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1. Home

Click on the MENU button to begin the slideshow and proceed with the
next steps.

2. Menu

There are several options in the menu slide which are the activity for the lesson
For example, by clicking QUIZ button, several questions will appear which
need to be answered by the pupils based on the text given.
Click on the button to go to the opening slide.
3. Video Clip & Lyrics

This slide shows the instruction for the activity.

Click button to watch the video.

Video Clip

Click on the button, to play the video.

After the video ended, click on the button to read the lyrics.
To go back to the menu slide, click the MENU button.

This slide shows the lyrics of Under the Sea song.

Read the lyrics by scrolling the text box using the scrolling tools provided in the slide.
Click on the MENU button to go to the menu slide and choose the next activity.

4. Riddles

This slide shows the instruction for riddle activity.

Click on button to read the riddle.
Example of Riddles (Question 3)

Click on the Answer button to check the answer.

Click on the button to proceed with the next riddle.
To read the previous riddle, click on the button.

Example of Riddles (Answer for Question 3)

Click on the button to hear the correct pronunciation of pronouncing the

animals name.
To read other riddle, click on the Next Riddle button.
Click on the MENU button to go to the menu slide and choose the next activity.
5. Quiz

This slide shows the instruction for the quiz activity.

Click the button to read the text.

Text for the quiz

This slide shows the text for the quiz.

Click on the button, to read the first question
Example of Quiz (Question 1)

This slide shows the question for quiz activity.

Choose the correct answer by clicking one of the answers provided.
By clicking mammals which is the correct answer, a slide like below will

The above slide will appear if clicking the correct answer.

Click on the next question to answer other questions.

If the pupils clicked which is the wrong answer, the below slide
will appear.

The pupils are given a choice to choose whether to try again the same question by

clicking Yes or proceed with other questions by clicking No.

6. Exit

To end the slide, click the MENU button and click the EXIT button

Click Yes to close the PowerPoint slideshow and No to continue the slideshow.

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