for
active at dusk. The nature of resistance to Chilo borer resistance in several countries.
Several species of fungi can infect suppressalis has been studied in detail. IR20, the first borer-resistant, im-
the larval stage and consume stem Several morphological and anatomi- proved-plant-type variety, was
borer larvae at the base of stems cal characteristics of the rice plant developed by crossing TKM6 with
when they are about to pupate. The show a general association with Peta/TN1. It has moderate resistance
fungus Cordyceps sp. grows long, resistance to stem borers. Generally, to Chilo suppressalis and Scirpophaga
noodle-like arms on the stem borer's tall varieties with long, wide leaves incertulas; resistance to green leafhop-
body. Pathogen activity is greatest and large stems are more susceptible. per, tungro virus, and bacterial leaf
against larvae resting over winter or Varieties containing more layers of blight; and tolerance for several
summer, particularly when the lignified tissue, a greater area under adverse soil conditions.
stubble has decayed and is moist. sclerenchymatous tissue, and a large Subsequent studies on breeding
number of silica cells are more for resistance to Chilo suppressalis
Varietal resistance resistant. Although each of these involved the diallel selective mating
Rice varieties vary in their suscepti- characteristics appears to contribute (DSM) system using seven rice
bility to stem borers. In field and to borer resistance, none by itself varieties moderately resistant to Chilo
laboratory experiments, several appears to be the main cause of such suppressalis. DSM for three genera-
varieties are known to be rejected by resistance. A rice plant biochemical tions has produced progenies dis-
the moths for oviposition. On resis- oryzanone ( p -methylacetophenone) tinctly more resistant than any
tant varieties stem borer larvae suffer was identified as an attractant to parent.
high mortality, are smaller, and have ovipositing moths and to larvae. The The breeding program for
a slower growth rate. In field experi- resistance of TKM6 and other resis- Scirpophaga incertulas resistance was
ments, susceptible varieties harbor tant rice varieties was mostly due to initiated at IRRI after 1972. Three
more borers and suffer more damage allomones, which inhibit oviposition improved plant types IR1721-11,
than resistant varieties. During the and disturb the insect's growth and IR1917-3, and IR1820-52-2 were
last 25 yr, local and introduced development. IRRI in collaboration found resistant. A series of multiple
germplasm have been extensively with the Tropical Development crosses was also made to accumulate
screened for resistance to stem borers Research Institute, London, recently resistance from several breeding
in several countries. At IRRI, more identified this biochemical resistance lines. Breeding lines such as
than 17,000 rice varieties have been factor, coded as Compound A, as a IR4791-80 and IR4791-89, which
screened for resistance to Chilo pentadecanal. Compound A in emanated from this system, had a
suppressalis and more than 39,000 resistant plants inhibits oviposition higher level of resistance than IR1820-
varieties to Scirpophaga incertulas. and adversely affects eggs and larval 52-2. A new approach to upgrade the
Common resistance sources such as and pupal stages. level of Scirpophaga incertulas resis-
TKM6, Chianan 2, Taichung 16, On the other hand, differences in tance was adapted in 1980, using the
Ptb 10, Su-Yai 20, and WC1263 have nonpreference for oviposition of male-sterile-facilitated recurrent
been identified. However, varieties Scirpophaga incertulas are not distinct selection scheme. Genetic male sterile
resistant to one stem borer species are in screenhouse tests. But larvae IR36 used as female parent was
not necessarily resistant to others. feeding on resistant varieties were crossed with 26 donor parents.
The differences in varietal resistance smaller, had low survival, and caused
are only quantitative in nature. Very lower percentages of deadhearts than
high levels of resistance have not those feeding on susceptible varieties.
been found in rice, and resistance

Stem borers 15
The rice breeding programs of environments. Granules broadcast bacteria respond to and rapidly
many countries aim at incorporating into irrigation water are particularly consume the insecticide, rendering it
into their improved germplasm genes effective in preventing deadhearts in ineffective. The process can be
for resistance to Chilo suppressalis and a young crop. Gamma BHC has a slowed by using lower dosages in
Scirpophaga incertulas from many fumigant action that kills resting rotation with foliar sprays. The
donors. However, none of the rice moths. The insecticide is partly problem with soil incorporation of
varieties developed so far have more dissolved in the water and moves by insecticides before planting is that the
than a moderate level of resistance. capillary action between the leaf stem borer population cannot be
Some wild rices such as Oryza sheath and stem to come into contact assessedit might not be large
officinalis and O. ridleyi have very with young larvae: the nonsystemic enough to warrant control.
high levels of resistance to stem insecticide granules act as though A combination of sex attractant
borers. Their resistance needs to be they were systemic. The limitation to (pheromones) and chemosterilant
transferred to cultivated rice, using using granules is costthey are more could also be a promising control
appropriate distant hybridization expensive to transport. Stable water tactic. High moth populations in
techniques. supply and deep water levels are also overlapping generations, however,
necessary for high levels of control. and the difficulties involved in mass
Chemical control As the water level falls, the capillary rearing some stem borer species are
Stem borers are difficult to control activity progressively declines. If the major limitations to the mass release
with insecticides. After hatching, the field dries out, insecticide efficacy of artificially irradiated sterile male
larvae are exposed only for a few ceases. Flooding from heavy rains moths as a control measure. Explora-
hours before they penetrate a tiller or also washes the insecticide out of the tory experiments on mass rearing
enter the plant. Successful control field. Dosage levels have declined, have shown that, when provided
involves repeated foliar applications consistent with the relatively higher with 1% tepa, apholate, or tretamine,
with spray volumes more than costs of insecticides. or 20% hempa as food, the moths
400 liters/ha. In temperate climates, Systemic granules have an advan- mated normally but deposited 50%
stem borer populations are more tage in that the chemical can enter the fewer eggs. Of the eggs deposited,
synchronized, and well-timed appli- plant even with low water levels. The 20% of those laid by moths exposed
cations have a greater degree of chemical percolates into the soil and to tepa and apholate were sterile.
control than in the tropics where is taken up by the roots. From the
generations overlap. The decline in roots, the chemical is transmitted
stem borer abundance in Japan and through the xylem tissues to the
the Republic of Korea is attributed to stems and eventually to the tips of
the frequent use of insecticides over the leaves. Carbofuran exudes in
many years, even though the stem droplets of water from leaf hyda-
borers have developed insecticide thodes and evaporates into the air. If
resistance. systemic granules are broadcast into
Foliar sprays, which act on the the irrigation water, high dosages are
larvae and on the adult moths and necessary because much of the
eggs, also come into greater contact chemical is absorbed in the soil. The
with natural enemies of the stem dosage needed increases with plant
borer. Cases of stem borer resurgence biomass. If granules are broadcast
are not evident, although secondary during the last harrowing or leveling
pest outbreaks have been reported in operation before planting, dosages
areas of heavy insecticide usage can be cut in half. Effectivity lasts
against stem borers. more than a month because the
Granular formulations, particu- granule is protected from rapid
larly gamma BHC and diazinon, give degradation. Heavy use of granules,
higher control than foliar sprays or however, can lead to microbial
dusts, particularly in high rainfall degradation. Several species of soil

16 Insect pests of rice

Van der Laan P A (1959) Correlation
Selected references Khan Z R, Litsinger J A, Barrion A T,
Villanueva F F D, Fernandez N J, Taylo between rainfall in the dry season and
Akinsola E A (1984) Insect pests of L D (1991) World bibliography of rice the occurrence of white rice borer
upland rice in Africa. Pages 301-305 in stem borers. International Rice Re- (Scirpophaga innotata Wlk.) in Java.
An overview of upland rice research. search Institute, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2:12-40.
Proceedings of the 1982 Bouak, Ivory Philippines. Van Dinther J B M (1961) The effect of
Coast, Upland Rice Workshop. Kiritani K (1988) What has happened to precipitation on the break of diapause
International Rice Research Institute, the rice borers during the past 40 years in the white rice borer, Rupela albinella
Los Baos, Laguna, Philippines. in Japan? JARQ 21:264-268. (Cr.), in Surinam (South America).
Banerjee S N, Pramanik L M (1967) The Kiritani K, Iwao S (1967) The biology and Entomol. Exp. Appl. 4:35-40.
lepidopterous stalk borers of rice and life cycle of Chilo suppressalis (Walker) Vega C R, Heinrichs E A (1986) Relation-
their life cycles in the tropics. Pages and Tryporyza (Schoenobius) incertulas ship between levels of resistance to the
103-125 in The major insect pests of the (Walker) in temperate-climate areas. striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis
rice plant. Proceedings of a sympo- Pages 45-101 in The major insect pests (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and
sium at The International Rice Re- of the rice plant. Proceedings of a rice grain yield losses. Environ.
search Institute, Philippines, Septem- symposium at The International Rice Entomol. 15(2):422-426.
ber 1964. The Johns Hopkins Press, Research Institute, Philippines, Viajante V, Heinrichs E A (1987) Plant age
Baltimore, Maryland. September 1964. The Johns Hopkins effect of rice cultivar IR46 susceptibil-
Breniere J, Rodriguez H, Ranaivosoa H Press, Baltimore, Maryland. ity to the yellow stem borer
(1962) Un ennemi du riz Madagascar Koyama T (1964) Bionomics and control Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker)
(Maliarpha separatella Rag.) ou borer of Chilotraea polychrysa (Meyr.) in
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Crop Prot.
blanc. Agron. Trop. 17:233-302. Malaya. Div. Agric. Bull. Kuala
Catling H D, Islam Z, Pattrasudhi R Lumpur 15:1-50.
(1987) Assessing yield losses in Li C S (1961) Bionomics of the white rice
deepwater rice due to yellow stem borer, Tryporyza innotata (Walker).
borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), International Rice Commission
in Bangladesh and Thailand. Crop Working Party on Rice Production and
Prot. 6:20-27. Protection, New Delhi. 13 p.
Chaudhary R C, Khush G S, Heinrichs Litsinger J A, Barrion A T, Soekarna D
E A (1984) Varietal resistance to rice (1987) Upland rice insect pests: their
stem borers. Insect Sci. Appl. 5:447- ecology, importance and control. IRRI
463. Res. Pap. Ser. 123.41 p.
Ho D T, Njokah J J, Kibuka J G (1983) Pathak M D (1968) Ecology of rice pests.
Studies on rice stem borers in Kenya Annu. Rev. Entomol. 13:257-294.
with emphasis on Maliarpha separatella Pathak M D, Saxena R C (1980) Breeding
Rag. Insect Sci. Appl. 4:65-73. approaches in rice. Pages 421-455 in
Kapur A P (1967) Taxonomy of the rice Breeding plants resistant to insects.
stem borers. Pages 3-43 in The major F.G. Maxwell and P. R. Jennings, eds.
insect pests of the rice plant. Proceed- John Wiley & Sons, New York.
ings of a symposium at The Interna- Rao V P, Nagaraja H (1966) A compara-
tional Rice Research Institute, Philip- tive study of the four species of paddy
pines, September 1964. The Johns stem borers belonging to the genera
Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Chilotraea and Chilo in Asia (Lepidop-
Khan M Q (1967) Control of paddy stem tera: Pyralidae: Crambinae). Proc.
borers by cultural practices. Pages 369- Indian Acad. Sci. 63:175-217.
389 in The major insect pests of the rice Shepard B M, Arida G S (1986) Parasitism
plant. Proceedings of a symposium at and predation of yellow stem borer,
The International Rice Research Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepi-
Institute, Philippines, September 1964. doptera: Pyralidae), eggs in trans-
The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, planted and direct seeded rice. J.
Maryland. Entomol. Sci. 21:26-32.

Stem borers 17
Rice leafhoppers and

Several species of leafhoppers and Table 4. Major planthopper and leafhopper pests of rice.
planthoppers are serious pests of rice Name Common name Distribution Vector of
worldwide (Table 4). In many areas,
they frequently occur in numbers Delphacidae (Planthoppers)
Laodelphax striatellus Small brown China, Japan, Rice stripe, rice
large enough to cause complete (Fallen) planthopper Republic of streaked dwarf
drying of the crop, but even sparse Korea, Pale-
populations reduce rice yields. In arctic regions

addition to direct feeding damage, Nilaparvata lugens Brown planthopper South and Grassy stunt,
leafhoppers and planthoppers are (stl) Southeast Asia, ragged stunt
vectors of most of the currently China, Japan
Sogatella furcifera Whitebacked South and
known rice virus diseases. The more (Horvith) planthopper Southeast Asia,
damaging species are green northern Australia,
leafhoppers Nephotettix spp., the China, Japan,
Republic of Korea,
zigzag leafhopper Recilia dorsalis South Pacific
(Motschulsky), the brown Islands
planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stl),
Tagosodes orizicolus Rice delphacid Caribbean Islands Hoja blanca
the small brown planthopper (Muir) South America,
Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen), the southern United
whitebacked planthopper Sogatella States
Cicadellidae (Leafhoppers)
furcifera (Horvth), and the rice Cofana spectra White leafhopper South and Southeast
delphacid Tagosodes (=Sogatodes) (Distant) Asia, Australia,
orizicolus (Muir) (Fig. 9a-i). The first Africa, China
five species occur in Asia. Tagosodes Nephotettix cincticeps Rice green China (including Rice dwarf,
orizicolus is found in the southern (Uhler) leafhopper Taiwan), yellow dwarf
USA and in the north central region Japan, Republic
of Korea
of South America. Among several
Nephotettix species, three are Nephotettix virescens Rice green South and Yellow dwarf,
important. Nephotettix cincticeps (Distant) leafhopper Southeast Asia tungro, penya-
kit merah,
(Uhler) is distributed in temperate yellow-orange
areas. Nephotettix virescens (Distant) leaf
and Nephotettix nigropictus (=apicalis)
Nephotettix nigropictus Rice green South and South- Rice dwarf,
(Stl) are distributed in temperate (Stl) leafhopper east Asia, China yellow dwarf,
and tropical Asia. Nephotettix transitory
nigropictus is mainly distributed in yellowing,
tungro, yellow-
tropical Asian rice-growing areas. orange leaf,
In Africa, leafhoppers and rice gall dwarf
planthoppers do not cause serious
Recilia dorsalis Zigzag South and Rice dwarf,
loss, probably because lowland rice is (Motschulsky) leafhopper Southeast Asia; yellow-orange
not widely planted. The only re- Taiwan, China; leaf
ported hopperburn in Nigeria was Japan

9. Adults of rice leafhoppers
and planthoppers:
a) Nilaparvata lugens male,
b) Nilaparvata lugens female,
c) Sogatella furcifera male,
d) S. furcifera female,
e) Tagosodes orizicolus male,
f) T. orizicolus female,
g) T. cubanus, h) Nephotettix
virescens, i) Recilia dorsalis.
Photos e, f, and g courtesy of

20 Insect pests of rice

from the planthopper Nilaparvata chypterous forms, but daylength has species, the macropterous females are
maeander Fennah in breeder plots no effect on the development of somewhat more tolerant of tempera-
receiving high N rates. Hoppers are winged female forms. In Laodelphax ture than are the males. Nilaparvata
serious problems in Latin America, striatellus, macropterous as well as lugens adults usually live for 10-20 d
where polyphagous hopper species brachypterous forms are found in in summer and 30-50 d during
such as Graphocephala spp., Hortensia both sexes, but in Sogatella furcifera no autumn. Females kept at 20 C have
spp., Exitianus obscurinervis (Stl), brachypterous males have been an oviposition period of 21 d, which
Balclutha spp., and Draeculacephala recorded. Both Tagosodes orizicolus is reduced to 3 d if they are kept at
spp. breed in large grassland areas. and Tagosodes cubanus (Crawford) 30C.
Hopperburn is rare in upland have alate and brachypterous forms, All leafhopper and planthopper
ricefields because leafhoppers and but the latter are more common in species have identical life history
planthoppers prefer lowland rice to Tagosodes orizicolus males. patterns. The females lacerate the
upland rice. Generally, fields receiv- Planthopper infestation in a midrib of the leaf blade or the leaf
ing large amounts of nitrogenous ricefield starts with macropterous sheath to lay egg masses in the
fertilizers and subjected to indiscrimi- immigrants, which spread randomly parenchymatous tissue (Fig. 10a, b).
nate use of pesticides are more and produce brachypterous females. The number of eggs varies in differ-
heavily infested. The abundance of The flight dispersal of Nilaparvata ent species. Tagosodes orizicolus
leafhoppers and planthoppers is also lugens and Sogatella furcifera takes usually lays eggs in multiples of 7,
attributed to high temperature and place during the preoviposition which is attributed to the 14 ovarioles
high humidity. In the tropics, these period, generally in the evenings of in each ovary of the females. In Japan,
pests remain active throughout the hot humid days. The population eggs per mass number 4-8 for
year and their population fluctuates builds up continuously for two Sogatella furcifera and 2 or 3 for
according to the availability of food generations when different patches of Nilaparvata lugens. Observations at
plants, presence of natural enemies, infestation tend to join together. At IRRI show that the number of eggs in
and environmental conditions. this stage, macropterous forms these species is 7-19 for Sogatella
Generally, the leafhoppers feed on develop and the insects migrate to furcifera and 4-10 for Nilaparvata
the leaves and upper parts of the another area. lugens. In Nephotettix spp., each mass
plants, whereas the planthoppers has 8-16 eggs and each female lays
confine themselves to the basal parts. 200-300 eggs. The females of Recilia
However, Tagosodes orizicolus males Life history dorsalis lay 100-200 eggs; those of
stay in the upper portions of the Tagosodes orizicolus, Nilaparvata lugens,
plants and only the female planthop- Adult Nilaparvata lugens remain and Sogatella furcifera lay 300-350.
pers stay in the basal parts. active from 10 to 32 C and Sogatella Brachypterous Nilaparvata lugens
All adult leafhoppers have well- furcifera from 8 to 36 C. In both females usually lay more eggs than
developed wings, but the planthop-
pers have two distinct winged forms:
macropterous and brachypterous.
The macropterous forms have normal
front and hind wings. Brachypterous
forms have very much smaller wings,
particularly the hind wings, which
are rudimentary.
The macropterous forms are
adapted to migration and develop
with crowding and the shortage of
host plants. The brachypterous forms
are generally larger and have longer
legs and ovipositors. Their preovi-
position period is usually shorter
than that of macropterous forms.
In Nilaparvata lugens, more bra-
chypterous forms develop at low
temperature. In males, short 10. Eggs of a) Nilaparvata
daylength and high temperature lugens, b) Nephotettix
virescens (parasitized).
increase the percentage of bra-

Rice leafhoppers and planthoppers 21

the macropterous forms, but no such striatellus as fourth-instar nymphs. and adults can be collected year-
difference is evident in Sogatella Sogatella furcifera has been observed round as in tropical areas. The popu-
furcifera. to hibernate as eggs just before lation of Sogatella furcifera generally
The eggs are usually cylindrical hatching or at the young nymphal increases up to July and August and
with their micropyle ends protruding stage. Nilaparvata lugens overwinters decreases in September and October;
from the leaf tissue. They are whitish either as eggs or as fifth-instar Nilaparvata lugens increases in Sep-
when freshly laid, but later become nymphs. Tagosodes orizicolus and tember and October. During the later
darker with two distinct spots. The Tagosodes cubanus diapause in the egg part of the cropping season,
spots vary in color between species stage. Nilaparvata lugens is known to occur
and represent the eyes of the devel- The hibernating insects become in overlapping generations.
oping embryo. The incubation period active when the weather warms In hibernating generations of
is 4-8 d. In most species, egg and around March to April, and migrate Nephotettix spp. in Japan, females
nymph develop fastest at 25-30 C. to the grasses where they breed for have been recorded to deposit an
Nilaparvata lugens eggs usually do not one generation before migrating to average of 300 eggs each. The number
hatch if incubated at 33 C, but more ricefields shortly after transplanting of eggs laid in subsequent genera-
eggs hatch and growth is faster at in June or July. In areas where the tions, however, is reduced to one-
27 C than at 25 C. A temperature of rice crop is available at the termina- half, even though there is no signifi-
33 C is lethal to freshly hatched tion of hibernation, the insects may cant difference in the number of eggs
nymphs and greatly reduces the life migrate directly to the ricefields. contained in the ovarioles of
span of the adults. Thus, seasonal occurrence varies Nephotettix spp. of different genera-
Most species undergo four to five distinctly between areas where the tions. It is apparent then that the
molts, and the nymphal period is insects undergo dormancy and difference in the number of eggs laid
2-3 wk. Nilaparvata lugens nymphs diapause on the one hand, and where is due to environmental conditions
exhibit a positive relationship they remain active year-round on the affecting the developmental process
between rate of nymphal develop- other. In the latter case, but with of the oocytes, rather than to any
ment and temperature of 11.6-27.7 C. exceptions, the insects are usually inherent difference between the
The rate of egg and nymphal devel- more abundant during the dry season insects themselves. It is widely
opment of both Nilaparvata lugens and than during the wet. Also, Nephotettix accepted that for most rice leafhopper
Sogatella furcifera is highest at spp. and Sogatella furcifera are usually and planthopper species, the opti-
27-28 C. The fourth- and fifth-instar more common during early crop mum temperature is 25-30 C. Insects
nymphs of Nilaparvata lugens remain stages; Nilaparvata lugens and Recilia reared at higher temperatures do
active at 12-31 C. For Tagosodes dorsalis become more prevalent survive, but they are less fertile and
orizicolus, the developmental thresh- during later stages. The population of often many eggs do not hatch.
old is 8.2 C and the thermal constant Tagosodes orizicolus also increases The abundance of Nephotettix spp.
is 25.6 C. toward the maturity of the crop. In has been attributed to high tempera-
Vietnam, Sogatella furcifera is preva- ture, low rainfall, and abundant
lent from July to August, together sunshine. Review of data on light-
Seasonal occurrence with Nephotettix virescens. trap catches from several experiment
and abundance In Japan, Laodelphax striatellus and
Nephotettix cincticeps, which hibernate
stations in southern Japan reveals a
positive correlation between popula-
In the warm and humid tropics, as fourth-instar nymphs, appear in tion buildup and the amount of
different species of leafhoppers and March. The former passes one gen- sunshine ( r = 0.931, and a negative
planthoppers remain active year- eration on wheat and the latter one correlation with average RH
round, and populations fluctuate generation on grasses; then both ( r = 0.67).
according to the availability of food migrate to ricefields. Direct migration When exposed to strong sunlight
plants, presence of natural enemies, to ricefields also occurs if the crop is at 22 C, many Sogatella furcifera
and environmental conditions. After established at the time of the insects' nymphs die, but the adults survive.
the rice crop is harvested, the insects emergence. Nephotettix spp. complete Below 22 C, solar radiation is essen-
may transfer to some weeds and three generations on rice from June to tial for oviposition of Sogatella
grasses, but do not hibernate. In areas August and in the fourth generation furcifera, but excessive solar and UV
of wide temperature variations, hibernate as nymphs in late Septem- radiation prevent the buildup of the
however, they hibernate or aestivate. ber to October. Recilia dorsalis also Nilaparvata lugens population. Expo-
In Japan, Nilaparvata lugens and occurs in four generations. In Amami sure to short-wave radiation is
Recilia dorsalis hibernate as eggs, and Oshima Island (South Japan), no actually deleterious to both species.
Nephotettix spp. and Laodelphax diapause in Nephotettix spp. occurs

22 Insect pests of rice

Planthoppers prefer lowland to transmits the black-streaked dwarf economical control measure, espe-
upland rice and, since thick vegeta- virus. Tagosodes orizicolus is the only cially in areas of one rice crop a year.
tion is a better habitat for them, significant vector of hoja blanca virus In some parts of Asia, legumes are
direct-sown fields are often preferred in Central America, northern South recommended after rice for reducing
to transplanted ones. Since various America, and the Caribbean Islands. leafhopper and planthopper infesta-
species have distinct preferences for Nephotettix virescens has caused heavy tions. Simultaneous cropping and
plants at different growth stages, they crop losses throughout South and rotation with other crops minimizes
proliferate when rice plants of differ- Southeast Asia as a vector of tungro Nilaparvata lugens populations.
ent ages are available. The shortage of viruses. Sogatella furcifera does not Judicious use of fertilizer with split
host plants results in overcrowding, transmit any disease. N applications (three times) and
which adversely affects the popula- In greenhouse experiments, 400 draining the field for 3 or 4 d during
tion buildup. It reduces the rate of newly hatched Nilaparvata lugens infestation have been recommended
nymphal development, increases the nymphs infesting susceptible rice for reducing Nilaparvata lugens and
percentage of macropterous adults, plants at 25 and 50 d after transplant- Sogatella furcifera populations.
lengthens the preoviposition period, ing (DT) caused complete drying in 3 Detailed studies on the use of a
and decreases the number of eggs and 15 d, respectively. Under field trap crop to control Nilaparvata lugens
laid. conditions, plants nearing maturity and Nephotettix virescens have been
Generally, fields receiving large develop hopperburn if infested with conducted at IRRI. One-fourth of the
amounts of nitrogenous fertilizers are about 400-500 Nilaparvata lugens. total crop area transplanted as a trap
most infested. Also, differences in However, distinct differences in crop 20 d ahead of the main crop
oviposition and survival of hatching tolerance of various varieties for attracted more colonizing Nilaparvata
nymphs on different species and hopperburn have been recorded. lugens than the main crop. Similarly,
varieties of rice have been recorded. Infestation with smaller populations two, three, or four border rows,
during early stages of plant growth transplanted 15 d earlier than the
reduces the number of tillers, plant main crop and sprayed with an
Damage height, and general vigor. But after insecticide weekly for up to 60 DT
panicle initiation, similar populations reduced incidence of Nephotettix
Leafhoppers and planthoppers greatly increase the percentage of virescens and its transmitted tungro
damage plants by sucking the sap unfilled spikelets. virus in the main crop.
and by plugging xylem and phloem Since the planthoppers show For Nilaparvata lugens, closer
with their feeding sheaths and pieces negative phototaxis and prefer high spacing of rice plants is believed to be
of tissue pushed into these vessels humidity, they congregate in areas of one factor that induces hopper
during exploratory feeding. Excessive more luxuriant plant growth and buildup. The basal portion of plants
oviposition may produce similar multiply near the basal parts of the receives less sunshine, is slightly
effects. The feeding and ovipositional plant. Under favorable conditions, cooler and more humid, and provides
marks predispose plants to fungal such as high N application, high a suitable microclimate for the
and bacterial infection, and the humidity, optimum temperatures, buildup of the pest population.
honeydew encourages sooty molds. and little air movement, the popula- However, wider spacing cannot be
Except for minute leaf galls found tion rapidly increases and hopper- recommended because it significantly
on plants infested with Cicadulina burn occurs. Sometimes hopperburn reduces yields.
bipunctella (Matsumura), said to be is also caused by large numbers of
due to a toxin injected by the insect planthoppers migrating from adja- Biological control
while feeding, there is no other cent areas. Several parasites, predators, and
record of leafhopper or planthopper pathogens attack the planthopper
species injecting toxin to rice plants. and leafhopper at all stages, and
In addition to damaging plants by Control methods effectively control them under most
direct feeding, planthoppers and situations. Improper use of insecti-
leafhoppers are also vectors of most Cultural control cides, however, can kill the natural
currently known rice viral diseases. Sanitation of ricefields for control of enemies and thus lead to dramatic
Nilaparvata lugens transmits grassy leafhoppers and planthoppers is pest outbreaks.
stunt and ragged stunt viral diseases recommended. Ratoons and volun- Nilaparvata lugens eggs are parasi-
in South and Southeast Asia. teer rice may serve as inoculum tized by mymarid Anagrus optabilis
Laodelphax striatellus is the vector of sources for viral diseases. (Perkins), trichogrammatid
rice stripe, the most serious disease of Rotation of rice with another crop Paracentrobia andoi (Ishii), and
rice in East Asian countries, and also often provides an effective and eulophid Tetrastichus formosanus

Rice leafhoppers and planthoppers 23

(Timberlake) wasps. Mirid bug douglasi atrolineata, Stenonabis tagalicus Nilaparvata lugens, and Sogatella
Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and (Stl), Drapetis sp., damselflies, furcifera. Many useful resistance
phytoseiid mite Amblyseius nr. calorai dragonflies, and spiders. sources have been identified and
Corpuz & Rimando prey on the eggs. Nematodes and fungal pathogens their resistance incorporated into
Nymphs and adults of Nilaparvata also infect nymphs and adults. MVs.
lugens are parasitized by elenchid Beauveria bassiana, a white fungus, Dramatic progress has been made
strepsipteran Elenchus yasumatsui grows from the inside and covers the in the development of rice varieties
Kifune & Hirashima (Elenchidae), body of dead leafhoppers. with resistance to leafhoppers and
dryinid wasp Echthrodelphax bicolor planthoppers, and rice varieties
Esaki & Hashimoto, nematode Varietal resistance resistant to these pests are now
parasite Hexamermis sp., and fungal The use of resistant rice varieties is an grown on millions of hectares in
pathogens Beauveria bassiana (Bal- ideal method of controlling leafhop- South and Southeast Asia, and in
samo) Vuillemin and Hirsutella pers and planthoppers. Various Central and South America. How-
citriformis Speare. studies have demonstrated natural ever, the full potential of resistant
Underwater aquatic predators resistance to these pests in several varieties in insect control has often
(e.g., Hydrophilus affinis (Sharp) and rice varieties. That resistance has been limited by the development of
Cybister sp.), and those that swim on been transferred to several modern new biotypes of leafhoppers and
the surface (e.g., Ranatra dimidiata varieties (MVs). Breeding for plant- planthoppers, which can survive on
(Montadon), Microvelia douglasi hopper and leafhopper resistance has resistant varieties.
atrolineata Bergroth, and Mesovelia now become a major research objec- Leafhopper and planthopper
vittigera (Horvth)) prey on hoppers tive in most of the rice-growing resistance is generally governed by
that feed near the water or fall into countries of Asia, and Central and major genes (Table 5). Eight genes for
the water. South America. Current breeding resistance to Nephotettix virescens have
The beetle Ophionea [=Casnoidea] programs include developing resis- been identified. Of the eight, six are
iskii iskii Habu and the spider Pardosa tance to Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella dominant (Glh 1, Glh 2, Glh 3, Glh 5,
(=Lycosa ) pseudoannulata (Boesenberg furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus, and Glh 6, and Glh 7) and two recessive
& Strand) actively search the foliage Nephotettix virescens in Asia, and to (glh 4 and glh 8). Glh 1 -Glh 5 and glh 8
for Nilaparvata lugens nymphs and Tagosodes orizicolus in Central and convey resistance to the Nephotettix
adults. Dragonflies and damselflies South America. virescens population in the
prey on moving adults and nymphs. Studies on varietal resistance to Philippines; Glh 6 and Glh 7 convey
In laboratory tests, a single Pardosa leafhoppers and planthoppers were resistance to Bangladesh populations.
pseudoannulata consumed an average started at IRRI in 1966 when 1,400 Although there are no confirmed
of 45 planthoppers/d. rice varieties, selected from an evalu- reports of biotypic variation, virulent
Green leafhopper eggs are parasi- ation of 10,000 rice varieties and Nephotettix virescens populations were
tized by trichogrammatid wasps collections for their resistance to stem selected at IRRI on resistant rice
Paracentrobia andoi (Ishii) and borers, were field-tested for suscepti- varieties Pankhari 203 (Glh 1), IR8
Oligosita naias Girault, and by myma- bility to Nilaparvata lugens and (Glh 3), Ptb 8 (glh 4), TAPL796 (Glh 6),
rid wasps Anagrus optabilis (Perkins) Nephotettix virescens. The selected Moddai Karuppan (Glh 7), and DV85
and Gonatocerus sp. The eggs are also varieties were tested more intensively (glh 8). However, no such population
preyed upon by Cyrtorhinus for the consistency and the nature of could be selected on ASD7 (Glh 2)
lividipennis. their resistance. Subsequently, these and ASD8 (Glh 5) rice varieties.
Nymphs and adults are parasi- and a large number of other lines Nephotettix virescens populations in
tized by pipunculid flies Pipunculus were evaluated against the major different countries also show differ-
mutillatus Loew and Tomosvaryella leafhopper and planthopper pests of ences in virulence to resistant rice
oryzaetora Koizumi, dryinid wasp rice. Varietal screening for Sogatella varieties. High levels of resistance to
Echthrodelphax fairchildii Perkins, furcifera started at IRRI in 1970. Nephotettix virescens have recently
strepsipteran Halictophagus munroei Several national rice improvement been reported in many wild rices.
Hirashima & Kifune, and Hexamermis programs in Bangladesh, China, There is no information, however,
spp. nematodes. Parasitization of India, Indonesia, and Thailand are regarding resistance of these wild
green leafhoppers by pipunculids is also screening a large number of rices to rice tungro virus.
reportedly greater than 50% and varieties and types of germplasm for Nilaparvata lugens is a persistent
seems to be an important mortality resistance to these pests. At IRRI, and prolific species. So far, four
factor for this pest complex. more than 50,000 rices from the biotypes are known. Biotype 1,
An array of predators also attacks germplasm collection have been biotype 2, and biotype 3 are identi-
nymphs and adults: Microvelia screened against Nephotettix virescens, fied in the Philippines and biotype 4

24 Insect pests of rice

Table 5. Present knowledge on the genetics of leafhopper and planthopper resistance in occurs in the Indian Subcontinent.
Genetic analysis of resistant rice
Insect Resistance gene Varietal source of varieties revealed nine major genes
resistance gene that convey resistance to different
Green leafhopper Glh 1 Pankhari 203
biotypes of the pest (Table 5). Biotype
Glh 2 ASD7 1, the general and predominant field
Glh 3 IR8 population, can infest only those
glh 4 Ptb 8
Glh 5 ASD8
varieties that lack genes for resis-
Glh 6 TAPL#796 tance, e.g., IR5, IR8, IR20, IR22, IR24,
Glh 7 Moddai Karuppan TN1 (Fig. 11a). Biotype 2 can survive
glh 8 DV85
on and damage varieties carrying the
Zigzag leafhopper Zlh 1 Rathu Heenati Bph 1 resistance gene, e.g., IR26, IR28,
Zlh 2 Ptb 21 IR29, IR30, IR34, and Mudgo, in
Zlh 3 Ptb 33
addition to those susceptible to
Brown planthopper Bph 1 Mudgo biotype 1 (Fig. 11b). Biotype 3 can
bph 2 ASD7 infest rice varieties IR32, IR36, IR42,
Bph 3 Rathu Heenati
bph 4 Babawee
IR54, ASD7, carrying the bph 2 gene
bph 5 ARC10550 and varieties vulnerable to biotype 1
Bph 6 Swarnalata (Fig. 11c). Recently a population of
bph 7 T12
bph 8 Chin Saba
Nilaparvata lugens, which equally
Bph 9 Pokkali damages rice varieties with Bph 2 and
bph 2 resistance genes, was collected
Whitebacked planthopper Wbph 1 N22
Wbph 2 ARC10239
in Mindanao, southern Philippines.
Wbph 3 ADR52 However, none of the Philippine
wbph 4 Podiwi A8 biotypes survive on varieties with
Wbph 5 NDiang Marie
genes Bph 3, bph 4, bph 8, or Bph 9.
Three genes bph 5, Bph 6, and
bph 7 convey resistance to biotype 4
only. The possibility of the occur-
11. Resistance of rice to rence or evolution of more biotypes
different biotypes of cannot be excluded if resistant
Nilaparvata lugens. varieties with new genes for resis-
a) Biotype 1 damages
tance are planted intensively. In such
varieties with no gene for
resistance, b) Biotype 2 an eventuality, the sequential release
damages varieties with of resistant varieties with varying
Bph 1 gene, and c) Biotype 3 genetic background would assume
damages those with bph 2 great importance. Fortunately,
several wild rice accessions have high
levels of resistance to all the three

Rice leafhoppers and planthoppers 25

Nilaparvata lugens biotypes. Recently, Chemical control ity, i.e., the highest LD50 values
such resistance was successfully The most common method of control- against Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella
transferred from the wild species ling rice virus disease spread is by the furcifera, and Laodelphax striatellus. On
Oryza officinalis into cultivated rice. application of insecticides to control the other hand, the carbamates have a
Several progenies were highly resis- planthopper and leafhopper vectors. generally higher level of ovicidal
tant to all the four biotypes. Insecticides prevent not only the activity than the organophosphates.
Studies of inheritance of rice spread of viral diseases but also Insecticide-induced resurgence of
resistance to Sogatella furcifera were direct damage by insect pests. The Nilaparvata lugens has been reported
initiated in 1979 at IRRI. Genetic tactics used in successful chemical in every country in tropical Asia.
analysis of several rice varieties control of the vector are related to Although several other factors have
identified five resistance genes vector behavior and biology and to been implicated in inducing resur-
(Table 5). Recent reports showed that, the characteristics of virus transmis- gence, it is generally recognized that
in addition to major genes, minor sion. With Nilaparvata lugens, feeding the primary cause is the destruction
genes are also responsible for impart- damage is more common than of natural enemies. Insecticides
ing resistance to this pest in some rice damage due to transmission of grassy causing high levels of resurgence
varieties. It is believed that minor stunt and ragged stunt viral diseases. should not be recommended for
genes can delay the selection of With Nephotettix virescens, the tungro control of rice pests. Buprofezin (2-
Sogatella furcifera biotypes. There is no virus transmitted by the vector is tert-butylimino-3-isopropyl-5-phenyl-
IR cultivar highly resistant to this much more damaging than direct tetrahydro-l,3,5-thiadizin-4-one) is a
pest. However, IRRI researchers are feeding damage. Tungro, a nonper- highly selective molting-inhibitor for
incorporating Wbph 3, wbph 4, and sistent virus, is transmitted during a control of Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella
Wbph 5 genes into improved breeding short feeding period, whereas trans- furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus,
lines. mission of persistent ragged stunt Nephotettix virescens, and Nephotettix
All tropical American land races and grassy stunt viruses requires cincticeps. Buprofezin is reported to
and all japonica rice varieties are more time. Therefore, prevention of be nontoxic to natural enemies, mam-
highly susceptible to rice delphacid. feeding and rapid knockdown of the mals, or fish.
All known resistant varieties are leafhopper are important in prevent- For control of tungro virus, sys-
indica varieties from Southeast Asia ing virus transmission. In tungro epi- temic granules are recommended for
where the insect is not known to demic areas, prophylactic measures incorporation into the soil before
occur. Resistance to Tugosodes are sometimes recommended to sowing the seedbed. Soil-incorpo-
orizicolus is apparently not associated ensure protection against virus rated granules are more efficient than
with any morphological trait in the infection. However, the cost of broadcast granules or sprays in the
rice plant, including height, pubes- protection must be sufficiently low to seedbed. Soaking the seedlings in
cence, or any other plant character. be economically attractive. For insecticide solution for 6-12 h before
Insects caged on resistant varieties control of Nilaparvata lugens, insecti- transplanting gives protection for
suffered high mortality, had slower cides should be applied only when 20 d, whereas soil incorporation or
growth, and laid fewer eggs. Resis- the insect population reaches the broadcasting of systemic granules
tance to the rice delphacid was found economic threshold. Applying protects the crop for 40 d. For control
to be inherited independently of insecticides when macropterous of Nilaparvata lugens, granules are less
resistance to the hoja blanca virus. adults are numerous in a field will effective than sprays or dusts, par-
Varieties resistant to the vector and kill natural enemies and not the eggs. ticularly when applied to older plants
susceptible to the virus show low Applying insecticide when the with a greater biomass.
infection in the field. Several resistant population is mostly young nymphs Insecticide resistance of leafhop-
varieties (CICA 4, CICA 6, and is wasteful because young nymphs pers and planthoppers has been most
CICA 8) were released jointly by the cannot damage the crop. Moreover, common in Japan where the insecti-
Centro Internacional de Agricultura natural enemies normally control cide use rate on rice is much higher
Tropical (CIAT), Colombia, and the nymph numbers. than in any of the tropical countries.
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario. Leafhoppers are generally more Nephotettix cincticeps was the first
Presently, CIAT and Cuba have an sensitive to insecticides than plant- hopper species to become resistant to
excellent breeding program for hoppers. Studies on selective toxicity organophosphates and carbamates.
resistance to Tagosodes orizicolus. of organophosphates, carbamates, Resistance of Nephotettix cincticeps
CIAT also has a breeding program for and chlorinated hydrocarbons against
resistance to hoja blanca virus. planthoppers in Japan and the
Republic of Korea show that organo-
phosphates have maximum selectiv-

26 Insect pests of rice

and Laodelphax striatellus to several Khan Z R, Saxena R C (1985) Mode of Suenaga H (1963) Analytical studies on
organophosphates and carbamates feeding and growth of Nephotettix the ecology of the two species of
virescens (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) on planthoppers, the white planthoppers
has also been reported in the Repub-
selected resistant and susceptible rice (Sogata furcifera Horvth) and the
lic of Korea. Nilaparvata lugens has
varieties. J. Econ. Entomol. 78:583-587. brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens
also developed resistance to car- Stl) with special references to their
bofuran in South and Southeast Asia. Kisimoto R (1965) Studies on the poly-
morphism and its role playing in the outbreaks. Bull. Kyushu Agric. Exp.
population growth of the brown Stn. 8:l-152.

Selected references planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stl.

Bull. Shikoku Agric. Exp. Stn. 13:106.
Angeles E R, Khush G S, Heinrichs E A
(1981) New genes for resistance to Miyake T, Fujiwara A (1962) Studies on
planthoppers and leafhoppers in rice. the hibernation and diapause of white
Pages 537-549 in Rice genetics. Interna- back planthopper, Sogata furcifera
tional Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box Horvath and the brown planthopper,
933, Manila, Philippines. Nilaparvata lugens Stil. Bull. Hiroshima
Prefect. Agric. Exp. Stn. 13:l-7.
Athwal D S, Pathak M D, Bacalangco E N,
Pura C D (1971) Genetics of resistance Mochida O (1964) Critical review of the
to brown planthoppers and green relationship between climatic condi-
leafhoppers in Oryza sativa L. Crop Sci. tions and occurrences of planthopper
11 :747-750. pests on rice in Japan. Shokubutsu
Boeikisho (Plant Prot.) Tokyo 18:237-
Bae S H, Pathak M D (1970) Life history of 240.
Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera:
Delphacidae) and susceptibility of rice Nasu S (1967) Taxonomy, distribution,
varieties to its attack. Ann. Entomol. host range, life cycle and control of rice
Soc. Am. 63:149-153. leafhoppers. Pages 493-523 in The
major insect pests of the rice plant.
Cheng C H, Pathak M D (1972) Resistance Proceedings of a symposium at the
to Nephotettix virescens in rice varieties. International Rice Research Institute,
J. Econ. Entomol. 65:1148-1153. Philippines, September 1964. The
Everett T R (1967) Vectors of hoja blanca Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Mary-
virus. Pages 11-121 in The virus land.
diseases of the rice plant. Proceedings Pathak M D, Vea E, John V T (1967)
of a symposium at the International Control of insect vectors to prevent
Rice Research Institute, Philippines, virus infection of rice plants. J. Econ.
April 1967. The Johns Hopkins Press,
Entomol. 60:218-225.
Baltimore, Maryland.
Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Hernandez J E, Khush G S (1981) Genetics
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
of resistance to whitebacked planthop-
A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
per in some rice varieties.
grated pest management in rice in
Oryza 18:44-50. tropical Asia. International Rice
Jennings P R, Pineda A T (1970a) Effect of Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
resistant rice plants on multiplication Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
of the planthopper, Sogatodes orizicola Rombach M C, Rombach G M, Roberts
(Muir). Crop Sci. 10:689-690.
D W (1987) Pathogens of insect pests
Jennings P R, Pineda A T (1970b) Screen- of rice: A bibliography. Insect Sci.
ing rice for resistance to the Appl. 8:197-210.
planthopper, Sogatodes oryzicola (Muir).
Saxena R C, Khan Z R (1989) Factors
Crop Sci. 10:687-689.
affecting resistance of rice varieties to
Khan Z R, Saxena R C (1984) A selected planthopper and leafhopper pests.
bibliography of the whitebacked Agric. Zool. Rev. 3:97-132.
planthopper Sogatella furcifera
Shepard B M, Barrion A T, Litsinger J A
(Horvath) (Homoptera: Delphacidae).
(1987) Friends of the rice farmer:
Insect Sci. Appl. 6:115-134.
helpful insects, spiders and pathogens.
International Rice Research Instituter
P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.
136 p.

Rice leafhoppers and planthoppers 27

Rice gall midge

The rice gall midge Orseolia oryzae infested than upland crops. Both gall generally a 4:l female-to-male ratio,
(Wood-Mason) is a serious pest of midge species prefer lowland to but Orseolia oryzivora has 1:l. The
rice in South and Southeast Asia. It is upland rice. Damage on upland rice adults feed on dewdrops and live for
widely distributed in several parts of in China and on deepwater rice in 2-5 d. Copulation usually takes place
India and in Cambodia, southern India has also been recorded. soon after emergence and lasts for
China, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, about 5 min. Oviposition starts a few
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, northern hours later. The females mate only
Thailand, and Vietnam. The pest has Life history once and no parthenogenesis has
not been reported in the Philippines, been recorded; unmated females lay
Malaysia, or southern Thailand. Adults sterile eggs.
In Africa, another species of gall The adult flies of both Orseolia oryzae
midge Orseolia oryzivora Harris and and Orseolia oryzivora are about the Eggs
Gape damages the rice crop, but it size of a mosquito (wing length is A single female is capable of laying
is not considered a major pest. It is 3.5-4 mm for females and 3.0-3.5 mm 100-200 eggs, either singly or in
reported to occur in Cameroon, for males). They are nocturnal and groups of 3-4 near the base of the
Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, phototropic (Fig. 12). The females plants, on the ligules or in their
Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan. have a bright red, stout abdomen; the vicinity on the leaf blade, or on the
Since the fly requires high humid- abdomens of males are darker. The leaf sheath. In the seedbed as well as
ity, lowland crops are more often field population of Orseolia oryzae has after transplanting, about 60-70% of
the eggs are laid on the leaf blade,
and most of the rest on the leaf
sheaths, except for occasional ovi-
position on the central whorl of the
plants. Eggs laid on the leaf blade are
on the undersurface. In captivity, the
females oviposit on almost any
surface they come in contact with.
The eggs (elongate tubular, 0.5 mm
long and 0.12 mm wide) are shiny
white with pinkish, red, or yellow
shading, and turn shining amber
before hatching. The incubation
period is 3-4 d.

12. Adult of rice gall

midge Orseolia oryzae.

Larvae the tillering phase, after which the changes in water levels in the
The newly hatched larvae of both population rapidly declines, primar- ricefields do not seem to have a
species are about 1 mm long and can ily because of limited availability of distinct effect on fly incidence.
live in water up to 3 d without any suitable hosts. Therefore, a late-
harmful effect. They creep down the
leaf sheath to the growing points of
planted field is often severely dam-
aged, but early plantings may evade
the tillers and reach the interior of the gall midge infestation. In multi- Damage is caused by the transforma-
bud. There they lacerate the tissues cropped rice areas, the fly seldom tion of regular tillers into tubular
and feed until pupation. Their feed- infests the second crop and has not galls, which dry off without bearing
ing stimulates the tillers to grow into been observed infesting the third one. panicles. Early infestation results in
a tubular gall that resembles an onion Usually it occurs in five to eight profuse tillering of the plants, but
leaf. The average larval period of overlapping generations in one these new tillers often become in-
Orseolia oryzae is 15-20 d; that of season. fested and very few, if any, bear
Orseolia oryzivora is 6-22 d. The full- The insect has been reported to panicles. Even these panicles are less
grown larva of Orseolia oryzae is about hibernate in underground dormant vigorous and are often stunted.
3 mm long, pale red, with a pointed buds of grasses serving as alternate The pest starts infesting the plants
anterior end. It feeds at the base of hosts and becomes active again when in the seedbed and continues to do so
the gall where it pupates. Generally the buds start growing after rains. until the booting stage. Because the
only one maggot per tiller is found. Larvae overwinter in a short tube in larvae can develop only on the
The full-grown larva of Orseolia the stubble. The midge also multi- growing primordia, they cannot
oryzivora is whitish pink and 4.4 mm plies on sprouting rice stubble in survive on a crop beyond the vegeta-
long. Under high population pres- unplowed ricefields. In the tive stage.
sure, multiple and simultaneous Cameroons, after rice is harvested, The exact nature of the develop-
infestations occur. the pest migrates to wild rice Oryza ment of galls is not fully understood.
barthii, where it remains active until Either direct feeding in the develop-
Pupae the plants dry up in summer. Several ing primordia or the secretion of
Pupation occurs inside the gall near alternate host plants recorded in some compound by the maggot
the base. The pupa of Orseolia oryzae India and Thailand include wild rice stimulates the growth of the leaf
is about 2-2.5 mm long and Oryza officinalis and several gram- sheath around the larvae into an oval
0.6-0.8 mm wide; that of Orseolia inaceous weed plants such as chamber, which eventually grows
oryzivora is 5.8 mm long. The pupae Ischaemum aristatum, Echinochloa into a long, tubular, onion-leaf-like
are adorned with a series of subequal colona, Paspalum sp., and Leersia sp. gall. It is commonly called silver
spines pointed backwards. These The most serious gall midge shoot or onion leaf, and is usually the
spines enable the pupae to wriggle infestation occurs when early rains same color as the leaf sheath but
their way to the tip of the gall. When make the flies active. Subsequent dry somewhat shiny. Several earlier
the adults are ready to emerge, the periods delay rice planting; in this workers regarded galls as elongated
pupae pierce the tip and project case, the population multiplies on rice stems. But later anatomical
halfway out. The skin of the pupa grasses and the flies migrate in large studies of the galls established that
then bursts and the midge crawls out. numbers to the late-planted rice crop. they are modified leaf sheaths. The
Emergence generally takes place at Cloudy skies and drizzling rains are leaf blade is greatly atrophied and
night. The pupal period is 2-8 d. conducive to the fast buildup of gall remains attached as a leaflet with tiny
midge populations. The favorable ligules and auricles on the tip of the
condition for fly development is gall.
Seasonal occurrence 26-30 C and 82-88% RH. Heavy rains The galls become apparent 3-7 d
and abundance or storms cause high mortality. The
insects are less abundant in crop
after the larvae enter the growing
point of the plants. A fully developed
The fly becomes active at the onset of years preceded by a warm and dry gall is generally 1-2 cm wide and 10-
the monsoon when it completes one spring. 30 cm long, although galls as long as
to two generations on grasses before Low RH may be the cause of the 50 cm have been recorded. By the
rice is planted, and then transfers to decline in gall midge during the time galls become visible, the adults
the ricefields. It usually takes 9-14 d second rice crop even though there is have generally emerged. However,
to complete one life cycle on grasses, no distinct lack of suitable hosts.
but about 9-26 d on rice. The fly is Because the larvae can live under
capable of infesting the crop only at submergence for several days,

30 Insect pests of rice

tiny galls (about 2 mm long) can be toids, e.g., Neanastatus oryzae Ferriere collected in India and Thailand,
easily detected in the field; most of and Neanastatus cinctiventris Girault, which are believed to be representa-
them contain maggots or pupae. are also known. tives of two biotypes.
Numerous species of spiders, e.g., Inheritance of resistance studies
Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, identified two major genes for resis-
Control methods Argiope catenulata Doleschall, and tance: Gm1 conveying resistance in
Neoscona theisi (Walckenaer), prey on Eswarakora derivatives, Gm2 in Siam
Cultural control the adult midge. and Leuang 152 derivatives. After
Removal of grassy weeds or wild rice Tetrastichus pachydiplosisae Risbec is 15 yr of national and international
alternate hosts from ricefields and reported as a major parasitoid of coordinated trials, three biotypes of
surrounding areas helps reduce the African gall midge Orseolia oryzivora, rice gall midge were recently identi-
pest population. Plowing fields after and is considered an important fied in India. Biotype 1, which is
harvest and keeping fallow land free natural control factor for the pest. incapable of overcoming resistance
of off-season alternate host plant is Among other parasitoids of Orseolia conferred by either of the two identi-
recommended. oryzivora, important ones are fied genes, is confined to the states of
Delaying wet season planting of Platygaster pachydiplosisae Risbec, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
photoperiod-sensitive varieties helps Bracon sp. aff. annulicornis Granger, and probably northwestern Orissa.
reduce infestation because plants at Neanastatus tenuis Ferriere var. Biotype 2, which can overcome
the vegetative stage are more suscep- platygasteri Risbec, and resistance of rice varieties with Gm1
tible to gall midge attack. Planting of Anisopteromalus camerunus Risbec. resistance gene, is scattered in parts
photoperiod-insensitive varieties as of Orissa, Karnataka, and Maharash-
early as possible after the beginning Varietal resistance tra. Biotype 3, capable of infesting
of wet season allows the crop to Planting a resistant variety is the rice varieties with resistance gene
complete the vegetative stage before most effective means of preventing Gm2, is found in Bihar and Manipur.
the gall midge population transfers gall midge damage. Differences in The resistance to gall midge is
from alternate hosts. varietal susceptibility to this pest reported to be primarily due to
The use of moderate amounts of N were reported as early as 1922 in antibiosis. Larval development is
fertilizer and split applications over Vietnam and 1927 in India. Several retarded on resistant varieties, but is
three growth stages is recommended. national rice improvement programs normal on susceptible varieties. On
Neighboring fields should not be in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Sri several wild rices, the adult is ill-
planted within 3 wk of other fields to Lanka, and Thailand are currently formed and does not emerge. Al-
avoid crops of staggered ages. screening germplasm for resistance to though significant advances have
the gall midge and have identified been made in the development of rice
Biological control several hundred resistant varieties. In varieties resistant to gall midge in
Numerous parasitoids and predators India, several rice varieties such as Asia, new resistance sources have not
attack different life stages of rice gall Eswarakora, HR42, HR63, Ptb 18, been included in breeding programs.
midges. The natural enemy com- Ptb 21, Siam 29, and the Thai variety Identification of new resistance genes
plexes controlling the Asian rice gall Leuang 152 were found highly and development of isogenic lines are
midge and African gall midge are resistant and were used in several necessary to properly characterize the
different. breeding programs. The Indonesian biotypes. A close monitoring of
A predatory phytoseiid mite program evaluated more than 6,000 increasingly virulent populations of
Amblyseius imbricatus Corpuz & local varieties, but found none of gall midge in India and Thailand is
Rimando attacks eggs of Asian rice them resistant. also needed.
gall midge Orseolia oryzae. Several Existence of gall midge biotypes in
platygasterid wasps (e.g., Platygaster India was suspected during the early Chemical control
oryzae Cameron) are gregarious larval stages of development of resistant It is difficult to control the gall midge
parasitoids. These parasitoids lay rice varieties. Since then, many with insecticide because the larvae
eggs on the walls of silver shoot after regional, national, and international are protected inside the plant or gall.
first stinging the larva inside. The collaborative studies have been At any rate, granular insecticide
wasp larvae that hatch out feed on undertaken to detect, define, and applications are usually more effec-
the gall midge host. Several solitary recognize different biotypes of gall tive than sprays, but only if there is
larval parasitoids, e.g., Obtusiclava midge. Morphological variations standing water in the field.
oryzae (Subba Rao) and pupal parasi- were also noted in gall midge adults

Rice gall midge 31

Selected references Prakasa Rao P S (1983) Roles of parasites
and predators in the control of rice gall
Barnes H F (1956) Gall midges of cereal midge. Pages 340-354 in Proceedings
crops. London Crosby Lockwood and of the rice pest management seminar,
Son Ltd., London. 261 p. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Bonzi S M (1980) Wild host plants of rice Coimbatore, India.
gall midge Orseolia oryzae W. M. (Dipt. Reddy D B (1967) The rice gall midge,
Cecidomyiidae). WARDA Tech. Pachydiplosis oryzae (Wood-Mason).
Newsl. 2:5-6. Pages 457-491 in The major insect pests
Deoras P J (1945) Gall formation in of the rice plant. Proceedings of a sym-
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21:38-40. Research Institute, September 1964.
Descamps M (1956) Deux dipters nuis- The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore,
ibles au riz dans le Nord Cameroon. Maryland.
Pachydiplosis oryzae Wood-Mason.
Pachylophus sp. aff. lugens Loew.
Phytiatre-Phytopharm. 5(2):103-116.
Feijen H R, Schulten G G M (1983) Notes
on the African rice gall midge, Orseolia
onyzivora Harris and Gagne (Diptera,
Cecidomyiidae), with a redescription
of its parasitoid Tetrastichus pachydipsi-
sae Risbec (Hymenoptera, Eulophi-
dae). Zeitsch fur Ang. Entomol. 96:509-
Harris K M (1986) Gall midges in tropical
agriculture. Insect Sci. Appl. 8:441-445.
Hidaka T (1974) Recent studies on the rice
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Mason) (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera). Rev.
Plant Prot. Res. 7:99-143.
Hidaka T, Vungsilabutr P, Rajamani S
(1977) Geographical differentiation of
the rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae
(Wood-Mason) (Diptera:
Cecidomyiidae). Appl. Entomol. Zool.
Hidaka T, Midiarta N (1986) Strategy of
rice gall midge control. JARQ 20:20-24.
Mani M A (1973) Plant galls of India.
MacMillan India, Madras, India. 354 p.
Mani M S (1934) Studies on Indian itoni-
didae (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera). Rec.
Indian Mus. 36:433-437.
Pathak M D (1968) Ecology of common
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mol. 13:257-294.
Pathak P K, Heinrichs E A (1982) A bibli-
ography of varietal resistance to the
rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-
Mason). Commonwealth Institute of
Entomology, London. 45 p.

32 Insect pests of rice

Rice leaffolders

Eight species of pyralid moths, whose Several alternate hosts are re- The freshly hatched larva is
larvae roll or fold leaves of gram- ported for the rice leaffolders. Aside 1.5-2 mm long and 0.2-0.3 mm wide,
inaceous plants, comprise the leaf- from rice, they attack various grasses, has a shiny translucent body and a
folder complex. They are sedges, and cultivated crops such as light-brown head. The body turns
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guene), maize. green after the larva begins feeding.
Marasmia patnalis Bradley, Marasmia The first-instar larva feeds on the
(=Susumia) exigua (Butler), Marasmia young leaves by scraping the leaf
bilinealis Hampson, Marasmia ruralis Life history surface, but it does not cause the
(Walker), Marasmia suspicalis leaves to fold (Fig. 13d). Its body
(Walker), Marasmia trapezalis The life history of rice leaffolder usually is covered with a silky
(Guene), and Marasmia venilialis species is more or less similar. material. Five larval instars are
(Guene). Cnaphalocrocis medinalis is the best completed in an average period of
Leaffolders are widely distributed known leaffolder species in Asia. The 20-30 d. The larvae from the late
in the rice-growing tracts of 29 humid adult moths are 10-12 mm long. They second instar onward can cause the
tropical and temperate countries in are light brown with shiny, brownish leaves to fold (Fig. 13e). The caterpil-
Asia, Oceania, Australia, and Africa yellow wings adorned with dark, lar secretes a series of threads and
between 48 N and 24 S and 0 E to broad margins, and two to three dark uses these to connect the two margins
172W. Currently, only three species, vertical stripes. Wing expanse is of a leaf blade. The threads contract
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Marasmia 13-15 mm. The moths are nocturnal; as they dry and bring the two leaf
patnalis, and Marasmia exigua, have they hide during the day and usually margins together, turning the leaf
attained pest status on rice. emerge at night. They generally mate blade into a tubular structure. The
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis tradition- between dusk and midnight. larva remains within the leaf blade
ally has been accepted as a sole Oviposition starts two-three nights and feeds on it by scraping the leaf
leaffolder pest in the lowland after mating. The female moth usu- surface, thus causing longitudinal,
ricefields of Asia. But the discovery of ally lives for as long as 8-9 d and lays white, transparent streaks on the leaf
Marasmia patnalis in 1981 has compli- 50-300 eggs. The eggs are laid on blade. If a blade is severely damaged,
cated the interpretation of past different nights in batches of 10-12 the larva migrates to other leaves.
results. Marasmia patnalis has often arranged linearly along the midrib on The full-grown larva is yellowish
been confused with Cnaphalocuocis either surface of the leaf blade green with a dark brown head and is
medinalis in South and Southeast Asia (Fig. 13c). The biggest batches are laid 20-25 mm long and 1.5-2 mm wide. It
(Fig. 13a, b). The individuals belong- on the fourth-seventh night after the undergoes pupation inside the leaf
ing to the two genera could be moths emerge. roll in loosely woven strands of silk
differentiated from each other by The individual eggs are translu- thread. The newly formed pupa is
forewing venation. Cnaphalocrocis has cent, yellowish white, oval, 0.90 mm light brown, but turns reddish brown
R2 and R1 (veins 10 and 11) stalked, long and 0.39 mm wide, and almost toward moth emergence in 6-10 d.
with R2 set close to the trunk of R3 flat with a slightly convex surface.
and R4 (veins 8 and 9). Marasmia, on The eggs hatch 3-4 d after oviposi-
the other hand, has R2 and R1 free. tion.
These and other morphological as
well as genitalial features are used to
separate the leaffolder species.

13. Rice leaffolders: a) Cnaphalocrocis
medinalis adult, b) Marasmia patnalis
adult, c) C. medinalis eggs, d) damage
by a second-instar larva of C. medinalis,
e) rice leaf rolled by a third-instar larva
of C. medinalis, f) a ricefield damaged by

34 Insect pests of rice

Seasonal occurrence Damage Control methods
and abundance Several outbreaks of leaffolders have Cultural control
been reported in Bangladesh, China, Judicious use of nitrogenous fertilizer
Although moths are recorded in the Fiji, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, in split applications is recommended.
warm tropics year-round, they Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Removal of grassy weeds from
usually are most abundant during the Lanka, and Vietnam. Most of the rice ricefields and surrounding borders
rainy season. In places with cool leaffolder literature relates to prevents the buildup of rice leaf-
winters, the insect is active from May Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. Sometimes, folders on alternate hosts.
to October, during which it completes other species, primarily Marasmia
four to five generations; the later patnalis, could be more dominant. Biological control
generations usually overlap. High Under favorable conditions, leaffold- Numerous natural enemies normally
humidity and optimum temperature ers produce several generations. push rice leaffolders below economic
appear to be important factors in the During high insect population densi- threshold levels. Several species of
insect's abundance. ties, rice plants dry up and appear Diptera (e.g., Megaselia spp. and
The distribution of leaffolders can scorched (Fig. 13f). Before feeding, Argyrophylax spp.), Hymenoptera
be seasonal. Cnaphalocrocis medinalis is the larvae fold the leaves longitudi- (Goniozus spp., Trichogramma spp.,
a long distance migrant into temper- nally and fasten leaf margins with Apanteles spp., and Bracon spp.),
ate China (including Taiwan) and stitches of threadlike silk. Coleoptera (Chlaenius spp. and
Japan inasmuch as it does not over- The larvae feed by scraping the Coccinella spp.), Orthoptera (Anaxipha
winter in those areas. Every year the green mesophyll from within the spp. and Metioche spp.), Araneae
initial population migrates to these folded leaves. This results in linear, (Argiope spp., Pardosa spp., and
temperate countries from tropical pale white stripe damage to the leaf. Tetragnatha spp.), and nematodes
regions. The insect migrates north- First- and early second-instar larvae (Agamermis spp.) have been reported
ward in the spring and southward in are gregarious and generally feed as parasites and predators of leaf-
the fall, and undergoes a reproduc- within the slightly folded basal folders in Asia. A few fungal, bacte-
tive diapause at the onset of seasonal regions of the young leaves in a tiller. rial, and viral pathogens are also
emigratory periods. In the Starting with the late second instar, known to parasitize the larvae,
Philippines, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis when larvae regularly roll up leaves, particularly when the pest population
remains active year-round in irri- they become solitary. Generally, only is high. Microbial insecticides,
gated multicropped rice areas, but one larva per leaf roll is found; after particularly Bacillus thuringiensis
disperses tens of kilometers to colo- feeding on one fold for about 2-3 d, it Berliner, are effective against larvae.
nize the rainfed rice areas in the wet moves to another leaf. Thus, each Among the vertebrates, frogs and
season. Long distance dispersal is larva destroys a number of leaves toads are considered important
unknown in the other leaffolders. during its growth. predators of leaffolders in some
Leaffolders have increased in Feeding greatly reduces the countries.
importance both in upland and general vigor and photosynthetic
lowland ricefields in the last decade, ability of an infested rice plant. The Varietal resistance
particularly in areas where modern damaged leaves also serve as entry More than 18,000 rice accessions from
varieties are extensively grown. points for fungal and bacterial infec- the germplasm collection of IRRI
Expanded rice areas with new irriga- tions. The maximum yield loss have been screened for resistance to
tion systems, multiple rice cropping, caused by leaffolders is reportedly Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. Nearly 115
reduced genetic variability of the due to feeding on the flag leaf. were found resistant or moderately
modern semidwarfs, application of Unfortunately, N fertilizer, which resistant. Several traditional rice
high levels of nitrogenous fertilizers, generally contributes to the high varieties such as Ptb 21, Ptb 33,
and insecticide-induced resurgence yield of modern varieties, also en- TKMI, TKM2, TKM6, Muthuman-
have further compounded the leaf- hances the nutritional status of the ikam, and WC1263, are resistant to
folder problem. rice plant, leading to greater insect Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and have to
survival, reproduction, and feeding be reevaluated in light of the discov-
rates, which, in turn, lead to greater ery of the overlapping Marasmia
damage. patnalis species complex. Selected rice
varieties resistant to Cnaphalocrocis
medinalis are also resistant to
Marasmia patnalis. Several wild

Rice leaffolders 35
rices Oryza brachyantha, O. nivara, Selected references
O. rufipogon, and O. perennis -also
Bradley J D (1981) Marasmia patnalis sp. n.
show resistance to Cnaphalocrocis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on rice in S. E.
medinalis and Marasmia patnalis. Asia. Bull. Entomol. Res. 71:323-327.
Research centers with several na-
Chandramohan N, Jayaraj S (1977) Effect
tional rice improvement programs of different levels of nitrogen and age
are also screening rice varieties and of the crop on the incidence of rice
wild germplasm for resistance to leafroller. Madras Agric. J. 64:648-685.
Cnaphalocrocis medinalis; several rice Hanifa M A, Subramanian T R, Ponnaiya
varieties and breeding lines with B W X (1974) Role of silica in resistance
potential for resistance have been to the leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis
identified. Unfortunately, all IR rice rnedinalis Guene, in rice. Indian J. Exp.
varieties (IR5 to IR72) are susceptible Biol. 12:463-465.
to leaffolders. Improved varieties
Heinrichs E A, Camafiag E, Romena A
with resistance to the leaffolder (1985) Evaluation of rice cultivar for
complex are needed because varietal resistance to Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
resistance is one of the more promis- Guene (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). J.
ing tactics in the integrated control of Econ. Entomol. 78:274-278.
this pest in tropical Asia. Hinckley A D (1963a) Insect pests of rice
in Fiji. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 2(2):31-33.
Chemical control Hinckley A D (1963b) The rice leafroller,
Chemical control is the only practical Susumia exigua (Butler), in Fiji. J. Econ.
method to control increasing leaf- Entomol. 56:112-113.
folder infestation during crop Khan Z R, Joshi R C (1990) Varietal
growth. However, socioeconomic resistance to Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
constraints in tropical developing (Guene) in rice. Crop Prot. 9:243-251.
countries and insecticide-induced Khan Z R, Barrion A T, Litsinger J A,
resurgence of Nilaparvata lugens Castilla N P, Joshi R C (1988) A
present obstacles to effective chemical bibliography of rice leaffolders (Lepi-
control. Numerous insecticides that doptera: Pyralidae). Insect Sci. Appl.
have been identified for control are 9:129-174.
most effective as foliar sprays. But Lim L L (1962) Biology of the rice leaf-
foliar sprays have to be repeated folder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
because they are often washed off by Guenee). BS thesis in Entomology,
frequent rains. Granular insecticides University of the Philippines at Los
broadcast into water are ineffective. Baos, Laguna, Philippines.
Economic thresholds, used to make Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
decisions on insecticide application, Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
are based on egg counts, damaged A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
leaves, or larval densities. Since grated pest management in rice in
tropical Asia. International Rice
leaffolders can attack the crop during
Research Institute, P.0. Box 933,
any growth stage, fields should be
Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
monitored weekly.

36 Insect pests of rice

Grain-sucking insects

Several hemipterous bugs belonging Table 6. Grain-sucking insects of rice.

to the families Alydidae and Pentato- Common name Family Scientific name Distribution
midae (Table 6) that feed by sucking
the sap of developing spikelets cause Rice bug Alydidae Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg) Asia,
serious rice crop losses. Usually, they L. biguttata (Walker) Asia
live either in the ricefields or on L. chinensis (Dallas) Asia
grasses in the vicinity where they L. palawanensis Ahmad Asia
L. oratorius (Fabricius) Asia,
feed and multiply during the vegeta- Australia
tive phase of the rice crop. They then L. solomonensis Ahmad Asia
migrate to flowering ricefields, which Riptortus linearis Fabricius Asia
Stenocoris southwoodi Africa, South
strongly attract them. In Asia, several Ahmad America
species of Leptocorisa are the most S. claviformis Ahmad Africa, South
important grain-sucking pests; in the America

USA, the rice stink bug Oebalus Stink bug Pentatornidae Oebalus pugnax (Fabricius) Southern USA
pugnax (Fabricius) is of major impor- O. poecila (Dallas) Latin America
tance. O. ypsilon-griseus (De Geer) Latin America
O. grisescens (Sailer) Latin America
Eysarcoris (=Stollia) Asia
ventralis (Westwood)
Pygomenida varipennis Asia

Rice bugs
P. benghalensis (Westwood) Asia
Nezara viridula Linnaeus Asia, Africa

The most important rice bugs in the

subtropical and tropical rice areas
belong to the genus Leptocorisa. An- loss from rice bugs that feed on als have been observed to survive for
other genus, Stenocoris, which was grains is normally minimal because 110-115 d. It is phototropic and
previously a subgenus of Leptocorisa, their populations are diluted in vast diurnal, but is most active during
also contains several species known areas of rice planted more or less at early mornings and evenings when
to be present in ricefields, but their the same time. the sun is not strong. On sunny days,
economic significance is not fully The rice bug populations in a the insects hide at the basal parts of
known. Stenocoris occurs in Ethio- ricefield are highly variable and the plants. The females are stronger
pian, Nearctic, and Neotropical damage occurs only during a short fliers than the males. The males are
regions; Leptocorisa is distributed in period of crop growth. The lowland capable of mating shortly after
the Orient-Australian region and rice crops of Asia are dominated by emergence, but the females start
includes some of the most serious rice Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius). mating only 7-14 d after becoming
pests in this area. The species of adults. L. oratorius lays its eggs high
major economic significance are listed on foliage. L. acuta (Thunberg) and
in Table 6. Life history L. solomonensis Ahmad oviposit at
Rice bugs concentrate on small- ground level, the former on litter and
scale upland ricefields that they can The adult insect is long and slender, the latter on the ground. These egg-
actively search out. They are also about 14-17 mm long and 3-4 mm laying habits explain their environ-
common in rainfed lowland rice wide (Fig. 14a). On the average it mental preferences. Oviposition
environments. In irrigated rice, yield lives for 30-50 d, but some individu- generally commences 3-4 d after

mating. A single female lays an reduce it. The population usually
average of 200-300 eggs in batches of increases at the end of the rainy
10-20, usually arranged in two or season and declines rapidly during
three straight rows along the midrib dry months and when temperature is
on the upper surface of the leaf blade. unfavorable. When temperature
The eggs are oval, slightly flattened declines from October onward, the
on the top (Fig. 14b). They are creamy insects hibernate in grasses. In such
white when freshly laid, but become areas, late rice crops escape rice bug
darker as they approach hatching in infestation. The hibernating adults
5-8 d. During hatching, the upper half become active with the onset of
of the egg breaks away, leaving a summer rains. Intermittent rains and
distinct hole. high temperature during summer are
The freshly emerged nymphs are conducive to terminating the dia-
tiny and green, but become brownish pause.
as they grow. They blend with the Factors that cause high rice bug
foliage and are often undetected. populations are nearby woodlands,
They start feeding 3-4 h after hatch- extensive weedy areas near ricefields,
ing, and undergo five nymphal and staggered rice planting.
instars in a total period of 25-30 d to After diapause, the adults feed on
become adults. The feeding habits of weeds and other available alternate
adults and nymphs are similar. hosts on which they pass one to two
A number of alternate host plants, generations before migrating to the
all in the family Gramineae, have rice crop now at flowering stage. In
been recorded. The insects live on Japan, the postdiapause adults of
grasses but prefer flowering rice. L. chinensis migrate from mountain-
Both nymphs and adults are ous areas to upland ricefields during
difficult to see in the ricefields be- flowering. In single-cropped areas,
cause their color resembles that of the insect usually has four overlap- 14. Grain-sucking insect
pests of rice:
rice plants. Infested fields, however, ping generations. But at places where
a) Leptocorisa oratorius
can often be detected, even from a temperatures are optimum and rice is adult, b) L. oratorius eggs,
distance, because they emit a typical grown year-round, the bugs remain c) adult of a pentatomid
rice bug odor produced by scent active throughout the year without a bug.
glands on the abdomen of the insect. distinct diapause. In such areas, fields
When disturbed, adults fly and that mature earlier or later than the
give off the typical rice bug odor. usual crops become heavily infested.
Adults are active in late afternoon Insect abundance becomes especially
and early morning. They rest in high where rice planting is staggered,
grassy areas during periods of bright leading to an extended ripening
sunshine. During the dry season, period over several crops. The strong
adults move to wooded areas where phototropic nature of the insect has
they remain dormant. led some workers to explore light
traps as a control method, but the
results have been erratic. Large rice
Seasonal occurrence bug populations can also be trapped
and abundance in early planted ricefields.

All stages of the rice bug are espe-

cially vulnerable to changes in
temperature and humidity. The bugs
are most abundant at 27-28 C and
80-82% RH. During flowering of the
rice crop, warm weather, overcast
skies, and frequent drizzles favor
population buildup, but heavy rains

38 Insect pests of rice

nymphs congregate around the egg
shells; at the second instar, they start
feeding gregariously; they scatter to
solitary feeding beyond the fourth
instar. The nymphs undergo five
molts in an average period of 35-45 d
to become adults. The nymphal
population is considerably heteroge-
neous in color pattern.
The adults of rice stink bug
O. pugnax are 1.0-1.25 mm long and
slightly less than half as wide. They
are straw-colored, shield-shaped, and
dence is particularly favorable for the
have two sharply pointed shoulder
insect because not only is flowering
spines, which project forward and
rice more suitable for its survival and
possess the typical stink bug smell.
development, but at this time hosts
Males usually live for about 30 d.
other than rice are scarce. Further-
Females live an average of 40 d,
more, since their dispersal ability is
laying about 70-80 eggs each. The
greater than that of their parasites, a
eggs are barrel-shaped (0.85 x
population migrating to ricefields
0.65 mm) and laid in masses of 10-47
suffers only low parasitization. The
in double rows. The eggs of one row
population developed on an early
alternate with those of the other.
rice crop increases on the medium-
They are deposited on leaves of
and late-maturing crops, but even in
panicles of different grasses. Newly
double-cropped areas, the bug
laid eggs are green, but they become
population usually remains fairly
reddish before hatching 4-8 d after
low. This is not true in grassy or
oviposition. The newly hatched
orchard areas where adequate alter-
nymphs congregate around the
nate hosts are available.
empty egg shells for about 24 h, after
Pentatomid bugs belonging to
which they disperse to feed. The
Stink bugs Oebalus species are another group of
important rice pests in Latin America
nymphs undergo five molts over a
total average period of 16-23 d to
and southern USA.
become adults.
Pentatomid bugs or stink bugs
(Fig. 14c) are important rice pests in
Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Life history Seasonal occurrence
southern USA (Table 6). Both adults and abundance
and nymphs feed on developing The adult insects of the southern
grains of rice in the milk and dough green stink bug or Nezara viridula, In southern Japan, Nezara viridula
stage, resulting in partially or entirely typically pentatomid, are about 13- occurs in three overlapping genera-
unfilled grains. This damage is 17 mm long. They occur in four tions with a partial fourth. In warm
characteristic of the species. distinct color phenotypes. Females years, the hibernating insects become
Nezara viridula Linnaeus occurs start mating 1 wk after emergence active during March to June, and
worldwide and is often more abun- and the preoviposition period varies complete the fourth generation.
dant in uplands. It is a polyphagous from 2 to 3 wk. Both male and female The adult insects hibernate in dry,
pest and often causes serious damage bugs are capable of repeated matings. shady areas. In hibernation, the males
to rice. The bug is of great signifi- The average life span of females is are quiescent while the females
cance in southern Japan because of about 30 d. diapause. During years with a severe
the cultivation of early rice, which The eggs are laid on the lower winter, the hibernating insects,
reaches heading in mid-June to early surface of leaves in masses of 20-130 particularly those which have fed on
July, coinciding with the emergence in five to eight parallel rows. Each grasses, are smaller and suffer high
of first-generation adults. The coinci- female usually lays two to eight mortality.
yellow egg masses that turn red just
before hatching. The first-instar

Grain-sucking insects 39
Adults emerging from hibernation
feed on grasses, orchards, and other
usually highest during July, which
coincides with the flowering of the
Control methods
spring and summer crops before they first rice crop. In February, when the Control measures for all grain-
migrate to rice. The attraction to second crop is flowering, the popula- sucking insects are similar.
heading rice is so great that adults tion is comparatively small but still of
migrate to ricefields over several economic significance. The popula- Cultural control
kilometers. tion is at its lowest ebb in May. Various cultural and mechanical
In nature, the population is, to control measures are being adopted
some degree, density dependent. to control grain-sucking bugs. De-
With increased population density in Damage layed, but synchronous, planting of
the second and third generations, the early-maturing varieties is suggested
females exhibit reduced fecundity The damage to the rice crop is caused so that all crops ripen at the same
and the eggs and larvae suffer higher by the feeding of nymphs and adult time. Weed sanitation and eradica-
mortality. Strong winds also reduce bugs on the endosperm of the devel- tion of alternate hosts from ricefields,
the nymphal population. In Japan, oping grains. Growing rice bug levees, and surrounding areas also
several egg parasites play an impor- nymphs are more active feeders than prevent the multiplication of the bug
tant role. Substantial biological adults, but adults cause more damage in rice-free periods. Mechanical
control of this insect has been because they feed for a longer period. control measures such as smoking the
achieved in Hawaii and Australia. Although they also feed on other field, hand-picking of adults and
The adult insects of O. pugnax parts of the rice plant, they prefer nymphs, and the use of sticky traps
overwinter in leaf trash or bunch grains at the milk stage and even have been suggested.
grasses. Emerging from hibernation ripening grain. Both nymphs and
in late April and early May, the adults feed by inserting their probos- Varietal resistance
insects feed on developing seeds of cises at points where palea and All cultivated rice varieties are
grasses adjacent to ricefields and lemma meet. Diffused brown spots susceptible to grain-sucking pests.
move to the ricefields later. A severe caused by the exudation of the sap IRRI attempts to find resistance to
winter reduces the population of mark the points of insertion. Grains Leptocorisa spp. located a rice from
overwintering adults, and high damaged during milk stage remain India in a group of coarse-ground,
temperature during summer causes empty. The panicles in heavily low-yielding rice called Sathi. In this
high nymphal mortality. infested fields contain many rice, the panicle remains enclosed in
Another species, Oebalus (=Solubea) shriveled and unfilled grains and the leaf sheath and offers a sort of
ornata (Sailer), has been reported to usually remain erect. In severe cases mechanical resistance to insect
cause serious losses to rice in the of infestation, most grains in a field sucking. However, the compatibility
Dominican Republic. It frequently are sucked empty and the straw has of this character with yielding ability
occurs in large numbers, causing up an off-flavor, which is unattractive to and ease of threshing is uncertain. In
to 50% crop loss. cattle. When rice bugs feed in soft or India, varieties Mundagakutty from
In general, the bionomics of this hard dough endosperm in a solid Tamil Nadu and Soma from Bihar
pest resembles that of O. pugnax. The state, they inject enzymes to predigest also show similar resistance.
average female-to-male ratio is 1:1. it. Damage during the dough stage Pentatomid bugs bore through the
Most of the eggs are laid on the upper causes discoloration of mature grain lemma or palea, but hairy seeds or
leaf surface and first-instar nymphs and causes weakness in the kernel. seeds with awns that deter bugs draw
congregate around the egg shells. The Such rice has lower milling quality or complaints from threshers. Although
pests are extremely active up to is pecky rice of inferior grade. Par- screening for resistance to rice bug
1000 h when they feed on the panicles tially damaged grains also have an has been limited, moderate levels of
and copulate. They migrate to the off-flavor even after cooking. Injury resistance to the rice stink bug has
base of the plants when the sun during the milk stage causes yield been reported in some rice varieties
becomes brighter. On cloudy or light loss; damage during the dough stage such as Bluebelle, Nortai, PI 9810,
rainy days, the adults and nymphs impairs grain quality. and RU7603069.
remain on the panicles all day and The southern green stink bugs
feed extensively. In the Dominican feeding on rice are generally larger
Republic, they remain active through- than those feeding on grasses and
out the year and occur in seven other hosts.
generations. The population is

40 Insect pests of rice

Biological control Selected references rice stink bug (Solubea ornata Sailer)
during the period of 1964 in Domini-
A number of natural enemies includ- Agyen-Sampong M (1980) Dirty panicles
ing parasites and predators are can Republic. Plant Prot. Bull.
and yield reduction caused by bugs.
known to attack the rice bug at (Taiwan) 8:9-26.
Int. Rice Res. Newsl. 5(1):11-12.
various stages. Small scelionid wasps Ahmad I (1965) The leptocorisinae
Litsinger J A, Barrion A T, Soekarna D
Gryon nixoni (Masner) parasitize the (1987) Upland rice insect pests: their
(Heteroptera: Alydidae) of the world.
eggs of Leptocorisa spp. Several ecologies, importance and control.
Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Entomol.
species of parasitic wasps attack stink IRRI Res. Pap. Ser. 123.41 p.
(suppl.) 5.145 p.
bugs. The meadow grasshopper Akbar S S (1958) The morphology and life
Odglen G E, Warren L O (1962) The rice
Conocephalus longipennis (Haan) preys history of Leptocorisa varicornis Fabr. stink bug, Oebalus pugnax F. in Arkan-
on rice bug eggs; several species of sas. Arkansas, Agric. Exp. Stn. Rep.
(Coreidae, Hemiptera) - a pest of
spiders, e.g., Neoscona theisi paddy crop in India. Aligarh Muslim Ser. 107.23 p.
(Walckenaer), Argiope catenulata Univ. Publ. (Zool. Ser.) Ind. Ins. Typ. Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
(Doleschall), and Tetragnatha javana 511-50. Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
(Thorell) prey on nymphs and adults. Bowling C C (1967) Insect pests of rice in A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
grated pest management in rice in
Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) the United States. Pages 551-570 in The
tropical Asia. International Rice
Vuillemin, a fungus, attacks both major insect pests of the rice plant.
Proceedings of a symposium at The Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
nymphs and adults. The assassin bug Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
Nabis stenoferus Hsiao is a common International Rice Research Institute,
September 1964. The Johns Hopkins Sando D P A (1977) The biology and
natural enemy of stink bug.
Press, Baltimore, Maryland. ecology of Leptocorisa (Hemiptera:
Corbett G H (1930) The bionomics and Alydidae) in Papua New Guinea.
Chemical control Department of Primary Industry, Port
Grain-sucking bugs are readily control of Leptocorisa acuta Thunberg
with notes on Leptocorisa spp. Malaya Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Res.
controlled with spray or dust formu- Bull. 18. 104 p.
Dep. Agric. S.S. and F.M.S. Sci. Ser.
lations. Granular insecticides are Siwi S S, Van Daesburg P H (1984)
generally ineffective. The use of Leptocorisa Latseille in Indonesia
Gayawali B (1981) Feeding behaviour and
poison baits against Leptocorisa spp. (Heteroptera, Coreidae, Alydidae).
damage assessment of rice bug,
has been suggested. Zool. Meded. (Leiden) 58:117-129.
Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius) on rice.
MS thesis, University of the Philip- Srivastava A S, Saxena H P (1967) The rice
pines at Los Baos, Philippines. bug Leptocorisa varicornis Fabricius and
Ito K (1978) Ecology of the stink bugs allied species. Pages 525-548 in The
causing pecky rice. Rev. Plant Prot. major insect pests of the rice plant.
Rec. 2:62-78. Proceedings of a symposium at the
International Rice Research Institute,
Kiritani K (1965) The natural regulation September 1964. The Johns Hopkins
of the population of the southern Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
green stink bug, Nezara viridula L.
Pages 8-16 in Proceedings of the XIIth
International Congress of Entomology,
London, 1964. P. Freeman, ed.
Kiritani K (1966) The biology and control
of the southern green stink bug
(Nezara viridula L.). Kusunoki Noho,
Jpn. 20:1-21.
Kisimoto R (1983) Damage caused by rice
stink bugs and their control. Jpn. Pest.
Inf. 43:9-13.
Liang C J (1964) Ecological studies on the

Grain-sucking insects 41
Rice hispa

Rice hispa Dicladispa armigera of the leaf blade, generally on the Seasonal occurrence
(Oliver) frequently causes extensive ventral surface, and are partially
damage to lowland rice crops in inserted beneath the epidermis and and abundance
Bangladesh, China (including Tai- covered with a small quantity of a
wan), India, Indonesia, Japan, Myan- dark substance probably secreted by The pest occurs throughout the year
mar, Nepal, Pakistan, West Malaysia, the female beetle. A single female in tropical areas, but is generally
and southern Thailand. The pest is lays an average of 55 eggs; under more numerous during the rainy
not reported on upland rice and heavy infestation, as many as 100 season. In places having cool winters,
prefers more aquatic habitats. In eggs have been recorded from a the insect remains active from May to
Central Africa, a species of rice hispa single plant in the field. The incuba- October and completes four or five
Dicladispa viridicyanea (Kraatz) attacks tion period under natural field generations.
upland rice in the vegetative stage as conditions is 4-5 d. Heavy rains, especially in premon-
well as in lowland seedbeds. Trichispa The pale yellow grubs, dorsoven- soon or earliest monsoon periods,
sericea (Guerin), an African species, trally flattened and 2.4 mm long, followed by abnormally low precipi-
damages upland rice in West Africa hatch and mine immediately into the tation, minimum day-night tempera-
and Madagascar. Three other hispid leaf blades between the epidermal ture differential for a number of days,
insectsDactylispa dilaticornis, membranes and feed on the green and high RH favor rapid buildup of
Rhadinosa lebongensis Maulik, and tissue. The larval period is 7-12 d; the hispa populations. Incidence is
Leptista pygmaea Balydamage the pupal stage is 4 or 5 d. Both stages are generally higher in fields treated with
rice crop in several states of India. completed without migration to any higher rates of N and where plants
Dicladispa gestroi (Chapuis) is another other leaf. The adult beetles cut their grow thickly under shade. The leaves
important hispid insect reported from way out of the leaf and begin to lay of semidwarf varieties are more
the Malagasy Republic. eggs 3 or 4 d later. Adults are external heavily infested than are those of
feeders. conventional local varieties.
At initial infestation the adult
Life history beetle prefers the young rice crop. In
India, the adults generally appear in
The adult of Dicladispa armigera is a ricefields in February and the popula-
small (5.5 mm long), shiny, blue- tion increases until June or July when
black beetle with a spiny body the grubs as well as the beetles cause
(Fig. 15). Adult beetles of Didadispa heavy losses to young crops. After
viridicyanea are metallic blue-green, August the population declines and
about 5 mm long, with five lateral the pest is usually of no economic
spines on each side of the thorax and significance. Adult beetles in small
a series of alternately long and short numbers can be collected from
lateral spines on the elytra. The ricefields up to September or October.
females of Dicladispa armigera live an During this period, the pest com-
average of 20 d and the males, 14 d. 15. Adult of rice hispa Dicladispa pletes six overlapping generations.
They mate 3 or 4 d after emergence. armigera.
The eggs are laid singly near the tip

Damage Biological control
Selected references
The role of natural enemies in con-
Alam M Z (1967) Insect pests of rice in
Both adults and grubs feed on and trolling hispa has not been fully
East Pakistan. Pages 643-655 in The
damage rice plants. The adults scrape assessed. However, several braconid major insect pests of the rice plant.
the upper surface of the leaf blade, wasps such as Bracon hispae (Viereck), Proceedings of a symposium at The
often leaving only the lower epider- Bracon sp., Campyloneurus sp., and International Rice Research Institute,
mis. The damaged areas appear as Macrocentrus sp. are known to para- September 1964. The Johns Hopkins
white streaks parallel to the midrib. sitize the larvae. Likewise, the Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
The tunnelling of the grubs between ichneumonid wasp Isotima sp. and Banerjee S N (1964) Paddy pests. Pages
the two epidermal layers results in two unidentified species of eulophid 292-296 in Entomology in India.
irregular translucent white patches are also larval parasites. Pupal Entomological Society of India.
starting from ovipositional sites near parasites include three pteromalid Chand P, Tomar J B (1984) Screening for
the leaf tip and extending toward the species: Eupteromalus sp., resistance to rice hispa. Int. Rice Res.
base of the leaf blades. The affected Trichomalopsis apanteloctena Newsl. 9(2):6.
parts of the leaves usually wither off. (Crawford), and Serotenus sp. An Dhaliwal G S, Singh J (1979) Effects of
In severe infestations, the leaves turn unidentified trichogrammatid species spacing on rice hispa incidence. Int.
whitish and membranous and finally parasitizes the eggs of this pest. A Rice Res. Newsl. 4(2):19.
dry off. In Kenya, Trichispa sericea can reduviid Rkinocoris fuscipes Feakin S D (1970) Pest conrol in rice.
transmit rice yellow mottle virus. (Fabricius) is a recorded predator of PANS Manual 3. Centre for Overseas
Infested plants have reduced leaf hispa adults. Pest Research, London. 270 p.
area, become less vigorous, and are Krishnaiah N V, Kalode M B (1983)
often stunted. In recent years, hispa Varietal resistance Effectiveness of some granular and
has been a perpetual problem in At present there are no varieties with spray formulations against rice hispa.
Bangladesh, infesting several thou- proven resistance to hispa, but Pesticides 17(7):25-28.
sand hectares annually and causing OR165-94-1 and KAU1945 have been Krishnaiah P V, Sanjeava Ras P, Ras
affected areas to suffer a significant reported as moderately resistant. In- N H P, Seshaguri Ras P, Narasimham
yield loss. The insect also attacks dications are that some cultivars such V (1987) Control of rice hispa. Indian
sugarcane and some wild grasses. as MTU6637, RNR1446, IET26889, Farming 37(7):37-39.
Norin B, IR579, and Manoharsali are Prakasa Rao P S, Israel P, Rao Y S (1971)
less preferred than others. Epidemiology and control of the rice
Control methods hispa, Dicladispa armigera Oliver.
Chemical control Oryza 8(2) (suppl.):345-359.
Cultural control Chemicals play an important role in Razzaque Q M A, Rezaul Karim A N M,
Close plant spacing results in greater rice hispa control. Adults are more Kamal N Q (1986) Studies on some
leaf densities that can tolerate higher exposed and susceptible to insecticide bio-ecological aspects of rice hispa,
hispa numbers. Bunds and vicinities than are the larvae, which are pro- Dicladispa armigera (Oliver)
should be kept free from grassy tected in leaf mines. Sprays and dusts (Hispidae:Coleoptera). A paper
weeds on which these beetles can are more effective than granular presented at the SAARC Workshop on
maintain their population. Stubble formulations. Systemic insecticides Rice Hispa, 28-29 December 1986.
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute,
should be uprooted after harvest to give longer residual protection and
Joydebpur. 12 p.
avoid ratooning. In some countries, are more effective against larvae than
Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
leaf tips are clipped off before trans- are nonsystemic chemicals.
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
planting to eliminate early stages of
A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
the pest. Excess N application should grated pest management in rice in
be avoided. Planting early at the tropical Asia. International Rice
beginning of the monsoon allows a Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
field to escape hispa buildup. Hand- Manila, Philippines. 41 1 p.
picking damaged leaves removes Singh O P (1985) New record of
larvae from the field and prevents Rhinocoris fuscipes Fabricius, as a
hispa buildup. Damaged leaves can predator of Dicladispa armigera
be removed up until booting. (Oliver). Agric. Sci. Digest 5(3):179-180.

44 Insect pests of rice

Rice water weevil

The rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus water surface. The adults feed and under deep snow and at very low
oryzophilus Kuschel, which was copulate on the aerial plant parts, but temperature. In Japan, 60% of the
originally distributed in the Missis- oviposit on submerged plant parts. adults survive until April under
sippi River basin in the USA, is now Cylindrical, pearly white eggs, about -18.6 C (minimum) air temperature
one of the most destructive rice pests 0.8 mm long, are individually in- and -6 C (minimum) soil tempera-
in Japan. The weevil was recorded for serted in the basal half of the sub- ture. Laboratory experiments on
the first time in 1959 in California. merged portion of the leaf sheath, overwintering adults exposed to
Only females were found and the and only occasionally on the sub- various low temperatures for 3 mo
weevil reproduced parthenogeneti- merged upper portion of the plant or showed that the critical minimum
cally. The pest was found in Cuba in the roots. Under field conditions, temperature ranges from -5 to -10 C.
and the Dominican Republic in 1972. the eggs hatch in an average of 8 d. The supercooling point of overwin-
The Dominican Republic strain also The larvae hatching from eggs laid in tering adults under wet conditions is
consists only of parthenogenic the leaf sheath mine the leaf sheath from -6.2 to -17.6 C. The adults
females. for a short period and then crawl move into the fields with young rice
In Japan, the weevil was first down to the roots. The larvae hatch- plants and feed on the leaves. In
recorded in 1976 in Aichi Prefecture. ing in the roots remain there to feed. unflooded fields, they hide in the soil
Only parthenogenic females with There are four larval instars, and it during the day and feed at night, but
triploid chromosomes are found. takes 30-40 d for the larvae to reach in flooded fields they usually feed
They are probably derived from the adulthood. The larger third-instar day and night. Oviposition usually
California population. The Nayoga larvae feed externally among the occurs after the field is irrigated.
Plant Quarantine Station suggests roots and sometimes up into the Newly emerged adults usually fly at
that the insect arrived in Japan with crown. Several larvae are often found night to adjacent fields of younger
hay imported from the USA. By the in the roots of a single plant. The rice.
end of the year, the insect was con- larvae can migrate up to 15 cm Larval population density varies
firmed to have occurred in 730 ha of through the soil to other roots. considerably with time of transplant-
ricefields in three cities and two Pupation occurs in a cocoon attached ing and with time when rice is first
towns in the Prefecture. to the roots. The pupa is white and of flooded. When rice seedlings are
Since 1976 the rice water weevil the same size as the adult weevil. transplanted in mid-May in Japan,
rapidly spread. By the end of 1986, adult females are most abundant and
more than 1 million ha, or 46% of the yield loss is highest. In the USA,
total ricefields in Japan were infested. Seasonal occurrence ricefields flooded very early or late
The insect is now regarded as the
number one pest of rice in Japan and
and abundance are less infested than those flooded in
between. In addition, young rice
the most difficult one to control. The adult weevil overwinters in plants are more heavily infested than
Spanish moss, rice stubble, or fine older plants. Larval, pupal, and adult
matted grass and becomes active populations are generally higher in
Life history again as the weather warms up from fields with standing water through-
March to June. The survival rate of out the cropping season than in fields
The adult weevil is about 3 mm long the overwintering adults is high in flooded 1 mo after transplanting.
and is greyish brown with a darker favorable hibernating sites such as
area on the dorsum. It is semiaquatic groves, but low in dry leaves. Over-
and can fly or swim just beneath the wintering adults can survive even

Damage are known. Varieties with moderate Matsui M (1987) Expansion of distribu-
tion area of rice water weevil and
levels of resistance are Ae Guk Ai
Adults feed on leaves of young rice Koku, Iljin, and Mit Dari from the methods of controlling the pest in
plants. The resulting longitudinal Republic of Korea; Toyokuni and Japan. JARQ 20:166-173.
strips on the leaf surface usually are Mogami mochi from Japan; IR269-1- Rolston L H, Rouse P (1964) Some factors
not of much economic significance. 1-3, IR404-1-3-1-1, IR404-3-2-7, IR404- influencing larval infestations of the
The major damage is caused by the 6-3-10-1, and IR455-5-5-1-2 from the rice water weevil. J. Kansas Entomol.
maggots, which feed within and Philippines; and CI 9903 and CI 8900 Soc. 37.
upon the roots, pruning them se- from the USA. Smith C M, Robinson J F (1982) Evalu-
verely in heavy infestations and ation of rice cultivars grown in North
producing loss of vigor, lodging, and Chemical control America for resistance to the rice water
weevil. Environ. Entomol. 11:334-336.
reduced yields. The most important Granular insecticides applied at the
factor for yield loss is the decrease in proper time control the rice water Smith K A, Grigarick A A, Oraze M J
number of tillers and panicles. weevil. (1988) Field evaluations of de-
flubenzuron and triflumuron for
control of the rice water weevil in
Control methods Selected references California rice fields. J. Agric. Entomol.
Cultural control Bang Y H, Tugwell N P (1976) Adult rice Takagi Y (1989) Benfuracarb (OncolR), a
Intermittent draining and flooding of water weevil feeding references for new broad-spectrum carbamate
ricefields at 15-d intervals considera- rice plants and leaves of different ages. insecticide. New pesticides. Jpn. Pestic.
bly reduce the damage caused by rice Arkansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Rep. Ser. Inf. 54:23-27.
231.12 p. Tugwell N P, Stephen F M (1981) Rice
water weevil. However, this proce-
dure is prohibitive in many areas Bowling C C (1967) Insect pests of rice in water weevil seasonal abundance,
because of limited water supply and the United States. Pages 551-570 in The economic levels, and sequential
major insects pests of the rice plant. sampling plans. Arkansas Agric. Exp.
loss of fertilizers. In Japan, trans-
Proceedings of a symposium at the Stn. Bull. 849. 16 p.
planting rice seedlings early in April
International Rice Research Institute, Way M 0, Wallace R C (1988) Susceptibil-
significantly reduces yield loss. September 1964. The Johns Hopkins ity of selected Texas rice genotypes of
Damage can also be reduced by Press, Baltimore, Maryland. the rice water weevil 1986-1987. Tex.
transplanting mature or middle-age
Bunyarat M, Tugwell P, Riggs R D (1977) Agric. Exp. Stn. Prog. Rep. 4563.7 p.
seedlings. Plots receiving greater Seasonal incidence and effect of a
amounts of fertilizers are more mermithid nematode parasite on the
severely infested. Removal of aquatic mortality and egg production of rice
grasses, which are alternate hosts, water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus.
reduces the pest population. Environ. Entomol. 6:712-714.
Cave G L (1983) Biological, ecological,
Biological control and morphological investigations of
An undescribed mermithid almost rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus
exclusively parasitized female wee- oryzophilus Kuschel, on two rice
vils in the USA. Several bird species genotypes. Ph D thesis, Louisiana State
and frogs are known to ingest the University, Louisiana, USA. 78 p.
weevils. Tettigoniid grasshoppers Cave G L, Smith C M (1983) Number of
such as Conocephalus fasciatus (De instars of the rice water weevil,
Geer), Neoconocephalus triops Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera:
(Linnaeus), and Orchelimum agile Curculionidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc.
Am. 76:293-294.
(De Geer) prey upon adult weevils.
The fungus Beauveria bassiana Everett T (1965) Rice insects. Rice J. 68:
(Balsamo) Vuillemin is known to 28-30.
infect the rice water weevil in Japan. Grigarick A A, Beards G W (1965)
Ovipositional habits of the rice water
Varietal resistance weevil in California as related to a
High levels of resistance to rice water greenhouse evaluation of seed treat-
weevil are not found in any rice ments. J. Econ. Entomol. 58:1053-1056.
genotype. Several rice varieties with
moderate or low levels of resistance

46 Insect pests of rice

Rice thrips

Thrips have been recorded as pests of S. biformis is also known as rice Life history
rice from most of the rice-growing leaf thrip, paddy thrip, or oriental
countries of the world in all rice rice thrip. The first specimens were S. biformis is a minute, fragile-looking
environments. The two most com- collected in 1913 in Oxford, England, insect, usually 1-2 mm long, with
mon species associated with rice are from sedge stacks, accumulations of well-pronounced five- to eight-
Stenchaetothrips (=Baliothrips, =Thrips) plant materials consisting mainly of segmented antennae (Fig. 16a). The
biformis (Bagnall) (Thripidae) and Phragmites and Phalaris, removed adults can be winged or wingless.
Haplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius) from water courses. The species is Both pairs of wings are elongated,
(Phlaeothripidae). In Bangladesh, one of the very few thrips that live narrow, and fringed with long hairs.
China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and only on plants growing in water. The It is this latter character that gives the
Sri Lanka, S. biformis is now consid- abundance, host plant preference, order the name thrips. These hairs
ered a major rice pest. It attacks rice and distribution of other thrip species arise from sockets, except in the
seedlings in nurseries as well as associated with rice are given in family Phlaeothripidae (such as
small, newly transplanted plants. Table 7. H. aculeatus), as extensions of the
Unlike other thrips, it apparently wing membrane. Parthenogenetic re-
does not attack more mature plants production, with haplodiploidy
and is not found in the panicles. process of sex determination, is
common in thrips.
Thrips have a relatively short life
Table 7. Common thrips pests of rice. cycle and can multiply rapidly. The
life history of each species features an
Species Abundance Host plant Distribution
egg, two active larval instars that
Haplothrips aculeatus Very common Polyphagous: grasses, Taiwan and northeastern feed, followed by two or three (as in
(Fabricius) cereals, many kinds China, India, Indonesia, the case of Phlaeothripidae) relatively
of flowers Japan, Republic of Korea,
Philippines, USA, northern inactive pupal instars that probably
USSR, Thailand, Africa, do not feed, and adult. Adults are
Europe found inside rolled leaves on the
Stenchaetothrips biformis Very common Primarily rice, maize, Bangladesh, Cambodia,
(Bagnall) sugarcane; other India, Indonesia, Japan, upper parts of the plant.
graminaceous crops Malaysia, Myanmar, Female thrips lay an average of 93
and weeds Philippines, Sri Lanka, and a maximum of 147 eggs at 25 C.
Thailand, Vietnam
Anaphothrips obscurus Less common Tobacco, rice, other Japan, Europe The eggs of S. biformis are tiny,
(Muller) graminaceous plants usually 0.25 mm long by 0.1 mm
Chirothrips manicatus Less common Polyphagous: oat, Japan, USSR, Europe,
wide, and pale yellow. They are laid
(Haliday) barley, wheat North America
Frankliniella intonsa Less common Clover, alfalfa, flowers Taiwan, China; Japan; singly in slits cut in the leaf blade
(Trybom) of graminaceous and Europe tissue by the saw-like ovipositors of
other plants
Frankliniella tenuicornis Less common Flowers of grami- Germany, England,
the female. The upper half of the egg
(Uzel) naceous plants, e.g, Finland, Japan, is exposed on the leaf surface. The
wheat and rye Scandinavia, Sweden incubation period is about 3 d. The
Aelothrips fasciatus a Less common Polyphagous Northeastern China, India,
optimum temperature for incubation
Japan, Republic of Korea,
USA, northern USSR, is 25 to 30 C, and for nymphs, 26.5 C.
Europe The freshly hatched larvae are
a Status as a rice pest doubtful; the species has been recorded to feed on other thrips, aphids, mites, and various colorless but turn pale yellow in the
other small insects. second instar. First- and second-

instar larvae feed actively on the soft
tissue of the unopened young leaves
in spring and multiply on these
weeds or on other graminaceous
or within leaves rolled by thrip crops such as wheat, barley, and oats. Larvae and adults have rasping type
adults. The entire larval, prepupal, From these crops they move to rice mouthparts and only one mandible,
and pupal periods are completed at nurseries or transplanted fields. the left one. Leaf-feeding thrips
these sites. Most of the time, mobile Infestation in the nursery is fre- species exhibit a punch-and-suck
adults are also found hidden within quently carried over to transplanted feeding technique: the single man-
the rolled leaves; in some instances fields. Occasionally, overwintering dible punches a hole in the plant
both nymphs and adults may be H. aculeatus adults have been found surface through which the paired
found feeding on the outer surfaces in stored unhulled rice. With multir- maxillary stylets are then inserted to
of these areas. The duration of the ice cropping in the tropics, thrips imbibe the plant sap. Typical symp-
various life stages is greatly influ- have been reported to be more toms of thrip damage include inward
enced by existing environmental abundant in ricefields from July to rolling of the leaves along the mar-
conditions, especially temperature. September and in January. These gins, wilting, and stunting (Fig. 16b).
Duration from the newly hatched periods coincide with the seedling There are also fine, yellowish or
nymph to the adult was 9 d at 23.3 C stage of the rice crop. silvery streaks developing from the
and 4 d at 36 C. Both S. biformis and H. aculeutus margin to the midrib. In severe
have been recorded throughout crop infestation, seedlings may die result-
growth but are more abundant ing in a low number of plants per
Seasonal occurrence during the seedling and flowering unit area (Fig. 16c). The damage is
and abundance stages. Thrips are frequently reported most evident if there is no standing
water in the ricefields.
as more serious during dry periods;
Despite their small size and fragile this could be due to a reduced toler-
appearance, thrips can travel long ance of rice plants under drought
distances. They migrate during the stress. Control methods
day and seek out newly planted In India, thrips infestation is
ricefields. They are day-flying insects generally recorded during the first Cultural control
and are not attracted to light traps. In week of August, with peak infesta- Flooding the field to submerge plants
areas of cool winters, S. biformis tion during the second and third for 2 d effectively controls thrips.
adults migrate to graminaceous weeks. The population declines in
weeds after the flowering of rice and early September and disappears by
hibernate. They become active again mid-September.
16. Rice thrips: a) adult,
b) damaged leaf,
c) damaged plants in a

48 Insect pests of rice

Varietal resistance Selected references Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
Several rice varieties and wild rices
with resistance to thrips have been Calora F B, Cendaa S M (1967) Insect A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
identified. Among the rice varieties pests of rice in the Philippines. Pages grated pest management in rice in
590-616 in The major insect pests of the tropical Asia. International Rice
are IR62, IET1444, and traditional
rice plant. Proceedings of a sympo- Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
varieties Ptb 21 and Ptb 33 from Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
sium at The International Rice Re-
India. Wild rices with resistance to
search Institute, September 1964. The Tanaka T (1951) Morphological and
thrips include Oryza eichingeri,
Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Mary- biological studies of Thysanopterous
O. glaberrima, O. minuta, O. nivara, land. insects on rice plants [in Japanese].
O. officinalis, O. perennis, O. rufipogon, Oyo Kontyu 7:125-133.
Ding Z Z, Chen M L (1985) Studies on the
and O. sativa f. spontanea. No resistant
influence of temperature upon the de- Velusamy R (1990) Relative susceptibility
varieties are commercially available. velopment of Stenchaetothrips biformis of high-yielding rice varieties to the
(Bagnall). Insect Knowl. (Kunchong thrips, Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bag-
Biological control Zhishi) 22:151-153. nall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Crop
The role of natural enemies against Ekanayake H M R K (1984) Biology of rice Prot. 9:193-196.
thrips has not been determined. thrips, Stemhaetothrips (Baliothrips)
biformis (Bagnall) in Sri Lanka. Trop.
Chemical control Agric. 140:9-25.
Insecticides in the form of dusts, Feakin S D (1970) Pest control in rice.
systemic granules, or sprays control PANS Man. 3. Centre for Overseas
population buildup of the pest. Pest Research, London. 270 p.
Hill D S (1983) Agricultural insect pests of
the tropics and their control. 2d ed.
Cambridge University Press. 746 p.
Joshi R C, Heinrichs E A, Uthamaswamy
S (1985) A bibliography on rice thrips,
Stenchaetothrips (=Baliothrips) biformis
(Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
FAO Asia Pacific Plant Prot. Q. Newsl.
Madhusudhan V V, Gopalan M (1989)
Studies on the biology of rice thrips,
Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bagnall) in
India. Trop. Pest Manage. 35:394-396.
Mound L, Palmer J (1988) How oriental is
the rice thrips? Antenna 12:107-108.
Nugaliyadde L, Heinrichs E A (1984)
Biology of rice thrips, Stenchaetothrips
biformis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera:
Thripidae) and a greenhouse rearing
technique. J. Econ. Entomol. 77:1171-
Palmer J M, Mound L A, Heaume du G J
(1989) CIE guides to insects of impor-
tance to man. 2. Thysanoptera. C.R.
Betts, ed. CAB International Institute
of Entomology, London, UK. 73 p.

Rice thrips 49
Rice caseworm

The rice caseworm Nymphula which occurs in China, India, Indone- Life history
depunctalis (Guene) (Pyralidae- sia, Japan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and
Lepidoptera) is an important insect Thailand. N. depunctalis occurs The adult moths are snowy white,
pest of rice. It occurs in Australia, regularly in low populations, except about 6 mm long, and have a wing
many tropical countries (India, for some occasional buildup in small expanse of about 15 mm. The white
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri areas where it may severely defoliate wings are marked with a few light
Lanka), and in Africa, and South the plants. Its common name, case- brown to black specks and two or
America. N. depunctalis was previ- worm, refers to the larval habit of three submarginal fulvous bands
ously known as N. stagnalis (Zeller) forming the leaves of rice plants or (Fig. 17a). The adults are nocturnal,
1852, Hydrocampa depunctalis grasses into tubes or cases and hiding in ricefields during the day
(Guenee) 1854, and Zebronia decussalis enclosing itself within them during and laying eggs at night. Females
(Walker) 1954. Among related species feeding. The leaf cases protect the oviposit an average of 2.5 d after
are Nymphula vittalis Bremer and larvae from natural enemies and act emergence, usually starting within
Nymphula fengwhanalis (Pryer), which as floats to carry the larvae from one 1-4 d. Eggs, 10-20 in a batch, are laid
occur in China; Paraponyx plant to another. Rice at the seedling in one or two adjacent rows on the
(=Nymphula) fluctuosalis Zeller, which and vegetative stages is its preferred undersides of leaves floating on
occurs in some African countries and host. It also infests millet and various water (Fig. 1%). A single female lays
in Australia, China, India, Japan, grasses such as Panicum, Eragrostis, an average of about 50 eggs in her
Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and and Paspalurn. lifetime. Mated females die 1 d after
Thailand; and P. diminutalis (Snellen),

17. Rice caseworm

Nymphula depunctalis:
a) adult, b) eggs, c) larva,
d) pupa-

oviposition; unmated females can live
up to 1 wk. The egg is light yellow,
Seasonal occurrence Control methods
circular, about 0.5 mm in diameter, and abundance Cultural control
and somewhat flattened with a Cultural methods involving water
smooth surface. Before it hatches, the The caseworm occurs only in management are effective in control-
egg turns darker with two purplish ricefields with standing water. It is ling the rice caseworm larvae. A
dots, which represent the eyes of the found in irrigated and rainfed low- nonflooded seedbed is protected
developing larva. Average incubation land environments and is more from caseworm attack. Draining the
period is 4 d. prevalent in the rainy season. The field for at least 3 d will kill most of
The freshly hatched larva is pale pest is usually abundant July to the larvae because they are highly
cream, about 1.2 mm long and November, when it infests rice plants dependent on water for oxygen.
0.2 mm across the head. The head is and other grasses in the ricefields. However, this practice favors weed
light yellow. The second instar larva After November, it migrates to grassy growth. Transplanting older seed-
is somewhat greenish. Five larval areas. No hibernation is recorded in lings may also help in limiting the
instars are completed in an average of the Philippines and the insect occurs period of caseworm larvae attack.
20 d. The full-grown larva is about in overlapping generations. Irriga-
14 mm long and 1.6 mm in diameter. tion, which ensures prolonged Biological control
It is pale green with a semitranspar- standing water in the vegetative Trichogramma minutum Ashmead is
ent skin and light brown prothoracic stage, increases the pests abundance. reported as a parasite of caseworm
shield and head. A characteristic eggs. While foraging for algae, snails
feature that becomes visible only at such as Pila sp. and Radix sp.
the start of the second instar is six Damage (Lymnaeidae) may dislodge case-
rows of gills with tubes connected to Larvae begin to feed shortly after worm eggs from rice leaves. A
the main trachea (Fig. 17c). The five hatching and start making leaf cases braconid wasp Dacnusa sp. and a
pairs of spiracles on the larvas body 2 d later. The freshly hatched larvae tabanid fly Tabanus sp. parasitize the
are considered nonfunctional and the feed on the surface of the tender caseworm larvae. The larvae of
larva breathes through its gills. leaves, but later instars feed from hydrophilids [e.g., Hydrophilus affinis
During the day, larvae float on the within the case or on the surface of (Sharp), Sternolophus rufipes
water; at night they climb plants to even the older leaves. Damage is (Fabricius), and Berosus sp.] are
cut off leaves to make new cases, or caused by larvae feeding and cutting reported predators of the caseworm
feed on severed leaves on the water off the leaf tips for making leaf cases. larvae, as are dystiscids Laccophilus
surface. In making a case, the larva Damage is characterized by difficilis (Sharp) and Cybister
moves to the tip of a young leaf, cuts ladder-like appearance of the re- tripunctatus orientalis Gschwendther.
the leaf blade on one side of the moved leaf tissue, leaving the upper The common red ants Solenopsis
midrib, then secretes a silken thread epidermis somewhat papery. Dam- geminata (Fabricius) attack the larvae
to bind the two margins of the leaf aged plants occur in patches in the and pupae of the pest, especially
blade into a tubular structure. The field. Heavily infested plants may when the infested ricefields become
larva detaches this tube from the leaf still recover in 1 mo, but are already dry. Several spiders prey on the
by severing the other part of the leaf stunted. They produce fewer tillers moth. They include three species of
blade. The larva replaces these leaf and smaller panicles, and maturity is AraneidaeNeoscona theisi
casings with new ones after each molt delayed. Yield loss occurs if, during (Walckenaer), Argiope catenulata
and undergoes pupation within the the first 30 d after transplanting, (Doleschall), and Araneus inustus
leaf case. other pests such as whorl maggot or (L. Koch); one species of
The pupa, about 5.5 mm long and stem borer infest the crop, reducing OxyopidaeOxyopes javanus
1.5 mm wide, is cream colored when the plants ability to recover. (Thorell); one species of Lycosidae
freshly formed, but turns silvery Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberg
white toward moth emergence and Strand); one species of
(Fig. 17d). The pupal period lasts for TetragnathidaeTetragnatha nitens
about 1 wk. The adult usually (Audouin); and one species of
emerges during the night through an ClubionidaeClubiona japonicola
opening at the upper end of the case. Boesenberg and Strand.
The life cycle is completed in 1 mo.

52 Insect pests of rice

Varietal resistance Selected references
No varieties resistant to the pest have Bandong J P (1981) Mass rearing tech-
been identified. Results of varietal nique for the rice caseworm, Nymphula
screening done in Africa and India, depunctalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)
however, revealed several promising and its utilization. Unpublished MS
varieties: ARC6626, ARC10651, thesis, University of the Philippines at
ARC10696, BKN6323, Brengut, BW78, Los Baos, Philippines. 101 p.
CO 28, Laki 396, and ROK2. Banerjee S N (1956) On the incidence of
paddy pest in West Bengal. Proc. Zool.
Chemical control SOC. (Calcutta) 9:65-83.
Rice caseworm larvae are highly Brenire J (1983) The principal insect
sensitive to insecticidal treatment. pests of rice in West Africa and their
They are readily controlled with control. 2d ed.West Africa Develop-
foliar sprays or the application of ment Association (Intergovernmental
granules in the floodwater. Insecti- Organization), Monrovia, Liberia. 87 p.
cide application through foliar sprays Chantaraprapha N (1985) Food prefer-
should be carried out not later than ence and aquatic predators of the rice
1 wk after transplanting. caseworms; Nymphula depunctalis
(Guene), Paraponyx (=fluctuosalis)
(Zeller), and Paraponyx (=Nymphula)
dirninutalis (Snellen). Unpublished MS
thesis, University of the Philippines at
Los Baos, Philippines. 277 p.
Chantaraprapha N, Litsinger J A (1986a)
Predators of rice caseworm. Int. Rice
Res. Newsl. 11(5):30-31.
Chantaraprapha N, Litsinger J A (1986b)
Host range and biology of three rice
caseworms. Int. Rice Res. Newsl.
Ferino M P, Saavedra N T, Magallona E D
(1983) Major insect pests of rice and
their control. Pages 232-265 in Rice
production manual, Philippines.
University of the Philippines at Los
Baos, College, Laguna. 525 p.
Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
grated pest management in rice in
tropical Asia. International Rice
Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
Manila, Philippines. 41 1 p.
Sison P L (1938) Some observations on the
life history, habits, and control of the
rice caseworm, Nymphula depunctalis
Guen. Philip. J. Agric. 9:273-301.
Yoshiyasu Y (1983) A study of Thailand
Nymphulinae (Lepidoptera: Pyrali-
dae). 2. Notes on genera Nymphula and
Paraponyx, with description of a new
species. TINEA 11:117-124.

Rice caseworm 53
Rice mealybugs

Mealybugs are plant-sucking, rela- 18. Rice mealybug

tively immobile insects belonging to
the family Pseudococcidae. They
secrete white filaments of wax to
cover themselves. They are widely
distributed throughout the world and
are considered economically impor-
tant pests of a variety of host plants
that include horticultural crops.
Among them are coffee, cacao, and
citrus; root and tuber crops such as
cassava, potato, and yam; and cereals
such as sorghum and rice. Mealybugs
are stem, leaf, or root feeders. More
than half of the mealybug species
feed on rice roots. Brevennia
(=Heterococcus,=Ripersia)rehi the abdomen, but lack mouthparts. the stem where they feed. They
(=oryzae) (Lindinger) is the main Reproduction is parthenogenetic and complete three nymphal stages,
foliar feeder found in Asia. B. rehi oc- the females are extremely prolific, which last for about 15 d. The adult
casionally causes heavy losses to rice laying eggs and depositing nymphs females remain stationary and feed at
crops in Bangladesh, India, and simultaneously. A single female the sites of nymphal development.
Thailand. The mealybug is found usually lays a total of 60-280 eggs and The winged adult males do not feed
primarily in the rainfed rice environ- nymphs during its 2-wk lifetime. but fly off. The insect completes its
ment and is not prevalent in irrigated Mature females can survive for long life cycle in 17-37 d. The biology of
rice. Well-drained soils help mealy- periods without food and still lay P. saccharicola is similar to that of
bugs survive underground. Recently, eggs. B. rehi. However, no male was ob-
the sugarcane mealybug Pseudococcus The eggs are yellowish white, tained from mass rearing despite the
saccharicola Takahashi has begun to about 0.3 mm long, and are laid in 13 generations of females in 1 yr at
attack upland and lowland irrigated chains. The incubation period is 3-6 h. IRRI.
rice (Fig. 18). High density (>100 The nymphs are white, turning to
mealybugs/hill) caused plants to wilt pale yellow and later to pale pink.
and die. They are about 0.4 mm long. The Seasonal occurrence
eggs and nymphs are protected by and abundance
Life history waxy threads spun by the females. At
first, the nymphs stay under the body In the Philippines, the pest occurs in
Adult females of B. rehi are wingless, of the female for about 2 d; later, at high numbers during the rainy
elongate-oval or broadly ovate, crawling stage, they move to the season from the end of April to early
pinkish, and soft-bodied with a upper parts of the plant or are dis- July. During this period, it completes
distinct waxy or powdery coating. persed in the wind. two generations. Dry spells result in a
The males are smaller and yellowish The nymphs establish themselves large population buildup, and dam-
white, have a single pair of wings and in groups, in virtually immobile age to drought-stressed plants can be
a waxy style-like process at the end of positions between the leaf sheath and high.

Damage pygrnaeus Lamb and Mepachymerus Prakasa Rao P S (1989) Bioecology and
management of insect pests of rainfed
ensifer (Thompson)] and one droso-
Nymphs and adult females infesting philid [Gitona perspicax (Knab)]. upland rice ecosystem. Nutr. Ecol. Inst.
the leaf sheath damage the plant by Environ. 93-106.
sucking sap from the rice stem. That Varietal resistance Prakasa Rao P S, Das A P K (1971) New
results in smaller leaves, yellowing, No varieties resistant to B. rehi are records of some natural enemies of the
abnormal tillering, and stunted commercially available. rice mealy bug Ripersia oryzae Green
plants. Under heavy infestation, (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae). Oryza
either no panicles are formed or they Chemical control
do not fully exsert from the boot; the The waxy secretion covering the Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
plants may even dry off. The damage mealybugs and their habit of living
A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
is in patches since the young nymphs behind leaf sheaths protect them
grated pest management in rice in
have rather limited migrating ability. from insecticide. Foliar sprays are tropical Asia. International Rice
Likewise, mealybug numbers vary effective, however, if the nozzle is Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
greatly between hills. This causes the directed to the bases of plants. Granu- Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
field to have several spots of de- lar insecticides are effective in fields Williams D J (1970) The mealybugs
pressed growth, which are known by with standing water. If damaged (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Pseudococ-
various names such as chakdhora, fields have no standing water, broad- cidae) of sugarcane, rice, and sorghum.
soorai disease, etc. Damage is intense casting granules is impractical. Bull. Entomol. Res. 60:109-188.
during drought conditions when rice Williams D J, Watson G W (1988) The
plants can least tolerate sap loss. scale insects of the tropical South
Selected references Pacific region. Part 2. The mealybugs
Alam M Z (1967) Insect pests of rice in (Pseudococcidae). CAB International
Control methods East Pakistan. Pages 643-655 in The Institute of Entomology, London, UK.
major insect pests of the rice plant. 260 p.
Cultural control Proceedings of a symposium at the
International Rice Research Institute,
Cultural control measures include
September 1964. The Johns Hopkins
timing of planting dates to escape
Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
peak infestation, continuous flooding
Alam S, Alam M S, Rezaul Karim A N M
of the field at 5-cm depth throughout
(1979) Rice mealybug outbreak in
the crop growth period, and removal
Bangladesh. Int. Rice Res. Newsl.
and destruction of infested plants at 4(5):20-21.
the first sign of mealybug damage.
Basu A C, Banerjee S N (1965) The control
of Ripersia oryzae Green, a mealy bug of
Biological control the paddy plant in West Bengal. J.
Lady beetles such as Coccinella Econ. Entomol. 58:621-623.
repanda Thunberg, Menochilus Gopalan M, Coumararadja N,
sexmaculatus Fabricius, and Harmonia
Balasubramanian G (1987) Effect of
octomaculata (Fabricius) are the main
different planting dates and irrigation
natural enemies of the mealybug. regimes on the incidence of rice mealy
Hymenopterous parasites of B. rehi bug, Brevennia rehi Lindinger. Madras
recorded from India include Ceraph- Agric. J. 74:226-227.
ronidae (Cerapkron sp.), Encyrtidae Manjunath T M (1968) New records of
(Adelencyrtus sp., Cheiloneurus sp., some parasites and predators of the
Doliphocerus sp., Gyranusa sp., rice mealy bug, Ripersia oryzae Green
Mayeridia sp., Parasyrphophagus sp., (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Curr.
and Xanthoencyrtus sp.), Eulophidae Sci. 37:354-356.
(Aprostocetus sp., Chrysocharis sp., Pai P S, Mahabala Gowda T (1981)
Desostenus sp., and Tetrastichus sp.), Preliminary studies on the control of
Mymaridae (Lymaemon sp.), Pter- the rice mealy bug Heterococcus rehi
omalidae (Callitula sp. and Diparini (Ldgr.) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).
sp.), and Thysanidae (Thysanus sp.). Curr. Res. 10:88-89.
Recorded dipterous predators of
B. rehi are two chloropids [Anatrichus

56 Insect pests of rice

Whorl maggots

Whorl maggots constitute a complex vegetation. During the early and later
of several species belonging to the parts of the day, they float on the
genus Hydrellia in the family Ephy- water or perch on floating vegetation.
dridae and order Diptera. All mem- During midday, they are sedentary,
bers of the genus are stem or leaf clinging on upright vegetation. The
miners. They prefer an aquatic average egg-laying capacity is 20
habitat, usually living near water or eggs/female. The egg-laying period
in damp areas. Rice whorl maggots lasts for 1-8 d.
are difficult to identify because they The eggs are laid singly on either
resemble other flies in the field such surface of the leaves. They are cylin-
as Psilopa and Paralimna whose larvae drical, whitish, and are 0.65-0.85 mm
feed on rice, and Notiphila spp. that long and 0.15-0.20 mm wide. When
live on decomposing organic matter freshly laid, the entire egg yolk mass
in ricefields (Fig. 19a, b). Three is opaque, but later the anterior half
important species of Hydrellia are shows the black cephalopharyngeal
known to infest rice plants. skeleton of the developing embryo.
The incubation period is 2-6 d.
The freshly hatched larvae are 19. Rice whorl maggot: a) Hydrellia
transparent to light cream colored, philippina adult, b) Notiphila sp. adult.

Rice whorl but turn yellowish after they start

feeding. The hatching maggots

maggot migrate to the unopened central

leaves where the entire larval period
Seasonal occurrence
is completed. The full-grown larva is and abundance
The rice whorl maggot Hydrellia cylindrical with the posterior end
In the Philippines, the pest occurs on
philippina Ferino was first recorded as tapering to a pair of pointed spiracles.
rice throughout the year, but is most
a serious pest of rice in the Philip- It is about 4.4-6.4 mm long and
prevalent from September to Novem-
pines in 1962. The insect is semi- 0.5- 0.7 mm wide. Under low magni-
ber. The pest completes about 13-17
aquatic and attacks only rice plants, fication, the heavily sclerotized
overlapping generations in 1 yr.
particularly those in irrigated fields. mouth hook and cephalopharyngeal
The rice whorl maggot is abundant
It is usually observed at the vegeta- skeleton can be easily identified. The
during the early stages of crop
tive stage of the rice plant, feeding on larval period lasts for 10-12 d.
growth, but generally ceases to be a
the central whorl leaf. Its common The full-grown maggots pupate
problem after the plants reach the
name, rice whorl maggot, reflects its outside the feeding stalk. The pupar-
booting stage. This is probably due to
feeding habit. ium is 4.8 mm long on the average. It
the lack of suitable habitat for the
is light to dark brown, ovoid,
maggots, which feed on the central
subcylindrical, with the posterior end
Life history tapering gradually to the last seg-
whorl leaf. No infestation after
panicle emergence has been recorded.
ment, which bears two terminal
The adults are dull grey. The females respiratory spines. The pupal period
are 1.5-3.0 mm long, but the males are lasts for 5-10 d. The egg-to-adult
slightly smaller. Adults prefer places period is normally 25-28 d.
with abundant calm water and lush

Damage suffer thermal mortality above 40 C. Pupation occurs either within the
Mating starts 3 d after emergence, original mines or, more frequently,
The fly maggots feed on the inner and within the temperature range of the full-grown larvae form a new
margins of unfurled leaves. The 13-37 C, emergence and mating mine for pupation. The pupae are
newly hatched larvae migrate to the occur at any hour of the day. Both visible within the translucent mines.
central whorl and feed on the meso- males and females multimate. The Pupae from soils have also been
phyll tissue. preoviposition period is about 5 d. recorded.
Damage is characterized by small, Optimum temperature for oviposi-
chewed-up, discolored areas on the tion is 10-32 C when a single female
innermost margin of the central lays about 50-100 eggs. High winds Seasonal occurrence
whorl. These areas eventually dry up
and damaged leaves usually droop.
and abundant algal growth cause
several of the lower leaves to remain
and abundance
Heavy infestation causes a marked on the water surface; these leaves are In California, the adult flies occur
stunting of the plant, fewer tillers, preferred for oviposition and are throughout the year, but their popu-
and delayed panicle initiation and suitable for larval growth. Eggs are lation is usually highest from March
maturity. laid singly on the leaves, but a single to June. No oviposition has been
leaf may contain several eggs. Ovi- recorded from November to Febru-
position usually occurs on horizontal ary. The pest occurs in 11 genera-
leaves near the water surface, but tions, and beyond the first generation
Rice leaf miner with dense foliage and high RH, eggs
have been recorded at 15-20 cm
the broods usually overlap. In north-
ern Japan, eight generations have
above water level. The eggs hatch been recorded. The first generation
Hydrellia griseola (Falln) is not a true between 6 and 32 C and above 50% occurs in the second half of April.
whorl maggot but a leaf miner. It is RH; hatching is highest at 98% RH. Adults of the second generation
an important pest in California, USA, The average incubation period of oviposit on rice leaves in May. The
and northern Japan. It has also been about 5 d between 21 and 32 C is flies overwinter in the pupal stage.
recorded in northern USA, Europe considerably prolonged at higher Optimum temperature, adequate
(France, Italy, and Germany), and temperature. humidity, and availability of host
South America. This species is pri- The freshly hatched larvae are plants regulate fly populations.
marily a pest of rice, but is also tiny, usually 0.10-0.17 mm wide and Temperatures below 0 C for a short
known to infest barley, oat, timothy, 0.33-1.13 mm long, and nearly trans- duration cause no harm. The insect's
and wheat, in addition to aquatic parent to light cream colored. They activity increases from the beginning
plants. It is also referred to by various have well-developed mouth hooks, of spring because of warmer tem-
common names such as rice leaf which they use to mine inside the leaf perature and availability of standing
miner, smaller rice leaf miner, gray tissue. The larvae start mining soon water.
barley fly, and gray mining fly. after hatching, either with their Low temperatures in the preceding
caudal segments still within the egg summer provide favorable conditions
Life history shell or after a short migration from for insect survival and multiplication,
the oviposition sites. Mining usually and result in an increased fly popula-
The adult fly, about 2 mm long and lasts for 2-3 h. Under limited food tion in the fall. Higher temperatures
0.7-0.8 mm wide, is light grey and supply, crowding, or submergence of than usual during winter, accompa-
looks like a small housefly. It usually the affected leaves, the larvae may nied by an early thaw, cause low
lives for 3-4 mo and prefers high- leave the mines and migrate to newer mortality of the overwintering
moisture areas. The flies are hydro- leaves. They can crawl on a sub- population. These conditions, aug-
fuge, i.e., they can float on the water merged surface; later instar larvae mented by synchronism of the
surface if submerged and also walk usually take 0.5-1.5 h to bore into the oviposition period with transplant-
on the water surface. It has been leaves. The maggots undergo three ing, deep water in the fields, and
recorded feeding on dead organisms. larval instars. The total larval period slow growth of the plants because of
The adults are positively pho- is 7-10 d at 21-32 C, but is considera- low temperature, increase the dam-
totropic. They exhibit optimum bly prolonged at lower temperature. age. A combination of these factors
activity at 11-31 C, and are fairly The entire larval and pupal periods resulted in a severe outbreak of the
tolerant of cold weather (showing are completed within the mines. fly in northern Japan in 1954.
some activity even at -2 C), but

58 Insect pests of rice

on the inner margins of the unopened
Damage studied. Besides rice, Leptochloa
chinensis Ness, Leersia sayanuka Ohwi, leaves, causing large marginal spots
The hatching larvae usually mine the and Leersia japonica Makino have also on the leaves. Larvae also occasion-
leaf blade directly from the egg shell been infested. ally infest panicles in the booting
or after a short migration. The entire stage and damage the developing
larval stage is passed within the leaf Life history grains. Heavy infestations result in
stunting of the crop, nonuniform
blade where the larvae feed on the
mesophyll tissue. The early mine is The females start ovipositing in maturity of rice plants, and reduced
0.1- 0.2 mm wide and is usually ricefields shortly after transplanting. grain yield.
linear, appearing as a whitish streak The eggs, laid individually on either
when viewed by reflected light. The side of the leaf surface, hatch in 2 d Control methods
mine extends in a linear fashion for on the average. The freshly hatched
about half the larval life and gradu- larvae migrate to the central whorl of Control measures for all whorl
ally widens as the maggot becomes the plant and feed on the unopened maggots are similar.
larger. Toward the later part of leaves or, occasionally, on the devel-
development, the mine may take on a oping grains in the boot. The larvae Cultural control
blotch-like appearance as the larva become full grown in an average Since adults are attracted to standing
moves up and down the sides and 2-3 wk and pupate between the leaf water, recommended cultural control
excavates an increasing amount of sheath and the stem. The average is draining of the ricefields at inter-
tissue. The full-grown larvae con- pupation period is 5-8 d during vals of 3-4 d during the first 30 DT to
sume all mesophyll tissue in the summer and fall, but about 17 d reduce egg laying. Drained fields,
mine, leaving only the upper and during spring. however, allow more weeds to grow.
lower epidermal cells. Occasionally, Crop establishment methods that
the larvae also infest leaf sheaths and enable the plants to cover the water
stems. They prefer leaves near the Seasonal occurrence surface most rapidly result in insig-
water surface. and abundance nificant damage from whorl maggot.
Damage from the pest is similar to Covering the water surface with
that caused by another agromyzid In southwestern Japan, the insect azolla helps to prevent infestation.
fly, Pseudonapomyza asiatica Spencer. produces five generations in a year Direct seeding is advisable since
The damaged leaves shrivel and lie from late April to early November. It direct-seeded fields or seedbeds are
prostrate on the water surface. Such is most numerous in the third and not highly attractive to adults. When
conditions, particularly during fourth generations, and ricefields transplanting, it is better to use older
seedling stage, significantly reduce transplanted during late July to early seedlings to shorten the vegetative
rice yields. A 10-20% loss of the total August are heavily infested. stage of the crop.
rice crop was reported in California During winter, the insect hiber-
in 1953 when pest incidence was nates in the larval stage on Leersia Biological control
serious. In 1954, a severe infestation sayanuka and other graminaceous Exposed eggs on leaves are parasit-
and heavy damage by this pest was weeds. The adults are fairly tolerant ized by Trichogramma sp. wasps and
recorded in northern Japan. of wide temperature variations and preyed upon by Dolichopus sp. flies.
exhibit normal activity at 18-39 C. Metioche vittaticollis St1 also preys on
the eggs of N. philippina. Eulophids
Damage (e.g., Tetrastickus sp.) and braconids
Paddy stem The paddy stem maggot is primarily
(e.g., Opius sp.) parasitize whorl
maggot larvae. The braconid
maggot a pest of the rice plant and is usually
abundant in ricefields only up to 30 d
Chaenusa conjugens (Nees) parasitizes
H. griseola larvae. Adult whorl mag-
after transplanting (DT). Maggots gots are preyed upon by ephydrid
The paddy stem maggot Hydrellia feeding on the leaf blades cause the flies Ochthera brevitibialis de Meijere.
sasakii Yuasa and Isitani occasionally damage. Freshly hatched maggots Spiders that prey upon adults include
causes economic losses to the late- usually feed on the unopened young oxyopid Oxyopes javanus (Thorell),
planted rice crop in Japan. It occurs leaves. Feeding by young larvae lycosid Pardosa pseudoannulata
throughout Japan, but its distribution results in small spotted and striped
in other countries has not been marks all over the laminae. The older
larvae enter the central whorl to feed

Whorl maggots 59
(Boesenberg and Strand), and araneid Selected references Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
Neoscona theisi (Walckenaer). Fungus
Ferino M P (1968) The biology and control A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
of the genus Entomophthora is also of the rice leaf whorl maggot, Hydrellia
recorded as parasite of whorl maggot. grated pest management in rice in
philippina Ferino (Ephydridae, tropical Asia. International Rice
Diptera). Philipp. Agric. 52:332-383. Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
Varietal resistance Ferino M P, Saavedra N T, Magallona E D Manila, Philippines. 43 1 p.
Only one rice cultivar (IR40) and two (1983) Major insect pests of rice and Rubia E G, Shepard B M (1987) Biology of
wild rices (Oryza brachyantha and their control. Pages 232-265 in Rice Metioche vittaticolis (Stl) (Orthoptera:
O. ridleyi) have been identified as re- production manual, Philippines. Gryllidae), a predator of rice pests.
sistant to whorl maggots. University of the Philippines at Los Bull. Entomol. Res. 77:669-676.
Baos, College, Laguna.
Tomioka T (1983) Ecological note on two
Chemical control Grigarick A A (1959) Bionomics of the rice species of Hydrellia (Diptera, Ephydri-
Broadcasting of nonsystemic granules leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola (Fallen) in dae). Hokkaido Cent. Agric. Exp. Stn.
on standing water in the field, or soil California (Diptera: Ephydridae). Annu. Rep. Soc. Plant Prot. North Jpn,
incorporation of systemic granules Hilgardia 29:1-80. 34:13-16.
during the last harrowing before Heinrichs E A, Medrano F G, Rapusas H Viajante V D (1982) Yield assessment of
transplanting is usually more effec- R (1985) Genetic evaluation for insect rice damaged by the whorl maggot,
tive than foliar sprays. Foliar sprays resistance in rice. International Rice Hydrellia sasakii Yausa and Isitani.
can, however, be applied 1 or 2 wk Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, Unpublished MS thesis, Gregorio
Manila, Philippines. 356 p.
after transplanting. Araneta University Foundation,
Kuwayama S (1958) The smaller rice leaf Malabon, Metro Manila, Philippines.
miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen in 130 p.
Japan. Pages 17-25 in Proceedings of Viajante V D, Heinrichs E A (1985a)
the Xth International Congress of Oviposition of rice whorl maggot as
Entomology, August 1956. Montreal, influenced by azolla. Int. Rice Res.
Canada. Newsl. 10(1):23.
Meneses R, Cordero V (1989) Response of Viajante V D, Heinrichs E A (1985b)
lines and varieties of rice to Hydrellia Influence of water regime on rice
sp. under field conditions. Rice Caribb. whorl maggot oviposition. Int. Rice
3:1-5. Res. Newsl. 10(1):24-25.
Natarajan K, Mathur K C (1980) New
record of Chaenusa sp. (Braconidae -
Hymenoptera) as a parasite of the rice
whorl maggot. Sci. Cult. 46:337-338.
Nurullah C M (1979) Component analysis
for the integrated control of the rice
whorl maggot, Hydrellia sasakii Yuasa
and Isitani. Unpublished MS thesis,
University of the Philippines at LOS
Baiios, Philippines. 120 p.
Okamoto D, Koshihara T (1962) Studies
on paddy stem maggot, a pest of the
late transplanted rice plants. Bull.
Chugoku Agric. Exp. Stn. A(8):235-267.
Patanakamjorn S (1964) Morphology and
bionomics of rice leaf whorl maggot.
International Rice Research Institute,
P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines. 11 p.
Philippine-German Crop Protection
Programme (1986) Integrated pest
management rice pocket reference
manual. Bureau of Plant Industry,
Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
Manila, Philippines. 137 p.

60 Insect pests of rice

Ladybird beetle

The ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Table 8. Ladybird beetles recorded feeding on rice.
Coccinellidae) are brightly colored, Name Feeding on Distribution
small, oval, convex insects, and
Coccinella repanda Rice pollen, Australia; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Taiwan, China;
comprise about 5,000 species. The
(Thunberg) panicle India; Melanesia, Micronesia; Nepal; New
greater number of these species are [ = Coccinella transversalis Zealand; Sri Lanka; Tasmania; Thailand
predaceous, both as larvae and Fabricius]
adults, and feed on a wide variety of Exochomus nigromaculatus Leaf Malaysia
soft-bodied insects such as leafhop- Micraspis afflicta Panicle Indonesia, Malaysia
pers, planthoppers, mealybugs, and (Mulsant)
aphids, and on the eggs of various Micraspis crocea Rice pollen, Philippines
(Mulsant) leaf, panicle
insects. A comparatively small Micraspis discolor Rice pollen, South and Southeast Asia, China, Japan
number of species are of economic (Fabricius) leaf (including Ryukyu Islands)
significance as plant pests. Most Micraspis lineata Indonesia
Micraspis vincta Rice pollen India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand
predaceous species can be broadly (Gorham)
distinguished by their mandibles,
which have simple or bifid apices,
each with a basal tooth, lacking in
most phytophagous species. In
phytophagous insects, the apices of presence of hosts, and are numerous
the mandibles are multidentate. at the bases of plants and on the
Some ladybird beetles recorded as upper leaves and panicles. After
feeding on rice plants are listed in harvest, they congregate in the
Table 8. The most common and stubble. Adults live 25 to 40 d.
widely distributed are Micraspis
discolor (Fabricius) and M. crocea Eggs
(Mulsant). The preoviposition period is 6-10 d.
Females lay 14-26 eggs/d in a cluster
on the upper and lower leaf surfaces.
Life history Eggs within a cluster are not attached 20. Ladybird beetle Micraspis discolor.
to each other. The egg is about 0.99-
Adults 1.05 mm long and 0.41-0.44 mm wide,
Beetles of M. discolor are about 3.2- elongate-oval, and shiny yellow- day. Larvae are soft-bodied,
3.8 mm long and 2.8-3.2 mm wide orange, which gradually changes to brownish black, elongate, somewhat
(Fig. 20). They have oval convex pale brown and later to brown. flattened, and covered with minute
bodies with bright orange to red- Reddish eye spots develop just before tubercles or spines. They have the
orange elytra. The males are usually hatching. Egg incubation is 2-4 d. general body shape of an alligator.
slightly smaller than the females. The They are very active and are seen
beetles are cannibalistic, feeding on Larvae moving about the whole plant,
their own eggs, larvae, and pupae, The hatching larva cuts an irregular preying on various insects or feeding
but usually prefer soft-bodied insects. hole through the upper end of the on the exposed pollen. They undergo
They are diurnal and live on various egg shell. Eggs from a single batch four larval instars in an average of 15-
plant parts as predators. They select usually hatch simultaneously and the 20 d. The full-grown larva is 5-6 mm
their feeding location according to the larvae remain clustered for almost a long. It becomes sedentary before

pupation, attaching itself to the rice
Control method Selected references
plant by means of a suction disc
Agarwala B K, Das S, Senchowdhuri M
located at the abdominal tip. Micraspis spp. can be readily con- (1988) Biology and food relations of
trolled by organophosphate insecti- Micraspis discolor F. on aphidophagous
Pupae cides used as sprays. However, since coccinellid in India. J. Aphidol. 2:7-17.
The newly formed pupa is pinkish, these beetles are predators of numer- Patnaik N C (1983) Toxicity of some or-
but later turns orange to reddish ous harmful insects, controlling the ganophosphorus insecticides to
orange. The pupation period is 3-8 d. prey population helps to control the predatory coccinellids of rice fields.
beetles. Oryza 20:237-239.
Samal P, Misra B C (1985) Morphology
Seasonal occurrence and biology of the coccinellid beetle
and abundance Verania discolor Fab. (Coccinellidae:
Coleoptera), a predator on rice brown
Occurrence of the beetles depends on planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stl).
prey. At IRRI, studies on the life cycle Oryza 22:58-60.
and occurrence of the beetles re- Shepard B M, Rapusas H R (1989) Life
vealed that M. crocea is most abun- cycle of Micraspis sp. on brown
dant during rice flowering and planthopper (BPH) and rice pollen. Int.
during outbreaks of its prey Rice Res. Newsl. 14(3):40.
Nilaparvata lugens (Stl). In India, Yunus A (1967) Insect pests of Malaya.
adults of M. discolor occur throughout Pages 617-633 in The major insect pests
the crop year in aphid-infested fields of the rice plant. Proceedings of a
symposium at the International Rice
and then disperse to weeds. By the
Research Institute, September 1964.
end of March, the beetles undergo
The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore,
reproductive diapause, which ends Maryland.
within 6-8 d of aphids' appearance on
the crop.
Temperatures of 16-26 C and RH
of 60-80% favor faster larval

Ladybird beetle pests of rice have
mixed feeding habits. Adults and
nymphs prefer to prey upon various
aphid, leafhopper, and planthopper
nymphs and adults; stem borer eggs;
and other soft-bodied, small insects
such as thrips and mealybugs. In the
absence of prey, however, they feed
on leaf blades (leaving small chewed
areas), pollen, and frequently damage
developing grains. They gnaw a hole
through the rice hull to feed on the
soft grain during the dough stage.

62 Insect pests of rice

Rice black bugs

The two most common species of Black bugs are known to attack the to light, but not to yellow electric
black bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomi- rice crop at various growth stages bulbs. Their flight activity to light
dae) attacking rice plants are the from seedling to maturity. Heavy traps coincides with the lunar cycle.
Malayan rice black bug Scotinophara damage is usually seen after heading Adult females lay their eggs in
coarctata (Fabricius) and the Japanese or maturing, especially when irriga- clusters, each containing 29-34 eggs,
rice black bug Scotinophara lurida tion is stopped during the maturation on the basal parts of the rice plants
(Burmeister). They are also com- period. Large populations of the pest near the water surface. The egg is
monly known as rice pentatomid are more common on lowland than about 1.0 mm long and 0.65 mm
bugs. Scotinophara coarctata is an on upland rices, and on continuously wide; shiny, pale greenish grey;
important pest of rice in Cambodia, irrigated or continuously rice- cylindrical; and finely reticulated.
China (including Taiwan), India, cropped fields than on rainfed or The top is greyish white-indicating
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, single-cropped fields. They are also the cap, which splits to allow the
Thailand, and Vietnam. Scotinophara more common in direct-seeded nymph to emerge. The female guards
lurida occurs in China (including paddies than in transplanted fields the eggs by staying on top of the
Taiwan), India, Japan, and Sri Lanka. because of their preference for mass. Average incubation period is
The occurrence of Scotinophara densely planted fields. 4-7 d. There are five nymphal instars,
coarctata on rice was first recorded in Aside from rice, other hosts are Zea which last for 26-34 d. Adult bugs
Indonesia in 1903. In West Malaysia mays (L.), Alocasia indica (Roxb.) survive for 4-7 mo.
the pest was first recorded on rice in Schott, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott,
1918. Since 1983 its numbers have Lecrsia hexandra (L.) Sw., Echinochloa Seasonal occurrence
increased because of the staggered crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., Rottboellia
planting of the rice crop. In the cochinchinensis (Lour.) W. D. Clayton, and abundance
Philippines, the pest was first re- Echinochloa colona (L.) Link.,
corded in September 1979 in southern Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl, Cyperus Eggs hatch and nymphs develop
Palawan; it later spread to central and rotundus L., Cyeperus iria L., Sacciolepis optimally at temperatures of 25-28 C
northern Palawan. The black bug lnyurus (Lam.) A. Chase, Scirpus and 75% RH.
problem in Palawan is partly related grossus L.f., Scleria sumatrensis Retz., In Sri Lanka, Scotinophara lurida
to double cropping of irrigated rice and Hymenachne acutigluma (Steud.) has three or four overlapping genera-
since the introduction of high-yield- Gilliland. tions in a year. The first generation
ing cultivars and high N levels. Black and part of the second generation
bug infestation is most serious in occur on the first crop; the remainder
poorly drained ricefields around Life history of the second, the third, and part of
marshes. Except for Palawan, no the fourth generation occur on the
other parts of the Philippines have The adult of Scotinophara coarctata has second crop. There are two overlap-
reported severe black bug infestation. a black head, collar, and cicatrices; ping generations in aestivation at
Scotinophara lurida is a major pest yellowish brown antennae; reddish to each period between crops. At
of rice in China and Japan. Before dark brown abdomen; and reddish aestivation sites, fourth- and fifth-
1940 the pest was recorded as an brown legs with yellowish tibiae and instar nymphs and adults are most
occasional rice pest in Sri Lanka. tarsi. Average size is 9 mm from the commonly found.
Since then it has become economi- anterior margin of the head to the In Japan, Scotinophara lurida devel-
cally important, occurring periodi- apex of the abdomen and 4.5 mm ops only one generation a year. The
cally in large numbers and causing across the prothorax. Black bugs are first generation bugs that develop on
extensive damage to rice crops in regarded as noisome insects with a the rice crop hibernate in the winter
most parts of the country. bad smell. They are strongly attracted in adult stage and invade the next
year's crop in the seedling stage.

Damage the carabid predator Agonum daimio Hirao J, Ho N K (1987) Status of rice pests
Bates; the nabid bug Stenonabis and measures of control in the double
Black bug nymphs and adults are tagalicus (Stl); the spider predators cropping area of the Muda Irrigation
usually found at the basal part of the Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberg Scheme, Malaysia. Trop. Agric. Res.
rice plant and damage is caused by and Strand), Oxyopes javanus Ser. 20: 107-115.
their feeding on the plant sap. At the (Thorell), Tetragnatha virescens Kiritani K (1986) Changes in rice pest
early hours of the day, the bugs are Okuma, and Camaricus formosus status with cultivation systems in
found feeding on the upper parts of Thorell; and the entomopathogenic Japan. Pages 1-15 in Seminar on Rice
the rice seedlings and on the upper Insect Pest Control, 18 September 1986.
fungi (Deuteromycotina) Beauveria
Tsukuba, Japan.
surfaces of the leaves. Later, when bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin,
sunlight intensity increases, they Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Miyamoto S, Torres N A, Habibuddin
move to the undersides of the leaves Sorokin, and Paecilomyces lilacinus B H, Montri R, Fujimura T, Thieng P,
and stems and continue to feed there. (Thompson) Samson. Mochida O (1983) Emerging problems
They are very sluggish in the day, of pests and diseasesthe black bug in
rarely taking wing. At night they Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the
Varietal resistance
International Rice Research Confer-
become very active, are often seen in Two rice cultivars, IR10781-75-3-2-2
ence, 18-22 April 1983. International
flight, and feed continuously and IR13149-71-3-2, are resistant to Rice Research Institute, Los Baos,
throughout the night. Older nymphs rice black bugs. Laguna, Philippines. 33 p.
and adults are sometimes found on
Mochida O, de Sagun S, Parducho M,
cracks in the soil during the day. Chemical control Gapasin D, Orolaza N P (1986) General
Heavy infestation during the Directly spraying insecticides at the information on black bugs, insecticide
tillering stage kills the central shoots, base of the plants where the black evaluation, economic injury levels, and
resulting in deadheart. Rice plants bugs stay provides the most effective principles of chemical control. Paper
show slight stunting, yellowing, control. presented at the PCARRD/MAF/IRRI
chlorotic lesions, and fewer tillers. Workshop on Black Bug, 25-29 October
During the booting stage, plants 1986. Palawan, Philippines. pp. 1-17,
show stunted panicles, no panicles, or Selected references Perez V A, Shepard B M, Arida G S (1989)
incompletely exserted panicles, and Arida G S, Shepard B M, Perez V A (1988) Indigenous natural enemies of the
unfilled spikelets or whiteheads. Parasitization of the Malayan black Malayan black bug Scotinophara
During crop maturation, incomplete bug (MBB) by five species of egg para- coarctata (Fab.) on Palawan Island,
and unfilled spikelets increase. sitoids. Int. Rice Res. Newsl. 13(6):42. Philippines. Philipp. Entomol. 7:485-
Barrion A T, Mochida O, Litsinger J A, 490.
Heavy damage at any stage causes
the plants to wilt and dry, a condition de la Cruz N (1982) The Malayan black Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
known as bug burn. bug Scotinophara coarctata (F.) [Hem- Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
iptera: Pentatomidae]: a new rice pest A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
in the Philippines. Int. Rice Res. grated pest management in rice in
Control methods Newsl. 7(6):6-7. tropical Asia. International Rice
Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
de Sagun S B (1986) Insecticide screening Manila, Philippines. 411 p.
Cultural control for black bug, Scotinophara coarctata
Since black bugs remain in the rice (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Pentatomi- Rombach M C, Aguda R M, Shepard B M,
stubble after harvest, plowing the dae) control in Palawan, Philippines. Roberts D W (1986) Entomopathogenic
field helps to kill the pests and MS thesis, Gregorio Araneta Univer- fungi (Deuteromycotina) in the control
of the black bug of rice, Scotinophara
destroy their host plants. Removing sity Foundation, Malabon, Metro
Manila. 59 p. coarctata (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J.
weeds from the field to allow more
Inverteb. Pathol. 48:174-179.
sunlight to reach the bases of the rice Fernando H E (1960) A biological and
Shepard B M, Perez V A (1987) Influence
plants is another cultural control ecological study of the rice pentatomid
bug, Scotinophara lurida (Burm.) in of cultivation on survival of the
Ceylon. Bull. Entomol. Res. 51:559-576. Malayan black bug in ricefields. Int.
Rice Res. Newsl. 12(3):35.
Biological control Heinrichs E A, Domingo I T, Castillo E H
(1987) Resistance and yield responses Subramanian A, Murugesan S, Rajendran
Natural enemies of the rice black bug
of rice cultivars to the black bug R, Babu P C S (1986) Occurrence and
include the scelionid egg parasitoid control of rice black bug at Coimba-
Telenomus triptus Nixon; the gryllid Scotinophara coarctata (F.) (Hemiptera:
Pentatomidae). J. Plant Prot. Tropics tore. Int. Rice Res. Newsl. 11(3):24.
predators Metioche vittaticollis (Stl)
and Anaxipha sp.; the coccinellid
predator Micraspis crocea (Mulsant);

64 Insect pests of rice

Armyworms and cutworms

The larvae of several species of

grassland-adapted noctuids, popu-
Common infest rice. Their outbreaks are
usually characterized by the sudden
larly called armyworms and cut-
worms, feed gregariously on the armyworm appearance of larvae in immense
numbers; severe losses are inflicted
leaves and stems of rice plants. They even before the worms are detected.
are similar in habits, but can be The common armyworm or ear- Frequently, they disappear just as
broadly distinguished according to cutting caterpillar Mythimna suddenly.
the portion of the plant attacked. The [=Pseudaletia] unipuncta (Haworth) M. unipuncta is a polyphagous
armyworm larvae feed on the above- occurs sporadically, but occasionally insect and has been recorded as a
ground parts of the plants, mostly on causes serious losses. It is a common serious pest of rice, wheat, oats,
the leaves, often leaving only the pest of rice and was formerly known barley, and other cereals. It also
midribs. The cutworm larvae feed on as Cirphis unipuncta. Although this infests other grasses and may occa-
the roots and shoots, which are often species is the most common of sionally feed on nongraminaceous
cut off at ground level or at various various armyworms in Asia, other crops. The species is rather cosmo-
other levels, or leaves or panicles may species such as Mythimna loreyi politan in distribution and has been
be detached. Cutworms can defoliate (Duponchel), M. venelba (Moore), recorded throughout Asia, the
ricefields, generally in patches, from M. separata (Walker), and Australian region, Europe, and North
early vegetative growth to harvest. M. irregularis (Walker) occasionally America where it is indigenous.
The cutworms are nocturnal; during
the day, they hide in the upper layer
(3-5 cm) of soil or occasionally on Table 9. Some common armyworms and cutworms that attack rice.
plants on cloudy days. Otherwise Species Distribution
they hide under trash near the base of
the plants, in leaf folds, or behind the Spodoptera mauritia acronyctoides (Guene) Asia, Australia
Spdoptera exempta (Walker) Africa, Asia, Australia
leaf sheath. Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe
The armyworms get their name Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) Latin America, North and Central USA
from the larval habit of appearing in Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Africa, Asia
Spodoptera ornithogalli (Guenee) Latin America
enormous numbers. As food supplies Spodoptera (= Prodenia) eridania (Crampton) Latin America, southern USA
become exhausted, they assume a Mythimna ( = Pseudaletia) irregularis (Walker) Southeast Asia
gregarious marching habit seeking Mythimna (= Pseudaletia) separata (Walker) Africa, Asia, Australia
Mythimna ( = Pseudaletia) unipuncta (Haworth) Asia, Europe, central and southern USA
fresh fields. Several cutworm species Mythimna (= Pseudaletia) venalba (Moore) Southeast Asia
also exhibit armyworm habits and are Mythimna loreyi (Duponchel) South and Southeast Asia, Africa
included in the broad category of ( = Pseudaletia loreyi Duponchel)
Mythimna ( = Pseudaletia) latifascia Latin America
armyworms. Some of the common ( = adultera) (Walker)
armyworm species that infest rice are Mythimna (= Pseudaletia) sequax (Fabricius) Latin America
listed in Table 9. The basic bionomics Mythimna roseilinea (Walker) Asia
Mythimna yu (Guene) Latin America
of a few selected species are pre- Platysenta (= Spodoptera) compta (Walker) Asia
sented in this chapter. [ = Spodoptera pecten Guene]

Life history
The adult moths are pale and brick-
red to pale brown, and have a very
hairy body covered with dark specks
and patches (Fig. 21a). They are about
2-3 cm long and have a 3-5 cm wing-
spread. The adult moths are noctur-
21. Armyworm and
nal, strongly phototropic, and are cutworm pests of rice:
quiescent during the day. The moths a) Mythimna separata
feed on dewdrops and other sugary adult, b) armyworm larva,
substances, and start mating 1-3 d c) Spodoptera mauritia
egg mass, d) S. litura
after emergence (DE). Mating and
adult, e) S. litura larva.
oviposition usually occur after dark
and during early evening hours. The
male moths live an average of 3 d; the
females live for 7 d. Generally, the
males die shortly after mating. The
females have an oviposition period of
about 5 d.

Eggs looping motion. At this stage, they Pupae

The eggs are laid between the leaf usually inhabit the young leaves of The full-grown larvae crawl down
sheaths and the stem near the joint of rice and other hosts. Their feeding into the soil where they form individ-
the leaf sheath and the leaf blade. results in skeletonizing the leaf ual pupal earthen cells, molt, and
They are deposited in clusters of blades. Both the looping movement undergo pupation. The pupae meas-
several rows, a cluster consisting of and skeletonizing feeding habit are ure 15-19 mm long and 5-6 mm wide.
90-230 eggs, with an average of about lost in the third instar when they They are light amber at pupation, but
100. The eggs within an egg mass are have well-developed prolegs and become dark brown toward moth
generally covered with a white feed by cutting big holes in the leaves emergence. The pupal period is
adhesive substance that glues them of their host plants. The larvae are 7-29 d, with an average of 16 d.
together. The individual eggs are nocturnal, remaining hidden under
spherical, measuring 0.6-0.7 mm in foliage or debris in the day but
diameter with a finely ridged surface feeding actively from dusk to dawn Seasonal occurrence
when freshly laid. They are whitish to (Fig. 21b). The fifth- to sixth-instar
larvae become gregarious and are
and abundance
pale yellow but become dark brown
toward hatching. Unfertilized eggs voracious feeders. The insect hibernates as a full-grown
do not hatch. The average incubation The sixth-instar larvae require larva. The duration of hibernation
period is 7-9 d. about 80% of the total food eaten and the number of generations in a
during the entire larval period. The year are governed by temperature. In
Larvae full-grown larvae also cut off the rice Bangladesh, the hibernation period is
The freshly hatched larvae are dull panicles from the peduncle-the from December to March. In April,
whitish with a brown-black head, reason they are also called ear-cutting the larvae start pupating and adult
and average 1.8 mm long and caterpillars. The gregarious nature of moths are recorded from mid-April
0.35 mm wide. They undergo six the larvae during the later instars and to mid-May. There are five genera-
instars and become full grown at their increased feeding capacity are tions every year.
30-35 mm long and 6-6.5 mm wide. the apparent causes of their becoming The insects habit of pupating in
They are usually dark or greenish suddenly noticeable. The total aver- the soil limits their multiplication in
grey. age larval period is about 28 d. lowland ricefields. In such areas, the
The first-instar larvae have only population invariably develops on
two pairs of prolegs and move with a upland graminaceous crops or in the

66 Insect pests of rice

Rice swarming oviposition. Plants older than 20 d
and growing in dry fields are rarely
caterpillar infested.
The moth is a strong flier and can
move great distances for oviposition.
Usually, females tend to congregate
The rice swarming caterpillar and oviposit in the same area. They
Spodoptera mauritia acronyctoides die shortly after oviposition.
(Guene) is another sporadic pest, The first-generation moths usually
which occasionally causes serious appear when the seeds are germinat-
losses to rice crops. The insect is ing in the seedbeds or in direct-sown
polyphagous and infests various fields.
graminaceous crops and weeds.
Upland rice is its preferred host. It is Eggs
widely distributed throughout the The eggs are laid in batches on the
Indian subcontinent, East and lower surface of the leaves of rice and
Southeast Asia, and the Australian other grasses and are covered with
region. It is one of the most serious greyish hairs from the anal tuft of the
insect pests in South India, and female moths (Fig. 21c). A single
possibly the most serious of the moth lays about 5-6 egg clusters, each
armyworms in other rice areas of containing 150-200 eggs. The egg
Asia. The pest is particularly serious incubation period is 5-9 d. (The eggs
neighboring grassy areas. Usually during the rainy season, although it of the black armyworm, S. exempta,
they multiply in grasses up to the has been recorded occurring year- are laid in masses on the leaves and
third brood before migrating to the round in the tropics. Another closely hatch in an average of 2 or 3 d.)
ricefields, either in swarms of cater- related species is Platysenta compta Hatching usually occurs during the
pillars or as moths for oviposition. (Walker), which also occasionally morning hours. The newly hatched
infests ricefields. It is considered only larvae are very active and feed by
Damage a minor pest of rice, although it scraping the green matter from the
causes economic losses to maize and leaf tips. They rest within the rolled
Crop damage is caused by the larvae other grasses. The black armyworm edges of young leaves where they are
or caterpillars. Partly grown larvae Spodoptera exempta (Walker) is an- almost invisible. Occasionally they
feed on the young leaves, producing other serious but sporadic pest of spin a silken thread and suspend
skeletonized leaf blades. They often rice. This species is polyphagous, but themselves from the plants. They
devour plants down to the ground. prefers rice and maize. The general then drift by wind to other plants.
Most serious damage is caused by life history and nature of damage
nearly full-grown larvae that attack resemble those of S. mauritia. Larvae
the crop at heading. They feed The larvae undergo five instars in an
rapidly and consume large amounts average 22 d to become full grown.
of foliage in a short time as well as Life history (S. exempta undergoes six larval
detach rice panicles. These insects are instars and the larval period is
more active at night, and may nearly Adults 11-12 d.) Those beyond the third
destroy a crop before their presence is The adult insect of the swarming larval instar are strictly nocturnal and
detected. caterpillar is a greyish black moth hide during the day. During cloudy
with a white blotch on its forewings. weather, however, they remain active
The moth is nocturnal-hiding during the day. Full-grown larvae are
during the day in crevices in the soil about 38 mm long, dark to pale
or under other cover-butis active green, with dull dorsal and subdorsal
after dark. Generally, it is not at- stripes. Their colors vary greatly and
tracted to light. The moths mate show a phase variation pattern as in
1-2 d DE and females start ovipos- locusts. When disturbed, the full-
iting shortly after mating. Usually, grown larva curls into a ring, which
4- to 20-d-old seedlings in flooded is a characteristic common to all
seedbeds or direct-sown fields with cutworms and armyworms.
standing water are preferred for

Armyworms and cutworms 67

Pupae and almost completely defoliate the Larvae
Pupation takes place in earthen cells plants. They migrate from field to The newly hatched larvae have black
slightly below ground level. The field and extensive losses are often heads and white bodies, but become
pupa is dark brown and about 13 mm caused within 1 wk. The absence of darker in subsequent instars. They
long. The pupal stage lasts for standing water in the fields facilitates are active feeders and may curl up in
10-14 d. (S. exempta pupation occurs migration. the leaf sheaths, suspend themselves
in the soil and lasts 5-10 d.) The total from plants by a thread, or move
life cycle is 20-30 d. about on the ground. They become
full grown about 2-3 wk from hatch-

Seasonal occurrence Fall armyworm ing. Full-grown larvae are about 4 cm

long. Their color ranges from light
and abundance green to almost black and they have
The fall armyworm Spodoptera three yellowish white longitudinal
This insect is essentially a seedling frugiperda (J.E. Smith) is another lines on their back. On each side (next
pest and rarely infests a crop more species that causes economic losses to to each outer dorsal line) is a wide
than 6-7 wk after transplanting. The rice crops although it occurs only dark stripe with an equally wide,
larvae are generally found on crops sporadically. It is polyphagous and wavy, yellow stripe splotched with
less than 20-25 d old. They migrate attacks many crops including grasses, red below.
from older ricefields to grassy areas cereals, legumes, cotton, cabbage, and
where subsequent broods cause tobacco. It has been recorded Pupae
severe damage. The larvae suffer throughout North and Central The full-grown larvae move down to
high mortality from heavy rains, and America, but is more common in the the soil where they burrow 2.5 to
are victims of various bacterial southern USA, Central America, and 5 cm and make small cells in which
diseases, parasites, and predators. neotropical areas. The fall armyworm they individually undergo pupation.
The inability of the larvae to swim is is so-called because it does not The pupae are yellowish brown when
a weakness. In flooded fields they are appear in the northern parts of the freshly formed, but darken as they
forced to stay on the plants, which USA until late summer or fall. It is approach moth emergence. The pupal
they defoliate. They are thus exposed also variously known as grass worm, stage lasts for 10-14 d.
to birds and other predators. overflow worm, and southern
Although the pest has been re- armyworm.
corded year-round in multicropped Seasonal occurrence
areas, it occurs in high numbers only
Life history and abundance
during May and July. Outbreaks
occur after periods of prolonged The fall armyworm hibernates as full-
drought followed by heavy rainfall. Adults grown larvae. In the USA, overwin-
Drought kills their natural enemies The adult moths are ash grey; their tering occurs only in the extreme
and flooding allows them to concen- forewings are mottled with irregular south. In successive generations, the
trate on rice plants. white or light grey spots near the tips. moths move northward. As many as
They are about 2 cm long and ap- six generations usually occur in the
proximately 4 cm across their wing- extreme southern states, but in
Damage spread. They are nocturnal, are northern states there is only one
strongly attracted to light, and live generation a year. Because the larvae
The swarming caterpillars cause for 2-3 wk. require dry soil for pupation, they
severe damage to rice plants in cannot maintain subsequent genera-
nursery beds. They appear suddenly Eggs tions in flooded ricefields. Therefore,
in masses and move like an army The eggs are deposited in clusters on pupation usually occurs in other
from field to field so that seedbeds or the leaf blades of the various hosts. upland crops or in grassy areas, and
the direct seeded fields look as if Each egg cluster contains 50 to the adult moths migrate to the
grazed by cattle. Generally, a trans- several hundred eggs. The eggs are ricefields where they deposit their
planted crop is not severely affected. round, about 0.5 mm in diameter, eggs. Occasionally, large numbers of
Newly hatched larvae cause the dull white, and have a ridged surface. larvae from grassy areas or other
plants to look sickly with withered The egg masses are covered with upland crops also migrate to the
tips and cut leaves, but older larvae mouse-colored scales from the body ricefields.
(more than 10 d old) feed voraciously of the female moths. The incubation
period is 4-10 d.

68 Insect pests of rice

Damage Life history The larvae pass through five
instars to become full grown. During
Young larvae feed on the lower Adults different instars, there are consider-
surfaces of leaves, leaving the epider- The adult moths (Fig. 21d) are noctur- able changes in larval colors. After
mis intact. At first, they eat only nal, remaining quiet and generally the third instar, dark transverse
tender parts of leaves, but as they staying concealed in dark places bands start appearing on their bodies
grow they devour all foliage, leaving during the day. They become active (Fig. 21e). The full-grown larva has a
only the tough plant stems. If food during the night when they fly about cylindrical body and is brown or
becomes scarce, the larvae move in to feed on the nectar of flowers. They brownish black tinged with orange.
hordes to nearby fields of abundant live 5-10 d and copulation occurs The thoracic segments have one to
foliage. soon after emergence. The female two dark spots near the base of the
Fall armyworms cause different moths start ovipositing 2-3 d after legs. The abdominal segments have
kinds of injury to different plants. In emergence and oviposition occurs generally two light, brownish lateral
rice and other grasses, they eat the early in the evening and at night. lines on each sideone above and
leaves or may cut off heads by one below the spiracles. Above the
chewing through the stem. Damage Eggs top lines is a broken line composed of
becomes noticeable about 3-4 d after The individual egg is pearly white, velvety semicrescent patches that
infestation, and heavy defoliation round, and has a ridged surface. Eggs vary in color between individuals.
becomes visible after the larvae are laid in clusters on either surface The larval period is 20-26 d.
congregate on the plants. of the leaves of various plants. A
single female is capable of laying up Pupae
to five clusters of eggs, each cluster Pupation occurs in an earthen cell
containing an average of 300 eggs. about 7-8 cm below the soil surface.

Common The eggs within a cluster are ar-

ranged in rows up to three layers
The cells average 22.5 mm long and
9.28 mm wide. The pupal stage lasts

cutworm deep. The clusters are covered with

short yellowish brown hairs from the
for 8-11 d.

abdominal tips of the female moths.

The common cutworm Spodoptera The eggs hatch in an average of 3 d. Seasonal occurrence
litura (Fabricius), also known as grass There is a considerable uniformity in and abundance
cutworm, vegetable cutworm, to- the time of hatching of the eggs in
bacco cutworm, or tobacco caterpil- each egg mass. In India, the outbreak of S. litura
lar, is a polyphagous insect and a occurs earlier in semiarid regions,
common pest of various agricultural Larvae usually by the end of July or the first
crops. Although occurring only Newly hatched larvae are tiny, about week of August. In humid regions, it
sporadically, it frequently causes 1 mm long, and are greenish with a occurs in the second week of Septem-
great economic losses to cabbage, cylindrical body. They feed gregari- ber. These variations are correlated
castor, maize, jute, rice, smaller ously for 3-5 d from the base of the with climatic conditions. Rainfall
millets, sweet potato, tobacco, and a leaf toward the apical area. At this indirectly affects the initiation of the
wide variety of other crops. It has a stage, they feed on the epidermis of outbreak. Heavy rainfall after a dry
wide distribution and has been the leaf and may sclerotize the entire spell initiates the outbreak, generally
recorded in Australia, the Indian leaf surface. Sclerotization of leaves is by second- or third-generation larvae.
subcontinent, Southeast and East a typical symptom of S. litura damage By the time the first-instar larvae
Asia, China, Turkey, and several to thick-leaved plants such as castor, hatch, the wild vegetation is tender
African countries. This pest was first but the larvae devour the entire and capable of supporting the initial
described by Fabricius in 1775 as leaves of rice and other graminaceous population. After wild food plants
Noctua litura. The name Prodenia plants. After the third instar, the have been exhausted, the larvae
litura, proposed by Hampson in 1909, larvae may still feed gregariously if migrate to cultivated fields where
was used until recently when the pest food is abundant; others may dis- extensive damage is usually caused
was transferred to genus Spodoptera. perse to feed individually. Beyond by the second generation emerging in
this stage, the larvae are very active large numbers.
and cause extensive losses.

Armyworms and cutworms 69

Damage wasps (Trichogramma ivelae Pang &
Cheng). Larvae are parasitized by
The common cutworm is a problem braconid wasps (Cotesia sp.), eulo-
generally on upland rice only because phid wasps [Euplectrus chapadae
it needs dry soil for pupation and for (Ashmead)], and chalcid wasps
completion of its life cycle. Lowland [ Brachymeria lasus (Walker)]. Tachinid
rice usually suffers heavy damage flies [Palexorista lucagus Walker,
from larvae migrating from adjacent Argyrophylax nigrotibialis Baranov,
grassy areas. Young caterpillars eat and Zygobothria atropivora (Robineau-
the soft leaves of the rice plant, but Desvoidy)] also parasitize the larvae.
full-grown caterpillars can devour Chelonus formosanus Sonan is reported
the entire plant. They are most as a parasite of S. litura eggs and
serious during the seedling stage of larvae. Ants Odontoponera transversa
rice when they sever the seedlings at (Smith) and wasps Ropalidia fasciata
the base. When abundant during late Fabricius prey on eggs and larvae.
crop growth, they may severely The spiders Pardosa pseudoannulata
defoliate the rice crop. (Boesenberg & Strand) and Oxyopes
javanus (Thorell) prey on moths.
A polyhedrosis virus attacks
Control methods larvae. Dead, virus-infected larvae
turn black and hang limply from
Control measures for all armyworms plants.
and cutworms are similar.
Varietal resistance
Cultural control Several wild rices possess moderate
Seedbeds should be established far levels of resistance to Spodoptera
from large areas of weeds and grasses mauritia acronyctoides and Mythimna
so that armyworms and cutworms separata. Moderate resistance to
cannot migrate from alternate hosts. Spodoptera frugiperda is also reported
Removing weeds from areas outside in plant introductions (PI) 160842,
of fields and plowing all fallow land 346830, 346833, 346833, and 346853.
help to control armyworms and Moderate levels of resistance are also
cutworms. detected in Oryza glaberrima Steud.
accessions 101800, 102554, and
Biological control 369453.
Natural enemies play a key role in
keeping armyworm and cutworm Chemical control
numbers below economic injury Sprays are more effective than gran-
levels. Cutworms, which have large ules. High dosages are required to
numbers of natural enemies, colonize kill large armyworm and cutworm
the crop soon after land preparation larvae, because insecticide toxicity is
at the beginning of the rainy season positively related to insect body
when natural enemy populations are weight. Since insecticides break down
low. Armyworms are also normally rapidly in sunlight and high tempera-
held in check by egg and larval ture, spraying should be done late in
parasites. When these parasites fail, the afternoon before the larvae leave
usually because of drought, their resting places to climb up the
armyworms become epidemic. plants. Because damage is normally
Eggs of armyworms and cutworms concentrated in discrete areas of a
are parasitized by scelionid wasps ricefield, only areas where damage
(Telenomus sp.) and trichogrammatid occurs should be sprayed.

70 Insect pests of rice

Selected references Martins J F D S, Ferreira E, da Silveria P B
(1982) Damage simulation caused by
Alam M Z (1964) On the biology of rice defoliators of upland rice [in Portu-
ear cutting caterpillar Pseuduletia guese, with English summary]. Pesqui.
unipuncta (Haworth) in East Pakistan. Agropecu. Bras. 17:1113-1119.
Pages 86-96 in Review of Research,
Pandey S N (1976) Ecological studies on
Division of Entomology East Pakistan
Spodoptera litura (F.). II. Outbreak.
Agricultural Research Institute, Dacca.
Indian J. Entomol. 38:160-166.
Alam M Z (1967) Insect pests of rice in
Pantoja A, Smith C M, Robinson J F (1986)
East Pakistan. Pages 643-655 in The
Evaluation of rice germ plasm for
major insect pests of the rice plant.
resistance to the fall armyworm
Proceedings of a symposium at The
(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). J. Econ.
International Rice Research Institute,
Entomol. 79:1319-1323.
September 1964. The Johns Hopkins
Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Pantoja-Lopez A (1985) Biology, economic
injury, and plant resistance studies
Barbosa A T (1950) Prodenia litura as a
with the fall armyworm, Spodoptera
cotton pest [in Portuguese]. Gasdo
frugiperda (J.E. Smith), on rice, Oryza
Agric. 2:178-182.
sativa L. Ph D dissertation, Louisiana
Bowling C C (1967) Insect pests of rice in State University Agricultural and
the United States. Pages 551-570 in The Mechanical College, Louisiana, USA.
major insect pests of the rice plant. 116 p.
Proceedings of a symposium at The
Rao B N, Patel R C (1974) Bionomics of
International Rice Research Institute,
Chelonus formosanus Sonan, an egg-
September 1964. The Johns Hopkins
larval parasite of Spodopteru lituru (F).
Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
Indian J. Entomol. 36:103-109.
Brown E S (1962) The African armyworm,
Rothschild G H L (1969) Observations on
Spodoptera exempta (Walker)
the armyworm, Spodoptera mauritia
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): A review of acronyctoides Gn. (Lepidoptera:
literature. Commonwealth Institute of Noctuidae). Bull. Entomol. Res. 59:143-
Entomology, London. 57 p. 160.
Cendaa S M, Calora F B (1967) Insect Rothschild G H L (1974) Parasites of the
pests of rice in the Philippines. Pages armyworm, Spodoptera mauritia
591-616 in The major insect pests of the acronyctoides in Malaysia. Entomoph-
rice plant. Proceedings of a symposium aga 19:293-299.
at The International Rice Research
Sonan J (1937) The grey streaked moth,
Institute, September 1964. The Johns
Prodeniu lituru, in Formosa [in Japa-
Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
nese]. Rep. Gov. Inst. Formosa 70:1-69.
Feakin S D (1970) Pest control in rice.
PANS Manual 3. Center for Overseas United States Department of Agriculture
Pest Research, London. 270 p. (1961) The armyworm and the fall
worm: how to control them. USDA
Jones Charles R (1913) The tobacco ARS, Entomol. Res. Ser. 494.8 p.
caterpillar, Prodeniu lituru Fabr. Philipp.
Agric. Rev. 6:425-430. Wongsiri T, Kovitvadhi K (1967) Insect
pests of rice in Thailand. Pages 571-574
Lever R J W (1943) The cutworm, Predonia in The major insect pests of the rice
liturA Fabr. Agric. J. Fiji 14:1-73. plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at
Litsinger J A, Barrion A T, Soekarna D The International Rice Research
(1987) Upland rice insect pests: their Institute, September 1964. Johns
ecology, importance, and control. IRRI Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
Res. Pap. Ser. 123. International Rice
Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
Manila, Philippines.

Armyworms and cutworms 71

Soil-inhabiting pests

Soil-inhabiting insect pests are not a

serious problem in irrigated
occur in upland rice environments
and in dry seeded ricefields in rain- Termites
ricefields. Well-drained, nonpuddled fed wetlands. The most common
upland rice soils favor these pests. species of ants that inhabit the soil Termites (Fig. 22a) are generally
Soil pests feed on underground plant and thereby cause considerable known as white ants because of their
parts. Soil pests include ants, e.g., damage to upland rice plants in Asia overall similarity to ants in body
Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), are Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), shape, wings, and the caste system of
Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus), Munomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus), workers, soldiers, king, and queen.
and Pheidologeton diversus Jerdon; Pheidologeton diversus Jerdon, and Termites belonging to family Termiti-
termites, e.g., Macrotermes gilvus Pheidole sp. These fire ants and dae, are subterranean, and lack
(Hagen), Heterotermes philippinensis harvester ants cause damage to rice symbiotic protozoans, which help
(Light), and Coptotermes formusanus plants by feeding on ungerminated digest cellulose. This family of
Shiraki; mole cricket Gryllotalpa rice seeds carried by foraging worker termites cultures fungi, which break
orientalis (=africana) Burmeister; field ants into their nests, which are down cellulose, in special under-
crickets, e.g., Gryllus assimilis constructed below the soil surface in ground cells.
(=bimaculatus) (Fabricius) and upland fields or in levees in rainfed Termites are a problem in upland
Teleogryllus testaceous (Walker); white wetland fields. If the supply of rice, but can also occur in light-
grubs, e.g., Leucopholis rorida ungerminated seeds is low, they feed textured soils in rainfed wetland
(Fabricius), Holotrichia serrata on germinated seeds. Damage is areas. Infestations are severe on light-
Fabricius; root aphids, e.g., Tetraneura characterized by reduced, usually textured soils with low moisture
nigriabdominalis (Sasaki) and Geoica patchy, plant stand. Ants also tend content.
lucifuga (Zehntner); and rice root root aphids in their nests especially Some grassland termites make
weevils, e.g., Echinocnemus squameus during unfavorable weather, and nests composed of many tunnels
Billberg, Echinocnemus oryzae help these aphids tunnel along the deep in the soil. They attack living
Marshall, and Hydronomidius molitor root systems to penetrate the soil. rice plants only when dead plant
Faust. material is not available. They attack
a drought-stressed crop, but prefer
Control methods older plants having greater cellulose
content. They tunnel through plant
Ants Cultural control
Increasing the seeding rate helps to
stems and eat roots. The plants
become stunted and then wilt. Dam-
compensate for losses caused by ants. aged plants can easily be pulled by
The ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) hand.
is a social insect that can easily be Chemical control Termites are more serious in Latin
distinguished from other insects by Treatment of seeds with insecticides America and Africa than in Asia. The
the presence of a pedicel, a stalk-like in powder form is the most effective common Asian species that attack
structure serving as a support be- method of controlling ants. rice plants are Macrotermes gilvus
tween its thorax and abdomen. Ants (Hagen), Heterotermes philippinensis
are widely distributed and commonly (Light), and Coptotermes formusanus
Shiraki. In Africa, Microtermes and
Macrotermes termites have been
reported as pests of rainfed upland

Control methods
Cultural control
Placing crop residues in the field at
planting time can divert the pest from
the growing crop.

Chemical control
Chemical control includes treating
seeds with insecticides at planting or
22. Soil-inhabiting pests
applying granular insecticide in the of rice: a) queens of
seed furrows or hills. The decision to termites, b) Gryllotalpa
use insecticides should be based on orientalis adult, c) adult of
the history of termite damage in a field cricket Plebeiogryllus
plebejus, d) adult of white
particular field.
grub, e) white grub larva,
f) root aphid.

that gives them the common name of mole cricket populations.
Several species of mole crickets mole cricket. The insect uses these The mole cricket cannot live in
(Gryllotalpidae) and field crickets modified legs to burrow into the soil flooded fields, so they swim across
(Gryllidae) feed on the underground where it feeds on tender roots of the water to the levees. They burrow
parts of all upland crops including growing plants. Mole crickets gener- into the levees and lay eggs. When
rice (Fig. 22b, c). Four species of mole ally live in burrows 8-10 cm below the water level recedes, they migrate
crickets are reported to attack rice: the soil surface, but during unfavo- to the field to feed.
Gryllotalpa orientalis (=africana) rable weather they burrow deeper. Field cricket nymphs and adults
Burmeister in Asia, Gyllotalpa Adults aestivate or hibernate. They have similar nocturnal habits and
africana Palisot de Beauvois in Africa, are strong fliers. They are attracted to damage rice as much as do mole
and Neocurtilla hexadactyla (Perty) and light and are often recorded near crickets. Piles of weeds remaining on
Scapteriscus didactylus (Latreille) in street lights or in light traps. fields attract them. They also make
Latin America. Several species of The eggs are white, oval, and are subterranean nests and tunnel
field crickets are reported as rice laid in hardened cells or chambers through the soil to feed on roots.
pests: Gryllus assimilis (=bimaculatus) constructed in the soil by the females. Some species prefer seed to roots;
(Fabricius), Gryllus (=Liogyllus) One cell generally contains others feed at the base of stems.
bimaculatus de Geer, Brachytrupes 30-50 eggs. Depending on the tem- Like mole crickets, field crickets
portentosus (Lichtenstein), perature, the incubation period is cannot survive in standing water and
Plebeiogryllus plebejus (Saussure), 15-40 d. The hatching nymphs feed are therefore more prevalent in
Teleogryllus testaceous (Walker), on the roots, damaging the crop in upland fields.
Teleogryllus occipitalis (Serville), patches. The nymphs have limited
Loxoblemmus haani Saussure, and migrating ability and generally suffer
Velarifictorus aspersus membranaceus heavy mortality. The nymphal period Damage
(Drury) in Africa. lasts 3-4 mo. The insect has only one
generation per year in temperate Both mole crickets and field crickets
areas. live in ramifying underground
Life history After ricefields have been flooded, burrows, generally 8-10 cm below the
mole crickets are usually seen swim- surface. One mole cricket can burrow
Mole crickets are brownish and very ming on the water, particularly when a distance of several meters in one
plump insects, usually 2.5-3 mm long, the flooded fields are being plowed night. Under upland conditions the
with short antennae. Their front legs and puddled. In areas where mole burrows are more abundant in moist
are classical examples of modification crickets are eaten, people may be seen patches, but in lowland fields they
for digging. The foretibia are modi- collecting them while a field is being are common near the levees and in
fied into spade-like structures resem- plowed. Cannibalism is apparently areas that are not submerged. These
bling the feet of a mole, the character the most important factor regulating burrows run close to the soil surface

74 Insect pests of rice

causing serious damage to rice crops.
They are polyphagous and infest
roots of various crops such as cereals,
millets, sugarcane, vegetables, and
other plantation crops. There are
many species of white grubs, but
none is widely distributed in Asia.
Holotrichia serrata Fabricius is the
most common species of white grub
of the chafer type that attacks the
roots of rice plants. This species of
white grub has been causing serious
damage to rice crops in several parts
of India since 1973.

Life history
The beetle is reddish, blackish red, or
and the crickets feed on the roots of (Ashmead), Motes subtessellatus dark tan, about 2 cm long and 1 cm
the plants or even the base of the (Smith), and Motes loboriosus wide (Fig. 22d). Antennae have 10
seedling, resulting either in complete (Smith)parasitize field crickets. segments. Female beetles are usually
severing of the aerial parts from the A nematode, Mermis nigrescens bigger than males. Females prefer to
root or heavy root pruning. Mole (Dujardin), parasitizes adults and lay eggs in moist sandy soil, to a
crickets cannot kill older plants with nymphs of mole crickets. depth of 7-12 cm. A single female lays
large root systems. In China, the fungus Beauveria a maximum of 14 eggs/d and about
Some species of field crickets bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin parasit- 50-60 eggs throughout its adult life.
defoliate rice plants by removing the izes nymphs and adults of Gryllotalpa The eggs are laid singly and are
central portion of leaves. africana. The earwig Labidura sp. covered with a jelly-like white sub-
preys on both nymphs and adults of stance. The freshly laid egg is smooth,
the pest. milky white, oval, and is about
Control methods 3.7 mm long and 2.2 mm wide. As the
Chemical control egg grows, a part of it becomes
Cultural control Poisoned bait made from moistened rice hyaline white and other parts remain
Maintaining standing water in the bran and liquid or powdered insecticide milky white. The developing embryo
field prevents mole crickets and field can be placed in the field or on rice becomes visible about 7 d after
crickets from tunneling into the soil bunds to kill night-foraging mole oviposition. Before hatching, the egg
and damaging the crop. crickets and field crickets. In deepwa- is smooth, elliptical, and is about
ter areas, the main control measure is 5.3 mm long and 4.05 mm wide. The
Biological control chemical treatment of soil or seeds at incubation period is 8-10 d.
Mole crickets are cannibalistic, thus planting. Immediately after hatching, the
regulating their own numbers. grub eats the egg shell then remains
Pheropsophus jessoensis Morawitz inactive for 2-3 h. It is milky white
(Carabidae) larvae prey on the eggs with a dirty-white head, and is about
of Gryllotalpa africana. Sphecid wasps
Larra carbonaria (Smith), Larva White grubs 9.8 mm long and 2.3 mm wide at the
head. After 3-4 h, the body expands,
luzonensis (Rohwer) and Larva the head becomes brownish, and the
sanguinea Williams parasitize The term white grub refers to the large grub starts feeding on organic matter.
nymphs and adults by paralyzing larva of a scarab beetle. White grub At this stage, the grub requires a
them and dragging them into wasp species are known either as the higher quantity of organic matter
nests as food for the young. chafers, in which only the larvae feed than of roots.
Other sphecid species Liris on roots, or the black beetles, in The second-instar grub has mor-
aurulenta (Fabricius), Motes manilae which only the adults feed on roots. phological characters and color
White grubs are widely distributed pattern similar to those of the first
and are considered important pests

Soil-inhabiting pests 75
instar, but the last abdominal seg- the roots cause the plants to become America, and the Caribbean. The pest
ment is enlarged. It is 36.5 mm long stunted and then wilt. Damage to rice is also known as the grass root aphid
and 3.85 mm wide at the head. The crops is higher during drought because it infests the roots of other
second instar is more curved, active, conditions because plants are less graminaceous plants aside from rice.
and cannibalistic. At the first half of able to produce new roots. Damage is These other hosts include species of
the second instar, the food require- in patches since white grubs are Agropyon, Cenchrus, Chloris, Cynodon,
ment is the same as that of the first unevenly distributed in the soil Echinochloa, Eleusine, Eragrostis,
instar, but at the later part, the grub because of their strict moisture Panicum, Saccharum, and Setaria. The
requires a higher quantity of roots requirement. pest has been recorded under differ-
than of organic matter. The second- ent names in several countries. In the
instar period lasts 14-62 d, with an Philippines and Taiwan, China, it
average of 37 d. Control methods was previously known as Dryopeia
The third-instar grub is creamy hirsuta Baker.
white and is about 46.5 mm long and Cultural control Other root aphids known to infest
6.60 mm wide at the head. This Cultural control methods that help rice plants are Rhopalosiphum
period lasts for 143 d (Fig. 22e). reduce field population of the pest rufiabdominalis (Sasaki), Anoecia
Pupation takes place in earthen include delaying land preparation fulviabdominalis (Sasaki), Paracletus
cells in the soil 20-40 cm deep. The until most chafer adults pass their cimiciformis Heyden, and Geoica
freshly formed pupa is creamy white egg-laying phase or die. Weeding lucifuga (Zehntner).
and later turns brown. The pupae are also reduces egg laying by females
exarate and the pupal period lasts since they are attracted to thick
20-24 d. When adults emerge, they vegetation. Life history
remain in the soil until the onset of
the monsoon. Biological control The rice root aphid Tetraneura
The life cycle is completed within Several specialized scoliid wasps nigriabdominalis is small, greenish or
1 yr in the tropics. In temperate such as Campsomeris marginella brownish white, plump, and oval-
regions the life cycle is 2 yr. modesta (Smith) can parasitize white bodied (Fig. 22f). It is not so globose
grubs in the soil. Mermithid nema- compared with most Tetraneura
todes such as Psammomermis sp. also species. Rice root aphids usually
Seasonal occurrence parasitize the larvae. cluster on roots of rice plants. There
and abundance Chemical control
are two adult forms: winged and
nonwinged. Winged adults are
In India, the beetles emerge from the The only practical insecticidal control 1.5-2.3 mm long and nonwinged
soil after about 35 mm of rainfall in measure against white grubs is the forms are 1.5-2.5 mm long. The rice
the monsoon or premonsoon season application of granular insecticides in root aphids reproduce by viviparous
in May. Females lay eggs in June, crop furrows or hills at sowing. parthenogenesis and no male aphids
July, and August. Pupation takes have been recorded. There are four
place around February, and adults nymphal instars, each lasting an
that emerge remain under the soil average period of 2.2, 2.7, 3.8, and
until the onset of the monsoon.
Soil moisture is an important Rice root 5.7 d. The adult aphids live 15-20 d,
and each female produces
factor in egg incubation and survival
of white grubs. The most suitable soil aphids 35-45 nymphs in its lifetime. The first
nymphs are usually born shortly after
moisture is 10-15% for the hatching of the aphids have reached the adult
eggs and 15-25% for survival. The rice root aphid Tetraneura stage.
(=Tetraneurella) nigriabdominalis
(Sasaki) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is
Damage considered a major pest of upland Seasonal occurrence
rice. It occurs in Australia, Bangla- and abundance
Adults of black beetles burrow in the desh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan,
soil and feed on the roots; larvae feed Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, In the Philippines, the occurrence of
only on organic matter. New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, both apterous and alate adults has
Chafer adults, on the other hand, Sri Lanka, Tonga, and the USA. It has been recorded. Alate forms make up
are foliage feeders. Larvae feeding on also been recorded in Africa, Central 2-3% of the population from June to

76 Insect pests of rice

November, but increase to 10-16% in Chemical control Damage
April and May. The high percentages The usual prophylactic soil or seed
of alate adults in April and May may treatment with appropriate chemicals Adults feed on leaves of newly
be due to high temperatures and low should prevent the buildup of rice transplanted rice, but seldom cause
humidity, factors considered detri- root aphids. economic damage. What causes
mental to the survival and reproduc- enormous damage are the larvae or
tion of the aphid in dry soils. grubs feeding on the roots and
In China, soil type was observed to rootlets of young rice plants. The
be an important factor in pest inci-
dence. Rice planted in lateritic soil Rice root grubs keep feeding on the regenerat-
ing roots and, as long as they feed,
was more susceptible to aphids than
that planted in muddy or sandy soil. weevils prevent the development of new and
healthy roots. The attacked plants
The number of aphids per plant in become stunted and produce few
lateritic soil was seven times as high Rice root weevil (Coleoptera: tillers. The leaves turn yellow and
as that in sandy soils. Curculionidae) has recently become develop a rusty appearance, and the
one of the most destructive rice pests plants eventually die. Heavy attack
in Asia. The grubs attack young rice results in large patches of dry plants
Damage plants and feed on the roots and in the field. Plants at tillering stage
rootlets. The three most widely show more damage symptoms than
The rice root aphids Tetraneura distributed rice root weevils known plants after tillering. A general
nigriabdominalis and R. rufiabdominalis to occur in Asia are Echinocnemus survey of a heavily infested field
generally cause light damage at the squameus Billberg in Japan, Republic revealed that the number of root
seedling stage and heavy damage at of Korea, and China, and grubs varied from 1 to 248/plant,
the tillering stage. Symptoms of rice Echinocnemus oryzae Marshall and with an average of 39-45 larvae.
root aphid infestation is characterized Hydronomodius molitor Faust in India.
by yellowing and distorted growth of
the plants. When these plants are Control methods
pulled out, a large number of aphids Life hi story
are seen on the roots. The damage is Cultural control
caused by the feeding of the adults The life cycle of the three species are Double cropping of flooded rice can
and nymphs, which suck the plant similar. The adults are small black kill most of the larvae in their pupal
sap from the roots. In many cases, the beetles densely clothed with chalky cells. Delayed planting of the crop to
aphids are found in irregular cavities grey scales. They emerge from escape peak larval attack is another
(about 1.5 cm in diameter) with fairly underground pupal cells after the possible cultural control method.
smooth walls, which surround the onset of rains. Adult female weevils
succulent rice roots. The aphids feed feed on the leaves before depositing Chemical control
on the roots, staying within these their eggs on the submerged portion Granular insecticides efficiently
cavities, which are possibly made by of rice plants. The freshly laid eggs control larvae and are more efficient
certain species of ants that live in are pear-shaped and chalky white. than foliar sprays to control the
symbiosis with the aphids. They are laid singly under the soil adults. In chronically infested areas,
next to newly transplanted rice soaking the roots of rice seedlings in
seedlings. The freshly hatched larvae insecticide 6 h before transplanting
Control methods are creamy white. There are four effectively controls larvae.
larval stages lasting for about 40 wk.
Biological control The larvae remain submerged under-
Several natural enemies are recorded: ground and feed on rice roots. They
a braconid wasp Aphidius sp. and a pupate in underground cells in the
mermithid nematode Mermis sp. are early monsoon or spring. The pupal
recorded parasites of nymphs and stage lasts about 2 wk.
adults. Lady beetles such as Coccinella
repanda (Thunberg), Menochilus
sexmaculatus (Fabricius), and
Harmonia octomaculata (Fabricius)
prey on nymphs and adults.

Soil-inhabiting pests 77
Selected references Litsinger J A, Barrion A T, Soekarna D Rohilla H R, Singh H V, Yadava T P
(1987) Upland rice insect pests: their (1981) White grubs- increasing menace
Akino K, Sasaki M, Okamoto D (1956) ecology, importance and control. IRRI in Haryana. Haryana Agric. Univ. J.
Studies on mole crickets attacking rice Res. Pap. Ser. 123. International Rice Res. 11:256-258.
seeds directly sown without trans- Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, Sachan J N, Gangwar S K, Katiyar J N
planting between rows of wheat and Manila, Philippines. (1980) Field crickets damaging crops in
barley. Bull. Chugoku Agric. Exp. Stn.
Martins J F D S, Ferreira E, Prabhu A S, north eastern hill region. Indian J.
Zimmermann F J P (1980) Use of Entomol. 42:526-527.
Alam M S, John V T, Kaung Z (1985) pesticides for the control of the main Sithole S Z (1986) Mole cricket (Gryllotalpa
Insect pests and diseases of rice in subterranean upland rice pests. Pesqui. africana). Zimbabwe Agric. J. 83:21-22.
Africa. Pages 67-82 in Rice improve- Agropecu. Bras. 15:53-62.
ment in Eastern, Central and Southern Tan J P (1924) The rice root aphid,
Matsumura H, Ishisaki H, Oda H (1982) Dryopeia hirsuta Baker. Philipp. Agric.
Africa. Proceedings of the Interna-
Appropriate timing of insecticide 13:277-288.
tional Rice Workshop, 9-19 April 1984,
application for controlling the rice
Lusaka, Zambia, Tanaka T (1961) The rice root aphids:
plant weevil, Echinocnemus squameus
Blackman R L, Eastop V F (1984) Aphids Billberg (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). their ecology and control. (Jpn.)
on the world's crops: an identification Special Bull. Coll. Agric. Utsunomiya
Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 26:74-75.
and information guide. John Wiley Univ. 10:1-83.
Mrig K K, Kushwaha K S (1989) Oviposi-
and Sons. 466 p. Veeresh G K (1981) Taxonomy, bionomics
tional behaviour and larval character
Chakrabarti N K, Kulshreshtha P J, Rao of rice root weevil Hydronomodius and control of white grubs. Pages 1-79
molitor Faust. Indian J. Entomol. in Progress in white grubs research in
Y S (1971) Pests and diseases of new
51:481-483. India. G.K. Veeresh, ed. U.A.S. Dep.
varieties and remedial measures.
Entomol. Agric. Coll., Hebbal, Banga-
Indian Farming 21:53-58. Nguyen Van H, Nguyen Ngoc P, Nguyen lore. 154 p.
Ding H S (1985) A survey on the occur- Trung T (1986) Insect and vertebrate
Yano K, Miyake T (1983) The biology and
rence of root aphids and their damage pests of deep water rice in the Mekong
Delta, Vietnam. Int. Rice Res. Newsl. economic importance of rice aphids
to upland rice. Insect Knowledge
11(5):36. (Hemiptera:Aphididae): a review. Bull.
(Kunchong Zhishi) 22:255.
Entomol. Res. 73:539-566.
Eastop V F, HilleRisLambers D (1976) Patel H K, Patel R C, Patel V C (1965)
Survey of the world's aphids. Dr. D.W. Hydronomodius molitor Fst., a new pest
Junk b.v., Publishers, The Hague. of paddy in Gujarat. Indian J. Entomol.
573 p.
Patel V S, Desai N D (1986) Insecticidal
Feakin S D (1970) Pest control in rice.
control of grubs of rice root weevil
PANS Manual 3. Centre for Overseas
Echinocnemus oryzae Marshall in
Pest Research, London. 270 p.
Gujarat. Pesticides 20:15-16.
Habu A (1986) Redescription of larvae of
Patil B R, Hasabe B M (1981) Studies in
Peropsophus jessoensis (Coleoptera,
the bionomics of white grub Holotrichia
Carabidae). Entomol. Rev. Jpn. 41:113-
serrata F. Pages 115-119 in Progress in
white grubs research in India. G.K.
Hahn H E (1958) Investigations on the Veeresh, ed. U.A.S. Dep. Entomol.
habits and development of Gryllotalpa Agric. Coll., Hebbal, Bangalore. 154 p.
africana in Braudenberg. Beitr. Ento-
Prakasa Rao P S (1989) Bioecology and
mol. 8:334-365.
management of insect pests of rainfed
Hsieh C Y (1970) The aphids attacking upland rice ecosystem. Nutr. Ecol. Inst.
rice plants in Taiwan. II. Studies on the Environ. pp. 93-106.
biology of the red rice root aphid,
Raodeo A K, Deshpande S V (1987) White
Rophalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Sasaki)
grubs and their management. Marath-
(Aphididae, Homoptera). Plant Prot.
wada Agric. Univ. Res. Bull. 11:l-72.
Bull. (Taiwan) 12:68-78.
Reissig W H, Heinrichs E A, Litsinger J A,
Hu M (1985) An investigation on the
Moody K, Fiedler L, Mew T W, Barrion
control of Gyllotalpa africana by
A T (1986) Illustrated guide to inte-
Beauveria bassiana and Labidura sp.
grated pest management in rice in
Natural Enemies of Insects (Kunchong
tropical Asia. International Rice
Tiandi) 7:110-112
Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
Manila, Philippines. 411 p.

78 Insect pests of rice

Rice stem maggot

The rice stem maggot Chlorops oryzae Seasonal occurrence Larvae of the first generation feed on
rice seedlings and pupate from late
Matsumura (Diptera: Chloropidae) is
an important pest of rice in several and abundance May to early June. Adults emerge
parts of Asia. The insect is also from mid- to late June, and most of
known to infest wheat, barley, rye, In Japan, the pest occurs in five them migrate to rice areas above
and about 12 species of graminaceous distinct broods: two in the north and 800 m. Larvae of the second genera-
weeds. It is not known to infest three in the south. In two-generation tion damage rice crops and pupate
nongraminaceous plants. Outbreaks areas, first-brood flies appear in June from early to mid-September. Adults
of large populations occurred in and the second-brood flies in Septem- emerge from mid-September to mid-
Japan from 1935 to 1942 and from ber. The first-brood flies oviposit on October and migrate to lower,
1945 to 1955. The fly has been consid- rice seedlings in the seedbed; those of warmer areas where oviposition
ered an important pest of rice in the second brood oviposit on various occurs. The hatching peak of third-
China since the 1970s. grasses on which the insects overwin- generation larvae is in mid-Novem-
ter as full-grown larvae. In three- ber and these larvae overwinter.
generation areas, the first-brood flies
Life history emerge at the end of May and sec-
ond-brood flies the second half of Damage
The adult insects look like small July. Both broods oviposit on the rice
houseflies. Adult life-span averages plants. The third-brood flies appear Damage is caused by the maggots
2 wk, during which the female lays in September, oviposit on grasses and boring near the growing points and
50-100 eggs. The eggs are minute, other hosts, and overwinter as full- feeding on the leaf blades. Usually,
shiny white, elongate, and are laid grown maggots. The flies from two- they feed from the margin toward the
singly on the leaf blades. The average and three-generation areas behave as midrib, causing broad, chewed
incubation period is 7 d. distinct races, but those in mixed patches along the sides of the leaf
The freshly hatched maggots are population areas freely interbreed. blades. Occasionally, they also
whitish and translucent. Each meas- The maggots of three-brood popula- puncture the leaves. Heavy infesta-
ures about 1 mm long. Maggots tions develop faster than those of the tion during the vegetative stage
migrate to the central whorl of the two-brood populations. causes stunting. Second- and third-
rice plants to feed on the leaves near In the Republic of Korea, the pest brood maggots also feed on develop-
the growing points. The larvae also also has three generations a year with ing grains within the boots, causing
infest rice panicles within the boot population peaks in the second half substantial losses. The damaged
and feed on the developing grains. of May, early July, and mid-Septem- grains do not develop and the pan-
The larval stage lasts for about 6 wk. ber. icles have blank spots.
The final instar larvae then move to In China, the pest also has three Rice varieties vary in their suscep-
the upper part of the rice stem and generations a year. Larvae overwinter tibility to the stem maggot. Fre-
pupate on the upper and inner parts in areas below 700 m, mainly in the quently, 10-20% of the panicles in
of the leaf sheath. The pupal stage grasses Alopecurus japonicus, susceptible varieties are infested
lasts for about 14 d. A. equalis, and Leersia hexandra, and in during booting. A 10% infestation
wheat. Overwintered larvae pupate results in about 4% yield loss. Early-
during mid- to late March, and adults heading varieties usually have
emerge from mid- to late April. panicles damaged at the bottom; later
varieties have panicles damaged at
the top.

Control methods Selected references
Heinrichs E A, Medrano F G, Rapusas
Cultural control
H R (1985) Genetic evaluation for
Effective control measures include insect resistance in rice. International
the use of irrigation against the Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box 933,
overwintering generation and de- Manila, Philippines. 356 p.
layed sowing of the crop to escape Hirao J (1963) Further observations on the
peak damage by the pest. ecotype formation in the rice stem
maggot. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool.
Biological control 7:338-342.
No natural enemies of this pest have Hwang C Y, Lee Y B, Kim S H, Lee M H,
been recorded so far, but spiders are Choi X M (1985) Development of rice
considered probable predators in the stem maggot (Chlorops oryzae) in the
Republic of Korea. fields in Suweon. Korean J. Plant Prot.
Varietal resistance Iwata T (1963) Ecological studies on the
Several rice varieties from Japan are local variation in the seasonal history
sources of resistance to the rice stem of the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae
maggot. Among them are Aichi- Matsumura [in Japanese, English
asahi, Ashai, Joshu, Kanan-nansen, summary]. Bull. Hokuriku Agric. Exp.
Ou 187, Ou 188, Ou 230, Ou 231, Stn. 4:109-189.
Sakaikaneko, Sin 4, Sin 5, Tohoku 64, Kim K W (1982) Relationships between
Tugaru-asahi, Tyosen, Tyusin 203, damaged site of ears and heading time
Norin 10, and Obanazawa. and position of punctured leaves by
the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae
Matsumura, in the second generation.
Chemical control
Korean J. Plant Prot. 21 :175-178.
Rice stem maggot populations can be
Kim K W, Hyun J S (1982) Studies on the
effectively controlled by insecticide
life history and damage of rice plants
treatment. by the rice stem maggot, Chlorops
oryzae Matsumura [in Korean, English
summary]. Seoul Natl. Univ. Coll.
Agric. Bull. 7(1): 43-55.
Okamoto D (1961) Damages caused by
the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae
Matsumura and its control method [in
Japanese]. Agric. Hort. 36:67-70.
Yan W X, Jiang C H, Xiang D (1981)
Discussion on the occurrence and
forecasting of Chlorops oryzae
Matsumura. Insect Knowledge
(Kunchong Zhishi) 18:197-199.
Yang Z H (1984) A preliminary study on
the bionomics of Chlorops oryzae
Matsumura. Insect Knowledge
(Kunchong Zhishi) 21:l0-15.

80 Insect pests of rice

Strategies for managing
insect pests of rice

The high-yielding, early-maturing, of infrastructure, trained personnel, effective against several others.
modern rice varieties (MVs) devel- and an active program to demon- Earlier concerns that resistance is
oped since the 1960s caused major strate IPM to farmers and extension frequently associated with poor grain
shifts in the insect pest complex. In- workers. Modification and adapta- quality and low yield have been
secticide use, which began during the tion of insect management programs overcome largely by incorporating
widespread adoption of MVs, has to a particular socioeconomic situ- resistance into high-yielding varieties
become a major part of crop manage- ation are equally important. of good quality. Depending on
ment recommendations in many The various components of IPM resistance levels, resistant varieties
developing countries. Indiscriminate are host plant resistance, cultural can be used either as the principal
use of these chemicals caused major control, biological control, and, method of control or as a supplement
outbreaks of insect pests such as finally, chemical control when pest to other methods of insect pest
brown planthopper (BPH) and green damage exceeds or threatens to management. For example, rice
leafhopper (GLH) because of the exceed the economic injury level. varieties resistant to BPH and gall
destruction of indigenous predators midge generally do not need supple-
and parasites that had kept pest mentary control measures to protect
populations in check most of the Components of them against these insects, but those
time. In addition, many MVs have integrated pest resistant to stem borer (SB) need
additional protection from infestation
resistance to insects, particularly to
leafhoppers, planthoppers, and gall management beyond the booting stage, or even
midge. earlier if the borer population is large.
During the past three decades, Host plant resistance Varietal resistance to insect vectors
considerable progress has been made Plant resistance as an approach to of plant diseases also often limits the
on various methods of pest control in pest management in rice confers spread of the viral diseases they
the tropics and subtropics. It is many advantages. Resistant rice transmit. In Colombia, fields of IR8,
important to use all of these measures varieties provide an inherent control which is resistant to the rice
in developing an integrated pest that involves no expense nor environ- delphacid Tagosodes orizicolus but
management (IPM) program that is mental pollution problems, and are susceptible to its transmitted hoja
long-lasting, inexpensive, and envi- generally compatible with other blanca virus, remains virtually virus-
ronmentally safe. In most cases, this insect control methods. The cultiva- free, while other insect-susceptible
means using nonpesticidal methods tion of resistant rice plants is not rice varieties are heavily infested.
of pest control, and resorting to subject to the vagaries of weather as Fortunately, the worlds rice
pesticides only when the pest causes are chemical and biological control germplasm is well endowed with
economic loss. IPM will require measures, and in certain circum- sources of insect and disease resis-
farmers to be trained to identify pests stances it is the only effective means tance. Identification of sources of
and their biological control agents, to of control. Resistant varieties control stable resistance is a major objective
do pest surveillance in their fields, even a low pest density whereas of rice improvement programs
and to apply various control meas- insecticide use is justifiable only throughout the world. Rice varieties
ures. when the density reaches the eco- with multiple resistance to insect
A major constraint to implement- nomic injury level. In some cases, pests and diseases are now grown on
ing an effective IPM program for rice resistance developed in plants for one more than 20 million ha in Asia and
in tropical Asia and Africa is the lack insect pest species may also be Central and South America.

Sources of resistance. Screening meth- Southeast Asia. Strong breeding in hybridization programs. On the
ods for more than 30 rice insect pests programs for gall midge resistance other hand, the levels of resistance to
throughout the world have been have been established in India, Sri many insect pests in cultivated rice
developed and sources of resistance Lanka, and Thailand, and several are too low for breeding purposes.
to most were identified over the past resistant rice varieties are available to For most insect pests, only a small
two decades (Table 10). Major em- farmers. Many rice varieties with portion of the worlds germplasm
phasis has been on leafhopper, moderate levels of resistance to SB collection has been screened. Screen-
planthopper, SB, and gall midge. All have been released in Asia. ing of the entire germplasm collection
the major rice-producing countries in Plant resistance for occasional and may identify varieties with higher
South and Southeast Asia have secondary pests offers advantages, levels of resistance.
breeding programs for BPH and GLH which are often overlooked. Resis- Several wild rices have high levels
resistance. BPH-resistant varieties tance sources for leaffolders, rice of resistance to insect pests and
alone occupy about 25% of the hispa, rice bugs, and whorl maggots diseases. With the development of
irrigated lowland rice area in are available, but are not widely used innovative breeding techniques, those
useful genes could be used to
broaden the primary gene pool of
Table 10. Status of screening and breeding for varietal resistance to major insect pests of cultivated rice. Genes for resistance to
grassy stunt virus have been success-
Status of resistance a fully transferred to rice from Oryza
nivara, and resistance to BPH from
Insect Resistance Resistant Resistant Genes for
methods sources breeding varieties resistance
Biotypes O. officinalis. The world collection of
developed identified lines released identified tered more than 2,200 wild rice accessions
available at IRRI is being evaluated for resis-
+ + - - - tance to various major and minor rice
Scirpophaga incertulas +
(Walker) pests. Several accessions with high
Chilo suppressalis + + + - - - levels of resistance have been identi-
+ - - - - fied and may be used in wide hy-
Maliarpha separatella +
Ragonot bridization breeding programs.
Diopsis macrophthalma + + - - - -
+ + + + +
Breeding for resistance. Breeding for
Orseolia oryzae +
(Wood-Mason) insect resistance in rice has been a
Nilaparvata lugens (Stl) + + + + + + focus of rice research programs only
Sogatella furcifera + + + + + ?
during the last two decades. Al-
Laodelphax striatellus + + + + - ? though differences in varietal suscep-
(Fallen) tibility to pest infestations had been
Tagosodes orizicolus + + + + - ?
recorded for the last 50 yr or more,
Nephotettix virescens + + + + + + until 1962 scientists did not believe
(Distant) there was sufficient insect resistance
Nephotettix cincticeps + + + + - ?
in rice to be of practical value in
Nephotettix nigropictus + + - - - - breeding programs.
(Stl) In the early screening at IRRI for
Recilia dorsalis + + + + + - genetic resistance to the striped stem
Cofana spectra (Distant) + + - - - - borer (SSB), 10,000 rice accessions
Hydrellia philippina Ferino+ + - - - - from IRRIs rice collection were
Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus+ + - - - -
evaluated in the field and in green-
Dicladispa armigera + + - - - - house experiments. Several types of
(Olivier) germplasm were identified as resis-
Spodoptera mauritia + - - - - -
tant. Most of those resistant to SSB
mauritia Boisduval
Mythimna separata + - - - - - were susceptible to other pests and
(Walker) diseases and had limited practical
Nymphula depunctalis + + - - - -
value in a breeding program. Fortu-
Leptocorisa spp. + + - - - - nately TKM6, a cultivar from India,
Oebalus pugnax (Fabricius) + + - - - - was not only resistant to SSB, but was
a + = yes, - = less damaged by other common pests
no, ? = biotypes suspected.

82 Insect pests of rice

such as GLH and yellow stem borer which are also easy to incorporate in Resistance to leafhoppers and
YSB), and diseases such as bacterial improved plant types. Such resis- planthoppers does not seem to be
blight (BB) and bacterial leaf streak tance, however, is often short-lived. associated with any morphological or
(BLS). However, TKM6 had a low The erosion of monogenic resistance anatomical peculiarities of the rice
yield potential. To combine improved (conferred by Bph 1 gene) in IR26 plant. It has been demonstrated that
plant type with the desired character- within 2 yr of its intensive cultivation volatile allelochemicals from rice
istics, TKM6 was crossed with IR262- in the Philippines and Indonesia in plants play an important role in
24-3 in 1965. This cross produced mid-1970s is a classic example of the imparting resistance or susceptibility
many promising breeding lines. One inherent weakness of monogenic to leafhoppers and planthoppers.
of these was released for cultivation resistance. On the other hand, there These allelochemicals include a large
in 1969 as IR20. IR20 possessed a are a few examples of major gene group of low-molecular-weight
moderate to high level of resistance to resistance remaining effective for compounds such as essential oils,
SSB, GLH, rice tungro virus, BB, BLS, long periods. Some rice varieties with particularly terpenoids, alcohols,
and rice blast. It was the first high- major genes have retained their aldehydes, fatty acids, esters, and
yielding rice variety that had resis- resistance to GLH over the last 40 yr. waxes. A mixture of 14 esters, 7
tance to several of the common insect Polygenic resistance is moderate, carbonyl compounds, 5 alcohols, and
pests and diseases combined with but is more stable and longer lasting 1 isocynurate has been identified in
good grain quality. than major gene resistance. This type volatile attractant fractions of the
IR20 elicited much interest among of resistance is biotype-nonspecific BPH-susceptible Japanese rice culti-
rice scientists, and insect resistance because several minor genes are var Nihonbare.
became an important part of rice involved. The resistance to SB is
breeding programs of most national polygenic. No biotype of any of these Insect biotypes. Much genetic variation
and international organizations. All insects has been reported so far. also occurs within the populations of
IRRI varieties developed subsequent various species of rice insect pests.
to the release of IR20 have resistance Nature of resistance. Although the When varieties resistant to these pests
to common pests and diseases and exact mechanism of insect resistance are grown, insect populations that are
are the most important elements in in crop plants is not always known, not able to survive and multiply on
the integrated control of rice insect the nature of resistance to some major them are eliminated. But the popula-
pests. insect pests of rice has been studied tion of surviving individuals or
in detail. A general association biotypes builds up. The development
Genetics of resistance. Information on between several morphological and of new biotypes capable of surviving
the mode of inheritance and the anatomical characteristics of the rice on resistant varieties limits the role of
number of genes involved in the plant (height, stem diameter, and resistant varieties in insect control.
resistance of plants to particular pest length and width of flag leaf) and For example, the threat of BPH
species, although not essential for resistance to SB has been recorded. biotypes to the stability of resistant
breeding resistant plants, has great None of these characters, however, rice varieties is considered serious. So
practical significance for identifying appeared to be the main cause of far, three BPH biotypes (biotype 1,
donors of resistance, developing borer resistance. biotype 2, and biotype 3) have been
isogenic lines, and breeding broad- A rice plant biochemical oryzan- identified in the Philippines and one
based resistant varieties. The com- one (p-methylacetophenone) was biotype (biotype 4) in the Indian
pleteness of the information available identified as an attractant to ovipos- subcontinent. Genetic analysis of
on the number of genes conferring iting moths and larvae. Resistance of resistant varieties revealed nine major
resistance depends on the thorough- TKM6 and other resistant rice varie- genes that convey resistance to the
ness with which the germplasm has ties was due mostly to production of different BPH biotypes (Table 5).
been screened. Genes for resistance to allomones, which inhibit oviposition Biotype 1, the general and pre-
several rice insect pests have been and disturb the insects growth and dominant field population in the
identified (Table 10). development. This biochemical Philippines, can infest only the
Insect resistance in rice plants is resistance factor, coded as Com- susceptible varietiesthose that lack
governed by major genes [either a pound A, has recently been identified genes for resistancesuch as IR5,
single gene (monogenic) or a few as a pentadecanal at IRRI in collabo- IR8, IR20, IR22, IR24, and TN1.
genes (oligogenic)] or minor genes ration with the Tropical Development Biotype 2 can survive on and damage
[many genes (polygenic)]. Most of the Research Institute, London. Com- varieties carrying Bph 1 resistance
known high levels of resistance are pound A in resistant plants inhibits gene (e.g., IR26, IR28, IR29, IR30,
either monogenic or oligogenic, oviposition and adversely affects IR34, Mudgo) in addition to those
eggs, larvae, and pupal stages. susceptible to biotype 1. Biotype 3, a

Strategies for managing rice insect pests 83

laboratory biotype produced in the The existence of gall midge bio- suppression were a low research
Philippines, can infest rice varieties types in India was suspected during priority. With the development of the
carrying the bph 2 gene (e.g., IR32, the early stages of development of IPM philosophy, however, cultural
IR36, IR42, IR54, ASD7) and varieties resistant rice varieties. Since then, control of insect pests is now an
vulnerable to biotype 1. Recently, a many regional, national, and interna- important strategy in rice production.
population of BPH collected from tional collaborative studies have Cultural practices, however, are
Mindanao, southern Philippines, attempted to detect, define, and usually dictated by agronomic and
equally damaged rice varieties with characterize biotypes of gall midge. economic considerations. Unless
Bph 1 and bph 2 resistance genes. Morphological variations were also insect pests are obviously a produc-
None of the BPH in the Philippines noted in gall midge adults collected tion-limiting factor, growers are
survive on varieties with Bph 3, bph 4, from India and Thailand. The insects unlikely to change cultural practices
bph 8, and Bph 9 resistance genes; were believed to represent two merely because of pest control
bph 5, Bph 6, and bph 7 convey resis- biotypes. Even within India, four gall recommendations.
tance to biotype 4 of the Indian sub- midge biotypes occur. Cultural control methods that
continent. Several rice varieties that The stability of insect resistance in suppress insect pest populations have
are resistant in the Philippines are rice varieties depends largely on the advantages over chemical control
susceptible in India and Sri Lanka occurrence of these biotypes. There- because they do not require costly
because the allopatric biotypes of the fore, an important breeding objective inputs, nor do they pose threats to
pest in South Asia are more virulent is to incorporate stable resistance into nontarget organisms. Several cultural
than the Southeast Asian biotypes. high-yielding varieties. Many of the practices have a profound influence
The possibility of the occurrence or varieties bred at IRRI for resistance to on insect pest survival, persistence in
evolution of the more virulent BPH BPH were not resistant to the South a particular environment, and crop
biotypes cannot be excluded if Asian biotype. That is one reason damage. Sometimes, even a slight
resistant varieties with new genes for why IR36 is not as popular in India as population reduction brought about
resistance are planted intensively. in Southeast Asia. Gall midge- by these practices prevents insect
Although there are no confirmed resistant varieties developed at the populations from reaching damaging
reports of biotypic variation in the Central Rice Research Institute in levels. Cultural methods aim to
species Nephotettix virescens, virulent Cuttack, Orissa, are susceptible to disrupt or slow down population
populations were selected at IRRI on gall midge populations in the terri- buildup of pests. They include
the resistant Pankhari 203 (Glh 1), IR8 tory of Manipur, about 2,000 km from sanitation (destruction [or use] of
(Glh 3), Ptb 8 (glh 4), TAPL796 (Glh 6), Cuttack. crop residue, of alternate hosts
and Moddai Karuppan (Glh 7). The increasing importance of including weeds, and of habitats for
However, no such population could several insect pests and their biotypes aestivation or hibernation), tillage
be selected on ASD7 (Glh 2) and in recent years points to the need for and flooding of fields to destroy
ASD8 (Glh 5) rice varieties at IRRI. varieties with multiple resistance. insect pests in stubble, crop rotation,
GLH populations in different Wild relatives of cultivated rice, mixed cropping, timing of planting
countries, however, show clear which are rich sources of several and harvest to escape pest infesta-
differences in their virulence to useful genes for insect resistance, tions, use of trap crops, and proper
resistant rice varieties. Populations of should be identified and used in fertilizer and water management.
N. virescens in Bangladesh and India breeding programs. Resistance genes Although many of these practices are
have virulence patterns different can be transferred to cultivated rice simple and easy to follow, they have
from those of the Philippine popula- varieties using the embryo rescue greater impact when practiced
tions. Pankhari 203, a rice variety technique. These genes from distant community-wide.
with Glh 1 resistance gene, is resistant relatives can broaden the primary Removal and destruction of
to N. virescens in Indonesia and the gene pool of O. sativa. Sequential stubble effectively minimize overwin-
Philippines but susceptible in Bangla- release of resistant varieties with tering populations of many insect
desh, India, and Malaysia. Biotypic varying genetic background and the pests such as SB. Fall plowing results
variations in GLH species multiline approach will help combat in high mortality of overwintering
N. cincticeps have been reported in insect biotype problems. pupae and eggs. In China, plowing
Japan. Two distinct populations and flooding of large areas of
showing significant intraspecific Cultural control ricefields before transplanting consti-
variations in their responses to rice Changes in cropping practices of rice tute a standard practice to reduce SB
varieties were collected from Joestsu directly affect the dynamics of plant/ population in the subsequent crop.
and Chikugo. insect associations. In the past, Proper crop rotation has helped to
cultural practices as a method of pest control BPH.

84 Insect pests of rice

The proper timing of planting and cultural practices suggested for levels, resulting in the resurgence of
harvesting dates helps many crops controlling major insect pests of rice pest populations.
escape pest damage. In many coun- are given in Table 11. Most research related to biological
tries, timing is regulated by ordi- control in rice is confined to studies
nances or simply by the availability Biological control of seasonal and relative abundance,
of irrigation water. Adjustment of In the rice ecosystem, one of the most and on taxonomic surveys of natural
planting or harvesting time is practi- important approaches to biological enemies.
cal only in areas with distinct cold or control is conservation of the natural Rich communities of biological
winter seasons. Delayed planting to enemy complex. Although this tactic control agents attack rice insect pests
evade insect pests that emerge from is much older than ones involving in the absence of chemical insecti-
overwintering populations has been imported species, the importance of cides (Fig. 23a-p). The predator and
practiced in temperate areas for many these communities of naturally parasite complex present in most
years. In the tropics and subtropics, occurring species was little known undisturbed rice ecosystems is
however, the life cycle of many insect until broad-spectrum insecticides diverse. At least 98 species of para-
species revolves around the availabil- reduced their numbers to ineffective sites have been reared from SB alone.
ity of host plants. Therefore delayed
planting is effective only in minimiz-
ing pest outbreaks. In Laguna Prov- Table 11. Suggested cultural control measures for selected insect pests of rice.
ince, Philippines, for example, a 2-mo
Insect pests Measures
moratorium on rice in May and June
helped to control a 1973 epidemic Stem borers Planting early-maturing varieties
population of BPH. Synchronous planting
Early planting
A successful example of the use of Delayed planting
cultural practices for control of SB is Cutting rice stalks at ground level and
reported in Japan. The major factor destruction of stubble, plowing
Application of calcium cyanamide to enhance
responsible for earlier outbreaks of stubble-rotting and stem borer larval
YSB was the staggered planting of mortality
rice. The pest was controlled by Increased amount of slag (CaSiO 3)
Trap crops
simultaneously planting late rice. The Judicious use of fertilizer, split N applications
decline in the population of SSB in Removal of egg masses from seedlings before
Japan must have been influenced by a transplanting
Field drainage
change in cultural practices that
included planting early rice, which Brown planthopper, Sanitation of field, plowing of volunteer ratoon
permitted mid-season harvest 2-3 wk whitebacked planthopper Crop rotation with no more than two crops per
earlier; straw destruction; and in- Draining of the field
creasing the rate of slag application Judicious use of fertilizer, split N applications
by 2-3 times. The area infested by
Green leafhoppers Growing no more than two rice crops and
YSB and SSB has continuously plowing stubble after harvest
decreased since these cultural con- Early planting
trols were adopted. Trap crop
Although cultural practices are Gall midge Removal of grassy weeds and wild rices from
important in minimizing pest inci- surrounding areas and ricefields
dence, each one needs to be evaluated Judicious use of fertilizers, split N applications
Late planting
as part of the total crop production Early planting
system. While some practices such as Wide spacing
good land preparation are compatible
Whorl maggots Early planting
with production technology, others Field drainage
such as change of planting dates may
not be acceptable because of adverse Leaffolders Judicious use of fertilizer, split N applications
Early transplanting
effects on yields or the creation of Removal of grassy weeds
conditions favorable for other insect
pests. Growers who adopt cultural Rice bugs Weed sanitation and eradication of alternate
practices should understand their No staggered planting
impact on insect pests. Several Early-maturing varieties
No very early or very late planting

Strategies for managing rice insect pests 85

In addition, many species of general-
ist predators feed on the immature
and adults of most pest species.
The parasite complex of leafhop-
pers and planthoppers is somewhat
less diverse, but positive correlations
have been found between percentage
of egg parasitization and increasing
hopper density. That suggests a
density-dependent response by the
parasites. Likewise, there is a strong
correlation between the density of
BPH and lycosid spiders. Cyrtorhinus
lividipennis Reuter is usually the most
abundant predator of BPH in
ricefields. Correlations between
numbers of this predator and hop-
pers have been found in Malaysia
and recently in the Philippines.
Numerous other parasitic and preda-
tory species add to the overall mortal-
ity of insect pest species on rice. Any
disruption of these communities
often causes pest resurgence.
Like other insects, rice pests such
as BPH, rice bug, rice black bug, and
various lepidopteran pests are
susceptible to entomopathogenic
microorganisms. Of these, the em-
phasis has been given historically to
the entomopathogenic fungi. Impres-
sive epidemics of these fungi in insect
populations are observed in the field.
The key factors that trigger these
epidemics are not known. However,
environmental factors such as tem-
perature, humidity, and the presence
or absence of harmful pesticides 23. Natural enemies of insect pests
undoubtedly play an important role. of rice. Parasites: a) Amauromorpha
Insect viruses have recently been accepta metathoracica,
identified as another group of impor- b) Temelucha sp., c) Temelucha sp.
cocoon, d) Cotesia ruficrus cocoon.
tant entomopathogenic microorgan- Predators: e) Cyrtorhinus sp. adult,
isms of insect populations in rice. f) Cyrtorhinus sp. nymph,
High levels of infection have been g) Limnogonus sp., h) Pardosa
recorded, especially in populations of pseudoannulata, i) Metioche sp.,
lepidopteran larvae (e.g., leaffolder, j) Anaxipha sp., k) Ophionea
nigrofasciata, I) Egg cocoon of
armyworm). Research on this impor- Tetragnatha virescens, m) Harmonia
tant group of natural enemies has octomaculata, n) Harmonia
recently been initiated at IRRI. In octomaculata larva feeding on BPH
relation to the conservation of natural nymph, 0) Menochilus
enemies, the specific pesticide con- sexmaculatus. Pathogen:
p) Hirsutella sp.
taining spores of the entomopatho-
genic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis
Berliner is currently being tested
against several lepidopterous pest

86 Insect pests of rice

species. If effective against these
pests, wider use of this product will
be advocated and should result in
further conservation of the predator,
parasite, and entomopathogen
complexes. Recently, IRRI initiated a
project on transfer of B. thuringiensis
gene to rice varieties for control of
lepidopterous insect pests.
Nematodes have also been identi-
fied as an important group of mi-
croorganisms attacking rice pests.
Few attempts have been made to
introduce natural enemies of rice
insect pests from one country to
another. The few have had rice SB as
the primary target. The introduction
of parasites from China and Japan to
control Chilo suppressalis in Hawaii is
the only known importation effort
successful in rice.

Chemical control
Although it is well known that
chemical control is incompatible with
the ecological approach to pest
management, pesticides still remain
the first line of defense against many
rice insect pests and are used freely
when insect outbreaks occur. In
Japan, national rice production
progressively increased following the
wide adoption of parathion in 1953
and the subsequent use of other
Although insecticides have effec-
tively controlled many insect pest
species, their extensive use has led to
serious social and environmental
repercussions. The poisoning of
livestock, fish, wildlife, and other
beneficial organisms has been linked
with pesticide use. Likewise, there
has been a disturbing increase in
human poisonings, particularly in
developing countries. A recent
survey in a major rice-growing area
of the Philippines showed that, after
widespread adoption of insecticides
by farmers on small holdings, there
was a 27% increase in mortality from
causes other than trauma.
Pest resurgence associated with
insecticidal destruction of natural
enemies and the development of

Strategies for managing rice insect pests 87

insecticide resistance lead to in-
creased doses or more powerful
Selected references Kenmore P E (1987) Crop loss assessment
in a practical integrated pest control
insecticides. The IPM strategy em- Bangladesh (1979) Integrated pest control program for tropical Asian rice. Pages
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cides rather than prophylactic treat- Proceedings of the regional training pest management. P.S. Teng, ed.
ment. seminar on integrated pest control for American Phytopatho-logical Society
irrigated rice in South and Southeast Press. 270 p.
Insecticide-induced resurgence of
Asia, 16 Oct-18 Nov 1978, Manila, Kenmore P E, Litsinger J A, Bandong J P,
BPH has been reported in every
Philippines. FAO, USAID and Philip- Santiago A C, Salac M M (1987)
country in tropical Asia. Other
pine Bureau of Plant Industry. 14 p. Philippine rice farmers and insecti-
examples of insecticide-induced
Bottrell D G (1979) Putting the integrated cides: thirty years of growing depend-
outbreaks include those of GLH and
pest control package together. In ency and new options for change. In
leaffolder. Although several other Chapter 13, Management of pests and
Proceedings of the regional training
factors have been implicated in seminar on integrated pest control for pesticides - farmers perceptions and
inducing resurgence, it is generally irrigated rice in South and Southeast practices. J. Tait and B. Napompeth,
recognized by most rice scientists that Asia, 16 Oct-18 Nov 1978, Manila, eds. Westview Press, Boulder and
the primary cause is destruction of Philippines. FAO, USAID and Philip- London.
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insecticides. Rice entomologists have Chiu S F (1980) Integrated control of rice host plant resistance in rice against
recently begun to look at the interac- insect pests in China. Pages 239-250 in major insect pests and diseases. Pages
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of Agricultural Sciences. Los Baos, of the 11th International Congress of
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adaptation of insect pests to previ-
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Improvement: Potential and Limita-
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use is still not practiced. Several insect pest management components pines.
at the International Rice Research
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88 Insect pests of rice

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Strategies for managing rice insect pests 89

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