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Professora Dra Marcella Lopes Guimares

Departament of History
Universidade Federal do Paran, Brazil

Dear responsible,

I have known Mr. Rodrigo Fernandes Frighetto since 2012, when he started his
undergraduate studies at the Pontificia Universidade Catlica do Paran, in Curitiba, Brazil. I had
the pleasure to know him and follow his development as a student and investigator. He was a
dedicated and focused student. He benefited from everything that the university had to offer: he
studied modern languages, he engaged mth younger students in order to help and guide as much
as he could, and he was very active. Having read and followed his academic production, I can also
confirm that the quality of it is unquestionable. Now, as a young researcher, I am sure that Mr.
Frighetto will excel in any academic environment especially a world-class one such as the
University of Leeds. He has proved many times to be a skillful philosopher, a very competent and
tactful communicator and researcher.
Regarding the specificities to which Mr. Frighetto is applying, I maintain that he is an
ideal candidate. I know that he is acquainted with political, bureaucratic and literary texts of the
period and, even if it does not immediately show in publications, his potential to develop research
in the field of Modern Philosophy is undeniable.
Thus, given Mr. Frighetto's excellent development both as a former student and now as a
young researcher, his driven personality, his academic skills, and his potential in the field of
Philosophy, I am confident that he will be an outstanding candidate for the postgraduate in
Philosophy MA in this institution. Therefore I emphatically recommend him for the position in

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