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Room 25 News From the desk of Mrs.


Dear Families, Spelling List

This is going to be a great week! Today
we start the week with a visit from 1. biography The students will be 2. biology
spending the morning working through 3. biome
several demonstrations and hands on 4. astrology
projects. 5. astronomy
This week you will receive a notice 6. chronicle
letting you know when your parent/student 7. chronic
conference time is. Please make sure to 8. distribute - to
contact the office if the time does not work share out parts of
for you or if you are unable to attend. something
Scholastic book orders were due last 9. upstander - a
week and we were able to bring in $200 person who
worth of sales so that allowed me to choose witnesses bullying
$50 worth of free books for our library!! and does something
Wahoo!! Thank you for your support of to stand up for what
literacy. is right
Please dont hesitate to contact me with 10. bystander - a
any questions or comments! person who
witnesses bullying
Sincerely, but doesn't get
Mrs. Widner involved to make
things right

What are we learning this week?

Math: Multiplication & Division of Whole
ELA: Maniac Magee & Finishing our Literary
Science: STEM experiences
Misc.: Preparing for our conferences
10/18 Yolanda

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