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Shot List

Minute 1 (House)

1, ECU of a box the lid is opened and there is a Swiss army knife in there. 2

2, ECU of boys mouth as a blank expression turns into a smile. 1

3, MS of Family all sitting together around him,happy birthday son he goes to hug his dad.

4, MATCH ON ACTION now we see him hugging from over the shoulder of the dad. 1

5, MCU the boy goes back to admiring the knife and sits where he was originally, 2

6, CU of the knife as he holds it in his hands and plays with it. 2

7, CU on his eyes lighting up and opening in looking down at the knife excited. 1

8, MS of him reaching and going to open another present thats sitting there he puts it in his lap. 2

9 , MCU as the camera pans round in a circle around his head as hes opening the present. 3

10, MCU of him tearing the wrapping off the present shot from in front were the last shot stops^ 2

11, MCU shot from the side as he pulls out a compassing holds it too the light examining it.

12 MATCH ON ACTION MS front on as hes raising his arm to the light. 1

13, First person shot of him looking at the compass in the light in front of him 2

14, MS of the three family members sitting down, the mother asks is it the one you wanted?. 2

15, MCU of the boy from the side, of course, its perfect. 2

16, MS of the father getting up and gesturing the boy to come with him and saying, Come here
weve got something else to show you as he approaches the door of the room. 2

17, MS of the boy getting up and walking out of the room shot from where the dad was last
standing as he passes the camera and out of the room. 1

18, CU of the boy walking into another dimly lit room as the mum covers his eyes shot from the
front. 2

19, CU of a cupcake with a single candle, them walking in in the background, could be match on
action. 3

20, Camera blurs and focuses on the candle being blown out. Same angle and shot as before. 2

21, cuts to an ECU of the protagonists eyes as he wakes up in bed. 1

22, MCU of him sitting up and rubbing his eyes as we hear, come on were going to the park
hurry. 3

23, MS of the posters on the wall of different places in the world showing he loves adventure
panning across each one. 3

24, Excited music starts and a MS of him jumping out of bed follows shot from the corner of the

25, CU of the feet hitting the floor shot from under the bed, and him running out of the room. 1

26, MCU of him passing the camera in the corner of the room, then he comes back into the shot and
walks over to the table. 3

27, CU of the knife and compass on the table looking nice, pan across them. 2

28, MCU fixed camera at a crane view as the boys at the table and takes the items and walks off. 2
Titles start maybe

29, Camera behind the boy as he walks out towards the car over the shoulder. 2

30, Over the shoulder of the Dad whos waiting with the door open. 2

31, MCU of the boy getting in the car shot from under the door 2

32, MCU Shot from the side of the car of the door closing. MATCH ON ACTION 1

33, MATCH ON ACTION of the door closing from another angle and the car pull away with the
camera fixed. 2

1 minute

34, MLS of the road and country side as the car is driving. 6

35, CU of the boys face from outside the car at the window, who knows how Im going to do that
but it will look skits. 3

36, MLS of the car going past the camera, static. 2

37, LS of the car coming down the road. 3

38, CU of the boy in the cars face 2

39, CU of Mums face from the front but we can see the boy in the back, what do you want to do in
the park? 2

40, CU from an alternative angle of the boys face, I want to go on an adventure 2

41, CU of the Mum again, we cant go too far, we have to be home by 4 2

42 MCU boy looks down at his watch it reads 12 o clock . 2

43, LS of car pulling into the park shot from gate. 3


MLS of the forests and fields. 6



cut with the car getting further and further away each time. 4

51, Camera inside the boot of the car, boy opens and gets out the blanket and bag. 3

52, ELS of the family walking away from the car shot from the side 3

53, Cu on them laughing walking down the path. 3

54, ECU on the boys face looking around exited. 3

55, ECU of the dads face smiling 3

56, ECU of the mums face smiling 3

57, MS of them walking away from the camera in a line. 7

Minute 2

58, MLS emerging into the woods shot from the trees 3

59, MS of the boy running ahead and saying 'this looks like a good spot camera tracking. 3

60, WEV of the blanket being spread out in the air and laid on top of the camera. 2

61, MOA of he boy laying it down on the ground 2


63, Quick close ups of them getting the food out of the the picnic thing. 4



66, MCU of the food laid out nicely panning backwards. 3

67, MS of the family eating and laughing with each other as the camera pans around them from the
front. 3

68, LS of the family eating sitting down. 3

69, CU on half a tree of the family, the camera blurs and focuses on the family in the back

70, MCU of the boy, should we make a fire? 2

71, MCU of the mum looking worryingly at the dad. 3

72, MCU of the dad, ummmm, yeah why not 3

73, MS of the dad from an alternate angle, why dont you go and find some dry wood? 2

74, CU of the boys face lighting up in excitement. 2

75, MS of him leaping to his feet and looking left and right deciding where to go. camera tracks his
movements. 3

76, MS he tumbles for his compass and pulls it out. 2

77, FP looking down at his hand turning it in his palm 2

78, MS looks back up and smiles walking out of frame to the left. 2

79, MCU shot from behind the parents still laying on the carpet as we see the boy walk off into the
woods from the clearing. Dont go too far, we dont want to loose you again. 4

80, MCU tracking him as he walks off from the side he turns around and waves, i wont. 3

81, LS MOA of him turning back around and walking away from the camera into the woods. 5

3 minutes

82, CU tracking the boys feet as he runs into the woods camera pans up to his face smiling. 4

83, LS of him running through the woods, shot from a very high angle tree maybe. 3

84, MS looks back and can only slightly see the clearing. camera panning backwards. 3

85, WEV as the boy runs over it. 2

86, MS of the boy stacking it and falling over. MOA 1

87, MCU of the boy hitting the floor MOA. 2

88, CU of his face having concussion, screen is all weird. 3

Darker tone of filter now

89, LS of him looking around now that hes lost. 3 MOA

90, MOA of him turning his head to look in different direction. 2

91, CU of his face, cupping his mouth shouting for help. 3


93, As it echos the shot gets further and further away from him. 4


95, MCU he pulls out his compass and turns too look where he came from . 2

96, MLS He begins to walk in the direction compass in hand. 2

97, WEV and MS of the trees and sky as the camera pans forward. 2

98, Camera on a log or something as the boy walks past, hes blurred. 3

99, MS of the boy looking out at something nice and looking at the sunset. 4

100, MCU he gets out his knife and has a mini flash back. 2

101, MCU of him opening the box and finding it again. 2

102, CU of parents face at home again. 2

103, MS of him looking sad, back to the wood. 2 51

104, MS Stick clicks and he spins around, MOA 2

105, MS from behind as he turns his head 1

106, CU of his face looking worried 2

107, MCU AS he grabs a stick and pulls it close. 2

108, CU of him pulling out the knife on the army tool. 2

4 minutes

109, MS camera pans around as he sharpens the stick looking over his shoulder. 3

110, MLS as he walks cautiously into the forest again. shot gets really dark like night time 2

111, MCU He wakes up in a shelter made of logs. His shirt is ripped and dirty and he's grown hair
to indicate time has past. 2

112, CU two stones clapping together to create fire over a pile of sticks camera pans up to his face
looking angry. 3
113, MCU shot from the front as he gives up and throws the stones to the ground, and has a little
breakdown. 2

114, Flashback of his parents again, CU of them having a nice time. 2

115, CU, Him laughing with them 2

116, CU of his face back in the woods looking messy and grim. 2

117, MS of the posters back in his room. 3

118, MS of the camera panning across an empty picnic rug Parents are there and they disappear. 3

119, CU a tear trickles down his face. 2

120, MS hes walking through the forest dragging the stick away from the camera. 2

121, CU of the tree line as he hears someone shout his name the camera pans quickly down to him
looking back as a jolt. 3

122, MS of him in the centre of the frame, as he looks left the camera follows quickly, same right. 3

123, CU of his feet as he runs from the spot. 2

124, LS of him running through the forest smiling. 2

125, MS high angle of him stopping and waiting to hear another call. 2

126, MCU of him running without the long hair. 2

127, CU he jumps over a log or something. 2

128, FP as he approaches a clearing. 2

129, MS as he walks through with no facial hair. 2 48

130, Parents standing waiting with rug and basket in hand from the side. 2

131,180* Low shot from behind the parents of the child walking towards them. 2

132, 180* as the boy walks towards them. His cloths are back to normal and hes not dirty. 2

134, MS of the mum, Where have you been? come on hurry well be late home 2

135, CU of dads watch that reads that hes only been gone for half an hour. 2

136, LS as they walk off in a line, dads arm round the son.


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