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Influence of parents, teachers, school administrator, school cleaner and friends in the struggles of

a student in an immersion programme.


1. Give motivation and encouragement for children to keep on struggles.

2. Be the first person to talk in English whenever having a conversation.
3. Sacrifice in terms of money in order to fulfil the needs for immersion programme.


1. Grand yourself with high level of speaking skills/knowledge.

2. Sacrifice in terms of time to teach the students with full-hearted.
3. Do initiative regarding teaching skills/session to make it more interesting.

School administrator

1. Do make an analysis regarding students performance in immersion programme and lead the
2. Give a reward for those students who are doing well in their immersion programme.
3. Always check up the Teaching and Learning session in the classroom.

School cleaner

1. Ensure the surrounding is compatible and comfortable for students to study.

2. Make a special region for English language in the school surrounding such as English
Garden which is everyone have to talk in English when they cross that particular area.


1. Encourage themselves and friends by practicing English language in their communication.

2. Make a study group to improve their knowledge.
3. Discuss the answer together and encourage their friends to speak up in the class when it
comes to argument session.

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