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Addicted to shopping

Lourdes Joza from Ecuador writes about shopaholics/people who are

addicted to shopping.

Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity. Lots of
people enjoy going to shopping centres or stores, but it's more than a common
hobby for some of them. They have become shopaholics. They are people who
simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able
to stop doing it.

Shopaholics, also called compulsive spenders, are people hooked on

shopping. They really like shopping and usually buy things that they don't need.
They don't have enough money, but they buy everything they want.

Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, or lonely and they
want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.
Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy

We think that women enjoy shopping more than men, but that's not true.
Men really like shopping because they feel they have power and control. Also,
men usually buy big items while women spend their money on clothes,
cosmetics,decorations for their houses, or things for the family.

Shopaholism can cause many problems. Some of them can be

psychological; and in that case, people should get help. It can also cause
financial problems.

In conclusion, if you are a person who enjoys shopping, be careful. Try to

control yourself. Next time you go shopping, stop a second and think about it.

Examine your shopping habits. Later might be too late.

TOPICS ONLINE (abridged)

A- Decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false

1. Nowadays shopping is a hobby for lots of people. ______________________

2. Shopaholics only buy things they need. ______________________________

3. They don't go shopping if they don't have enough money. _______________

4. Some people go shopping to forget their problems. ____________________

5. Shopaholics feel bad after buying something. _________________________

6. Men don't like shopping. _________________________________________

B- Find the words in the text that mean the following. Paragraph numbers
are given in brackets.

1. large shops that sell many different types of goods (para 2) ______________

2. an activity that we do for pleasure (para 2) ___________________________

3. people who aren't able to stop spending money (para 3) ________________

4. unhappy because they have no friends to talk to (para 4) ________________

5. problems connected with money (para 6) ____________________________

C- Give complete answers to these questions.

1. When do some people go shopping? _______________________________


2. What sort of items do men and women normally buy? _________________


3. What sort of problems can shopaholism cause? ______________________


4. What does Lourdes advise shopaholics to do? _______________________


A- -ing form or infinitive? Cross out the incorrect answers.

1- We decided to work / working during our holiday.

2- She promised to help / helping us.
3- I don't feel like to go / going for a walk at the moment.
4- He forgot to take / taking the cake out of the oven.
5- Do you really hate to drive / driving when it's wet?

B- Position of adverbs and adverbial phrases- Put the words in the correct
1- She /drank/ quickly/ her milk.
2- We/ meet/ in the swimming pool/ often/ on Saturday mornings
3- Shania/ sang/ very well/ last Saturday/ at the concert
4- I/ dont sleep/ well/ always

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C- Purpose clauses Join the sentences using the words given.

1- My father gave me some money. I need to buy a new calculator. (so that)

2- He phones Mary. He wants to invite her to a party. (in order to)


3- John is wearing a suit. He wants to look good for the job interview. (so as to)

4- I got up early. I didn't want to miss the train. (in order not to)

5- He went to the shopping centre. He wanted to shop for clothes. (to)


D- Put in little, a little, few or a few.

1- We must hurry. We have _________________ time.
2- There was _______________traffic, so I got to the restaurant very early.
3- I saw Kate ________________ minutes ago.
4- There are ______________ restaurants here, so its difficult to find a good
place to eat.
5- Do you speak Spanish? ________________.

E- Make one sentence from two. Use so and such.

1. It was a lovely day. I had to go out.


2. My house is far from school. I have to take the bus.


3. London is an interesting city. Id like to live there.


F- Complete with the comparative or superlative.

1- The shopping centre is _________________ (far) from my house than

the post office.
2- I do crosswords ________________ (quickly) you do.
3- Charles drives _______________ (well) Tom.
4- That shop is __________________ (expensive) in the shopping centre.

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A- Are you a shopaholic? How much money do you spend on clothes? Do
you spend too much money and time on shopping? Do you buy things
you dont need? Write about 70 words on these topics.



Your teacher,


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