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East Fremantle Sharks

Pre-Training Warm Up
To be completed prior to the commencement of training:
Focus Drills (Reps)
1) Activation & Mobility 1. Lateral rolls (5ES)
2. Straight leg rotations (5ES)
3. Supine Glute Bridge (10)
4. SL Bridge (5ES)
5. Scissor Kicks & Lateral
Scissor Kicks (10 & 10)
6. Scorpions (5ES)
2) Jog Lap To include:
1. Side to Side/Karaoke
2. Lateral Movements
3. Ground Touches
4. Pace Variations (50-100%)
3) Movement 1. Squats (7)
Fundamentals 2. Good Mornings (7)
3. 3 Way Lunge (3xEach Way)
4. Arabesque (5ES)
5. Inchworm (7)
6. Jump Squats (5)
7. Jumps SL Landing (5ES)
4) Football Warm-up

ES = Each Side

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