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E Correct the mistake in each sentence.

a) You must to learn ten new words every day.
You nusl learn len new words euer da.. 1 @:f Listen and tick (/) the words you hear.
b) Your best friend shoulds speak to you in English a) shoes / choose
for one hour.every day. b) wash watch
I^ c) cash catch ,
c) You shouldn 't about making mistakes. d) share chair -
o, s.Lcq- e) search church

d) \bii r:ri: .r- . :: -. ,., be Perfect too soon. Look at the words in the box. Is the underlined
sound lft or ltfl? Put the words in the correct
e) r - ,. ..:.-- .-"ilsl studv cver1, lggson ttro itr tliree
+<m+e++*. h+lC clloo:e
, ..--- -._-- e,rcl1 lill i>lt crm is5iprr .
r. ,. .ir.ruid to enjov lrour studies as much as rrsefL -rich special sure
: .,s-.ible.
ttt t:!!
\bu should use rlot r dictionrrv too iftei-l
accontnodalion chld

h) You mlrst'nt transi:rte er.erythinEJ.

Look at the sentences again.

ri h
. Which are the four best pieces of advice for
someone studying a language? @ 37 Lirte, and check. Repeat the words.
. Add three more pieces of advice.
@ 3e Repeat the following sentences five times as
fast as you can!

.i6 For each question, finish the second sentence so
that it means the same as the first.
a) SA"g

is not permitted in_ the._re*?g{lll;
You can'l snoke in lhe rcslaurant.

b) It isn't a good idea to play vour music so louc1.

.t, She chose some cheap shoes at the shops.
YOU \1..

c) Is it necessary for tis to wear a seatbelt?

Do .,. . . : i!

d) It r,,u,as necessary for

entrance exam. "r,"-
- * l-,
e) Is it OK for me to bring some friends home after
She said the short child should share her chair.

0 When r,r,ere r.ou permitted to lear.e school?

When could
g) It wasn't necessary for me to lose weight.

h) I think it's good idea for you to come home

You She chatted with a teacher in a special checked shirt

Education 47

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