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Review of Activity Led by Student Teacher

Student: Salam Mansour Date: 10-13-2017 Ages: 4 years

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Brennan Center: Beverly Hills academy


Students objective (if objective was not clear, please note that):
Math- counting numbers

This activity related to what children are already experiencing by (if not related,
please note that): the activity related to counting beads bars wheih children used to
count it every day and working with during math activity.

Title of lesson: beads bars

Materials provided: numbers cards, colors, beads bars, papers

Preparation of environment: clean safe area, table,

Procedure: children get to count each bead bar, match the number card with it, and
then color the same bead bar on the paper.

Outcome: children had fun counting and coloring the bead bars .


1. Discoveries children made: we have ten bead bars and each one has own
colors. Each ne has different number of beads.

2. Children responded by: answering questions, taking the matching numbers

with beads bars.

3. Activity accomplished what was desired by: children like to look and find the
matching numbers.

4. Children were involved by: put the match beads bars with the number cards.
They Colored the beads bars with the matching color.

4. Activity was appropriate for this age because: enhanced math skills, and also
verbal skills.

6. Student can improve this activity by: asking more questions and name each
colors for the beads bars.
7. Student seemed (confident, successful, nervous, anxious, at ease, unsure,
awkward, in control. . ) they felt successful in control.

8. Time/pace allotted was (sufficient, too short, too long, hurried, optimal for
our daily schedule . . .) optimal for the daily schedule.

9. Additional remarks: I think overall the activity was engaging the children seemed
to enjoy it.

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