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Geological Circular 82-1

Lineament Analysis and Inference of

Geologic Structure Examples from the

Balcones/Ouachita Trend of Texas
by S. Christopher Caran C. M. Woodruff, Jr. and Eric J. Thompson

Reprinted from Transactions of the

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies,
Vol. XXXI, 1981

Bureau of Economic Geology

The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
W. L. Fisher, Director
Geological Circular 82-1

Lineament Analysis and inference of

Geologic Structure Examples from the

Balcones/Ouachita Trend of Texas
by S. Christopher Caran C. M. Woodruff, Jr. and Eric J. Thompson

Reprinted from Transactions of the

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies,
Vol. XXXI, 1981

Bureau of Economic Geology

The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
W. L. Fisher, Director

Research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Geothermal

Energy, under contract number DE-ASO7-791D12057
Lineament Analyses and Inference
of Geologic Structure

Examples from the Balcones/Ouachita
Trend of Texas
S. Christopher Caran C. M. Woodruff, Jr. and Eric J. Thompson

Lineaments perceivedinremotelysensed imagesarereliableindicators of geologicstructure.Lineaments ontenLandsat
multispectralscanner images (band 5;1:250,000 scale) were mappedcovering the Ouachita/Balcones-Luling-Mexia-Talco
structural trend between the Rio Grande and Red River in Texas. More than 5,000 lineaments wereperceived in these
images. Mapsdepictingthelineaments(individuallyandin various combinations) werecomparedwithmapsof structural/
tectonic features and geothermalgradient contours, noting instances of apparent correlation among these themes.
Lineaments arecorrelative withtheindividualfaults andthe aggregatefaultpatterns of theBalcones,Luling, Mexia,and
Talco fault zones. Transverse lineaments, whichtrend almost perpendicular to these fault zones, mark the northernmost
extent of the Balcones faultsystem and outlinecarbonate platforms,such as the Belton High/MoffattMound trendand the
SanMarcos arch. Transverselineaments are coincidentalso withtheaxesof theburiedChittimandPreston anticlines and
with the flanksof theShermanandRoundRock synclines.Numerous salt domes occur at depth in the westernpart ofthe
east Texas basin near the trend; many of these domes, particularly those in Henderson, Anderson, and Freestone
Counties, are found along and at the intersection of major lineament zones where the concentration of individual
lineaments is greatest. Most of theburied Late Cretaceous volcanoes of central Texas near Austin lie alongnortheast-
southwest-trendinglineament zones; the altered pyroclastic rocks and associated beachrock facies at many of these
volcanoes are hydrocarbonreservoirs. The orientation andspacing ofgeothermalgradient contourlines ("isograds")also
correspond tomajor structures and, thus, to thepatternof lineaments throughouttheregion. Correlation of (1)individual
lineaments, zones of contiguous or nearly parallel lineaments, and areas of homogeneous lineament density and
orientation to (2)surface andsubsurface structures and (3) geothermal"isograd"patternsindicates thatlineament analysis
has many potentialapplications to regional mineralresource assessment.

Introduction siliceous rocks were deposited in orogenic troughs bordering

the craton and werefolded andthrusted to the westand north
The Ouachita/Balcones-Luling-Mexia-Talco structural trend during the Ouachita orogeny. The orogeny culminated in
in central Texas is an arcuate band of 1) deformed, locally Pennsylvanian to Early Permian time, creating the Ouachita
intrudedPaleozoicrocks composing a founderedorogeniccom- orogenicbelt (King, 1975). Clastic sediment erodedfrom these
plex (OuachitaSystem of Flawnetal., 1961) and2) superjacent highlands filledthe adjacent Val Verde,Kerr, andFort Worth
Mesozoicand Cenozoic sedimentary units displaced bymostly basins of the foreland, which were rapidly subsiding (Flawn,
down-to-the-gulf normal faults (Balcones, Luling, Mexia, and 1961b; andKing, 1961). The beltbegan to subside in Mesozoic
Talco fault zones).For simplicity, this structural belt is termed time, concomitant with the marine transgressionthat control-
the Balcones/Ouachita trend and this discussion is concerned led deposition during the CretaceousPeriod throughout the
withthe segmentthat extendsfromtheRioGrandenearDelRio region. A thick, marine carbonate sequence above basal Cre-
to the RedRiver nearTexarkana(Fig.1).This part of thetrendis taceous sands covered most of the OuachitaSystem in central
approximately 600 mi (965 km)long and30 to 80 mi (50 to 130 Texas. This stratigraphic section includes Late Cretaceous
km) wide. igneous rocks associated with volcanoes and dikes that are
coincident with the Balcones/Ouachita trend.
Ouachita System
The Ouachita component of the Balcones/Ouachita trend
comprises a suite of stacked Paleozoic lithofacies and imbri- Fault zones
cated overthrust sheets that separates the North American By Miocene time, but beginning locally perhaps as early as
Central StableRegion(craton) on thenorthand west from the the Cretaceous Period (Hayward, 1978), the secondprincipal
downwarping Gulf of Mexico Basin on the south and east
component of the trendhadbeensuperimposed on thefirst. En
(Flawn,1961a). This tectonicboundary has remainedstructur- echelon normalfaults composing the Balcones, Luling, Mexia,
ally active throughout most of Phanerozoic time, influencing andTalco fault zones(Figs. 2aand2b)displaced afew thousand
deposition, structuraldeformation, andvolcanismalong most feetoftheMesozoic to lowerTertiarysectionabovethe Ouachi-
of the southern margin of the continental craton. Clastic and ta Systemsubcrop. The faults, inaggregate,trend approximate-
lyparallel to the Ouachita structuralgrain.FounderedOuachita
Publicationauthorizedby theDirector, Bureau ofEconomic Geology, structures acted as ahinge for downwarpinginto the ancestral
The of Texas at Austin. Gulf of MexicoBasin (Miser,1934). This downwarping,along
Bureauof Economic Geology, University ofTexas, Austin, Texas78712 with upward flexing of the continental interior west of the


Figure 1. Major structural/tectonicfeatures associated with theBalcones/Ouachita trend, Central Texas Region

Figure 2a. Faults and fault zones of the Balcones/Ouachita trend, northern part

Figure 2b. Faults andfault zones of the Balcones/Ouachita trend, southern part

Balcones/Ouachita trend, continues at a measurable rate (Hol- structural features control the location and properties of geo-
dahl and Morrison, 1974). Local structural disturbances have thermal aquifers, as inferred from maps of calculated geoth-
occurred within the east Texasbasin just east of the Balcones/ ermalgradient values. Themainpurpose was to investigate the
Ouachita trend, where salt diapirs warped and pierced the structural relations of geothermal waters; however, this
overlying strata.Some of these diapirsreachedthe surface;and approach is equally applicable to exploration for other re-
the movement ofcertain salt domes,includingOakwood dome sources.
inLeon andFreestoneCounties (Collins etal,1981), has prob-
ably continued to the present (Sheets, 1947).

Resources Lineaments
The tectonichistory of the Balcones/Ouachita trendalso has Definition
affected the distribution ofthe mineralresources in the region, For purposes of this paper, a lineament is a pattern or "fig-
including fluidand solid hydrocarbons, potable ground water, ure" in a factual representation (photograph,map, model) of
iron, industrial clay, and construction materials such as lime, either theearth's surface or asubsurfacedatum(whetherstrati-
basalt, building stone, and sand. The authors became in-
graphically, structurally, or geophysically defined) andthe fig-
terested in this structuraltrendwhenits apparent influenceon ure must be linear (straight), continuous, reasonably well ex-
the distribution and properties of warm ground waters in the pressed (having discernible end points, width, andazimuth),
area was recognized (Woodruff and Mcride, 1979). Geo- and be related to features of the solid earth. Figures are not
thermal ground water occurs at moderatedepths in several lineaments by this definition if they represent either cultural
aquifersalong the trend.Although the quality of these watersis features (such as pipeline corridors, roads, or canals), superfi-
variable, affecting their use, the aquifers are found near the
cial geomorphic features (such as eolian dunes or shoals of
region's major population centers where institutional and in- current-transported sediments),or transient climaticor hydro-
dustrial applications wouldbemost practical. Growing interest graphic features (clouds orcloud shadows, waves,snow drifts,
in this potential heat source has stimulated a continuing re- or, as in one example, a tornado pathway through a forest)
search effort to define the region'sgeothermal resourcepoten- unless these features are in fact controlledbygeologic trends.
tial (Woodruff et al, 1981). Somelinear streamchannels, linesof vegetation, soilandrelief
Data concerning these geothermal aquifers were scanty. breaks, andother surface alignments docoincide withpatterns
There was relatively little availableinformation from oil test in the geologic substrate; these features can, therefore, be rec-
wellsalong theBalcones/Ouachita trend; few wells of sufficient ognized as lineaments in photographs, maps, or scanner im-
depthhadbeendrilledbecause thePaleozoic(Ouachita facies) ages (Caran etal., 1981). For regional lineamentstudies,Land-
units were not (until recently) considered favorable target sat MSS imagery constitutes an ideal image base.
zones for petroleum exploration. Where drilling had occurred,
theLowerCretaceous aquifers, whicharethe principal sources Landsat imagery
of geothermal waters in the region, wereusually casedbefore
logging. This was done to prevent leakage of the frequently Observers haveperceivedlineaments in virtually every kind
saline watersof theseunitsintofresh-wateraquiferspenetrated of map, aerial and orbital photograph, and orbital scanner
higher in the section,but it alsopreventsacquisitionof electric- image ("scanogram"). This investigation is primarily con-
logdata from the casedinterval.Because availablewellcontrol cerned with lineamentsperceived in photographicimages de-
is limited, othermeans of exploring forand assessingthese geo- rivedfromLandsat MSS (band5) data.The multispectral scan-
thermal resources were investigated. neracts as arecordinglight meter,responding to the intensity
of sunlight reflected from the earth's surface. Responses in
Methods spectral band 5, the orange to magenta region (0.5 to 0.6 mi-
crometerswavelength) of thevisible spectrum, andotherbands
An alternateapproach was described byTrexler etal. (1978). arerecorded as digital entriesfor every1.1-acre (0.45ha) areaof
These investigators mapped lineaments perceived in satellite the surface2 scene (each scene covers more than 12,000 mi2 or
images covering known geothermal resource areas inNevada 31,200 km ). The reflectance valuesare then convertedphoto-
and attempted to correlate theselineaments with the distribu- graphically togray tones. The resultingimage or scanogramis a
tion of thermal springs and wells. Procedures used in this photographic product that resembles a conventional photo-
study,although different fromthose employed byTrexlerand graph of the scene. Color images can be prepared in a similar
his coworkers, are predicated on a similar, two-part premise: manner (U.S. Geological Survey,1979).
thatlineaments arecorrelative with structuralfeatures, includ- Images wereselected that wereprepared fromwinter(Octo-
ingburied structures with subtle or obscuresurface expression; ber to March) imagery data when the angle of solar elevation
and that these structures controlthe distributionandcharacter- was lowest, thereby emphasizing low-relief topographic fea-
istics of geothermal (and other) resources. Warm-water aqui- tures. Eachimage isa snow- and cloud-free, high-quality, posi-
fers can thusbe investigatedby using lineamentsas a guide to tive black-and-whiteprint on a paper base in l:250,000-scale
structures governingresource distribution.Lineamentanalysis format. The images are unenhanced and were obtained from
is particularly useful in areas where other types of control are EROS Data Center (a division of the U.S. Geological Survey),
inadequate, or where anindependent confirmation of conclu- Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
sions derivedfrom other datais desired.
Landsat multispectral scanner (MSS) images were used to Lineaments, lineament zones,
conduct a lineament survey of Texas. Lineaments across the and lineament areas
state were mapped and these maps were compared with the
pattern of known structural/tectonic features in selectedareas. TenLandsat images (scenenumbers 24, 25, 27 to 30, 33 to35,
The largest of these areas was theCentral TexasRegion, which and 39 of Woodruff et al, 1981) cover the Balcones/Ouachita
includes all the Balcones/Ouachita trend between the Rio trendof central Texas. These images revealedmore than 5,000
Grande and Red River. Also tested was the hypothesis that lineaments. The lineaments were evaluated individually and

their distribution compared with features shown on topog- Lineament correlation with
raphic and geologic maps of the region. However, for ease of structures and geothermal
correlation adjacent lineaments were combined, if they were gradient anomalies
either parallel or essentially continuous in aggregate, to form
"lineament zones" (Figs. 3a and3b); this process reduced the Lineaments,as expected, arestrongly correlativewith struc-
number of lineamentsto more manageable and cartographical-
tures that have obvious surface expression. When a lineament
ly practicalproportions. Each lineament zoneincludes two or is perceived,actually a tonalrepresentationof reflectance con-
more lineaments along with narrow intervening gaps. Linea-
their trast that is related to variations in vegetation, soils, and
ment zones are not always linear widthandlength are

variable and they aresomewhatsubjectivelydefined. Never-
topography is seen. These surface characteristics are often in-
theless, aggregation of the individuallineaments in this man-
fluenced bystructural features, suchas folds, faults, and joints.
More surprising is the coincidence between individuallinea-
nerwas extremelyhelpful,particularly for simplifyingcompari- ments, as well as lineament zones and lineament areas, and
sons with other thematic maps. buried structural features. These deep-seated structures and
The lineament pattern in each image was further consoli- tectonic features include, for example, buried uplifts, buried
datedbydenoting areasin whichthe individuallineaments and igneousplugs andsalt diapirs, subsurface folds andfaults(both
zones exhibitedrelatively uniformproperties(length, azimuth, thrust and normal faults), strata affected by subtle regional
continuity, and density).Each resulting"lineamentarea"(Figs. warping, and stratigraphic pinch-outs. Few mechanisms for
3a and 3b) is internally uniform and indistinguishable from surface expression of such features are available, yet major
adjacent lineament areas in terms of their predominant prop- subsurface andsurface structures in most of the survey region
erties; therefore, allthelineamentsandlineament zones within were detected by association with lineaments.
a singlelineamentarea can generally be treated as a unit.Like
thelineamentsandlineamentzones,lineament areasgenerally Northern part of region
conform to regional geologic features, as represented oncon-
ventional structural/tectonic maps (Figs. 1, 2a, and 2b). The The northernpart of the Central TexasRegion (Figs. 2a, 3a,
patterns of individual lineaments, lineament zones, andlinea- and4a) extends northwardandnortheastward fromlat 31 N.
ment areas also compare favorably to the regionaland local in Burnet, Bell,Falls, Milam, and Robertson Counties to the
trends of geothermalgradient values. Red River.This area covers the northernhalf of the Balcones/
OuachitatrendinTexas andmuchofthe eastTexasbasin.Gaps
in thelineament patterncoincidewithDallas and other cities in
the areabecause intensiveurbanlanduse obscures thekinds of
naturalsurface features thatmight be perceived as lineaments
when represented in Landsat images.
In the northern part of the Central Texas Region, surface
Geothermal gradient featuresthat are correlative withlineaments includetheMexia
and Talco fault zones, whichdefine the northern and most of
Bottom-hole temperatures and depths on selected electric-
logheadings wereused to calculate unrefinedgeothermal gra- the westernmargins of the east Texasbasin.Thefault zonesare
outlined by nearly continuous lineament zones and coincide
dient values. The gradient calculation requires adjustment of
with a series of lineament areas. Within lineamentareas that
thereported temperature at eachcontrolpointby subtractionof
coincidewith the strike of theTalco fault zone,especially along
themeansurface air temperature (Guyod,1946). The long-term the Delta-Hopkins County line,many of theindividual linea-
average air temperature is assumed to equal the mean surface ments are oriented oblique to their trend in aggregate; indi-
ground temperature at the control point. Our downhole
temperature dataconsist of otherwiseuncorrectedbottom-hole vidualTalco faults bearmuchthe same relationto the fault zone
as a whole. The Mexia fault zone is suggested in a similar
temperature anddepthmeasurements fromapproximately 5 to
mannerby oblique lineaments andlineament zonesinNavarro
20 wells per county. Data from wells shallower than 1,000 ft
generally were omittedbecause such data oftenreflecthighly and LimestoneCounties. Geothermalgradient anomalies also
converge with the structural grainand, thus, with the corres-
variable surface influences (such as air temperature variations ponding lineament pattern. A group of isolatedhigh gradient
and effects from infiltrationof shallow ground water),which anomalies and isograd deflections (Fig. 4a) follows the Talco
are essentially unrelated to actual earth temperatures.
and Mexia fault zones where they correspond to the edges of
From this temperature-depth data the geothermal gradient the east Texas basin.
values were calculated by the following formula: Thehighest gradient values in the area(in excess of 2.5F/100
G = (Tz To)To) (Z'1) (100"1) where ftof depth) occur within thenorthern part of theBalconesfault
zone; this may result from heat convection in ground water
G = geothermal gradient value at a point,
Tz = recorded bottom hole tzmperature (F) at depth ascending fromdepthalong faults andfractures (Woodruff and
Mcride, 1979). Although relatively few surface faults of the
Z (ft); and
mean air temperatureat the surface (F). Balcones system havebeenmapped in thenorthernpart ofthe
CentralTexasRegion(Fig. 2a),unmapped faults probably exist.
This conclusion is supported by the concentration of linea-
Gradient values are thus givenas temperature changeper 100 ft mentsalong the trendof theBalcones fault zonebecauselinea-
of depth (F/100) ft). Using these data, contours were con-
ment zones andlineament areaboundaries are correlative with
structed onmapsof gradient values at controlwellsbyinterpo-
the entire fault system and with many of theknown faults.
latinggeothermalgradient "isograds" (equalgradient contour
lines) throughout our study area. These preliminary isograd Transverselineamentzones (orientedoblique or perpendicu-
maps (Figs. 4a and 4b) werecompared to maps of lineaments, lar to the regional strike) arepresent at several points along the
lineament zones, lineament areas, and major structural/tec- Balcones and Luling-Mexia-Talco fault zones. In fact, the Bal-
tonic features of the region; and numerous apparent correla- cones faults appear to terminate to the north at a point coinci-
tions were noted. dent with a transverse lineament zone and lineament area

Figure 3a. Lineament zones and lineamentareas of the Balcones/Ouachita trend, northern part

Figure 3b. Lineament zones and lineamentareas ofthe Balcones/Ouachitatrend, southern part

Figure 4a. Geothermalgradient contour map of theBalcones/Ouachita trend, northern part

Figure 4b. Geothermal gradient contour map of the Balcones/Ouachita trend, southern part

boundaryin centralEllis County (approximately 31mi or50 km Concentrations of long, intersecting lineament zones also
southof Dallas).For the mostpart, transverselineament zones coincide withalignments of saltdomes near the easternlimit of
appear to coincide with structural features known primarily the Balcones/Ouachita trend, particularly those in the south-
from subsurface data, such as platforms, anticlines, and syn- westernpart of the east Texas basin in Henderson, Anderson,
clines.Mostof these structurescross the regionalfault zones,as Smith, andFreestone Counties(Anderson etal, 1973). The 1.5
do the transverse lineament zones. The Belton High-Moffatt geothermalgradient contours appear to deflectaround and to
Mound trend (Cleaves, 1972; and Amsbury ef al, 1977) in roughly outline this group of domes.
northern Bell County is an example of a structure of this type Nearby, in Limestone and western Freestone Counties, a
(Fig. 1). A transverse lineament zone and a lineament area cluster of isolated high and low gradient anomalies traces the
boundary mark the northern margin of the Belton High; a
prominent northwestwardoffset of the general axial trend of southwestern closure of the east Texas basin, whereas a more
random pattern of isograds is seen elsewhere in the basin.
the Balcones fault zone in southern McLennan and northern Basins throughout the region exhibit the same general ten-
Bell Counties (approximately 25 mi or 40 km south-southwest
dency to be flanked by isolatedgeothermalgradient anomalies
of Waco) also is associatedwith this transverselineamentzone (both highs and lows) but to have generally undistinguished
and boundary. MoffattMoundis a northwesterly trending area gradient patterns in their interiors. Another example of this
on the Belton High in which the Edwards Formationabruptly tendency is thenarrow,roughlynorth-south" gradientanomaly
treblesin thickness and changeslaterally from miliolidwacke-
triaTcrosses"the Fort Worthbasin. This isograd pattern extends
stones and grainstones to oolite-pelletgrainstonesdiagnostic of
northwardfromtheBalcones faulfzone in southernHillCoun-
local high-energy shoaling adjacent to a shallow-marineshelf ty to theMuenster archand then northwestwardalong the axis
sequence (Amsbury et al., 1977). However, the Edwards of the arch, possibly suggesting anunderlying structural con-
Formationis present only in the subsurface across mostof this tinuity along the trend.
area, which includes outcrops oflatest Late Cretaceous units.
An isolated geothermal gradient high is also evident in this TheMuensterarch is oneof severaluplifts of Precambrianto
location (Fig. 4a). Late Paleozoic rocks in Montague, Cooke, and Denton Coun-
ties. It is welldefined by both isolatedand extended, north-
Another example of amajor transverse structure is the Pres-
tonanticline(Fig.1) inFanninandHuntCounties. Aprominent
west-trending, highgeothermalgradient anomaliesand corre-
sponds to an elongate northwest-southeastlineament area.In
transverse lineamentzoneappears to bethe surface expression fact, the fault that forms the western boundary of the arch in
of the anticlinal axis, whose location, azimuth, andlength are
southwestCooke and northwestDenton Counties (Bradfield,
precisely correlative withthoseofthislineamentzone.The axis 1959; p.56, 57, 62, 63; and Flawn etal,1961, plate 2) precisely
also appears to formthe easternboundary of a complex pattern
coincides with a lineamentzone.
of high and low geothermal gradient anomalies extending
southeastward from theRedRiver andthe ArbuckleMountains The Waco uplift in Falls, McLennan, Hill, Limestone, and
of Oklahoma. Navarro Counties is boundedon the west by a thrust fault that
is nearly coincidentandpossibly penecontemporaneous with a
An areaof highgradient valuesis coincidentwith the axisof
theShermansyncline at a sharpbendin the westernmostthrust
Ouachita thrustfault in thePaleozoic subcrop just eastof Waco
(Nicholas andRozendal, 1975). The eastern limit of this struc-
faultof the Ouachitaoverthrust system (Fig. 2a). Anotherarea ture coincides with a lineament zone and areaboundary; the
of anomalously highgeothermal gradients occurs southeastof southern end coincides with a transverse, southeast-trending
the syncline along a projection of its axis and extends south- lineament zone.
ward and southeastwardalong the same azimuth following a
projectionof the flank. The high gradient anomaly terminates Transverselineament zones exhibita similarpattern correla-
to the southeastat theTalco faultzoneonthe margin of the east tion with the Cavern, San Saba, andLampasas "Ridges" (up-
Texas basin,in anareain whichCrosby (1971)noted a strongly lifts?), which extendnortheastwardfrom the Llano uplift into
positive gravityanomaly. Low gradient anomalies occur along Comanche,""'Hamilton-;- and Coryell^Cp^nties^e^Cs-^Belfofte",
the southwestern flank of the Sherman syncline and are de- 1971). The set of nearly parallel, transverse lineament zones
flectednorthwestward(up the regionaldip) across the trough found JUSI soulhwesl of Waco (Fig. 3a) is boundedlaterally to
of the syncline. The syncline alsois suggestedby a pattern of the southwest by the distal ends of theSanSaba and Lampasas
lineaments, but in a complex mannerprimarily involving the Ridges in Hamiltonand Coryell Counties and appears to ter-
faultedlimbs rather than the axis of this fold structure (Brad- minate to the northwest at the longer Cavern Ridge in Com-
field, 1959; and Sellards and Hendricks, 1946). anche County.
An elongate, transverse lineament pattern, similar to that
characterizing the Preston anticline and Sherman syncline, is Southern part of region
seen in Lamar, Delta, Red River, and Bowie Counties in ex-
treme northeast Texas (Fig. 3a). The lineament areas there The southernpart of the Central Texas Region (Figs. 2b, 3b,
appear to correspondto the"structurally higharea"of Flawnet and4b) extendssouthwardandsouthwestwardfromlat 31 N.
al.(1961, plates 1and4) associatedwith theBrokenBow/Benton inBurnet, Bell,Falls,Milam, andRobertsonCounties to the Rio
uplift north of the Red River. The western and part of the Grande on the southwestand to Dimmit, La Salle, andMcMul-
eastern lobes of a two-lobed geothermal isogradient high in lenCounties on the south. This areacovers thesouthern half of
Lamarand Red River Counties are coincident with this struc- theBalcones/Ouachitatrendand part ofthe Maverickbasin. As
ture. The axisof the westernlobe also follows the easternmost inthenorthernpart ofthe region, severalinstances ofapparent
correlationwerefound among the geothermalisograd patterns,
thrust fault of the Ouachita overthrust. The eastern lobe ex-
the major structural features, and the lineaments, lineament
tendsin a southeasterly direction andis notobviously relatedto zones, and lineament areas.
any major structure. However, this gradient lobe does corre-
spond very closely to an intersecting pattern of lineament The extensive Balcones and Luling fault zones are demon-
zones. Throughout the region, isolated gradient anomalies strably correlative with lineament patterns, as are individual
(highs andlows)are almost invariably found at concentrations faults (Fig. 2b). The complexity of these fault zones in the
of intersecting lineament zones. southernpartof the regionisreflectedin the highlyfragmented

appearance of the lineament areas (Fig. 3b), although coinci- with that of Loucks (1977), for example. However, it may be
dence of the fault zoneandlineament areaboundaries is imper- equally significant that the quality of theLandsat image(scene
fect. Lineamentpatterns clearly suggest the existence of many number 25 of Woodruff et al., 1981) covering this area is
more faults in the region than are presently mapped, which relatively poor. The Kerr basin is more compatible with the
may explain thelimitedcorrelationwith fault zoneboundaries lineament areas as shown (Fig. 3b).
as conventionallyrepresented. Twolarge uplifts in the area,whichare flankedbyplatforms
The distribution of geothermal gradient values (Fig. 4b) or anticlines, are reasonably coincident with lineamentzones
generallyaligns with the trends of the BalconesandLuling fault and areas.The Llano uplift, as showninFigure 1,includes the
zones (Fig. 2b). The isograds are deflected wherever they cross approximate subsurface extent of the uplift, as well as the
a fault zoneboundary. Isolated high andlow gradient anoma- outcrop area of associated rock units. The lineament zones
liesliebetween the fault zonesand arepartly within or at the coincide with the outcrop extentof Paleozoic andPrecambrian
westernmarginof the Luling fault zone.However,the highest rocks, rather than the uplift's subsurface extent. The Devils
gradient values (in excess of 2.5F/100 ft of depth) in the south- River uplift inthe southwesternpart of the regionalsois shown
ern part of the region are found in the Balcones fault zone in inFigure 1,although this renderingof the uplift (afterFlawn et
Travis andWilliamson Counties. Other highanomalies approx- al., 1961) corresponds imperfectly to lineament area bound-
imately trace the southeasternmostmapped thrust fault of the aries.
Ouachita system in several counties, and two, smalllow gra- Two other structurally significiant features, which extend
dientanomaliesareroughly coincident with the northernmost
thrust faultinBanderaandKerr Counties. The twoareas oflow
across the nothern and southern parts of the Central Texas
geothermalgradient valuesmay be relatedto recharge or other Region, are the thrust faults of the Ouachita System and the
hydrologic effects in Lower Cretaceous aquifers overlying the updip limit of the Jurassic subcrop (Fig. 1). The thrust faults,
Kerr basin, south of the Llano uplift.
which mark the boundaries of the Ouachita structural belt,
correspond to the lineament zones (Figs. 3a and 3b) both in
The Balcones andLuling fault zones extend across the San generaland,locally, in detail. However,correlationwithlinea-
Marcos arch.Boththe archand thepresumed flank areas to the ment areasis certainly imperfect.Complete coincidence would
northeast and southwest are very wellexpressed aslineament not beexpectedbecauseof uncertainties in the positions of the
zones and areas, particularly by the long transverse zones. thrust faults wheredeep wellcontrolis insufficient for detailed
Transverselineament zones mark the axis and margins of the mapping (dash symbols in plate 2 ofFlawn et al., 1961).
arch, and both the density and orientationof otherlineament
Themappedupdip limit of the Jurassic subcrop isalsobased
zones varies sharply at these breaks. on poor well control; and, as might be expected, correlation
The San Marcos arch also coincides with deflections of the withlineaments is poor. Marine Jurassic deposits defined the
geothermal gradient contours. The offset of the 1.5 isograd updip extent of the incipient Gulf basin. The pinch-out coin-
near thenorthernboundary ofBexar County coincides with the cides with the Mexia and Talco fault zones and, thus, with the
flank of the arch.Isolatedhighgradient anomaliesare concen- western and northern margins of the east Texas basin. It also
tratedacrossand along the structure, andthe 1.5, 2.0, and2.5 coincides with the northern and northeasternmargins of the
isograds are offset or terminate along itsnorthern boundary at Maverick basin. These structures are partly correlative with
the edge of the Round Rock syncline. Identicaloffsets occur at lineament andgeothermalgradient patterns.Eachof the major
the northern edge of the syncline. These offsets and termina- platforms, anticlines, or synclines that approach or cross the
tions also coincide with the positions of transverse lineament regional fault zones (and are expressed as long, transverse
zones. lineaments)appears to terminate at the pinch-out line.
Transverse lineament zones along the Balcones/Ouachita
trend are almost invariably associated with major structural Structural interpretation
features, including theChittimanticlinealong the west sideof
the Maverick basin. A lineament zone having precisely the of lineament patterns
same azimuth andlocationas theanticlinal axisis evident, and Each lineament map initially was seen as a nearly unde-
even the slightly asymmetric flanks of the structure (Sellards cipherable montage.Instancesofprobable affinity wererecog-
andHendricks, 1946) are expressed. A prominent northwest- nized when lineaments and structures were geographically
warddeflection of the I.5F/100-ft isograd inMaverick County convergent;butstructuralrelationsof lineamentsinotherareas
along the Rio Grande is presumably related to the Chittim could not be predicted, and apparent conflicts with the struc-
tural/tectonic data base could not be resolved. Gradually,
Another, smaller anticlineis found in this part of the region. however, the lineaments were qualitatively characterized in
It, too, is expressed as a lineament zone, although the type of terms of their relative densities, lengths, and intersection
expression is quite different from that previously described. angles (perpendicular, oblique, subparallel, or parallel). This
The Culebra structure (Fig. 1) is a small, southwest-plunging approach has proved a means of grouping thelineaments on
anticline (Sellards,1934; andSellardsandHendricks, 1946) that thebasis of similar characteristics. Recurring patterns of asso-
coincides with a circular lineament zone along the Bexar- ciation were noted among the lineaments, both individually
Medina County line (Fig. 3b). The axis of this structure and and in combination as lineament zones and areas. Moreover,
faults associated with it coincide with part of the subsurface each type of associationappears to be correlative withaparticu-
Ouachita thrust fault as mapped in thesecountiesby Flawn et lar kind of structure. If this conclusion is true, this methodof
al. (1961, plate 2). A small, southwestwardbend in the thrust lineament analysis could prove useful for exploration.
fault also appears to coincide with the edge of the circular The primary methodof classifying lineament patterns was,
lineament zone. thus, based on recognition of morphometric similarities with-
The margin of the Maverickbasin is correlative with linea- out prior resort to geneticinterpretations. Whether the result-
ment patterns only on its east side. The minimalcoincidence ing classes were consistently correlative with structures
elsewhere may be due partly to the author's somewhat over- throughout the region was determined.If thecorrelation were
simplified representation of thebasinmargin, whencompared consistent, a class became a "model" (Table 1) by which we

(1)High-density, short to moderate length, parallel to sub- Structure Lineament Isogradient Example
parallel lineaments and lineament zones, composing rec- model pattern
tangular lineamentareaswhoselong axesareapproximately Zone ofnormal 1 1 BalconesandLuling-Mexia-
parallel to the regional strike. faults Talco fault zones
(2) Low-density, long, perpendicular and parallel lineaments Platform, anticline, 2 2 (sharp) along San Marcos arch,
and lineament zones, composing square to rectangular jr syndine flanks, axis; 3 Chittimanticline, Sherman
lineament areas grouped end to end perpendicular to the syncline
regional strike.
LJplift 3 2 (sharp) along Muenster arch, Devils
(3) Variable-density, short to moderate length, perpendicular flanks, axis; 3 River uplift
and parallel lineaments and lineament zones, composing
square to rectangular lineamentareas (generally with well- 3asin 4 3 (margins); 4 Fort Worth and east Texas
defined perimeters). basins
(4) Very low density, long, oblique lineaments andlineament 3roup of 4 2 (slight) Domes in westernAndersor
zones (generally well defined) composing irregularly
'_ Henderson
ialtdomes and southern
shaped lineament areas. /"I I

Table 1. Lineament models

Table 3. Relationsamongstructures, geothermalgradient patterns,
andlineament models

Summary and conclusions

could extend our interpretations.Eachoftheselineamentmod-
els corresponds to a particular kind of structure andto charac- Individual lineaments often coincide with discrete struc-
teristicgeothermalgradient patterns (Table2). Table3 summa- tures, such as faults or fold axes, and withstructurally control-
rizes the relations among the structures, gradient trends, and led facies boundaries. More extensive, regional structural
lineamentmodelsthat wereconsideredstructurallydiagnostic,
as exemplified by the major structures of the Central Texas
trends are generally correlative with familiesof lineaments or
with breaks in the predominant lineament pattern. Although
Region. lineaments are expected to correspond to exposed structural
elements, many instances of convergence of lineaments with
subsurface features are found that arenot known to have con-
ventional surface expression. Lineaments that areperceived in
remotely sensed images must be related to surface features
capable of creating variations in surface reflectance, hue, or
relief, evenif the identity of those features is unknown. This
study's correlationof lineaments with subsurface featuressug-
(1)Closely spacedisograds composing elongate highgradient gests the existence ofpoorly understoodmechanismsfor prop-
anomalies parallel to the regional strike. agating an inheritedstructuralgrain through superjacent stra-
ta. Thus, empirical evaluationsof structural patterns by linea-
(2)Sharply to slightly offset isograds (usually two or more, ment analysis can beconsideredan acceptable basisfor assess-
roughly parallel) generally following the local strike. ment and explorationfor structurally controlled resources.

(3)Comparatively small,isolated highor lowgradient, orboth,
anomalies generallyfollowing the local strike ora structural Laura CaprioDwyer,StevenL.Hochstein, andDavidRobert
Wuerch assisted in the compilation of data presented in this
paper.The manuscript was reviewedby Thomas E. Ewing and
(4)Extended, virtually featureless isograds (one or two
RobertA.Mortonofthe Bureauof EconomicGeology, andtheir
together) generally following the local strike. suggestions were incorporated. The research effort on which
this paper isbased was supported by the U.S. Department of
Energy, Division of Geothermal Energy, under contract num-
ber DE-ASO7-791D12057.
Table 2. Geothermal gradient contour patterns
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