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ANATOMY: QUIZ 1 found in the posterolateral corner near the

last molar.
Skull- refers to the entire skeleton
of the head and the face, including the lesser palatine fossae lie im
mandible mediately behind the greater.

Cranium- refers to the skull minus the Behind and

Mandible above the hard palate are the choanae (the
posterior bony apertures of the nose). These
Calvaria-refers to the skull after are separated from each other by the vomer
the bones of the face have been removed and are bounded laterally by the medial
pterygoid plate.
serrated bony seams- sutures
pterygoid plates are a pair of large lateral
coronal suture- suture that unites and medial processes projecting downward
the frontal to the 2 parietal bones runs across from the roots of the greater wings of
the skull from side to side in a crownlike the sphenoid bones.
Between these processes
lambdoid suture-suture which unites the is an interval known as the pterygoid fossa,
occipital to the
2 parietal bones resembles the Greek capital hamulus-free border of the medial
letter lambda which looks like an inverted "V" plate ends below in a hook

Sagitta foramen
means arrow, and the lambdoid suture ovale-quite large and transmits
and the sagittal suture, with the anterior the mandibular nerve, the accessory
fontanelle, meningeal artery and some small veins that
have a definite resemblance to an arrow. connect the cavernous venous sinus with the
pterygoid venous plexus.
Bregma-meeting point between the coronal
and the sagittal sutures foramen spinosum, which transmits
the middle meningeal vessels.
lambda-point at which the sagittal and the
lambdoid zygomatic
sutures meet arch is a prominent feature of this aspect.
At its caudal end is found the articular
vertex-highest point of the skull, is on the fossa, which receives the articular process of
sagittal the mandible.
suture near its middle
foramen lacerum is a large
parietal foramen-small opening present on and jagged aperture located at the base of
either side of the medial pterygoid plate.
the sagittal suture
carotid canal, which is posterolateral to the
bony palate, which foramen lacerum, is a tunnel in the petrous
is formed by the palatine processes of the portion of the temporal bone through which
maxillae the internal carotid artery travels on its way to
and the horizontal plates of the palatine the cranial
bones. cavity.

greater palatine fossa- transmits jugular foramen is a large opening with

the greater palatine vessels and nerves, is uneven margins situated directly behind the
carotid canal. protuberance and separates the scalp area
above from the area for the neck muscles
jugular foramen is opposite the (nuchal
external auditory meatus area) below.

stylomastoid foramen is found immediately depression at the nasal root

at the base of the styloid process is called the nasion. where the 2 nasal bones
and is the foramen that transmits the facial articulate with the frontal bone, and is
nerve from the brain to the exterior of the opposite
skull. the anterior extremity of the brain.

mastoid process can be palpated under superciliary arches- These give

cover of the lobule of the auricle but is not prominence to the eyebrows and are more
recognizable as a bony structure until the end elevated in the male. The elevation that exists
of the 2nd year. between the superciliary arches (between the
eyebrows) is called the glabella, so
mastoid foramen, which designated because the overlying skin is bald
is variable in size and position, is found or glabrous.
to the mastoid process. It transmits a vein supraorbital foramen or notch is located
to the transverse sinus and a small branch of immediately above the upper border
the occipital artery to the dura mater. of sphenoid bone of the orbital opening at the
junction of its
foramen magnum, the largest bony foramen medial with its lateral two thirds. It transmits
in the skull, is the opening through the nerve and the vessels of the same name.
which the medulla oblongata, or lowest
subdivision supraorbital margin ends laterally in a
of the brain, becomes continuous with prominent projection called the zygomatic
the spinal cord. process of the frontal bone; it articulates with
the zygomatic bone.
occipital condyles are the large,
smooth and rather oblong protuberances that bones that form the orbital
lie at the margins of the foramen magnum. pyramid are the maxillary, zygomatic,
They articulate with the atlas, and nodding sphenoid, frontal, palatine, ethmoid and
movements of the head take place at the lacrimal. apex of the
joints pyramid is marked by the optic foramen
between the atlas and the condyles.
superior orbital fissure-Through this fissure
anterior condylar canal is above the the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic
lateral margin of the anterior part of the division of the trigeminal and the abducens
condyle. nerves enter the orbital cavity, accompanied
by orbital branches of the middle meningeal
Behind the foramen magnum a bony crest artery.
is noted, known as the external occipital
crest, which ends in an elevation called the anterior ethmoidal foramen, which
external occipital protuberance (inion). From transmits the nasociliary nerve and the
the region of the midpoint on this crest the anterior
inferior nuchal line curves laterally on each ethmoidal vessels, and the posterior
side, but the line is often poorly defined and ethmoidal
difficult to see. foramen, which accommodates the
posterior ethmoidal nerve and vessels.
superior nuchal line curves laterally
on each side from the external occipital

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