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- The start of the film is very bright and happy and the mom and her daughter are very
- The mother is very motherly, warm and welcoming
- The friend's face is shocked the whole time.
- Clock ticking matching the shot
- The blood dripping from the knife (with sound)
- A ring???? From the dead body found in the food that they eat in the end
- The news about murder, garage door, symbol

Happy RETRO COOKING MUSIC Instrumental DINNER Music CAFE Music U39083331

One Hour of Vintage Summer Music

Concept 2:

- Starting off with happy creepy music, bright scene, greenery

- Start off with someone outside, doing normal things with the happy creepy music with
a friend.
- The friend goes inside, takes too long
- Hears things from the inside that are creepy, concerned
- Takes a picture of the dead person because they can’t tell if they're dead and there's
no person.
- Finds them where they looked first
- They look outside and see their friend show them the picture and can’t find them.
- Anise accidentally takes pic of someone on floor
- Anise finds phone on doorstep
- Looks thru phone without clove finds photo of body pn kitchen floor ignores


Timelapse of anise waiting to show how much time has passed

- colour/lighting change
- The dissolve of the room gets messier
- motif/ plant
- Symbolism
Film idea
About mental health and the stages girl goes thru when they’re struggling

⁃ song : watching him fade away - mac demarco

⁃ montage of girl growing up as very first shot
⁃ Last photo of montage transitions to the girl now all happy and has
lots of friends at school eating breakfast happy family too
⁃ Another alternative for a montage - montage plays then an alarm
interrupts it and shot of her waking up and getting ready for school doing her
daily routine but at the end of film on last day she just snoozes the alarm and
goes back to sleep and thats where film ends
⁃ As each day goes by a colour filter goes away and by end of film the
shots become black and white cos all the colour is gone representing her literally
fading away
⁃ Starts off all colourful and bright and as the film progresses shots
start to lose colour and become more bland and dull showing she is losing
⁃ every day she scrolls through social media and at the start she isnt
bothered and just scrolls through normally but as the film goes on she starts
comparing herself to the photos and looks in the mirror comparing herself
⁃ Each day she becomes less and less happy and can be seen in shots
like how as each day passes her clothes become darker, makeup darker,
surrounding herself w fewer friends, not trying ij school work, bad grades,
messier room
⁃ Film will be like same daily routine but as each day passes she
physically looks worse and worse

Concept #3:
First day:
- Start the film with the pictures of her childhood on her room walls (music)
- We do a pan shot of her clean room and stop at her sleeping in her bed
waking up and shutting her alarm
- She does her daily routine: she leaves her room, greets her mom (good
morning), goes and makes breakfast and starts to scroll through social
- She goes back to her room, gets changed and goes to meet her friend,
showing them hanging out and being happy.
- She goes home and studies show her grades and it all Es

Second day:
- We do a pan shot of her clean room and stop at her sleeping in her bed
waking up and shutting her alarm
- She does her daily routine: she leaves her room, greets her mom, goes and
makes breakfast and starts to scroll through social media.
- On her phone, we can see her feed slowly starting to become filled with
models and she stares too long at it.
- She looks at herself in the camera and then walks to the camera.
- She walks to the bathroom and stares at herself in the mirror and starts
playing with her hair and staring at herself really hard.
- She stares at her makeup bag and is like hesitant and then starts applying
her make-up according to the model picture on her phone.
- She sees her sister and questions why she is wearing makeup and rolls her
eyes and goes to her room.
- She goes to her desk to study and tries to study but fails.


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