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Sub Plans

_________ __ , 20_ _

Thank you for taking care of my class today!

7:50- 8:30
Announcements happen at 8:02 by this time backpacks on hooks; students have
placed their Tiger Talk folders in bins and are quietly working on morning tubs.

Morning tubs are located behind the door. Each table gets one. Look on the
side of each tub to see what table it is assigned to. Students work quietly for
the next 30 mins.

8:30 9:15
Moring tubs go back in their spots.

Language Arts: Mini lesson and table rotations centers- Lesson plans for this
time are in the orange folder on my desk.

Mark attendance- attach it to the outside of the door.

9:15 9:45
Reading groups During this time another teacher will pull some students out. They
know who they are.

Lesson plans for this time are in the red folder on my desk.

Bathroom break 9:40-9:45

9:45 - 10:15
Teachers conference time.
Specials P.E., Music, Art, Keyboarding

The rotation schedule is haning by the door Teacher walks the class to appropriate
destionation. The only specials class the teacher is required to attend is art.

Bathroom break before specials

10:15 11:45
Teachers conference time.

Each day students go to P.E. The specials teacher will walk students to the

11:45 12:15
Lunchtime: P.E. teacher takes students to lunch.

Teacher picks up students at 12:15.

12:15 12:55
Take students to recess. Stop for a restroom break
before going back into class.

Math, Science, Social Studies Lesson plans for this time are in the green
folder on desk.

2:45- restroom break and pack up to go home. Dismissal clip board on side
of filing cabinet. This tells you who walks, ride a bus rider, and who gets

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